64 research outputs found

    The new path of law : from theory of chaos to theory of law

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    From chaos to chaos theory, from the primordial perception of the world as disorderly to the scientific research of disorder a long distance has been covered. This path implies openness of mind and scientific boldness which connect mythological perceptions of the world with philosophical and scientific interpretations of phenomena throughout the world in a quite distinctive way resting on the creation of a model and application of computing. Owing to this, for the first time instead of asking What awaits us in the future? we can ask What can be done in the future? and get a reliable scientific answer to the question

    Coronary heart disease and hypertension in a group of workers of an industrial plant

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    Provedena su ispitivanja o koronarnoj srčanoj bolesti i hipertenziji u grupi radnika jednog elektroindustrijskog poduzeća u Zagrebu. Ispitivanja su izvršena standardnom metodikom koja se primjenjuje u suvremenim epidemiološkim studijama, a obuhvaćeno je ukupno 719 muška¬raca i 221 žena u dobi od 40 godina na više. U ovaj broj je uključen i slučajni uzorak osoba u dobi od 35 do 39 godina (72 muškarca i 25 žena). Provedenim ispitivanjima utvrđena je prevalencija koronarne srčane bolesti u stopi od 63 na 1000 kod muškaraca i 31 na 1000 kod žena. U taj broj nisu uračunani nalazi u kojima je koronarna srčana bolest definirana samo na osnovu elektrokardiografskog nalaza a bez tipičnih anamnestičkih odnosno kliničkih podataka o srčanoj boli. Dobivena raspodjela vrijednosti arterijskog krvnog tlaka pokazala je da su vrijednosti sistoličkog krvnog tlaka 152 Hg mm i više, odnosno dijastoličkog 92 Hg mm i više, kao i kombinacija ·tih vrijednosti, bile zastupljene u stopi od 420 na 1000 kod muškaraca i 480 na 1000 kod žena. Nalazi u vezi s koronarnom srčanom bolesti i hipertenzijom prikazani su u odnosu na dob, zanimanje, obiteljsku odgovornost, naviku pušenja, način prehrane, zatim u odnosu na odabrane somatometrijske karakteristike. Osim toga, među sobom su uspoređeni nalazi koronarne srčane bolesti i hipertenzije. Prikazana je i asocijacija hipertenzije s promjenama na očnom dnu. Dobiveni podaci prikazani su u 29 tablica.In a group of industrial workers aged 35-69 (719 males and 221 Females}, coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension were studied. The methods and applied diagnostic criteria are described and discussed. The results and findings are tabulated and presented in 29 tables. The prevalence of coronary heart disease was found to be 63 per 1000 in males and 31 per 1000 in females, or (including the category with ECG abnormalities only) 154 per 1000 in males and 158 per 1000 in females. The distribution of arterial blood pressure values shows that the systolic pressure of 152 Hg mm and more and the diastolic pressure of 92 Hg mm and more respectively, as well as the combination of these values were found in a ratio of 420 per 1000 in males and 480 per 1000 in females. Coronary heart disease was significantly more frequent in married persons with greater familiar responsibility (with two and more children), among smokers, obese and hypertensive persons and persons consuming mainly animal fats. Coronary heart disease was also more frequent among mesomorphyc and endomorphyc somatotypes. Coronary heart disease was recorded more frequently in males than in females. Besides, the frequency of coronary heart disease slightly tended to increase in older male age groups. Arterial hypertension was more frequent in females, as well as in older age groups in bo.th sexes. The increased arterial blood pressure values have proved to be also associated with hypertensive changes in the eyeground and with obesity

    Fuzzy model for predicting the number of deformed wheels

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    Deformation of the wheels damage cars and rails and affect on vehicle stability and safety. Repair and replacement cause high costs and lack of wagons. Planning of maintenance of wagons can not be done without estimates of the number of wheels that will be replaced due to wear and deformation in a given period of time. There are many influencing factors, the most important are: weather conditions, quality of materials, operating conditions, and distance between the two replacements. The fuzzy logic model uses the collected data as input variables to predict the output variable - number of deformed wheels for a certain type of vehicle in the defined period at a particular section of the railway

    La pneumoconiosi semplice di carbone (antracosilicosi) nelle miniere di Podvis e Dobra Sreća

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    Izneseni se geomorfološki, mikroskopski i hemijski podaci o ste nama i prašini u knjaževačkim rudnicima kamenog uglja, koji ukazuju da se u ovim ugljenokopima plućna oboljenja od prašine mogu manifestovati u mnogo težoj formi, nego što se u prvo vreme mislilo. Mikroskopska analiza je pokazala da peščar ovih rudnika sadrži procent kvarca, koji se kreće od 32,4-48,5%, a procent feldspata iznosi od 2,6-29,2%. Hemijska analiza je pokazala da se u steni sadržaj slobodnog silicijumdioksida kreće od 1,6-20,7%. Opisan je i proces proizvodnje i način istražnih radova, a sprovedena je i analiza socijalno-ekonomskih i ekoloških uslova života i rada, koja pokazuje da valja više pažnje posvetiti higijenskoj zaštiti u ovim rudnicima. Izvršena su i higijenska ispitivanja radne sredine, koja su pokazala da je pored prašine, koja se pri radu stvara i koju radnici udišu, i temperatura visoka i kreće se do 32 C°, a i procent relativne vlage je vrlo visok i dostiže 100%, što sve nepovoljno utiče na radnike koji rade pod zemljom. U oba rudnika klinički je pregledane 1.090 rudara, odnosno svi jamski radnici, a kod 177 odabranih rudara načinjene su i radiografije pluća. Kod njih je nađeno antrakosilikoze stepena od 0-I 29 (16,4%); stepena I 41 (23,2%); stepena od I-II 4 (2.2%); stepena II Ø stepena II-III 1 (0,6%); stepena III Ø; neaktivne tbc pluća 35 (19,8%); bronhita 64 (36,1 %) utvrđenih kliničkim pregledom. Na kraju su predložene odgovarajuće zaštitne mere.Vi sono esposti i da-ti geomorfologici, microscopici e chimici sulle roccie e sulle polveri nelle mùne.re carbonifere di Knjaževac, li quali indicano che in queste maniere di carbon fossile le malattie polmonari causate dalle polveri possono manifestarsi nelle Forme molto più gravi di quanto in un primo tempo sii poteva pensare. L\u27esame microscopico ci ha mostrato che il contenuto della silice nel qua1rz,) di queste mirrière va dai 32,4 ai 48,5% et la percentuale di Feldspato dai 2,6 ai 29,2%. L\u27analisi chimica oi a mostrano che il contenuto del biossido di silicio libero nelle roccie ne va dall\u27 1,6 ai 20,7%. Vi è descritto anche il processo della produzione ed il modo di esplorazioni sotterranee, ed è sfata fatta anche un\u27analisi delle condizioni economico-sociale ed ecologiche della vita e del lavoro, la quale ci ha mostrato la necessità di prestarvi una maggiore attenzione alla protezione igienaro-tecnica in queste miniere. Vi sono stati eseguiti anche gli esami igienici. dell\u27ambiente del lavoro, li quali indicano ohé, oltre la polvere, prodotta durante ,id lavoro ed inalata dagli operai, vi è pure una temperatura elevata che va sino ai 32 C°; anche la percentuale di umidità relativa vi è assai elevata e vi raggiunge il 100%, il chè tutto ne ha un\u27influenza nociva sulla salute degli operai che vi lavorano nel sottoterra. In ambe due le miniere vi sono stati sottoposti all\u27esame clinico 1090 operai (minatri), cloè tutti gli operai del sottoterra, e soltanto 177 minatori scelti all\u27esame radiologico dei polmoni: Vi sono constatati casi di antracosilicosi di O-I 29 (16,4%); di I 41 (23,2%); di I-II 1 (0,2%); di II Ø; di II-lll 1 (0,6%); di III Ø; di tubercolosi polmonare inattiva 35 (19,8%); di bronchite, constatala coll\u27esame clinico, 64 (36,1%). Infine, vi sono state raccomandate le adeguate misure di prevenzione

    Memory and burstiness in dynamic networks

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    A discrete-time random process is described, which can generate bursty sequences of events. A Bernoulli process, where the probability of an event occurring at time t is given by a fixed probability x, is modified to include a memory effect where the event probability is increased proportionally to the number of events that occurred within a given amount of time preceding t. For small values of x the interevent time distribution follows a power law with exponent −2−x. We consider a dynamic network where each node forms, and breaks connections according to this process. The value of x for each node depends on the fitness distribution, \rho(x), from which it is drawn; we find exact solutions for the expectation of the degree distribution for a variety of possible fitness distributions, and for both cases where the memory effect either is, or is not present. This work can potentially lead to methods to uncover hidden fitness distributions from fast changing, temporal network data, such as online social communications and fMRI scans

    Side effects and treatment initiation barriers of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors in heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Aims Physicians are sometimes reluctant to initiate guideline-directed therapy in patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) due to concerns of adverse events. We explored the risk of hypotension, volume depletion, and acute kidney injury (AKI) on sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors in HFrEF populations. Methods and results We determined summary risk ratios (RRs) by conducting a meta-analysis on reported aforementioned adverse events on SGLT2 inhibitors from randomized controlled trials. We explored robustness of meta-analyses by computing fragility and/or reverse fragility index (FI or RFI) and its corresponding fragility quotient (FQ or RFQ) for each outcome. A total of 10 050 patients with HFrEF entered the final meta-analysis. Hypotension was reported in 4.5% (219/4836) on SGLT2 inhibitors and in 4.1% (202/4846) on placebo (RR 1.09, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.91–1.31, p = 0.36). An RFI of 21 and RFQ of 0.002 suggest robust findings for hypotension. Volume depletion occurred in 9.4% (473/5019) on SGLT2 inhibitors and in 8.7% (438/5031) on placebo (RR 1.07, 95% CI 0.95–1.21, p = 0.25), respectively. RFI of 19 and RFQ of 0.001 suggest moderately robust findings for volume depletion. AKI was reported in fewer patients (1.9% [95/4888]) on SGLT2 inhibitors than on placebo (2.8% [140/4899]) providing lower incidence of AKI (RR 0.69, 95% CI 0.51–0.93, p = 0.02). FI of 14 and RFQ of 0.001 suggest moderately robust findings for AKI. Conclusion Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor therapy is not associated with a clinically relevant risk of hypotension and volume depletion. Its use reduces the risk of AKI. This analysis supports current guideline recommendations on early use of SGLT2 inhibitors

    Standardi za proces nastave i učenja hemije

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    In this paper, there are frames given about making standards for the process of teaching and learning chemistry in our country. Standards of education in natural sciences represent criteria for students’ achievement assessment, for assessing if the quality and teaching allow students to learn natural sciences, for assessing professional praxis, for assessing quality of praxis and evaluation of educational policy. Development of standards in the field of natural sciences in the world is followed by these principles: natural sciences for all students, learning natural sciences is an active process, natural sciences at school reflect intercultural and cultural tradition which characterizes praxis in contemporary science, improvement of education in the field of natural sciences is a part of the systematic reform of education. Also, in this paper there is methodology suggested for development of standards for the process of teaching and learning chemistry in our country. .U ovom radu dati su okviri za donošenje standarda za proces nastave i učenja hemije u našoj zemlji. Standardi za obrazovanje u prirodnim naukama predstavljaju kriterijume za procenu učeničkih postignuća, za procenu da li kvalitet programa i nastave omogućava učenicima učenje prirodnih nauka, za procenu kvaliteta prakse vrednovanja i obrazovne politike. Razvoj standarda u oblasti prirodnih nauka u svetu praćen je sledećim principima: prirodne nauke su za sve učenike, učenje prirodnih nauka je aktivan proces, prirodne nauke u školi reflektuju intelektualnu i kulturnu tradiciju koja karakteriše praksu u savremenoj nauci, unapređenje obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka deo je sistematske reforme obrazovanja. Takođe, u radu je predložena metodologija za razvoj standarda za proces nastave i učenja hemije kod nas.

    Standardi za proces nastave i učenja hemije

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    In this paper, there are frames given about making standards for the process of teaching and learning chemistry in our country. Standards of education in natural sciences represent criteria for students’ achievement assessment, for assessing if the quality and teaching allow students to learn natural sciences, for assessing professional praxis, for assessing quality of praxis and evaluation of educational policy. Development of standards in the field of natural sciences in the world is followed by these principles: natural sciences for all students, learning natural sciences is an active process, natural sciences at school reflect intercultural and cultural tradition which characterizes praxis in contemporary science, improvement of education in the field of natural sciences is a part of the systematic reform of education. Also, in this paper there is methodology suggested for development of standards for the process of teaching and learning chemistry in our country. .U ovom radu dati su okviri za donošenje standarda za proces nastave i učenja hemije u našoj zemlji. Standardi za obrazovanje u prirodnim naukama predstavljaju kriterijume za procenu učeničkih postignuća, za procenu da li kvalitet programa i nastave omogućava učenicima učenje prirodnih nauka, za procenu kvaliteta prakse vrednovanja i obrazovne politike. Razvoj standarda u oblasti prirodnih nauka u svetu praćen je sledećim principima: prirodne nauke su za sve učenike, učenje prirodnih nauka je aktivan proces, prirodne nauke u školi reflektuju intelektualnu i kulturnu tradiciju koja karakteriše praksu u savremenoj nauci, unapređenje obrazovanja u oblasti prirodnih nauka deo je sistematske reforme obrazovanja. Takođe, u radu je predložena metodologija za razvoj standarda za proces nastave i učenja hemije kod nas.

    [Testing the effects of the presence of uranium in drinking water from individual wells in the village of Dubravica in the Braničevo District on public health] [Ispitivanje posledica prisustva urana u vodi za piće iz individualnih bunara u selu dubravica u braničevskom okrugu po zdravlje stanovništva]

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    The village of Dubravica is partially located over the western lignite deposits of the Kostolac basin. The examination of the dry residue obtained from drinking water from two individual wells by X-ray diffraction analysis, based on a typical peak, showed the presence of uranium in drinking water. The indirect method by Rajković and associates showed that, in sample I, the concentration of uranium in drinking water was 85.5 percent higher (3.71 μg/L) and that the concentration of uranium in sample II was only 22 percent lower (1.56 μg/L) than the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) values required by the Regulations (2 μg/L). Analysis of the result of the introduction of uranium in the human body has shown that this way brings 0.84 to 2 mg of uranium in the human organism per annum or 0.09 to 0.22 mg of uranium is deposited annually in the kidney. Assessment of the potential health risk due to the presence of uranium in drinking water indicated that the population using drinking water from wells will be threatened by uranium in a short time interval. Regarding the long-term risk, the calculation has indicated that in the first sample of drinking water, about 25 inhabitants, and in the case of the second sample of drinking water, 10 inhabitants out of 1000 inhabitants are endangered. As the kidney is the organ in which uranium is deposited (accumulated) to the greatest extent, its presence causes weakening and failure of kidney function, which can destroy 75 percent of kidney function until the manifestation of the first clinical symptoms. This phenomenon is observed among the population along the rivers the Kolubara, the Drina, the Sava and the Morava and is called endemic nephropathy. The elements found in trace amounts (Pb, Cd, Si), live agents (bacteria and viruses), fungal plant toxins, genetic factors and immune mechanism can be listed as possible causes. However, uranium in drinking water has not been listed so far. The tests performed in this study clearly show the role of uranium in the epidemic, endemic nephropathy, which is growing and which is not at the acute phase of the disease but has already progressed to renal failure and end-stage kidney disease. Official data on the rise of endemic nephropathy and diabetes and increasing their share in diseases, as well as overall mortality rates, which amount to 18.19%, clearly indicate that the role of uranium in the Braničevo district environment should not be ignored. Since there are settlements on the terrain to be investigated, uranium and its migration through the environment must be monitored as all conditions for its migration are unfortunately favourable

    Management of roe deer population (Capreolus capreolus L.) in Serbia

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    ABSTRACT The research was conducted during the 2018/19 hunting year at three hunting grounds: "Barajevska reka" - "Takovo" and "Jadar". The average density of Roe deer in hunting grounds varied from 48.67 to 74 individuals per 1,000 ha of hunting-productive area. However, when observing the number of individuals per 1,000 ha of total hunting area, the density varies from 16.07 individuals to 34.72 individuals. The determined gender ratio at the hunting ground "Jadar" was (M: F = 1: 0.93). At the hunting ground "Takovo", the gender ratio was (M: F = 1: 1.22), while at the hunting ground "Barajevska reka" the ratio was (M: F = 1: 1.59). The average fertility of Roe deer was 1.67 embryos per individual, or 1.75 embryos per pregnant female. Depending on the study area, the real growth varied from 0.54 to 0.73 fawns per female. Loss in Roe deer are caused mostly by biotic factors. The determined average age of shot individuals varied depending on the hunting ground from 3.53 to 5.24 years. The current state of Roe deer populations in Serbia varies between analyzed hunting grounds, but the overall situation is quite unsatisfactory, especially in terms of density, gender ratio and age structure of culled individuals