15 research outputs found

    Factores socioculturales y personales relacionados con el mensaje mediático del culto al cuerpo influyentes en el bienestar de los jóvenes

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    Este trabajo estudia los factores personales y socioculturales relacionados con el culto al cuerpo que pueden influir en el bienestar de los jóvenes. Se pretende agruparlos en dimensiones de influencia y profundizar en el papel de los medios de comunicación y sus mensajes, como elementos también relacionados con el culto al cuerpo. Se ha realizado un análisis multivariable con una muestra de 452 jóvenes y se han obtenido tres dimensiones socioculturales de influencia: “la dimensión social y personal”, “la sociocultural mediática” y “la de imágenes de culto al cuerpo”. Las diferencias en cuanto a su valoración difieren de forma significativa para hombres y mujeres

    Do UK universities communicate their brands effectively through their websites?

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    This paper attempts to explore the effectiveness of UK universities’ websites. The area of branding in higher education has received increasing academic investigation, but little work has researched how universities demonstrate their brand promises through their websites. The quest to differentiate through branding can be challenging in the university context, however. It is argued that those institutions that have a strong distinctive image will be in a better position to face a changing future. Employing a multistage methodology, the web pages of twenty UK universities were investigated by using a combination of content and multivariable analysis. Results indicated ‘traditional values’ such as teaching and research were often well communicated in terms of online brand but ‘emotional values’ like social responsibility and the universities’ environments were less consistently communicated, despite their increased topicality. It is therefore suggested that emotional values may offer a basis for possible future online differentiation

    La interactividad en las sedes webs corporativas: retos y oportunidades para las pymes

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    La aplicación de las herramientas de Internet, y la interactividad que propician, ha modificado la forma de relacionarse de las empresas con sus públicos. Las sedes webs corporativas, como principal herramienta de comunicación planificada, deberían adaptarse a los requerimientos del medio y favorecer la interacción entre los usuarios y la organización. El presente trabajo analiza, mediante un análisis de contenidos y un análisis factorial, la predisposición de las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) a la interacción con sus públicos en sus sedes webs y ofrece una panorámica de la situación actual. Los resultados obtenidos ofrecen una visión poco alentadora sobre la importancia que conceden a la interacción con sus públicos de interés a través de sus sedes webs corporativas ya que, aunque existe preocupación por garantizar la participación, no hay interés en fomentar la comunidad

    What is known about personal reputation? A systematic literature review

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    This systematic literature review encompassed the results of previous research on personal reputation and found opportunities in state of the literature to guide future research in communication, management, and other disciplines in the social sciences. A content analysis was conducted of 91 manuscripts from 1984 to November 2022, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The findings suggest that the amount of literature on personal reputation has increased since 2006; however, it is still in a developing stage. Due to its scarcity, it is advisable to conduct more qualitative and probability studies. For this review, several of the most cited articles are probably pioneering manuscripts that contributed to building the personal reputation construct. This review establishes a total of six categories for guiding future research opportunities on personal reputation. To facilitate the classification of the different future research opportunities, some types of areas suggested by Gomez-Trujillo et al. were considered. The discussion of future research opportunities includes categories like Causes and Effects, Inventories and Scales, Online and Digital Context, Organizational and Group Environments, Leaders and Top Management Executives, and Theory-building. On the other hand, this study could be considered the first step towards future research on how personal reputation influences audiences' opinions and perceptions in different research fields. It also opens the possibility of conducting more specific systematic literature reviews on this topic. Finally, this manuscript offers an overview of the present and the future of construct of personal reputation in the social sciences

    Understanding How Baby Boomers Use the Internet and Social Media to Improve the Engagement with Brands

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    The emergence of the baby boomers, as a new group of people aged 55 to 75, with unique interests, media exposure and shopping habits, set a before and after in the language that brands must speak. The main objective of social media is to build engagement, and in the digital environment, it means engaging both seniors and companies. For this, learning how they act in the digital environment is key. This paper aims to show how baby boomers behave in this environment, showing the challenges and advantages brands have to reach them effectively. Based on an exploratory and qualitative study with focus groups of senior internet and social network users from Portugal and Spain, the results show that analysing their habits of exposure to these media and the interests, brands do not seem to speak the same language they do, and that is why baby boomers do not feel engaged with them online. This work provides recommendations to get this engagement and improve the digital experience. In this line, to build this engagement, brands need to understand the variables of interest for baby boomers stemming from this study: affiliation and support. On the other hand, they must assume that this level of engagement will depend on establishing an active dialogue, with content targeted at different segments of the population, related to the variables above (affiliation and support), and to a degree enough to reach baby boomers emotionally.O aparecimento dos baby boomers, como um novo grupo de pessoas/consumidores entre os 55 e os 75 anos, com interesses, hábitos de exposição aos média e padrões de compra únicos, assinalou um marco importante sobre a linguagem das marcas. O principal objetivo dos média sociais é criar engagement com o intuito de gerar ligação e impactar tanto os seniores como as empresas, sendo necessário, para isso, compreender como atuam no meio digital. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo mostrar como os baby boomers se comportam no meio digital, apresentando as vantagens e os desafios que as marcas enfrentam para os envolver de forma efetiva. Partindo de um estudo exploratório e qualitativo operacionalizado através de grupos de foco com internautas seniores, de Portugal e Espanha, que analisou os interesses e os hábitos de exposição deste público a esses meios, os resultados mostram que as marcas parecem não falar a mesma linguagem deste público e, por essa razão, os baby boomers não se sentem comprometidos com elas na internet. Este trabalho avança com um conjunto de recomendações passíveis de melhorar o engagement e a experiência digital dos mais velhos. Nesse sentido, para criar engagement, as marcas devem conseguir entender e descortinar quais são as variáveis e pontos de interesse dos baby boomers, como é o caso da afiliação e do apoio. Por outro lado, devem assumir que o nível de engagement depende da capacidade de estabelecerem com eles um diálogo ativo, com conteúdo dirigido a diferentes segmentos da população, tendo em consideração as variáveis anteriores (afiliação e apoio), e emocionalmente relevante

    Factores socioculturales y personales relacionados con el mensaje mediático del culto al cuerpo influyentes en el bienestar de los jóvenes

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    Este trabajo estudia los factores personales y socioculturales relacionados con el culto al cuerpo que pueden influir en el bienestar de los jóvenes. Se pretende agruparlos en dimensiones de influencia y profundizar en el papel de los medios de comunicación y sus mensajes, como elementos también relacionados con el culto al cuerpo. Se ha realizado un análisis multivariable con una muestra de 452 jóvenes y se han obtenido tres dimensiones socioculturales de influencia: “la dimensión social y personal”, “la sociocultural mediática” y “la de imágenes de culto al cuerpo”. Las diferencias en cuanto a su valoración difieren de forma significativa para hombres y mujeres