397 research outputs found

    Aeroelastic loads prediction for an arrow wing. Task 2: Evaluation of semi-empirical methods

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    The development and evaluation of a semi empirical method to predict pressure distributions on a deformed wing by using an experimental data base in addition to a linear potential flow solution is described. The experimental data accounts for the effects of aeroelasticity by relating the pressures to a parameter which is influenced by the deflected shape. Several parameters were examined before the net leading edge suction coefficient was selected as the best

    DĂ©pouillement et analyse de spectres Ă  l'aide d'un ordinateur IBM 1800

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    On décrit brièvement un système d'analyse de résultats d'expériences à basse énergie. Un dialogue utilisateur-ordinateur améliore fortement la rapidité et la facilité des analyses

    Buddha as an Eye Opener: A Link between Prosocial Attitude and Attentional Control

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    Increasing evidence suggests that religious practice induces systematic biases in attentional control. We used Navon's global–local task to compare attentional bias in Taiwanese Zen Buddhists and Taiwanese atheists; two groups brought up in the same country and culture and matched with respect to race, intelligence, sex, and age. Given the Buddhist emphasis on compassion for the physical and social environment, we expected a more global bias in Buddhist than in Atheist participants. In line with these expectations, Buddhists showed a larger global-precedence effect and increased interference from global distracters when processing local information. This pattern reinforces the idea that people's attentional processing style reflects biases rewarded by their religious practices

    Preventing (impulsive) errors: Electrophysiological evidence for online inhibitory control over incorrect responses

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    International audienceIn a rich environment, with multiple action affordances, selective action inhibition is critical in preventing the execution of inappropriate responses. Here, we studied the origin and the dynamics of incorrect response inhibition and how it can be modulated by task demands. We used EEG in a conflict task where the probability of compatible and incompatible trials was varied. This allowed us to modulate the strength of the prepotent response, and hence to increase the risk of errors, while keeping the probability of the two responses equal. The correct response activation and execution was not affected by compatibility or by probability. In contrast, incorrect response inhibition in the primary motor cortex ipsilateral to the correct response was more pronounced on incompatible trials, especially in the condition where most of the trials were compatible, indicating a modulation of inhibitory strength within the course of the action. Two prefrontal activities, one medial and one lateral, were also observed before the response, and their potential links with the observed inhibitory pattern observed are discussed

    First Observations of an Eastern Screech-Owl, Megascops asio, Population in an Apple-Producing Region of Southern Quebec

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    Baseline information was collected on a local Eastern Screech-Owl population found in the apple-producing region of Saint-Hilaire and Rougemont, Quebec, as part of a larger study on pesticide exposure conducted between 2000 and 2003. Screech-Owls visited or occupied 41 of 89 nest boxes installed in 12 orchards and 2 control locations. The mean height of occupied nest boxes was 3.83 m (2.00 – 5.80 m). Squirrels, Sciurus and Tamiasciurius sp., and chipmunks, Tamias striatus, Northern Flickers, Colaptes auratus, and wasps were the owls’ primary competitors for the boxes. Intact Screech-Owl pellets retrieved from nest boxes (n = 82) had a mean length and width of 3.57 and 1.44 cm, respectively, and weighed a mean of 1.77 g. Screech-Owls in the study area consumed a variety of small mammal, avian, insect and aquatic prey. Of these, Meadow Voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, were the predominant prey item identified in pellets, and Mourning Doves, Zenaida macroura, were the primary avian prey found in nest boxes. In Canada, the owl’s trend status remains largely unknown. The species is currently listed as “Not at Risk”, based on an assessment conducted for COSEWIC in 1986. Given that a limited amount of information exists on the natural history and ecology of the species in Quebec, we also generated a map of the owl’s distribution in the province, using data from ornithological databases and rehabilitation facilities. Potential risks to the species within the province, particularly pesticide exposure and habitat loss, are briefly addressed and follow-up studies are discussed

    Web-based mindfulness intervention in heart disease: A randomized controlled trial

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    Background Evidence is accumulating that mindfulness training has favorable effects on psychological outcomes, but studies on physiological outcomes are limited. Patients with heart disease have a high incidence of physiological and psychological problems and may benefit from mindfulness training. Our aim was to determin

    Genomotyping of Pseudomonas putida strains using P. putida KT2440-based high-density DNA microarrays: implications for transcriptomics studies

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    Pseudomonas putida KT2440 is the only fully sequenced P. putida strain. Thus, for transcriptomics and proteomics studies with other P. putida strains, the P. putida KT2440 genomic database serves as standard reference. The utility of KT2440 whole-genome, high-density oligonucleotide microarrays for transcriptomics studies of other Pseudomonas strains was investigated. To this end, microarray hybridizations were performed with genomic DNAs of subcultures of P. putida KT2440 (DSM6125), the type strain (DSM291T), plasmid pWW0-containing KT2440-derivative strain mt-2 (DSM3931), the solvent-tolerant P. putida S12, and several other Pseudomonas strains. Depending on the strain tested, 22 to 99% of all genetic elements were identified in the genomic DNAs. The efficacy of these microarrays to study cellular function was determined for all strains included in the study. The vast majority of DSM6125 genes encoding proteins of primary metabolism and genes involved in the catabolism of aromatic compounds were identified in the genomic DNA of strain S12: a prerequisite for reliable transcriptomics analyses. The genomotypic comparisons between Pseudomonas strains were used to construct highly discriminative phylogenetic relationships. DSM6125 and DSM3931 were indistinguishable and clustered together with strain S12 in a separate group, distinct from DSM291T. Pseudomonas monteilii (DSM14164) clustered well with P. putida strains
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