168 research outputs found

    Неінвазивні методи діагностики в плануванні реконструктивних втручань на кінцівках складними комплексами тканин

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    The aim of the work: to investigate the effectiveness of the ultrasonic duplex scanning method in the planning of reconstructive interventions in the case of defects in the lining of the limbs with complicated tissue complexes. Materials and Methods. Data of 50 patients who underwent ultrasound in the preoperative period to select the scope of surgery were analyzed. In the study of limb hemodynamics included confirmation of the patency of the vessels and the degree of their functioning. In addition, ultrasound were used to study regional hemodynamics in the area of ​​the wound defect and in the donor region of the future complex flap. Results and Discussion. In group I (n = 15), patients with extensive (more than 1 % area) wound surface and soft tissue damage below the deep fascia after detailed preoperative preparation and hemodynamic investigation of the area of ​​damage, 25 (20.2%) DPT recovery operations were performed. Group II (n = 13) consisted of victims with DFT who emerged together or as a result of damage to the joint-joint apparatus - 42 (33.9%) of the intervention. Group III (n = 22), patients with combined or multiple trauma, accompanied by damage to the main vessels, nerves, partial or complete dissection of the limb. In this group, 57 (45.9 %) reconstructions of DPT were performed.Цель работы: исследовать эффективность метода ультразвукового дуплексного сканирования в планировании реконструктивных вмешательств при дефектах покровных тканей конечностей сложными комплексами тканей. Материалы и методы. В работе проанализированы данные о 50 больных, которым в предоперационном периоде с целью выбора объема оперативного вмешательства выполняли ультразвуковое дуплексное сканирование (УЗДС). В задачи исследования гемодинамики конечности входило подтверждение проходимости сосудов и степень их функционирования. Кроме того, УЗДС использовали для исследования регионарной гемодинамики в зоне раневого дефекта и в донорской области будущего сложного лоскута. Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. В I группе (n = 15), больным с обширной (более 1 % площади) раневой поверхностью и повреждением мягких тканей ниже глубокой фасции после детальной предоперационной подготовки и исследования гемодинамики области повреждения выполнено 25 (20,2 %) восстановительных операций ДПТ. II группа (n = 13) состояла из пострадавших с ДПТ, которые возникли вместе или в результате повреждения костно-суставного аппарата – 42 (33,9 %) вмешательства. III группа (n = 22), больных с сочетанной или множественной травмой, сопровождающейся повреждением магистральных сосудов, нервов, частичным или полным отчленением конечности. В этой группе выполнено 57 (45,9 %) реконструкций ДПТ.Мета роботи: дослідити ефективність методу ультразвукового дуплексного сканування в плануванні реконструктивних втручань при дефектах покривних тканин кінцівок складними комплексами тканин. Матеріали і методи. У роботі проаналізовано дані про 50 хворих, яким у передопераційному періоді з метою вибору об’єму оперативного втручання виконували ультразвукове дуплексне сканування (УЗДС). До задач дослідження гемодинаміки кінцівки входило підтвердження прохідності судин та ступінь їх функціонування. Окрім того, УЗДС використовували для дослідження реґіонарної гемодинаміки у зоні ранового дефекту та у донорській ділянці майбутнього складного клаптя. Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. В  I групі (n = 15), хворим із надвеликою (понад 1 % площі) рановою поверхнею й пошкодженням м’яких тканин нижче глибокої фасції після детальної передопераційної підготовки та дослідження гемодинаміки ділянки пошкодження виконано 25 (20,2 %) відновних  операцій ДПТ. II група (n = 13)  складалася з постраждалих із ДПТ, які виникли разом або внаслідок  пошкодження кістково – суглобового апарату – 42 (33,9 %) втручань.  III група (n = 22), хворих із поєднаною чи множинною травмою, що супроводжувалася пошкодженням магістральних судин, нервів, частковим або повним відокремленням кінцівки.  В цій групі виконано 57 (45,9 %) реконструкцій ДПТ

    Comboridity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cardiovascular diseases: general factors, pathophysiological mechanisms and clinical significance

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    Currently, the comorbidity (combination) of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is an important problem for the health care. This is due to the high prevalence and continuing growth of these pathologies. CVD and COPD have common risk factors and mechanisms underlying their development and progression: smoking, inflammation, sedentary lifestyle, aging, oxidative stress, air pollution, and hypoxia. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge related to the prevalence and frequency of cardiovascular diseases in people with COPD and the mechanisms that underly their coexistence. The implications for clinical practice, in particular the main problems of diagnosis and treatment of COPD/CVD comorbidity, are also discussed

    Search for potential gastric cancer markers using miRNA databases and gene expression analysis

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to identify genes that are differentially expressed in gastric tumors and to analyze the association of their expression level with tumor clinicopathologic features. Methods: In the present research, we used bioinformatic-driven search to identify miRNA that are down-regulated in gastric tumors and to find their potential targets. Then, the expression levels of some of the target mRNAs were investigated using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Results: As a result of the bioinformatics analysis, fifteen genes were found to be potentially differentially expressed between the tumors and normal gastric tissue. Five of them were chosen for the further analysis (WNT4, FGF12, EFEMP1, CTGF, and HSPG2) due to their important role in cell proliferation and differentiation. Expression levels of these genes were evaluated in our collection of frozen tissue samples of gastric tumor and paired normal stomach epithelia. Increased FGF12 expression was observed in diffuse type of gastric cancer while WNT4 mRNA was found to be down-regulated in intestinal type of gastric cancer. Besides, CTGF gene overexpression was revealed in diffuse type of stomach cancer in comparison with that in intestinal type. Up-regulation of CTGF was also associated with lymph node metastasis. Conclusions: The findings show its expedient to perform further investigations in order to clarify diagnostic and prognostic value of CTGF, FGF12, and WNT4’s in stomach cancer as well as the role of these genes in carcinogenesis

    Научно-практическая конференция "Пульмонология: вчера, сегодня, завтра"

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    Scientific-and-practical conference "Pulmonology: yesterday, today, tomorrow".Научно-практическая конференция "Пульмонология: вчера, сегодня, завтра"

    A clinical case of surgical treatment of complicated cataracts in a patient with high degree hyperopia

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    The aim of the study - to evaluate the clinical and functional visual results in a patient with complicated cataract on the background of high–gradehypermetropia after performing cataract phacoemulsification with intraocularlens implantation.Цель исследования- оценить клинико-функциональные зрительные результаты у пациента с осложненной катарактой на фоне гиперметропии высокой степени после выполнения факоэмульсификации катаракты с имплантацией интраокулярной линзы

    Cytokine profile in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of different severity

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    Analysis of cytokine profile markers in conjunction with the clinical manifestations of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can provide valuable information about the pathogenetic manifestations of the disease, and therefore, in the future, determine drugs that affect the cytokine storm and have an anti-inflammatory effect.Aim. To identify correlations between the parameters of the developed cytokine profile and the clinical course in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 of different severity.Material and methods. The study included 70 hospitalized patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, with a mean age of 58 [50;69] years, including 40 men (57%) and 30 women (43%). The average lung involvement according to computed tomography (CT) at admission was CT-2 [1;3]. Peripheral venous blood was taken at admission, which averaged 7 [6; 8] days from the symptom onset. Standard biochemical parameters were studied, as well as 47 cytokines and chemokines using the Multiplex system (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany).Results. Correlations was found between the lung involvement degree and the level of IL-8 (r=0,31, p<0,05), IL-15 (r=0,35, p<0,05), IL-18 (r=0,31, p<0,05), MCP-1 (r=0,36, p<0,05), MIG (r=0,50, p<0,05), TNF-α (r=0,41, p<0,05). An inverse correlation was also found in the level of blood oxygen saturation with the same indicators as follows: IL-8 (r=-0,27, p<0,05), IL-15 (r=-0,34, p<0,05), IL-18 (r=-0,31, p<0,05), MCP-1 (r=-0,40, p<0,05), MIG (r=-0,56, p<0,05), TNF-α (r=-0,45, p<0,05). IL-6 levels were significantly elevated in patients with severe COVID-19 (CT3, CT4), while no increase in IL-6 was observed in patients with moderate disease (CT1, CT2). It is noteworthy that in patients with diabetes, the highest values of IL-12, IL-9 were recorded.Conclusion. Hyperinflammatory syndrome in severe COVID-19 is manifested by high levels of IL-6, MIG, MDC, MCP-1, M-CSF, TNF-α, β, IL-8, IL-18, IL-15. With the CT-1 and CT-2, an increase in only the level of IL-18, IL-8 is noted. The identified patterns prove and make it possible to explain a number of systemic inflammatory changes that occur with COVID-19