531 research outputs found

    Quantitative evaluation of polymer gel dosimeters by broadband ultrasound attenuation

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    Ultrasound has been examined previously as an alternative readout method for irradiated polymer gel dosimeters, with authors reporting varying dose response to ultrasound transmission measurements. In this current work we extend previous work to measure the broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) response of irradiated PAGAT gel dosimeters, using a novel ultrasound computed tomography system

    The treatment of nephrotic syndrome caused by primary (light chain) amyloid with vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone.

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    Three out of four patients with primary (light chain) amyloid nephrotic syndrome treated with vincristine, doxorubicin and dexamethasone (VAD) induction obtained a partial response and are alive in continuing remission at 4.1, 6.5 and 9.3 years. These preliminary results are of considerable interest and suggest that prospective evaluation of this regimen is warranted in patients with this condition

    Reconstructing 3D x-ray CT images of polymer gel dosimeters using the zero-scan method

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    In this study x-ray CT has been used to produce a 3D image of an irradiated PAGAT gel sample, with noise-reduction achieved using the ‘zero-scan’ method. The gel was repeatedly CT scanned and a linear fit to the varying Hounsfield unit of each pixel in the 3D volume was evaluated across the repeated scans, allowing a zero-scan extrapolation of the image to be obtained. To minimise heating of the CT scanner’s x-ray tube, this study used a large slice thickness (1 cm), to provide image slices across the irradiated region of the gel, and a relatively small number of CT scans (63), to extrapolate the zero-scan image. The resulting set of transverse images shows reduced noise compared to images from the initial CT scan of the gel, without being degraded by the additional radiation dose delivered to the gel during the repeated scanning. The full, 3D image of the gel has a low spatial resolution in the longitudinal direction, due to the selected scan parameters. Nonetheless, important features of the dose distribution are apparent in the 3D x-ray CT scan of the gel. The results of this study demonstrate that the zero-scan extrapolation method can be applied to the reconstruction of multiple x-ray CT slices, to provide useful 2D and 3D images of irradiated dosimetry gels

    The effects of selected Australian snake venoms on tumour-associated microvascular endothelial cells (TAMECs) in vitro

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    The effects of various viperid and elapid venoms on the cellular biology of tumour-associated microvascular endothelial cells (TAMECs) were determined in the current study using cells isolated from a rat mammary adenocarcinoma. Previous studies to determine the effects of snake venoms on endothelial cells in vitro have in the main been performed on either human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) or endothelial cell lines. These cell populations are accessible and easy to maintain in culture, however, it is well established that endothelial cells display vast heterogeneity depending upon the local microenvironment of the tissue from which they are isolated. Vascular targeting agents have been isolated from a variety of snake venoms, particularly from snakes of the Viperidae family, but it is yet to be established to what extent the venoms from Australian elapids possess similar vascular targeting properties. The present study used endothelial cells (ECs) isolated from the microvasculature of a rat mammary adenocarcinoma to determine the effects of a panel of snake venoms, including viperid venoms with known apoptotic activity and elapid venoms (both exotic and indigenous to Australia), on endothelial morphology and viability, paying specific attention to apoptotic responses. Three of the five Australian snake venoms investigated in this study elicited significant apoptotic responses in ECs which were in many ways similar to responses elicited by the selected viperid venoms. This suggests that these Australian elapids may possess vascular targeting components similar to those found within viperid venoms.Emma Bateman, Michael Venning, Peter Mirtschin and Anthony Wood

    Rituximab versus the modified Ponticelli regimen in the treatment of primary membranous nephropathy: a Health Economic Model

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    Background: Membranous nephropathy is among the most common causes of nephrotic syndrome worldwide, with a high healthcare burden. Treatment using the modified Ponticelli regimen (mPR) has remained the standard of care for decades, but newer therapies such as rituximab offer promising results with reduced side effects. The cost of this treatment, however, is perceived as a barrier to widespread use, especially in resource limited healthcare systems. Methods: We developed a decision-analytic model to estimate the cost-effectiveness of rituximab versus the mPR from the perspective of the National Health Service in the UK over a 1 year, 5 year and lifetime horizon. Primary outcome is the cost-effectiveness of rituximab versus mPR at 5 years post-treatment. Secondary outcomes are cost-effectiveness at 1 and 10 years post-treatment and over a lifetime. Results: At 1-year post-treatment, rituximab therapy dominates mPR. At 5 years post-treatment, rituximab therapy is cheaper than the Ponticelli regimen but at a loss of 0.014 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £95 494.13. Over a lifetime, rituximab remains the cheaper option with an incremental cost of −£5251.03 but with a reduced quality of life (incremental QALY of −0.512) giving an ICER of £10 246.09. Conclusions: Our analysis indicates that rituximab has the potential to be a cost-effective treatment in the short and medium terms despite the high single-dose cost. This evaluation suggests that further research is warranted and highlights the need for a high-quality clinical trial to confirm the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of rituximab versus the current standard of care

    Safety and efficacy of fluticasone propionate in the topical treatment of skin diseases

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    Fluticasone propionate - the first carbothioate corticosteroid - has been classified as a potent anti-inflammatory drug for dermatological use. It is available as 0.05% cream and 0.005% ointment formulations for the acute and maintenance treatment of patients with dermatological disorders such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and vitiligo. This glucocorticoid is characterized by high lipophilicity, high glucocorticoid receptor binding and activation, and a rapid metabolic turnover in skin. Although skin blanching following fluticasone propionate exceeds that of corticosteroids of medium strength, several clinical trials demonstrate a low potential for cutaneous and systemic side-effects, even in difficult-to-treat areas like the face, the eyelids and intertriginous areas. Even among paediatric patients with atopic dermatitis, fluticasone propionate proved to be safe and effective. These pharmacological and clinical properties are reflected by the high therapeutic index of this glucocorticoid

    How does reviewing the evidence change veterinary surgeons' beliefs regarding the treatment of ovine footrot? A quantitative and qualitative study

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    Footrot is a widespread, infectious cause of lameness in sheep, with major economic and welfare costs. The aims of this research were: (i) to quantify how veterinary surgeons’ beliefs regarding the efficacy of two treatments for footrot changed following a review of the evidence (ii) to obtain a consensus opinion following group discussions (iii) to capture complementary qualitative data to place their beliefs within a broader clinical context. Grounded in a Bayesian statistical framework, probabilistic elicitation (roulette method) was used to quantify the beliefs of eleven veterinary surgeons during two one-day workshops. There was considerable heterogeneity in veterinary surgeons’ beliefs before they listened to a review of the evidence. After hearing the evidence, seven participants quantifiably changed their beliefs. In particular, two participants who initially believed that foot trimming with topical oxytetracycline was the better treatment, changed to entirely favour systemic and topical oxytetracycline instead. The results suggest that a substantial amount of the variation in beliefs related to differences in veterinary surgeons’ knowledge of the evidence. Although considerable differences in opinion still remained after the evidence review, with several participants having non-overlapping 95% credible intervals, both groups did achieve a consensus opinion. Two key findings from the qualitative data were: (i) veterinary surgeons believed that farmers are unlikely to actively seek advice on lameness, suggesting a proactive veterinary approach is required (ii) more attention could be given to improving the way in which veterinary advice is delivered to farmers. In summary this study has: (i) demonstrated a practical method for probabilistically quantifying how veterinary surgeons’ beliefs change (ii) revealed that the evidence that currently exists is capable of changing veterinary opinion (iii) suggested that improved transfer of research knowledge into veterinary practice is needed (iv) identified some potential obstacles to the implementation of veterinary advice by farmers

    A hybrid radiation detector for simultaneous spatial and temporal dosimetry

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    In this feasibility study an organic plastic scintillator is calibrated against ionisation chamber measurements and then embedded in a polymer gel dosimeter to obtain a quasi-4D experimental measurement of a radiation field. This hybrid dosimeter was irradiated with a linear accelerator, with temporal measurements of the dose rate being acquired by the scintillator and spatial measurements acquired with the gel dosimeter. The detectors employed in this work are radiologically equivalent; and we show that neither detector perturbs the intensity of the radiation field of the other. By employing these detectors in concert, spatial and temporal variations in the radiation intensity can now be detected and gel dosimeters can be calibrated for absolute dose from a single irradiation