154 research outputs found

    The eye of Drosophila as a model system for studying intracellular signaling in ontogenesis and pathogenesis

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    Many human diseases are caused by malfunction of basic types of cellular activity such as proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, cell polarization, and migration. In turn, these processes are associated with different routes of intracellular signal transduction. A number of model systems have been designed to study normal and abnormal cellular and molecular processes associated with pathogenesis. The developing eye of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is one of these systems. The sequential development of compound eyes of this insect makes it possible to model human neurodegenerative diseases and mechanisms of carcinogenesis. In this paper we overview the program of the eye development in Drosophila, with emphasis on intracellular signaling pathways that regulate this complex process. We discuss in detail the roles of the Notch, Hedgehog, TGFβ, Wnt, and receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathways in Drosophila eye development and human pathology. We also briefly describe the modern methods of experimentation with this model organism to analyze the function of human pathogenic protein

    Model of preparation of a craftsman in the framework of continuous vocational education

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    The significance of the issue under study is stipulated by a social order for targeted preparation of stafffor a craft type of companies. The aim of the article is development and approbation of structural-functional model of continuous craftsman education. The main research method of the given issue is modeling which enables to see the issue as a process of targeted, continuous and conscious acquiring of vocational competences by future craftsmen, in the course of formal, non-formal and informal education. The article presents a structural-functional model of continuous craftsman education that includes formal, non-formal and informal education and outlines a complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions contributing to implementation of this model. The contents of the article might be of interest for students of craft trades, all categories of vocational-pedagogical workers, specialists of state government institutions in the area of vocational education. © Authors

    Studying the compactibility of the VT22 high-strength alloy powder obtained by the PREP method

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    Compression curves are plotted for VT22 high-strength alloy powder under conditions of uniaxial compression at room temperature. The density of the compacted briquette at the loading and unloading stages is determined. It is demonstrated that strong interparticle bonds are formed in the area of the action of shear deformation. The results are supposed to be used to identify the flow model of the material studied and to perform the subsequent numerical modeling of the compaction process. © 2017 Author(s)

    Practical thermodynamics of Yukawa systems at strong coupling

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    Simple practical approach to estimate thermodynamic properties of strongly coupled Yukawa systems, in both fluid and solid phases, is presented. The accuracy of the approach is tested by extensive comparison with direct computer simulation results (for fluids and solids) and the recently proposed shortest-graph method (for solids). Possible applications to other systems of softly repulsive particles are briefly discussed.Comment: Published in J. Chem. Phy

    A transverse current rectification in graphene superlattice

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    A model for energy spectrum of superlattice on the base of graphene placed on the striped dielectric substrate is proposed. A direct current component which appears in that structure perpendicularly to pulling electric field under the influence of elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave was derived. A transverse current density dependence on pulling field magnitude and on magnitude of component of elliptically polarized wave directed along the axis of a superlattice is analyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    The Minimum-Uncertainty Squeezed States for for Atoms and Photons in a Cavity

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    We describe a six-parameter family of the minimum-uncertainty squeezed states for the harmonic oscillator in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. They are derived by the action of corresponding maximal kinematical invariance group on the standard ground state solution. We show that the product of the variances attains the required minimum value 1/4 only at the instances that one variance is a minimum and the other is a maximum, when the squeezing of one of the variances occurs. The generalized coherent states are explicitly constructed and their Wigner function is studied. The overlap coefficients between the squeezed, or generalized harmonic, and the Fock states are explicitly evaluated in terms of hypergeometric functions. The corresponding photons statistics are discussed and some applications to quantum optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and superfocusing in channeling scattering are mentioned. Explicit solutions of the Heisenberg equations for radiation field operators with squeezing are found.Comment: 27 pages, no figures, 174 references J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., Special Issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of quantum state engineering (R. Blatt, A. Lvovsky, and G. Milburn, Guest Editors), May 201

    Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of Drilling Cuttings in Tomsk Oblast Sites

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    The research is focused on determining mineralogical composition of drilling cuttings by scanning electron microscope as well as imaging the sample surface of high resolution that allows studying the structural characteristics of the site. In addition, a number of other techniques permit obtaining information on chemical composition of sample in near-surface layers. The study in drilling cuttings by means of scanning microscopy has revealed the presence of titanium, iron, zirconium oxides, iron sulphide, barium sulphate. The former is a mineral that concentrates rare-earth elements, presumably monocyte, as well as uranium silicate, etc. The results obtained confirm the data of previous X-ray structural analysis, i.e. the study samples consist of alumosilicate matrix. Apart from silicon and aluminium oxides, the matrix includes such elements as Na, K, Mg. Such a composition corresponds to rock-forming minerals: quartz, albite, microcline, clinochlore, muscovite, anorthoclase

    Анализ влияния конфигурации приемо-передающих позиций распределенной антенной системы со слабонаправленными антеннами на потенциальную точность измерения параметров цели

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    The article proposal is to clarify the operating area of MIMO radar systems taking into consideration the requirements for the algorithms of signal processing. It offers to consider separately the spatially coherent systems operating in the far field that corresponds to the appropriate Fraunhofer’s boundary for antenna with the aperture corresponding to the system base and the spatially coherent systems where a transition is acceptable from the vector representation of the speed to the radial speed directed toward the center of the system. To analyze the influence of transceivers configuration on the system potential accuracy the paper offers to use a Krammer-Rao inequality- based method.A justification and refinement of concept of the far field for a distributed antenna system are given. Under far field for a distributed antenna system the authors propose to consider such a field with such a range where Doppler frequency resolution doesn’t allow resolving the signal from one transmitter in any of two maximally spaced receivers.The article presents potential accuracy estimates of distributed antenna system, which allow us to draw the following conclusions:- MIMO radar with omnidirectional antennas can be analyzed using a proposed method based on Krammer-Rao inequality;- the maximum distant positions from the center of the system have the greatest influence on the potential measuring accuracy of the MIMO radar coordinates;- generated resolution elements for MIMO radar are similar to multiposition radar system in the area where distance from the center of the system does not exceed several system bases;- resolution elements for MIMO radar with increasing distance from system center tend to increase their range size and at certain ranges can be regarded as narrow (micro) beams formed to be similar in structure to the narrow beams of radar interferometer.Приводятся результаты анализа влияния взаимного расположения приемо-передающих позиций многопозиционного пространственно-когерентного радиолокационного комплекса со слабонаправленными антенными системами на точность оценки положения цели. Приводится методика оценки точности положения цели для пространственно-когерентного радиолокационного комплекса. DOI: 10.7463/rdopt.0515.077780

    Оценка внесосудистой воды легких во время обширных торакальных вмешательств и в послеоперационном периоде

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    Background. Postoperative lung injury is a cause of most fatal outcomes after extensive lung resections. Death rates due to postpneumonectomy pulmonary edema have remained unchanged within the past 20 years and are currently tending to 100%. Objective: to make prolonged lung edema monitoring in patients after extensive thoracic interventions. Subjects and methods. The observational study covered 27 patients who had undergone pneumonectomy (PE) (n=16) or lung resection (n=11). Invasive monitoring by the PiCCOplus system was performed to examine the systemic and pulmonary hemodynamics of all the patients during surgery and within 48 postoperative hours. Results. PE rather than lung resection was accompanied by a significant reduction in the extravascular lung water index (EVLWI). Most patients who had undergone PE were found to have a subclinical increase in EVLWI 36-48 hours after termination of the intervention. Conclusion. In this observational clinical study, isolated thermodilution showed an immediate decrease in EVLWI after PE and its increase at 36—48 postoperative hours. Lobar or segmental interventions failed to cause significant changes in EVLWI in the perioperative period. Key words: pneumonectomy, lung resection, lung edema, extravascular lung water, acute lung injury.Цель исследования . Послеоперационное повреждение легких является причиной большинства смертельных исходов после обширных резекционных легочных вмешательств. Летальность вследствие постпневмонэктомичес-кого отека легких остается неизменной на протяжении последних 20 лет и стремится к 100%. Целью данного исследования было проведение продленного мониторинга отека легких у пациентов после обширных торакальных вмешательств. Материал и методы. В обсервационное исследование включено 27 пациентов, которым была выполнена пневмонэктомия (n=16) или резекция легких (n=11). Всем больным проводили инвазивный мониторинг системной и легочной гемодинамики с использованием системы PiCCOplus во время вмешательства и на протяжении 48 часов послеоперационного периода. Результаты. Пневмонэктомия (ПЭ), но не резекция легких, сопровождалась достоверным снижением индекса внесосудистой воды легких (ИВСВЛ). Спустя 36—48 часов после окончания вмешательства у большинства пациентов, перенесших ПЭ, было выявлено субклиническое повышение ИВСВЛ. Заключение. В представленном обсервационном клиническом исследовании изолированная термодилюция показала немедленное уменьшение ИВСВЛ после ПЭ и его повышение к 36-48 часам послеоперационного периода. Долевые или сегментарные вмешательства не вели к значимым изменениям ИВСВЛ в пери-операционном периоде. Ключевые слова: пневмонэктомия, резекция легких, отек легких, внесосудистая вода легких, острое повреждение легких


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    Introduction. One of the classes of modern radio engineering systems are systems with spatial diversity of transmitting, receiving or transceiving elements. In such systems, an increase of the information content is achieved by signal coprocessing ensuring synchronization in time and phase of the carrier oscillation. Currently, the researchers do not pay enough attention to the requirements for the accuracy of synchronization of distributed systems of different applications, as well as simple and affordable ways to synchronize them.Objective. The paper main objective is the search for technical solutions for clock and phase synchronization without atomic frequency standards and external sources of coordinate-time information.Methods and materials. The paper considers a distributed radio engineering system with non-rigid structure. Each element of the system has reference signal from its own crystal oscillator. The oscillators are not physically aligned. The phases of their oscillations are periodically compared by the method of two-way transmission of synchronizing signals (from one element to another and vice versa). The synchronization technique (software algorithmic approach) is reduced to the coprocessing signal correction according to estimated frequency (phase) drifts. The testing of the proposed technical solution is presented on a hardware model consisting of ten receiving and transmitting modules.Results. The experiment showed that RMS of synchronization errors does not exceeded 12 degrees by phase (for VHF), or 0.2 ns by time. These results are acquired for spatial diversity up to several hundred meters, mutual speed of the modules up to several meters per second and may be extended for higher frequencies (in particular, UHF).Conclusion. The paper proposes a method of multilateral propagation to synchronize distributed radioengineering systems. Combined with software algorithmic technique this method enables to obtain synchronization accuracy in real-time sufficient for coherent diversity technique.Введение. Одним из классов современных радиотехнических систем являются системы с пространственным разнесением приемных, передающих или приемо-передающих элементов. В таких системах достигается повышение информативности за счет совместной обработки сигналов при обеспечении синхронизации по времени и фазе несущего колебания. В настоящее время в литературе не уделяется должноe внимание требованиям к точности синхронизации разнесенных систем различного назначения, а также простым и доступным способам их синхронизации.Цель работы. Поиск технических решений для тактовой и фазовой синхронизации без использования атомных стандартов частоты и внешних источников координатно-временно́й информации.Методы и материалы. В работе рассмотрена разнесенная радиотехническая система с нежесткой структурой. Каждый элемент системы тактируется собственным кварцевым генератором. Генераторы не синхронизированы между собой. Фазы их колебаний периодически сличаются методом двусторонней передачи синхронизирующих сигналов (от одного элемента к другому и обратно). Методика синхронизации (программно-алгоритмический подход) сводится к коррекции совместно обрабатываемых сигналов с учетом оценок ухода частоты (фазы). Отработка предложенных технических решений представлена на макете аппаратуры, состоящей из десяти приемо-передающих модулей.Результаты. Экспериментально показано, что среднеквадратическое отклонение ошибки синхронизации не превышает 12º по фазе (на несущей частоте в метровом диапазоне) или 0.2 нс по времени. Указанные результаты получены при пространственном разносе до нескольких сотен метров, на скоростях взаимного перемещения модулей до нескольких метров в секунду и могут быть распространены на более высокочастотные диапазоны (в частности, на дециметровый).Заключение. В работе предложен метод многостороннего распространения для синхронизации разнесенных радиотехнических систем. Данный метод совместно с использованием программно-алгоритмического подхода позволяет получать в реальном масштабе времени точность синхронизации, достаточную для когерентного разнесенного приема