17 research outputs found

    Polycrystalline bismuth films: correlation between grain structure and electron transport

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    Grain structure and the temperature dependences of resistivity, magnetoresistance, Hall and Seebeck coefficients measured in the range from 4 to 300 K were investigated for polycrystalline bismuth films obtained by the melt spinning (MS) and electrochemical deposition (ECD) methods. Charge-carrier concentration and mobilities were calculated assuming the carrier scattering on acoustic deformation potential as the dominant scattering mechanism, parabolicity of holes dispersion law, implying the Lax model for L-band electrons and neglecting the influence of L-band holes on conductivity. The experimental results and calculations have demonstrated that the electrical properties of the Bi films studied are strongly affected by the grain-boundary density

    Коморбидность ахалазии пищевода, смешанной тревожной и депрессивной реакции у пациентки молодого возраста: проблемы диагностики и лечения

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    Achalasia cardia (“cardiospasm”, “phrenospasm”, “dolichoesophagus”, “megaesophagus”, “stenosis of cardia”) represents a primary impairment of esophageal motor function associated with impaired lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and peristalsis defects of the thoracic esophagus. It is diagnosed at the age of 25 to 60 years, making up to 20% of all diseases of the esophagus, and is characterized by a triad of symptoms: dysphagia, regurgitation and chest pain when swallowing. In most cases the first manifestations of achalasia are preceded by stress situations in the anamnesis that complicates the differential diagnosis of psychogenic esophageal spasm. The presented clinical case illustrates difficulties of early diagnosis of achalasia cardia in a young femalepatient with severe anxiety and depressive symptoms which develop under conditions of chronic stressful situations in the family or at work. The issues of interdisciplinary interaction of health professionals (physician, gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and surgeon) on the course of examination and management of patients with comorbid physical and mental pathology are discussed. The efficiency of the integrative approach to treatment and rehabilitation with the use of modern reconstructive surgical interventions as well as conservative methods of therapy, psychopharmacotherapy and personality-oriented psychotherapy proves the relevance of studying psychosomatic aspects of achalasia cardia.Ахалазия кардии (кардиоспазм, френоспазм, долихоэзофагус, мегаэзофагус, кардиостеноз) представляет собой первичное нарушение двигательной функции пищевода, связанное с ухудшением расслабления нижнего пищеводного сфинктера и дефектами перистальтики его грудного отдела. Диагностируется в возрасте 25–60 лет, составляя до 20% случаев всех заболеваний пищевода, характеризуется триадой симптомов: дисфагией, регургитацией, загрудинными болями при глотании. В большинстве случаев первым проявлениям ахалазии предшествуют стрессовые ситуации в анамнезе, что затрудняет дифференциальную диагностику с психогенным эзофагоспазмом. Представленный клинический случай иллюстрирует трудности диагностики ахалазии кардиального отдела пищевода у женщины молодого возраста с выраженной тревожной и депрессивной симптоматикой, развившейся в условиях хронической стрессовой ситуации семейного и производственного плана. Обсуждаются вопросы междисциплинарного взаимодействия специалистов (терапевта, гастроэнтеролога, психиатра, психотерапевта, хирурга) по тактике обследования и ведения больной с коморбидной соматической и психической патологией. Эффективность интегративного подхода к лечению и реабилитации с использованием современных реконструктивных хирургических вмешательств, а также консервативных методов терапии, психофармакотерапии, личностно ориентированной психотерапии свидетельствует об актуальности изучения психосоматических аспектов ахалазии кардии


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    It is shown that the intragastric administration of 1,2- and 1,3-diacylglycerphosphate fludarabine derivatives to Wistar rats and ICR outbred mice leads to a prolonged circulation of fludarabine in animal serum in comparison with the analogous administration of equimolar fludarabine phosphate. The investigated compounds can be regarded as oral fludarabine prodrugs. It is found that the oral bioavalability of fludarabine from its 1,2-dimyristoylglycerophosphate derivative is close to its oral bioavalability from equimolar fludarabine phosphate. Based on the data of the model in vitro experiments, we can suppose that fludarabine can release from its diacylglycerphosphate prodrugs under the action of phospholipases A and D and phosphodiesterases.Установлено, что в результате внутрижелудочного введения 1,2- и 1,3-диацилглицерофосфатных производных флударабина крысам Вистар и аутбредным мышам наблюдается пролонгированное выделение и более длительная циркуляция нуклеозида в системном кровотоке животных, чем после введения эквимолярных количеств флударабина фосфата. Изученные фосфолипидные производные могут рассматриваться в качестве пероральных пролекарств флударабина. Показано, что оральная биодоступность флударабина из его 1,2-димиристоилглицерофосфатного производного у животных близка к его оральной биодоступности из эквимолярного количества флударабина фосфата. На основании данных, полученных в модельных экспериментах in vitro, можно предположить, что флударабин может выделяться из полученных пролекарств под действием ферментов, принадлежащих к семействам фосфолипаз А и Д, а также фосфодиэстераз

    Labaratory capacity of differential anemia diagnosis

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    The paper presents the laboratory values by which modern differential diagnosis of anemias can be performed. This takes into account a widerange of laboratory tests, including: serum ferritin, erythrocyte ferritin, serum iron, total serum iron binding capacity, iron transferrin saturation,transferrin, transferrin receptor, serum vitamin B12, erythrocyte vitamin B12, serum folate, erythrocyte folate, hepsidin, HIF-1 (hypoxiainducible factor-1), immunoglobulins on erythrocytes end others. The combination of these studies helps to accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapy

    Basic mechanisms of iron metabolism regulation and their clinical significance

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    This article is а composition of literature and experimental data of iron metabolism. There were studied the level of DMT-1, ferroportin, hepcidin at different stages of anemia and hemochromatosis. It is clear that the level of DMT-1 regulates by the hepcidin. Increaseing of the hepcidin concentration and decreasing DMT-1 level in patients with hemochromatosis explained good results of treatment.</p

    Labaratory capacity of differential anemia diagnosis

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    The paper presents the laboratory values by which modern differential diagnosis of anemias can be performed. This takes into account a widerange of laboratory tests, including: serum ferritin, erythrocyte ferritin, serum iron, total serum iron binding capacity, iron transferrin saturation,transferrin, transferrin receptor, serum vitamin B12, erythrocyte vitamin B12, serum folate, erythrocyte folate, hepsidin, HIF-1 (hypoxiainducible factor-1), immunoglobulins on erythrocytes end others. The combination of these studies helps to accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapy.</p


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    Hepatocellular carcinoma ranks 5th in prevalence and 3rd in cancer mortality worldwide. The prognosis of this disease is very poor: the 5-year survival rate was not more than 3–5%. Metastases generally occur in the lung, in the lymph nodes of the abdomen, chest, and neck, in the vertebrae, kidneys, and adrenals. The cases of brain metastasis from hepatocellular cancer are very rare. Overall, the prognosis is very poor for patients with brain metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma. Nevertheless, solitary brain metastases and good hepatic function are favorable survival criteria; thus, the treatment of this group of patients may lead to their better survival. The paper describes a clinical case of brain metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient receiving the combination treatment involving neurosurgical treatment and targeted therapy


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    Cerebral metastases cancer of the larynx are rare and poorly understood pathology, many questions of diagnostics and treatment of this pathology remain open. In the work presents clinical cases сerebral metastases cancer of the larynx. Special attention is paid to surgical treatment in complex with chemotherapy

    Comorbidity of esophageal achalasia, mixed anxiety and depressive reaction in a young female patient: problems of diagnosis and treatment

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    Achalasia cardia (“cardiospasm”, “phrenospasm”, “dolichoesophagus”, “megaesophagus”, “stenosis of cardia”) represents a primary impairment of esophageal motor function associated with impaired lower esophageal sphincter relaxation and peristalsis defects of the thoracic esophagus. It is diagnosed at the age of 25 to 60 years, making up to 20% of all diseases of the esophagus, and is characterized by a triad of symptoms: dysphagia, regurgitation and chest pain when swallowing. In most cases the first manifestations of achalasia are preceded by stress situations in the anamnesis that complicates the differential diagnosis of psychogenic esophageal spasm. The presented clinical case illustrates difficulties of early diagnosis of achalasia cardia in a young femalepatient with severe anxiety and depressive symptoms which develop under conditions of chronic stressful situations in the family or at work. The issues of interdisciplinary interaction of health professionals (physician, gastroenterologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and surgeon) on the course of examination and management of patients with comorbid physical and mental pathology are discussed. The efficiency of the integrative approach to treatment and rehabilitation with the use of modern reconstructive surgical interventions as well as conservative methods of therapy, psychopharmacotherapy and personality-oriented psychotherapy proves the relevance of studying psychosomatic aspects of achalasia cardia