170 research outputs found

    CLARIN: Common language resources and technology infrastructure

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    This paper gives an overview of the CLARIN project [1], which aims to create a research infrastructure that makes language resources and technology (LRT) available and readily usable to scholars of all disciplines, in particular the humanities and social sciences (HSS)

    Плодовитость перезимовавшего поколения тополевого листоеда (Chrysomela populi L.) в лабораторных условиях

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    Тополевый листоед (Chrysomela populi L. 1758) – один из наиболее опасных вредителей в тополевых питомниках и в различных видах плантаций тополей по всей Европе. В работе была исследована плодовитость перезимовавшего поколения в лабораторных условиях. Перезимовавшие имаго были собраны в марте 2014 г. перед наступлением сезона спаривания. Парочки содержались при температуре 20 ºС и фотопериоде 16:8 и выкармливались листьями гибридного тополя Popolus x euramericana cv. Pannonia. В процессе исследования подсчитывалось количество яиц от каждой самки и их вес до и после яйцекладки. Представлены данные о количестве яиц и размере каждой яйцекладки, времени между яйцекладками и плодовитости имаг


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    The traditional way for selecting a key joint assumes a uniform pressure distribution between the shaft and key and the key and hub. In this paper the real pressure distributions have been evaluated furthermore the rigid body rotations of the shaft, key and hub fulfilling the equilibrium and geometric conditions of contact. The contact pressure distribution due to the initial interference fit between the shaft and key has also been calculated

    Effects of geographical accessibility on the use of outpatient care services: quasi-experimental evidence from panel count data

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    In 2010–2012, new outpatient service locations were established in Hungarian micro-regions, which had lacked such capacities before. We exploit this quasi-experiment to estimate the effect of geographical accessibility on outpatient case numbers using both individual-level and semi-aggregate panel data. We find a 24–27 per cent increase of case numbers as a result of the establishments. Our specialty-by-specialty estimates imply that a 1-min reduction of travel time to the nearest outpatient unit increases case numbers for example by 0.9 per cent in internal care and 3.1 per cent in rheumatology. The size of the new outpatient capacities has a separate effect, raising the possibility of the presence of supplier-induced demand. By combining a fixed-effects logit and a fixed-effects truncated Poisson estimator, we decompose the effects into increases in the probability of ever visiting a doctor on the one hand and an increase of the frequency of visits on the other hand. We find that new visits were dominant in the vast majority of specialties, whereas both margins were important for example in rheumatology. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of the fixed-effects truncated Poisson estimator in modelling count data by examining its robustness by simulations

    The triple-mode pulsating variable V823 Cas

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    Based on extended multicolour CCD photometry of the triple-mode radial pulsator V823 Cas we studied the properties of the coupling frequencies invoked by nonlinear processes. Our results support that a resonance connection as suggested by Antonello & Aikawa (1998) affects the mode coupling behaviour. The P1/P0 period ratio of V823 Cas has an "out of range" value if compared with the period ratios of the known double mode pulsators, while the P2/P1 period ratio is normal. The periods and period ratios cannot be consistently interpret without conflict with pulsation and/or evolution models. We attempt to interpret this failure by the suggestion that at present, the periods of V823 Cas are in a transient, resonance affected state, thus do not reflect the true parameters of the object. The anomalous period change behaviour of the fundamental and second overtone modes supports this idea. We have also raised the possibility that a f0 + f2 = 2f1 resonance may act in triple mode pulsators.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Search for high-amplitude Delta Scuti and RR Lyrae stars in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 using principal component analysis

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    We propose a robust principal component analysis (PCA) framework for the exploitation of multi-band photometric measurements in large surveys. Period search results are improved using the time series of the first principal component due to its optimized signal-to-noise ratio.The presence of correlated excess variations in the multivariate time series enables the detection of weaker variability. Furthermore, the direction of the largest variance differs for certain types of variable stars. This can be used as an efficient attribute for classification. The application of the method to a subsample of Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 data yielded 132 high-amplitude Delta Scuti variables. We found also 129 new RR Lyrae variables, complementary to the catalogue of Sesar et al., 2010, extending the halo area mapped by Stripe 82 RR Lyrae stars towards the Galactic bulge. The sample comprises also 25 multiperiodic or Blazhko RR Lyrae stars.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figure

    L’élargissement de l’Union Européenne : « Voisinages anciens – nouvelles opportunités dans l’Union européenne ? »

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    Moschendorf et Pinkamindszent, deux communes situées à la frontière austro-hongroise, étaient jusqu’en 1948 reliées par différents types de contacts. Avec la construction du rideau de fer, la frontière étatique et linguistique très perméable devint une ligne de séparation géopolitique entre deux systèmes. Alors que du côté autrichien on se trouvait dans une région périphérique, économiquement défavorisée, du côté hongrois on était en plus dans une zone frontalière intérieure isolée du reste du pays. Après l’ouverture de la frontière, la grande curiosité initiale se mua peu de temps après en désintérêt, puis en une absence totale de contact transfrontalier. Depuis l’entrée de l’Autriche dans l’Union européenne seuls des hommes politiques locaux essaient de développer la coopération transfrontalière avec l’aide de différents programmes d’aides européennes. Au cours du processus d’élargissement de l’Union européenne, des projets sont mis en œuvre afin de garantir une transition le plus en douceur possible dans la vie commune dans la région frontalière. Ainsi, tant du côté autrichien que du côté hongrois on travaille sur des concepts de développement transfrontalier qui doivent déboucher sur des projets communs. Pour les deux communes de Moschendorf et Pinkamindszent, la résolution du problème de communication existant actuellement sera pourtant décisif. Des coopérations entre écoles et aussi entre structure de formation des adultes pourraient constituer les premières solutions possibles. L’objectif premier de la politique doit  être d’abord de surmonter les craintes des citoyens des deux côtés de la frontière en menant à bien des projets qui, dès le début, développent les liens de la population.Moschendorf and Pinkamindszent, two communes at the Austro-Hungarian border, had been interrelated by various forms of contacts until 1948. With the construction of the Iron Curtain the former permeable state and language border became a geopolitical border between two political systems. On the Austrian side the area was a peripheral, economically backward region, but in Hungary it was furthermore an inner border zone, isolated also from the main areas of the country. After the opening of the border in 1989 the immediate curiosity was followed after a short time by indifference and a complete lack of contacts across the border. Only the local politicians keep trying to build up a cross border cooperation with the help of EU Programs since Austria’s joining the EU in 1995. In the context of the EU-Enlargement projects are labored which should guarantee a smooth change to a collaborative living together in the border regions. Hence as well in the Austrian as in the Hungarian side crossborder cooperation concepts are being developed, which should finally lead to joint projects. But for the two communes, Moschendorf and Pinkamindszent, it will be crucial to solve the existing communication problem. Cooperation of local schools or in the adult education could be a first attempt to a solution. But the primary goal of local politics must be to overcome the fears of their citizens on both side of the border and to include the local population into projects from the first step on.Moschendorf und Pinkamindszent, zwei Gemeinden an der österreichisch-ungarischen Grenze, waren bis zum Jahre 1948 durch Kontakte verschiedenster Art miteinander verbunden. Mit dem Errichten des Eisernen Vorhanges wurde aus einer sehr durchlässigen Staats- und Sprachgrenze eine geopolitische Trennlinie zwischen zwei Systemen. Befand man sich auf österreichischer Seite in einer peripheren, wirtschaftlich benachteiligten Region, so war man auf ungarischer Seite darüber hinaus durch eine innere Grenzzone auch gegenüber dem Landesinneren isoliert. Nach der Öffnung der Grenze wich die vorerst große Neugier nach kurzer Zeit einem Desinteresse bis hin zu einer völligen Kontaktlosigkeit über die Grenze hinweg. Lediglich die lokalen Politiker versuchen seit dem EU-Beitritt Österreichs im Jahre 1995 mit Hilfe verschiedenster EU-Förder­programme die grenzüber­schreitende Zusammenarbeit aufzubauen. Im Zuge der EU-Erweiterung werden Projekte forciert, die einen möglichst reibungslosen Übergang im gemeinschaftlichen Zusammenleben in der Grenzregion garantieren sollen. So werden sowohl auf österreichischer als auch auf ungarischer Seite grenzüberschreitende Entwicklungskonzepte erarbeitet, die in gemeinsame Projekte münden sollten. Für die beiden Gemeinden Moschendorf und Pinkamindszent wird es jedoch entscheidend sein, ob es gelingt das vorhandene Kommunikationsproblem zu lösen. Kooperationen mit Schulen oder auch der Erwachsenenbildung könnten hier erste Lösungsmöglichkeiten darstellen. Das primäre Ziel der Politik muss es aber vorerst sein, die vorhandenen Ängste der Gemeindebürger diesseits und jenseits der Grenze zu überwinden und bei der Umsetzung von Projekten die Bevölkerung von Beginn an mit einzubinden