779 research outputs found

    Towards the chemical tuning of entanglement in molecular nanomagnets

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    Antiferromagnetic spin rings represent prototypical realizations of highly correlated, low-dimensional systems. Here we theoretically show how the introduction of magnetic defects by controlled chemical substitutions results in a strong spatial modulation of spin-pair entanglement within each ring. Entanglement between local degrees of freedom (individual spins) and collective ones (total ring spins) are shown to coexist in exchange-coupled ring dimers, as can be deduced from general symmetry arguments. We verify the persistence of these features at finite temperatures, and discuss them in terms of experimentally accessible observables.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    All-optical non-demolition measurement of single-hole spin in a quantum-dot molecule

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    We propose an all-optical scheme to perform a non-demolition measurement of a single hole spin localized in a quantum-dot molecule. The latter is embedded in a microcavity and driven by two lasers. This allows to induce Raman transitions which entangle the spin state with the polarization of the emitted photons. We find that the measurement can be completed with high fidelity on a timescale of 100 ps, shorter than the typical T2. Furthermore, we show that the scheme can be used to induce and observe spin oscillations without the need of time-dependent magnetic fields

    Quantum-gate implementation in permanently coupled AF spin rings without need of local fields

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    We propose a scheme for the implementation of quantum gates which is based on the qubit encoding in antiferromagnetic molecular rings. We show that a proper engineering of the intercluster link would result in an effective coupling that vanishes as far as the system is kept in the computational space, while it is turned on by a selective excitation of specific auxiliary states. These are also shown to allow the performing of single- and two-qubit gates without an individual addressing of the rings by means of local magnetic fields.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Entangled photon pairs from a quantum dot cascade decay: the effect of time-reordering

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    Coulomb interactions between confined carriers remove degeneracies in the excitation spectra of quantum dots. This provides a which path information in the cascade decay of biexcitons, thus spoiling the energy-polarization entanglement of the emitted photon pairs. We theoretically analyze a strategy of color coincidence across generation (AG), recently proposed as an alternative to the previous, within generation (WG) approach. We simulate the system dynamics and compute the correlation functions within the density-matrix formalism. This allows to estimate quantities that are accessible by a polarization-tomography experiment, and that enter the expression of the two-photon concurrence. We identify the optimum parameters within the AG approach, and the corresponding maximum values of the concurrence

    Spin-Electric Coupling in Molecular Magnets

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    We study the triangular antiferromagnet Cu3_3 in external electric fields, using symmetry group arguments and a Hubbard model approach. We identify a spin-electric coupling caused by an interplay between spin exchange, spin-orbit interaction, and the chirality of the underlying spin texture of the molecular magnet. This coupling allows for the electric control of the spin (qubit) states, e.g. by using an STM tip or a microwave cavity. We propose an experimental test for identifying molecular magnets exhibiting spin-electric effects.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Optimizing photon indistinguishability in the emission from incoherently-excited semiconductor quantum dots

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    Most optical quantum devices require deterministic single-photon emitters. Schemes so far demonstrated in the solid state imply an energy relaxation which tends to spoil the coherent nature of the time evolution, and with it the photon indistinguishability. We focus our theoretical investigation on semiconductor quantum dots embedded in microcavities. Simple and general relations are identified between the photon indistinguishability and the collection efficiency. The identification of the key parameters and of their interplay provides clear indications for the device optimization

    Earthquake‐induced landslide scenarios for seismic microzonation. Application to the Accumoli area (Rieti, Italy)

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    Scenarios of earthquake-induced landslides are necessary for seismic microzonation (SM) studies since they must be integrated with the mapping of instability areas. The PARSIFAL (Probabilistic Approach to pRovide Scenarios of earthquake‐Induced slope FAiLures) approach provides extensive analyses, over tens to thousands of square kilometers, and is designed as a fully comprehensive methodology to output expected scenarios which depend on seismic input and saturation conditions. This allows to attribute a rating, in terms of severity level, to the landslide-prone slope areas in view of future engineering studies and designs. PARSIFAL takes into account first-time rock- and earth-slides as well as re-activations of existing landslides performing slope stability analyses of different failure mechanisms. The results consist of mapping earthquake-induced landslide scenarios in terms of exceedance probability of critical threshold values of co-seismic displacements (P[D≥Dc|a(t),ay]). PARSIFAL was applied in the framework of level 3 SM studies over the municipality area of Accumoli (Rieti, Italy), strongly struck by the 2016 seismic sequence of Central Apennines. The use of the PARSIFAL was tested for the first time to screen the Susceptibility Zones (ZSFR) from the Attention Zones (ZAFR) in the category of the unstable areas, according to the guidelines by Italian Civil Protection. The results obtained were in a GIS-based mapping representing the possibility for a landslide to be induced by an earthquake (with a return period of 475 years) in three different saturation scenarios (i.e. dry, average, full). Only 41% of the landslide-prone areas in the Municipality of Accumoli are existing events, while the remaining 59% is characterized by first-time earth- or rock-slides. In dry conditions, unstable conditions or P[D≥Dc|a(t),ay]>0 were for 54% of existing landslides, 17% of first-time rock-slides and 1% of first-time earth- slides. In full saturation conditions, the findings are much more severe since unstable conditions or P[D≥Dc|a(t),ay]>0 were found for 58% of the existing landslides and for more than 80% of first-time rock- and earth-slides. Moreover, comparison of the total area of the ZAFR versus ZSFR, resulted in PARSIFAL screening reducing of 22% of the mapped ZAFR

    Experimental determination of thickness influence on compressive residual strength of impacted carbon/epoxy laminate

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    Abstract: An experimental campaign was performed on 5.5 mm thick carbon/epoxy specimens and results were compared with data obtained in a previous work to understand thickness influence on material mechanical characteristics. In particular, this campaign consists of two different steps: impacts tests, performed by means of a modified Charpy pendulum, and Compression After Impact (CAI), using Wyoming Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method. Impacts were performed on twenty cross-ply specimens with different energies and impact location. Other 5 specimens were tested only in compression. Non Destructive Inspections (NDI) by Ultrasonic Test (UT) were performed on impacted and pristine specimens, in order to understand damage size and correlate it with residual strength results. During CLC tests, compression strength and Young modulus values were acquired

    Microwave dual-mode resonators for coherent spin-photon coupling

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    We implement superconducting Yttrium barium copper oxide planar resonators with two fundamental modes for circuit quantum electrodynamics experiments. We first demonstrate good tunability in the resonant microwave frequencies and in their interplay, as emerges from the dependence of the transmission spectra on the device geometry. We then investigate the magnetic coupling of the resonant modes with bulk samples of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl organic radical spins. The transmission spectroscopy performed at low temperature shows that the coherent spin-photon coupling regime with the spin ensembles can be achieved by each of the resonator modes. The analysis of the results within the framework of the input-output formalism and by means of entropic measures demonstrates coherent mixing of the degrees of freedom corresponding to two remote spin ensembles and, with a suitable choice of the geometry, the approaching of a regime with spin-induced mixing of the two photon modes