39 research outputs found

    An economic model for evaluating high-speed aircraft designs

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    A Class 1 method for determining whether further development of a new aircraft design is desirable from all viewpoints is presented. For the manufacturer the model gives an estimate of the total cost of research and development from the preliminary design to the first production aircraft. Using Wright's law of production, one can derive the average cost per aircraft produced for a given break-even number. The model will also provide the airline with a good estimate of the direct and indirect operating costs. From the viewpoint of the passenger, the model proposes a tradeoff between ticket price and cruise speed. Finally all of these viewpoints are combined in a Comparative Aircraft Seat-kilometer Economic Index

    The conceptual design of a Mach 2 Oblique Flying Wing supersonic transport

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    This paper is based on a performance and economics study of a Mach two oblique flying wing transport aircraft that is to replace the B747B. In order to fairly compare our configuration with the B747B an equal structural technology level is assumed. It will be shown that the oblique flying wing configuration will equal or outperform the B747 in speed, economy and comfort while a modern stability and control system will balance the aircraft and smooth out gusts. The aircraft is designed to comply with the FAR25 airworthiness requirements and FAR36 stage 3 noise regulations. Geometry, aerodynamics, stability and control parameters of the oblique flying wing transport are discussed

    Dichapetalum michelsonii Hauman. Nouvelle plante toxique pour le bétail du Ruanda-Burundi

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    L'hygroma brucellique : l'aspect clinique caractéristique de la brucellose bovine au Rwanda-Burundi

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    Life-Cycle Cost Estimation for High-Speed Vehicles: from the engineers’ to the airline’s perspective

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    This paper aims at upgrading the holistic Cost Estimation methodology for High-Speed Vehicles already developed by Politecnico di Torino and the European Space Agency (ESA) to encompass different stakeholders’ perspectives. In details, the presented methodology combines International Air Transport Association (IATA) best practices with a detailed Life- Cycle Cost (LCC) assessment, which includes the evaluation of Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDTE) Costs, Production costs and of Direct and Indirect Operating Costs (DOC and IOC). The integrated approach allows to further extend the capabilities of the inhouse developed HyCost tool to support all the actors of the product value-chain (including engineers, manufacturers, airlines and customers) in assessing the economic sustainability of a newly under-development high-speed vehicle. However, considering the need of providing all these cost analyses perspectives since the early design stages, the derived Cost Estimation Relationships are mainly derived on statistical bases. To cope with the uncertainties that affect the initial statistical population and consequently, the CERs, this paper presents each cost item together with the estimation of related prediction intervals. Finally, results of the application of the upgraded cost estimation methodology and of the upgraded tool to the LAPCAT MR2.4 high-speed civil transport are reported and discussed

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