2,966 research outputs found

    Timing performance of the Timepix4 front-end

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    A characterisation of the Timepix4 pixel front-end with a strong focus on timing performance is presented. Externally generated test pulses were used to probe the per-pixel time-to-digital converter (TDC) and measure the time-bin sizes by precisely controlling the test-pulse arrival time in steps of 10 ps. The results indicate that the TDC can achieve a time resolution of 60 ps, provided that a calibration is performed to compensate for frequency variation in the voltage controlled oscillators of the pixel TDCs. The internal clock distribution system of Timepix4 was used to control the arrival time of internally generated analog test pulses in steps of about 20 ps. The analog test pulse mechanism injects a controlled amount of charge directly into the analog front-end (AFE) of the pixel, and was used to measure the time resolution as a function of signal charge, independently of the TDC. It was shown that for the default configuration, the AFE time resolution in the hole-collecting mode is limited to 105 ps. However, this can be improved up to about 60 ps by increasing the preamplifier bias-current at the cost of increased power dissipation. For the electron-collecting mode, an AFE time resolution of 47 ps was measured for a bare Timepix4 device at a signal charge of 21 ke. It was observed that additional input capacitance from a bonded sensor reduces this figure to 62 ps

    Precision scans of the pixel cell response of double sided 3D pixel detectors to pion and x-ray beams

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    hree-dimensional (3D) silicon sensors offer potential advantages over standard planar sensors for radiation hardness in future high energy physics experiments and reduced charge-sharing for X-ray applications, but may introduce inefficiencies due to the columnar electrodes. These inefficiencies are probed by studying variations in response across a unit pixel cell in a 55μm pitch double-sided 3D pixel sensor bump bonded to TimePix and Medipix2 readout ASICs. Two complementary characterisation techniques are discussed: the first uses a custom built telescope and a 120GeV pion beam from the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) at CERN; the second employs a novel technique to illuminate the sensor with a micro-focused synchrotron X-ray beam at the Diamond Light Source, UK. For a pion beam incident perpendicular to the sensor plane an overall pixel efficiency of 93.0±0.5% is measured. After a 10o rotation of the device the effect of the columnar region becomes negligible and the overall efficiency rises to 99.8±0.5%. The double-sided 3D sensor shows significantly reduced charge sharing to neighbouring pixels compared to the planar device. The charge sharing results obtained from the X-ray beam study of the 3D sensor are shown to agree with a simple simulation in which charge diffusion is neglected. The devices tested are found to be compatible with having a region in which no charge is collected centred on the electrode columns and of radius 7.6±0.6μm. Charge collection above and below the columnar electrodes in the double-sided 3D sensor is observed

    Identification of particles with Lorentz factor up to 10410^{4} with Transition Radiation Detectors based on micro-strip silicon detectors

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    This work is dedicated to the study of a technique for hadron identification in the TeV momentum range, based on the simultaneous measurement of the energies and of the emission angles of the Transition Radiation (TR) X-rays with respect to the radiating particles. A detector setup has been built and tested with particles in a wide range of Lorentz factors (from about 10310^3 to about 4×1044 \times 10^4 crossing different types of radiators. The measured double-differential (in energy and angle) spectra of the TR photons are in a reasonably good agreement with TR simulation predictions.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, paper published on Nuclear Instruments & Methods

    Timing measurements with a 3D silicon sensor on Timepix3 in a 180 GeV/<i>c</i> hadron beam

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    Test beam measurements have been carried out with a 3D sensor on a Timepix3 ASIC and the time measurements are presented. The measurements are compared to those of a thin planar sensor on Timepix3. It is shown that for a perpendicularly incident beam the time resolution of both detectors is dominated by the Timepix3 front-end. The 3D detector is dominated by the time-to-digital conversion whereas the analog front-end jitter also gives a significant contribution for the thin planar detector. The 3D detector reaches an overall time resolution of 567 ± 6 ps compared to 683 ± 8 ps for the thin planar detector. For a grazing angle beam, however, the thin planar detector achieves a better time resolution because it has a lower pixel capacitance, and therefore suffers less from jitter in the analog front-end for the low charge signals that mainly occur in this type of measurement. Finally, it is also shown that the 3D and thin planar detector can achieve time resolutions for large clusters of about 100 ps and 250 ps, respectively, by combining many single hit measurements

    Radiation damage in the LHCb vertex locator

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    The LHCb Vertex Locator (VELO) is a silicon strip detector designed to reconstruct charged particle trajectories and vertices produced at the LHCb interaction region. During the first two years of data collection, the 84 VELO sensors have been exposed to a range of fluences up to a maximum value of approximately 45 × 1012 1 MeV neutron equivalent (1 MeV neq). At the operational sensor temperature of approximately −7 °C, the average rate of sensor current increase is 18 μA per fb−1, in excellent agreement with predictions. The silicon effective bandgap has been determined using current versus temperature scan data after irradiation, with an average value of Eg = 1.16±0.03±0.04 eV obtained. The first observation of n+-on-n sensor type inversion at the LHC has been made, occurring at a fluence of around 15 × 1012 of 1 MeV neq. The only n+-on-p sensors in use at the LHC have also been studied. With an initial fluence of approximately 3 × 1012 1 MeV neq, a decrease in the Effective Depletion Voltage (EDV) of around 25 V is observed. Following this initial decrease, the EDV increases at a comparable rate to the type inverted n+-on-n type sensors, with rates of (1.43±0.16) × 10−12 V/ 1 MeV neq and (1.35±0.25) × 10−12 V/ 1 MeV neq measured for n+-on-p and n+-on-n type sensors, respectively. A reduction in the charge collection efficiency due to an unexpected effect involving the second metal layer readout lines is observed

    Performance of the LHCb vertex locator

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    The Vertex Locator (VELO) is a silicon microstrip detector that surrounds the proton-proton interaction region in the LHCb experiment. The performance of the detector during the first years of its physics operation is reviewed. The system is operated in vacuum, uses a bi-phase CO2 cooling system, and the sensors are moved to 7 mm from the LHC beam for physics data taking. The performance and stability of these characteristic features of the detector are described, and details of the material budget are given. The calibration of the timing and the data processing algorithms that are implemented in FPGAs are described. The system performance is fully characterised. The sensors have a signal to noise ratio of approximately 20 and a best hit resolution of 4 μm is achieved at the optimal track angle. The typical detector occupancy for minimum bias events in standard operating conditions in 2011 is around 0.5%, and the detector has less than 1% of faulty strips. The proximity of the detector to the beam means that the inner regions of the n+-on-n sensors have undergone space-charge sign inversion due to radiation damage. The VELO performance parameters that drive the experiment's physics sensitivity are also given. The track finding efficiency of the VELO is typically above 98% and the modules have been aligned to a precision of 1 μm for translations in the plane transverse to the beam. A primary vertex resolution of 13 μm in the transverse plane and 71 μm along the beam axis is achieved for vertices with 25 tracks. An impact parameter resolution of less than 35 μm is achieved for particles with transverse momentum greater than 1 GeV/c

    Precision luminosity measurements at LHCb

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    Measuring cross-sections at the LHC requires the luminosity to be determined accurately at each centre-of-mass energy √s. In this paper results are reported from the luminosity calibrations carried out at the LHC interaction point 8 with the LHCb detector for √s = 2.76, 7 and 8 TeV (proton-proton collisions) and for √sNN = 5 TeV (proton-lead collisions). Both the "van der Meer scan" and "beam-gas imaging" luminosity calibration methods were employed. It is observed that the beam density profile cannot always be described by a function that is factorizable in the two transverse coordinates. The introduction of a two-dimensional description of the beams improves significantly the consistency of the results. For proton-proton interactions at √s = 8 TeV a relative precision of the luminosity calibration of 1.47% is obtained using van der Meer scans and 1.43% using beam-gas imaging, resulting in a combined precision of 1.12%. Applying the calibration to the full data set determines the luminosity with a precision of 1.16%. This represents the most precise luminosity measurement achieved so far at a bunched-beam hadron collider

    Spatial resolution and efficiency of prototype sensors for the LHCb VELO Upgrade

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    A comprehensive study of the spatial resolution and detection efficiency of sensor prototypes developed for the LHCb VELO upgrade is presented. Data samples were collected at the CERN SPS H8 beam line using a hadron mixture of protons and pions with momenta of approximately 180 GeV/c. The sensor performance was characterised using both irradiated and non-irradiated sensors. Irradiated samples were subjected to a maximum fluence of 8×1015 1 MeV neq cm2\mathrm{8\times10^{15}~1~MeV~n_{eq}~cm^{-2}}, of both protons and neutrons. The spatial resolution is measured comparing the detected hits to the position as predicted by tracks reconstructed by the Timepix3 telescope. The resolution is presented for different applied bias voltages and track angles, sensor thickness and implant size.Comment: 18 pages, 15 Figure