33 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aksi Damai 212 terhadap Abnormal Return Saham pada Kelompok Indeks Saham LQ45

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    Demonstration action 212 has had a negative impact on the movement of JCI, including the property sector. Based on the analysis of One-Sample t Test data, significant ifferences in mean abnormal returns before and during the events of peaceful action 212, and significant differences inmean abnormal returns after and during the events of peaceful action 212 could be interpreted that peaceful action events contained information about future benefits. Based on the analysis of Paired Sample t-Test data showed no significant difference between abnormal return of stock before and after the events of peaceful action 212. The absence of significant difference due to average abnormalreturn obtained by investors before the events of peace action 212 was greater than the average abnormal returns earned investors after the events of peaceful action 212


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    The objectives research to examine the influence of transparency, accountability, and society participation in the financial management of Rural Development. This research uses Survey method with questionnaire as the instrument. The population of the study was the entire apparatus and the Minister of Village fund managers. Based on the Purposive sampling method, the number of samples obtained is 75 respondents. The research used in this study is quantitative research with the aim of the study of the research in this literature with multiple regression tests and the validity and reliability test to determine Quality questionnaire used with SPSS software. The results of this study show that partials, accountability and society participation had positive significant influence on rural development. While the transparency variable had negative significant influence on rural development. Simultaneous transparency, accountability and society participation had positive influence on rural development.   Kata Kunci: Transparansi, Akuntabilitas, Partisipasi Masyarakat dan Pembangunan Desa

    Cultivation Strategy for Freshwater Macro- and Micro-Algae as Biomass Stock for Lipid Production

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    In this research, an algae cultivation strategy was studied. Integrating algae cultivation with wastewater treatment is currently seen as one of the most economical ways of producing algae biomass. A combination of an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) and a constructed wetland (CW) was applied for treating domestic wastewater with an additional collection tank for improving effluent quality. The effluent produced from the three stages was used as algae cultivation media and suplemented with 10% bold basal medium (BBM). The results showed both micro- and macro-algae growth and their lipid contents were higher when they were grown in effluent-BBM (9:1 v/v) media. The lipid content of the micro-algae mixed culture was 16.5% while for macro-algae Oedogonium sp and Cladophora sp it was 6.90% and 6.75% respectively

    Bankruptcy Prediction Models and Stock Prices of the Coal Mining Industry in Indonesia

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    Various bankruptcy prediction models have been used to measure the movement of stock prices, and thus the firms’ performance. This study is aimed at empirically exploring the usefulness of the Olhson, Almant Modification, Grover, Springate, and Zmijewski models for predicting bankruptcy of the 19 coal mining companies. It also attempts to measure the effects of the scores of these bankruptcy prediction models on the stock prices of the coal mining companies in Indonesia.  The technique of analysis that used in this research is panel regression. The results of the study showed that the bankruptcy prediction scores of the Ohlson and Almant Modification were found to be the dominant prediction models that affected the stock prices of the coal companies in Indonesia. This indicates that the bankruptcy prediction model can be used as one of the approaches to measure the movement of stock prices and performance of the coal mining companies in Indonesia.DOI: 10.15408/etk.v17i1.655

    Perencanaan Kebijakan Persediaan Obat dengan Menggunakan Metode Probabilistik Continuous Review (S,s) System pada Bagian Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Amc

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    Rumah sakit AMC merupakan sebuah institusi kesehatan yang bergerak di bidang pelayanan jasa dan memiliki 6 fasilitas pelayanan yang salah satunya adalah instalasi farmasi. Selama ini rumah sakit AMC belum mempunyai kebijakan persediaan yang tepat. Dalam melakukan pengendalian persediaan obat, rumah sakit AMC belum melakukan pengklasifikasian obat berdasarkan nilai penyerapan dana dan tingkat kekritisan obat serta melakukan pemesanan obat tanpa memperhatikan jumlah persediaan obat yang ada sehingga rumah sakit mengalami overstock dan menyebabkan total biaya persediaan yang dikeluarkan tinggi. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, rumah sakit perlu melakukan pengendalian persediaan obat. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis ABC-VED dan metode probabilistik Continuous Review (s,S) System untuk mengetahui ukuran jumlah pemesanan, safety stock dan reorder point sehingga dapat mengurangi terjadinya kelebihan persediaan serta meminimalisir total biaya persediaan yang harus dikeluarkan oleh rumah sakit. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode probabilistik Continuous Review (s,S) System, dapat diketahui bahwa total biaya persediaan obat yang dihasilkan sebesar Rp 226.160.240 dan mengalami penghematan sebesar Rp 164.400.215 atau 42,09%  dari kondisi aktual

    The Use of Regression Method on Simple E for Estimating Electrical Energy Consumption

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    The continuous increase in population growth has an impact on the electrical energy supply. Based on this increase, electric power producers serve customers using proper forecasts. Therefore, it is a necessity to select the right calculation method with easy implementation. In this study, the population forecasts and economic growth calculations using the GT (Growth Trend) regression method development on Simple E were obtained for the year 2028. Furthermore, electricity consumption estimation was carried out using the DL (Double Log) regression method with growth trend, R, AR, DW, and t values of 6.63%, 0.993, 0.992, 1.21, and 2.18, respectively. The results show that estimated energy consumption was 6.63% annually, with the achievable amount for 2028 being 19,839.83 GWh. Doi: 10.28991/HIJ-SP2022-03-06 Full Text: PD