1,696 research outputs found

    Studying the content of phenolic compounds of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd., growing in the Baikal region with HPLC

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    Phenolic compounds of plants have a wide spectrum of pharmacological action. A number of effective herbal medicines and biologically active additives have been developed on the basis of raw materials and natural polyphenols. The sources of phenolic compounds are plants of the genus Bupleurum L. In Russia Bupleurum scorzonerifolium used in folk medicine. Infusions and decoctions were taken for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, topically as an anti-inflammatory agent. The composition of phenolic compounds in the above-ground organs of the B. scorzonerifolium studied by HPLC on the device "GILSTON". Samples of raw materials (above-ground organs) were collected in the southern areas of the Irkutsk region. For the analysis of the herb B. scorzonerifolium 70% extract ethyl alcohol was used. Separation was performed on substances Kromasil C18 column (4,6 x 250 mm, 5 micron). Detection was carried out using a UV detector "GILSTON" UV/VIS model 151, at a wavelength of 254 nm. In comparison with standard samples we identified 8 flavonoids (prevailing - izoquercetin, hyperoside, izoramnetin-3-glucoside), 5 aromatic acids (predominantly acid - cinnamic, gallic, chicory). The study established the content of epicatechin, catechin, epigallocatechingallate, coumarin. For the first time the content of acids - coffee, chlorogenic, gallic, chicory, cinnamon; flavonoids - vitsenin, lyuteolin-7-glucoside, isoramnetin-3-glucoside, apigenin; epicatechin, catechin, epigallocatechingallate; coumarin -was established in B. scorzonerifolium

    Accumulation of phenolic compounds in the aerial organs of Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd., growing in the Baikal region

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    A plant of the genus Bupleurum L. is being introduced into medical practice and being used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treatment of diseases of the liver and gall bladder. In folk medicine, infusionfrom the herb Bupleurum scorzonerifolium Willd. is used externally for inflammatory diseases of the eyes and skin diseases. B. scorzonerifolium is widespread and abundantly grows in the area of Ural Mountains, Altai, Tuva, in the Krasnoyarsk region, Baikal region, and Buryatia. Detection of phenolic compounds in B. scorzonerifolium was performed using qualitative analytical reactions. Studying the composition of flavonoids and phenol carbonic acids was carried out by paper chromatography. We established that the leaves of B. scorzonerifolium contain quercetin, kaempferol, rutin, hyperoside and isorhamnetin, stems - quercetin, kaempferol, rutin and isorhamnetin, flowers - quercetin, hyperoside and rutin. The leaves, flowers and stems found to contain caffeic, chlorogenic and ferulic acids. The quantitative content of tannins was determined by permanganometry method, flavonoids and phenol carbonic acids -by spectrophotometric method. The maximum quantity of phenolic compounds is detected in leaves and flowers. Thus, as a medicinal plant, the grass B. scorzonerifolium can be recommended for harvesting during the flowering period

    Nonbacterial and bacterial osteomyelitis in children: a case–control retrospective study

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    PurposeOsteomyelitis is a group of bone infectious (bacterial osteomyeilitis—BO) and noninfectious inflammatory diseases (nonbacterial osteomyelitis—NBO) with similar clinical, radiology, and laboratory features. Many patients with NBO are misdiagnosed as BO and receive unnecessary antibiotics and surgery. Our study aimed to compare clinical and laboratory features of NBO and BO in children, to define key discriminative criteria, and to create an NBO diagnostic score (NBODS).MethodsThe retrospective multicenter cohort study included clinical, laboratory, and instrumental information about histologically confirmed NBO (n = 91) and BO (n = 31). The variables allowed us to differentiate both conditions used to construct and validate the NBO DS.ResultsThe main differences between NBO and BO are as follows: onset age—7.3 (2.5; 10.6) vs. 10.5 (6.5; 12.7) years (p = 0.03), frequency of fever (34.1% vs. 90.6%, p = 0.0000001), symptomatic arthritis (67% vs. 28.1%, p = 0.0001), monofocal involvement (28.6% vs. 100%, p = 0.0000001), spine (32% vs. 6%, p = 0.004), femur (41% vs. 13%, p = 0.004), foot bones (40% vs. 13%, p = 0.005), clavicula (11% vs. 0%, p = 0.05), and sternum (11% vs. 0%, p = 0.039) involvement. The following four criteria are included in the NBO DS: CRP ≤ 55 mg/l (56 points), multifocal involvement (27 points), femur involvement (17 points), and neutrophil bands ≤ 220 cell/μl (15 points). The sum > 17 points allowed to differentiate NBO from BO with a sensitivity of 89.0% and a specificity of 96.9%.ConclusionThe diagnostic criteria may help discriminate NBO and BO and avoid excessive antibacterial treatment and surgery

    Cloning and sequence analysis of cDNA for a human homolog of eubacterial ATP-dependent Lon proteases

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    AbstractOverlapping cDNA clones containing mRNA for a putative Lon protease (LonHS) were isolated from cDNA libraries prepared from human brain poly(A)+ RNA. The determined nucleotide sequence contains a 2814-bp open reading frame with two potential initiation codons (positions 62–64 and 338–340). The 5'-terminal 337-nucleotide fragment of LonHS mRNA is highly enriched with G and C nucleotides and could direct synthesis of the LonHS N-terminal domain. More likely this region promotes initiation of protein synthesis from the second AUG codon in a cap-independent manner. The amino acid sequence initiated at the second AUG codon includes 845 residues, over 30% of which are identical to those of eubacterial Lon proteases. Residues of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ motifs of NTP-binding pattern and a plausible catalytic serine residue are conserved in LonHS. Northern blot analysis revealed LonHS mRNA in lung, duodenum, liver and heart, but not in thymus cells

    Studying the pharmacokinetics of biotechnological medicinal products on the example of monoclonal antibodies

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    Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), which are developed to treat many pathologies, including cancer, autoimmune and infectious diseases, are one of the fastest growing classes of medicinal products. Given the large number of mAbs in the pipeline and continued interest from pharmaceutical companies, the mAb market is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. To maximise both the therapeutic benefit and the safety of medicinal products in this class, it is essential that their pharmacological properties be carefully characterised and understood.The aim of the study was to analyse literature data on approaches to studying the pharmacokinetics of mAbs. This review presents data on the main physicochemical and pharmacological properties of mAbs and compares them with small molecules. The article describes the influence of various factors on mAb pharmacokinetics.For example, such factors include the method of administration, hydrophilicity, and charge of the mAb, individual characteristics of the patient (body weight, plasma albumin levels, genetic characteristics, etc.), and concurrent administration of other medicinal products. The authors evaluated the role of intra- and inter-individual variability of pharmacokinetic parameters. The rapid development of this group of medicinal products and the emergence of new promising molecules are indicative of the need to study the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of mAbs in detail and to maximise both the therapeutic benefit and the safety of the medicinal products in this class

    Standardization of the Vygotsky — Sakharov Method for Concept Learning

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    The study was carried out in order to standardize the methodology for creating artificial concepts of Vygotsky — Sakharov. Group norms were established for the amount of time, moves made for the solution and indicators according to the formula of thinking productivity. Criteria for assessing levels of conceptual thinking were formulated and significant correlations were found in the groups of successful and unsuccessful problem solving.Настоящее исследование было проведено в целях стандартизации методики создания искусственных понятий Выготского — Сахарова. Установлены групповые нормы по количеству времени, сделанных ходов для решения и показателей по формуле производительности мышления. Сформулированы критерии оценки уровней понятийного мышления и найдены значимые корреляционные связи в группах успешного и неуспешного выполнения


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    Urinary tract infections become a source of multiresistant microorganisms in the hospital due to underestimation of its incidence and importance, especially in the presence of urinary catheters.  Particular problems are fluoroquinolone-resistant gram-negative urinary tract pathogens, as well as Enterobacteriaceae producing extended spectrum beta-lactamases. Understanding of modern trends in development of microbial resistance and the rational use of antibiotics will help oncologists to provide qualified care to patients who develop urinary tract infections.Инфекции мочевыводящих путей (ИМП) ввиду недооценки  их распространенности и значимости, особенно при наличии мочевых катетеров,  становятся  источником мультирезистентных микроорганизмов  в стационаре.  Особенную проблему представляют  резистентные к фторхинолонамграмотрицательные  возбудители ИМП, а также энтеробактерии, продуцирующие бета-лактамазы расширенного   спектра действия.  Знание современных  тенденций   развития   резистентности   микроорганизмов   и  рациональное   применение антибиотиков поможет врачам онкологам в оказании квалифицированной  помощи пациентам,  у которых развилась  ИМП

    Theoretical Analysis of Professional Competences of Fitness Clubs Trainers

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    В статье предпринимается попытка охарактеризовать современные представления о тех профессиональных компетенциях, которые являются ключевыми для тренеров фитнес-клубов. Значимость подобных исследований обусловлена тем, что качество работы именно этих специалистов определяет репутацию фитнес-клуба и его конкурентоспособность. Делается вывод, что ключевыми компетенциями для тренеров фитнес-клубов являются специальные знания, коммуникативные способности и целеполагание.In article, the author attempts to characterize modern ideas about those professional competencies that are key for fitness club trainers. The significance of such studies is due to the fact that the quality of the work of these specialists determines the reputation of a fitness club and its competitiveness. The authors conclude that the key competencies for fitness club trainers are special knowledge, communication skills and goal setting

    The epidemiology of traumatic event exposure worldwide: results from the World Mental Health Survey Consortium

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    Background: Considerable research has documented that exposure to traumatic events has negative effects on physical and mental health. Much less research has examined the predictors of traumatic event exposure. Increased understanding of risk factors for exposure to traumatic events could be of considerable value in targeting preventive interventions and anticipating service needs. Method: General population surveys in 24 countries with a combined sample of 68 894 adult respondents across six continents assessed exposure to 29 traumatic event types. Differences in prevalence were examined with cross-tabulations. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to determine whether traumatic event types clustered into interpretable factors. Survival analysis was carried out to examine associations of sociodemographic characteristics and prior traumatic events with subsequent exposure. Results: Over 70% of respondents reported a traumatic event; 30.5% were exposed to four or more. Five types – witnessing death or serious injury, the unexpected death of a loved one, being mugged, being in a life-threatening automobile accident, and experiencing a life-threatening illness or injury – accounted for over half of all exposures. Exposure varied by country, sociodemographics and history of prior traumatic events. Being married was the most consistent protective factor. Exposure to interpersonal violence had the strongest associations with subsequent traumatic events. Conclusions: Given the near ubiquity of exposure, limited resources may best be dedicated to those that are more likely to be further exposed such as victims of interpersonal violence. Identifying mechanisms that account for the associations of prior interpersonal violence with subsequent trauma is critical to develop interventions to prevent revictimization

    Case of acute drug-induced hepatitis after halothane anesthesia

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    The aim of publication. To present the case of severe acute drug-induced hepatitis after halothane anesthesia in relation to significance of allergies history preoperative inquiry and assessment of medical management of patients, using modern prognostic scales.Key points. Biotransformation of volatile anesthetics can result in production of toxic metabolites and metabolic by-products, resulting in damage of the liver and kidneys. Disorders of liver function can be of two types: early – transient elevation of transaminase activity and late – liver necrosis. Mortality rate at the latter reaches 50–80%. In presented clinical case both variants developed in the same patient in different terms are described. Despite of acute drug-induced hepatitis with severe liver failure, complex treatment resulted in favorable outcome, including the remote-terms result.Conclusion. The most important factors determining favorable prognosis at drug-induced liver disease, include adequate doses of glucocorticosteroids, application of MARS-therapy and absence of background liver disease. Application of differential diagnostics algorithms and prognostic scales at drug-induced liver disease helps clinician to choose proper treatment approach at specific stage