2,877 research outputs found

    Desempeño educativo en México: la prueba ENLACE

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    Este artículo utiliza un modelo de efectos mixtos para medir la relación entre el conocimiento de una prueba estandarizada a nivel nacional (ENLACE) con pruebas bimestrales administradas a nivel aula. Utilizamos una base de datos confidencial donde observamos tanto el resultado en la prueba ENLACE como las calificaciones bimestrales de los alumnos de educación primaria en el Distrito Federal para el periodo 2006-2009. Si el aprendizaje de las aulas se transmite a la prueba ENLACE, entonces las calificaciones bimestrales deberían determinar los resultados en Enlace. Sin embargo, los resultados implican que el aprendizaje de las aulas afecta alrededor de 0.30 desviaciones estándar a la prueba ENLACE. Asimismo, los resultados muestran que la estructura de la escuela tiene un impacto mayor, alrededor de 0.70 desviaciones estándar, sobre el resultado en pruebas estandarizadas que el desempeño del alumno y del docente.Mexico; education, standardized tests, ENLACE, teachers

    Victor de l´Aveyron, aprendiz del deseo

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    La crónica de la ardua empresa de educación de un niño salvaje a comienzos del siglo XIX, redactada brillantemente por su tutor, constituye una ilustración inaugural de la virtualidad antropológica que cobra la pedagogía cuando la acción educativa es concebida como la institucionalización de la subjetividad desde los umbrales de lo humano: el diseño del proceso educativo que abraza las figuras del salvaje y el idiota, la estimulación como una administración de las pulsiones que da el contrapunto al rousseaunianismo educativo, el aprendizaje del lenguaje como acceso a la simbolización del deseo o el desafío de la sexualidad infantil a los dispositivos educativos son algunos de los temas que aquí, en el hito Victor de l’Aveyron, comparecen, pero que distan en absoluto de agotar su infinitud.Palabras clave: educación, salvaje, idiota, libido, Jean Itard, Victor de l’Aveyron.AbstractThe chronicle of the arduous task of raising a savage child in the early nineteenth century, brilliantly written by his guardian, is an inaugural illustration of the anthropological virtuality that takes action in pedagogy when education is seen as the institutionalization of subjectivity from the thresholds of the human being: the design of the educational process that embraces the figures of the savage and the idiot, stimulation as an administration of the drives that is a counterpoint to educational Rousseauism, the learning of language as an access to the symbolization of desire or the challenge of child sexuality to educational devices, are some of the issues that appear here, in the landmark of Victor de l’Aveyron, but they are far from exhausting its infinity.Keywords: education, savage, idiot, libido, Jean Itard, Victor de l’Aveyron.</p

    Weathering in granite and lamprophyre contact

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    [Resumen] Se realiza el estudio microestructural, mineralógico y geoquímico del proceso de meteorización en una zona de contacto granito-lamprófido. En la roca granítica se observa gibbsita, en los medios muy lixiviados, y filosilicatos 1: 1 en los menos drenados. En ellamprófido los productos son filosilicatos 1: 1, integrados vermiculíticos y oxi-hidróxidos de hierro; la abundancia de estos óxidos permite la conservación de la estructura original hasta etapas muy avanzadas dé la meteorización. El proceso global es de tipo monosialítico (fermonosialítico en las rocas básicas) con una tendencia inicial alitizante en las rocas graníticas. El pH de abrasión constituye un buen índice del grado de meteorización de estas rocas.[Abstract] In this paper is developed a microstructural, mineralogical and geochemical study of the weathering process in a contact between a granitic rock and a lamprophyre. In the granitic rack the main weathering products are gibbsite, under strongly leaching conditions, and 1: 1 phyllosilicates when the drainage is lesser. In the lamprophyre the products are 1: 1 phyllosilicates, vermiculitic integrades and iron oxides; the abundance of this oxides permit the conservation of rock structure till advanced stages of weathering. The overall process is moniosiallitic (fermonosiallitic in the basic rock), although an allitic tendency can be appreciated during the initial stages of the granitic rock weathering. The abrasion pH is good index to asses the weathering degree of these rocks

    Abrasion pH use as an index ofweathering and pedogenesis degree in granitic soils of A Coruña (Spain).

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    [Resumen] En este trabajo se determina el pH de abrasión de las fracciones arenosas de un conjunto de perfiles de alteración y suelos desarrollados sobre rocas graníticas de la provincia de A Coruña (Galicia, NW de España). Se observa que tanto estos valores como el del pH de ·abrasión de la muestra total, sin materia orgánica, constituyen un buen índice del grado de evolución del material, presentando la ventaja, sobre otros índices, de su fácil y rápida determinación, por lo que parece un dato a tener en cuenta especialmente en los estudios a gran escala de cartografía y usos potenciales del suelo.[Abstract] In this paper were studied the abrasion pH in samples of several soils and veathering profiles developped on granitic rocks in A Coruña (Galicia, NW Spain). The abrasion pH values of sands and of the whole sample (organic matter free) are a good index to assess the evolution degree of the materials. This index is an esay and no time consuming test; so its use can be considered in large scale cartographic works and in studies on potential soil fertility

    Continuous-wave laser oscillation at 1.3 μm in Nd:YAG proton-implanted planar waveguides

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    Copyright (2005) American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters 86 (2005): 151108 and may be found at http://apl.aip.org

    Background harmonic distortion measurement at power networks with wind farms

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    Standard IEC 61400-21 specifies that background voltage distortion must be lower than the threshold limits specified in standards. However, this background distortion information is not used for calculating the real harmonic emission from the wind turbine leading to misleading voltage harmonics assessment from the wind turbine. In this paper a methodology for assessing the real harmonic emission from wind turbines is proposed based on current and voltage measurements where the background harmonic distortion at the Point of Common Coupling is considered

    The Extraordinary Nature of RNA Interference in Understanding Gene Downregulation Mechanism in Plants

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    Gene silencing (also known as ribonucleic acid [RNA] interference [RNAi] or interfering RNA) was first recognized in plants and is considered one of the most significant discoveries in molecular biology in the last several years. These short-chain ribonucleic acid molecules regulate eukaryotic gene expression. The phenomenon involves a process that promotes RNA transcripts degradation through complementarity between RNA molecules and RNAi transcripts, resulting in the reduction of their translation levels. There are two principal classes of regulatory RNA molecules: small interfering RNAs (siRNA) and microRNAs (miRNA). Both are generated from the cleavage of double-stranded self-complementary RNA hairpins by a DICER enzyme that belongs to the RNase III family. Small RNAs (of about 21–24 nucleotides in size) guide specific effector Argonaute protein to a target nucleotide sequence by complementary base pairing. Thereby, the effector protein complex downregulates the expression of RNA or DNA targets. In plants, cis-regulatory RNAi sequences are involved in defense mechanisms against antagonistic organisms and transposition events, while trans-regulatory sequences participate in growth-related gene expression. siRNA also performs neutral antiviral defense mechanisms and adaptive stress responses. This document is an attempt to scrutinize the RNAi nature in understanding gene downregulation mechanism in plants and some technical applications

    Comparison of a proprioceptive training program on stable base and unstable base

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    The aim is to compare two proprioceptive training programs on a stable (G1) and an unstable (G2) base in terms of balance and stability. During a 5 week period, 18 professional football players underwent a proprioceptive training program, 9 in G1 and the other 9 in G2. The Standard Excursion Balance Test was applied before and after the intervention program. Significant intragroup differences were found in the variables LEFT FRONT, ANTEROLATERAL LEFT (ANTLAT.LEFT), BACK RIGHT and ANTEROMEDIAL RIGHT (ANTMED.RIGHT) (p<0,005) for the G1, and FRONT RIGHT, FRONT LEFT, POSTMED.RIGHT, POSTMED.LEFT and MED.RIGHT (p <0,005) for G2. We conclude that there are no significant differences between the unstable base training and training stable base regarding improvement in balance and stability.Actividad Física y Deport