202 research outputs found
Morphological Characterization of Fossil Vitis L. Seeds from the Gelasian of Italy by Seed Image Analysis
The discovery of well-preserved fossil Vitis L. seeds from the Gelasian stage in Italy has provided a unique opportunity to investigate the systematics of fossilized Vitis species. Through seed image analyses and elliptical Fourier transforms of fossil Vitis seeds from the sites Buronzo-Gifflenga and Castelletto Cervo II, we pointed out a strong relationship to the group of extant Eurasian Vitis species. However, classification analyses highlighted challenges in accurately assigning the fossil grape seeds to specific modern species. Morphological comparisons with modern Vitis species revealed striking similarities between the fossil seeds and V. vinifera subsp. sylvestris, as well as several other wild species from Asia. This close morphological resemblance suggests the existence of a population of V. vinifera sensu lato in Northen Italy during the Gelasian. These findings contributed to our understanding of the evolution and the complex interplay between ancient and modern Vitis species
Morpho-Colorimetric Characterization of the Sardinian Endemic Taxa of the Genus Anchusa L. by Seed Image Analysis
In this work, the seed morpho-colorimetric differentiation of the Sardinian endemic species of Anchusa (Boraginaceae) was evaluated. In Sardinia, the Anchusa genus includes the following seven taxa: A. capellii, A. crispa ssp. crispa, A. crispa ssp. maritima, A. formosa, A. littorea, A. montelinasana, and A. sardoa. Seed images were acquired using a flatbed scanner and analyzed using the free software package ImageJ. A total of 74 seed morpho-colorimetric features of 2692 seed lots of seven taxa of Anchusa belonging to 17 populations were extrapolated and used to build a database of seed size, shape, and color features. The data were statistically elaborated by the stepwise linear discriminant analysis (LDA) to compare and discriminate each accession and taxon. In addition, the seed morpho-colorimetric differences among coastal and mountainous taxa were evaluated. Considering the ecological conditions, the LDA was able to discriminate among the Anchusa taxa with a correct identification of 87.4% and 90.8% of specimens for mountainous and coastal plants, respectively. Moreover, the LDA of the 17 populations of Anchusa showed a low separation among species and populations within the coastal group, highlighting how the long-distance dispersal by flotation on the sea water surface and the pollination network may influence the similarity patterns observed. In addition, a misattribution was observed for A. crispa ssp. crispa, which was misclassified as A. crispa ssp. maritima in 14.1% of cases, while A. crispa ssp. maritima was misidentified as A. crispa ssp. crispa in 21.1% of cases, highlighting a close phenotypic relationship between these two taxa. The statistical results obtained through the seed image analysis showed that the morpho-colorimetric features of the seeds provide important information about the adaptation and evolution of Anchusa taxa in Sardinia
Discovering Plum, Watermelon and Grape Cultivars Founded in a Middle Age Site of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy) through a Computer Image Analysis Approach
The discovery of several waterlogged plant remains in a Middle Ages context (1330–1360 AD) in Sassari (NS, Sardinia, Italy) enabled the characterisation of archaeological plum fruit stones and watermelon and grape seeds through computer image analysis. Digital seed/endocarp images were acquired by a flatbed scanner and processed and analysed by applying computerised image analysis techniques. The morphometric data were statistically elaborated using stepwise linear discriminant analysis (LDA), allowing comparisons among archaeological remains, wild populations and autochthonous cultivars. Archaeological samples of plum were compared with 21 autochthonous cultivars of Prunus domestica from Sardinia, while archaeological watermelon seeds were compared with 36 seed lots of Citrullus from Europe, Africa and Asia. Moreover, archaeological grape seeds were compared with 51 autochthonous traditional cultivars of Vitis vinifera subsp. vinifera from Sardinia, 16 cultivars from Tuscany, six cultivars from Liguria, and eight cultivars from Catalonia (Spain). Archaeological plum remains showed morphological affinity with five cultivars of Sardinia. Seed features of the archaeological watermelon remains demonstrated affiliation with a proper sweet dessert watermelon, Citrullus lanatus, and similarity with some Sardinian cultivars. Regarding the archaeological remains of grape, morphometric comparisons showed a high similarity with autochthonous cultivars from Catalonia and Liguria. This study provides new information about ancient fruit cultivated and consumed during the Middle Ages in Sardinia
Caracterização e diferenciação de espécies florestais por meio da análise de imagens de sementes: uma nova abordagem metodológica
Biometric seed analysis can be used to characterize and differentiate forest species. However, forest species are generally studied using manual methods such as measurements with a digital caliper, which provides a limited amount of information on plant morphological characteristics, whereas agronomic species are analyzed using expensive and often inaccessible equipment. Thus, the objective of the present study was to demonstrate that seed image analysis and processing tools can help characterize and differentiate Brazilian forest species. For this purpose, the seeds of 155 forest species belonging to 42 families were photographed and analyzed to extract data on their morphometric descriptors using a new methodological approach. A total of 18 characteristics were assessed, namely eight dimensions, four shape characteristics, and six color characteristics. A set of approximately 1.827 million data was extracted from 101,521 seed images. Digital image processing efficiently characterized the studied seeds and the obtained characteristics allowed us to differentiate between species, including those belonging to the same botanical family and genus. Therefore, seed image analysis using the proposed methodology can be used to characterize, differentiate, and automatedly identify forest species in Brazil.A análise biométrica de sementes contribui para a caracterização e diferenciação de espécies florestais. Entretanto, os estudos com espécies nativas geralmente utilizam métodos manuais como o paquÃmetro digital, o qual extrai uma quantidade limitada de caracterÃsticas, enquanto espécies agronômicas dispõem de equipamentos caros e pouco acessÃveis. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar que ferramentas de análise e processamento de imagens de sementes podem auxiliar na caracterização e diferenciação de espécies nativas brasileiras. Para isso, sementes de 155 espécies nativas, distribuÃdas em 42 famÃlias botânicas foram fotografadas e analisadas para extração de descritores morfométricos por meio de uma nova abordagem metodológica. Um total de 18 caracterÃsticas foram geradas, sendo oito para dimensões, quatro para formato, e seis para cor. Um conjunto de aproximadamente 1,827 milhões de dados foram obtidos a partir 101.521 imagens de sementes. O processamento digital de imagens foi eficiente para a caracterização das sementes nativas, e as caracterÃsticas utilizadas permitiram diferenciar as espécies, inclusive à quelas que estão contidas na mesma famÃlia botânica e gênero. Portanto, a análise de imagens de sementes pela metodologia proposta contribui para a caracterização, diferenciação e automatização na identificação de espécies florestais nativas do Brasil
Harbour sites as a support to the reconstruction of networks and influences: the case of the Mistras Lagoon (Sardinia, Italy)
Ancient harbours and anchorages are valuable contexts to investigate the different material culture that could reach a region, and to reconstruct ancient commerce and connections between different areas. Moreover, as they usually present waterlogged and anoxic sedimentation conditions, organic materials are preserved in addition to ceramics and other inorganic objects, giving more elements to the archaeological reconstruction. This is the case of the Mistras lagoon in Central-West Sardinia. The lagoon has been identified as the harbour of the city of Tharros, active during the Punic period, from the 7th to the 3rd century BC. It is characterised by an interior sandy barrier, recognised as a palaeobeach; here the University of Cagliari held two archaeological excavations during the years 2014 and 2015, revealing a natural stratigraphy rich in archaeological materials, typical of a waterlogged site. The analysis of the carpological remains, seeds, and fruits, recovered by sampling 29 different stratigraphic units, reveals the presence of a great number of cultivated species. Some of the species identified were possibly introduced during that period to the island, together with agricultural practices and technologies that improved local cultivations. Concerning the xylological remains found in the excavations, some fragments of manufactured wood provide important information about objects of common use, while other fragments are attributable to remains of ships.Gli antichi porti e approdi sono siti di grande valore per ricostruire le antiche rotte commerciali e più in generale le connessioni tra diverse regioni. Inoltre, grazie alla frequente presenza di condizioni di sedimentazione anossiche, essi possono restituire non solo ceramiche e altri materiali inorganici, ma anche elementi organici, raramente preservati sui siti terrestri, che forniscono elementi aggiuntivi alla ricostruzione archeologica e paleoambientale. È questo il caso della laguna di Mistras, nella Sardegna centro-occidentale. La laguna è stata identificata come porto della città di Tharros in età punica, tra il VII e il III sec. a.C. Essa è caratterizzata nella parte interna da una cuspide sabbiosa, riconosciuta come una paleospiaggia; in quest’area, durante gli anni 2014 e 2015, l’Università degli Studi di Cagliari ha condotto due campagne di scavo archeologico che hanno consentito di indagare una stratigrafia di formazione naturale ricchissima di materiali archeologici, tipica di un sito impregnato d’acqua. L’analisi dei reperti carpologici, semi e frutti recuperati grazie al campionamento sistematico dei sedimenti, sta rivelando la presenza di un gran numero di resti di specie coltivate. Alcune di queste furono probabilmente introdotte nell’Isola durante il periodo in questione, altre sono già attestate durante i periodi precedenti e continuano ad essere sfruttate con nuovo impulso.
Per quanto riguarda i resti xilologici rinvenuti negli scavi, alcuni frammenti di legno lavorato forniscono importanti informazioni su oggetti di uso comune, mentre altri sono attribuibili a resti di imbarcazion
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