42 research outputs found

    Evolution of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium driven by anthropogenic selection and niche adaptation

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    Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is a leading cause of gastroenteritis and bacteraemia worldwide, and a model organism for the study of host-pathogen interactions. Two S. Typhimurium strains (SL1344 and ATCC14028) are widely used to study host-pathogen interactions, yet genotypic variation results in strains with diverse host range, pathogenicity and risk to food safety. The population structure of diverse strains of S. Typhimurium revealed a major phylogroup of predominantly sequence type 19 (ST19) and a minor phylogroup of ST36. The major phylogroup had a population structure with two high order clades (α and β) and multiple subclades on extended internal branches, that exhibited distinct signatures of host adaptation and anthropogenic selection. Clade α contained a number of subclades composed of strains from well characterized epidemics in domesticated animals, while clade β contained multiple subclades associated with wild avian species. The contrasting epidemiology of strains in clade α and β was reflected by the distinct distribution of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes, accumulation of hypothetically disrupted coding sequences (HDCS), and signatures of functional diversification. These observations were consistent with elevated anthropogenic selection of clade α lineages from adaptation to circulation in populations of domesticated livestock, and the predisposition of clade β lineages to undergo adaptation to an invasive lifestyle by a process of convergent evolution with of host adapted Salmonella serotypes. Gene flux was predominantly driven by acquisition and recombination of prophage and associated cargo genes, with only occasional loss of these elements. The acquisition of large chromosomally-encoded genetic islands was limited, but notably, a feature of two recent pandemic clones (DT104 and monophasic S. Typhimurium ST34) of clade α (SGI-1 and SGI-4)

    Whole-genome epidemiology links phage-mediated acquisition of a virulence gene to the clonal expansion of a pandemic Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium clone

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    Epidemic and pandemic clones of bacterial pathogens with distinct characteristics continually emerge, replacing those previously dominant through mechanisms that remain poorly characterized. Here, whole-genome-sequencing-powered epidemiology linked horizontal transfer of a virulence gene, sopE, to the emergence and clonal expansion of a new epidemic Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) clone. The sopE gene is sporadically distributed within the genus Salmonella and rare in S. enterica Typhimurium lineages, but was acquired multiple times during clonal expansion of the currently dominant pandemic monophasic S. Typhimurium sequence type (ST) 34 clone. Ancestral state reconstruction and time-scaled phylogenetic analysis indicated that sopE was not present in the common ancestor of the epidemic clade, but later acquisition resulted in increased clonal expansion of sopE-containing clones that was temporally associated with emergence of the epidemic, consistent with increased fitness. The sopE gene was mainly associated with a temperate bacteriophage mTmV, but recombination with other bacteriophage and apparent horizontal gene transfer of the sopE gene cassette resulted in distribution among at least four mobile genetic elements within the monophasic S. enterica Typhimurium ST34 epidemic clade. The mTmV prophage lysogenic transfer to other S. enterica serovars in vitro was limited, but included the common pig-associated S. enterica Derby (S. Derby). This may explain mTmV in S. Derby co-circulating on farms with monophasic S. Typhimurium ST34, highlighting the potential for further transfer of the sopE virulence gene in nature. We conclude that whole-genome epidemiology pinpoints potential drivers of evolutionary and epidemiological dynamics during pathogen emergence, and identifies targets for subsequent research in epidemiology and bacterial pathogenesis

    Molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli strains over a 2-year period (2017-2019) from Zimbabwe

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    This study was designed to characterize extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)–producing extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (E.coli) (ExPEC) associated with urinary tract infections in nine different geographic regions of Zimbabwe over a 2-year period (2017–2019). A total of 48 ESBL-positive isolates from urine specimen were selected for whole-genome sequencing from 1246 Escherichia coli isolates biobanked at the National Microbiology Reference laboratory using phenotypic susceptibility testing results from the National Escherichia coli Surveillance Programme to provide representation of different geographical regions and year of isolation. The majority of ESBL E. coli isolates produced cefotaximase-Munich (CTX-M)-15, CTX-M-27, and CTX-M-14. In this study, sequence types (ST) 131 and ST410 were the most predominant antimicrobial-resistant clones and responsible for the increase in ESBL–producing E. coli strains since 2017. Novel ST131 complex strains were recorded during the period 2017 to 2018, thus showing the establishment and evolution of this antimicrobial-resistant ESBL clone in Zimbabwe posing an important public health threat. Incompatibility group F plasmids were predominant among ST131 and ST410 isolates with the following replicons recorded most frequently: F1:A2:B20 (9/19, 47%), F2:A1: B (5/19, 26%), and F1:A1:B49 (8/13, 62%). The results indicate the need for continuous tracking of different ESBL ExPEC clones on a global scale, while targeting specific STs (e.g. ST131 and ST410) through control programs will substantially decrease the spread of ESBLs among ExPEC

    Utilizing "Omic" technologies to identify and prioritize novel sources of resistance to the oomycete pathogen <i>Phytophthora infestans</i> in potato germplasm collections

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    The biggest threat to potato production world-wide is late blight, caused by the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans. A screen of 126 wild diploid Solanum accessions from the Commonwealth Potato Collection (CPC) with P. infestans isolates belonging to the genotype 13-A2 identified resistances in the species S. bulbocastanum, S. capsicibaccatum, S. microdontum, S. mochiquense, S. okadae, S. pinnatisectum, S. polyadenium, S. tarijense and S. verrucosum. Effector-omics, allele mining and diagnostic RenSeq (dRenSeq) were utilized to investigate the nature of resistances in S. okadae accessions. dRenSeq in resistant S. okadae accessions 7129, 7625, 3762 and a bulk of 20 resistant progeny confirmed the presence of full-length Rpi-vnt1.1 under stringent mapping conditions and corroborated allele mining results in the accessions 7129 and 7625 as well as Avr-vnt1 recognition in transient expression assays. In contrast, susceptible S. okadae accession 3761 and a bulk of 20 susceptible progeny lacked sequence homology in the 5’ end compared to the functional Rpi-vnt1.1 gene. Further evaluation of S. okadae accessions with late blight isolates that have a broad spectrum of virulence demonstrated that, although S. okadae accessions 7129, 7625 and 7629 contain functional Rpi-vnt1.1, they also carry a novel resistance gene. We provide evidence that existing germplasm collection are important sources of novel resistances and that ‘omic’ technologies such as dRenSeq-based genomics and effector-omics are efficacious tools to rapidly explore the diversity within these collections

    Faecal carriage of ESBL producing and colistin resistant Escherichia coli in avian species over a 2-year period (2017-2019) in Zimbabwe

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    DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : The data presented in this study are deposited in the NCBI BioProject Number PRJNA 799483 with accession numbers listed in the Supplementary Datasheet 1.INTRODUCTION : Extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli have become widespread among food producing animals. These strains serve as a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) and act as a possible source of infection to humans as transmission can occur by direct or indirect contact. METHODS : This study investigated the faecal carriage of ESBL producing and colistin resistant E. coli in poultry over a 2-year period (2017-2019) from Zimbabwe. A total of 21 ESBL positive isolates from poultry cloacal specimens were selected for whole genome sequencing from animal E. coli isolates biobanked at the National Microbiology Reference laboratory using phenotypic susceptibility testing results from the National Escherichia coli Surveillance Program to provide representation of different geographical regions and year of isolation. Cloacal swabs were collected from 3000 broiler live birds from farm 1 and fromfarm2, 40 backyard chickens and 10 duckswere sampled. Antimicrobial susceptibility and ESBL testing were performed as per Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines. Whole genome sequencing of ESBL producing isolates was used to determine sequence types (STs), ARGs, and phylogroups. RESULTS : Twenty-one of the included E. coli isolates were confirmed as ESBL producers. Three defined sequence type clonal complexes (CCs) were identified (ST10CC, ST155CC and ST23CC), with ST10CC associated with the most antibiotic resistant profile. The ESBL phenotype was linked to the presence of either cefotaximase-Munich-14 (CTX-M-14) or CTX-M-79. Plasmid mediated quinolone resistant determinants identified were qnrB19 and qnrS1 and one ST10CC isolate from farm 1 broiler chickens harbored a mobile colistin resistance gene (mcr-1). Phylogenetic groups most identified were B1, A and unknown. DISCUSSIONS : The avian ESBL producing E. coli belonged to a diverse group of strains. The detection of several ARGs highlights the importance of implementing enhanced control measures to limit the spread in animals, environment, and humans. This is the first report of mcr-1 in Zimbabwe, which further underscores the importance of the One Health approach to control the spread and development of AMR.The National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) and the University of Pretoria, South Africa, a strategic partnership between National Microbiology Reference Laboratory and Quadram BioSciences Institute.https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/cellular-and-infection-microbiologyam2023Medical Microbiolog

    Phytophthora infestans RXLR effectors act in concert at diverse subcellular locations to enhance host colonization

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    Oomycetes such as the potato blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans deliver RXLR effectors into plant cells to manipulate host processes and promote disease. Knowledge of where they localize inside host cells is important in understanding their function. Fifty-two P. infestans RXLR effectors (PiRXLRs) up-regulated during early stages of infection were expressed as fluorescent protein (FP) fusions inside cells of the model host Nicotiana benthamiana. FP-PiRXLR fusions were predominantly nucleo-cytoplasmic, nuclear, or plasma membrane-associated. Some also localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, peroxisomes, or microtubules, suggesting diverse sites of subcellular activity. Seven of the 25 PiRXLRs examined during infection accumulated at sites of haustorium penetration, probably due to co-localization with host target processes; Pi16663 (Avr1), for example, localized to Sec5-associated mobile bodies which showed perihaustorial accumulation. Forty-five FP-RXLR fusions enhanced pathogen leaf colonization when expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana, revealing that their presence was beneficial to infection. Co-expression of PiRXLRs that target and suppress different immune pathways resulted in an additive enhancement of colonization, indicating the potential to study effector combinations using transient expression assays. We provide a broad platform of high confidence P. infestans effector candidates from which to investigate the mechanisms, singly and in combination, by which this pathogen causes disease.</p

    Genomic diversity of Escherichia coli isolates from non-human primates in the Gambia

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    Increasing contact between humans and non-human primates provides an opportunity for the transfer of potential pathogens or antimicrobial resistance between host species. We have investigated genomic diversity and antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli isolates from four species of non-human primates in the Gambia: Papio papio (n=22), Chlorocebus sabaeus (n=14), Piliocolobus badius (n=6) and Erythrocebus patas (n=1). We performed Illumina whole-genome sequencing on 101 isolates from 43 stools, followed by nanopore long-read sequencing on 11 isolates. We identified 43 sequence types (STs) by the Achtman scheme (ten of which are novel), spanning five of the eight known phylogroups of E. coli. The majority of simian isolates belong to phylogroup B2 - characterized by strains that cause human extraintestinal infections - and encode factors associated with extraintestinal disease. A subset of the B2 strains (ST73, ST681 and ST127) carry the pks genomic island, which encodes colibactin, a genotoxin associated with colorectal cancer. We found little antimicrobial resistance and only one example of multi-drug resistance among the simian isolates. Hierarchical clustering showed that simian isolates from ST442 and ST349 are closely related to isolates recovered from human clinical cases (differences in 50 and 7 alleles, respectively), suggesting recent exchange between the two host species. Conversely, simian isolates from ST73, ST681 and ST127 were distinct from human isolates, while five simian isolates belong to unique core-genome ST complexes - indicating novel diversity specific to the primate niche. Our results are of planetary health importance, considering the increasing contact between humans and wild non-human primates

    Population structure of Salmonella enterica Typhi in Harare, Zimbabwe (2012–19) before typhoid conjugate vaccine roll-out: A genomic epidemiology study

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    Background: The continued emergence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, with ever increasing antimicrobial resistance, necessitates the use of vaccines in endemic countries. A typhoid fever outbreak in Harare, Zimbabwe, in 2018 from a multidrug resistant S Typhi with additional resistance to ciprofloxacin was the catalyst for the introduction of a typhoid conjugate vaccine programme. We aimed to investigate the emergence and evolution of antimicrobial resistance of endemic S Typhi in Zimbabwe and to determine the population structure, gene flux, and sequence polymorphisms of strains isolated before a typhoid conjugate vaccine programme to provide a baseline for future evaluation of the effect of the vaccination programme. Methods: In this genomic epidemiology study, we used short-read whole-genome sequencing of S Typhi isolated from clinical cases of typhoid fever in Harare, Zimbabwe, between Jan 1, 2012, and Feb 9, 2019, to determine the S Typhi population structure, gene flux, and sequence polymorphisms and reconstructed the evolution of antimicrobial resistance. Maximum likelihood time-scaled phylogenetic trees of Zimbabwe isolates in the context of global isolates obtained from the National Center for Biotechnology Information were constructed to infer spread and emergence of antimicrobial resistance. Findings: The population structure of S Typhi in Harare, Zimbabwe, from 2012 to 2019 was dominated by multidrug resistant genotype (H58) that spread to Zimbabwe from neighbouring countries in around 2009 (95% credible interval 2008·5–2010·0). Acquisition of an IncN plasmid carrying antimicrobial resistance genes including a qnrS gene and a mutation in the quinolone resistance determining region of gyrA gene contributed to non-susceptibility and resistance to quinolone antibiotics. A minority population of antimicrobial susceptible S Typhi genotype 3.3.1 strains were present throughout. Interpretation: The currently dominant S Typhi population is genotype that spread to Zimbabwe and acquired additional antimicrobial resistance though acquisition of a plasmid and mutation in the gyrA gene. This study provides a baseline population structure for future evaluation of the effect of the typhoid conjugate vaccine programme in Harare

    A hybrid and poly-polish workflow for the complete and accurate assembly of phage genomes: a case study of ten przondoviruses

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    Bacteriophages (phages) within the genus Przondovirus are T7-like podoviruses belonging to the subfamily Studiervirinae, within the family Autographiviridae, and have a highly conserved genome organisation. The genomes of these phages range from 37 to 42 kb in size, encode 50–60 genes and are characterised by the presence of direct terminal repeats (DTRs) flanking the linear chromosome. These DTRs are often deleted during short-read-only and hybrid assemblies. Moreover, long-read-only assemblies are often littered with sequencing and/or assembly errors and require additional curation. Here, we present the isolation and characterisation of ten novel przondoviruses targeting Klebsiella spp. We describe HYPPA, a HYbrid and Poly-polish Phage Assembly workflow, which utilises long-read assemblies in combination with short-read sequencing to resolve phage DTRs and correcting errors, negating the need for laborious primer walking and Sanger sequencing validation. Our assembly workflow utilised Oxford Nanopore Technologies for long-read sequencing for its accessibility, making it the more relevant long-read sequencing technology at this time, and Illumina DNA Prep for short-read sequencing, representing the most commonly used technologies globally. Our data demonstrate the importance of careful curation of phage assemblies before publication, and prior to using them for comparative genomics

    A DEBRIS disk around the planet hosting M-star GJ 581 spatially resolved with Herschel

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    Debris disks have been found primarily around intermediate and solar mass stars (spectral types A-K) but rarely around low mass M-type stars. We have spatially resolved a debris disk around the remarkable M3-type star GJ 581 hosting multiple planets using deep PACS images at 70, 100 and 160 μm as part of the DEBRIS Program on the Herschel Space Observatory. This is the second spatially resolved debris disk found around an M-type star, after the one surrounding the young star AU Mic (12 Myr). However, GJ 581 is much older (2-8 Gyr), and is X-ray quiet in the ROSAT data. We fit an axisymmetric model of the disk to the three PACS images and found that the best fit model is for a disk extending radially from 25 ± 12 AU to more than 60 AU. Such a cold disk is reminiscent of the Kuiper belt but it surrounds a low mass star (0.3 Mθ) and its fractional dust luminosity Ldust/L * of ∼ 10-4 is much higher. The inclination limits of the disk found in our analysis make the masses of the planets small enough to ensure the long-term stability of the system according to some dynamical simulations. The disk is collisionally dominated down to submicron-sized grains and the dust cannot be expelled from the system by radiation or wind pressures because of the low luminosity and low X-ray luminosity of GJ 581. We suggest that the correlation between low-mass planets and debris disks recently found for G-type stars also applies to M-type stars. Finally, the known planets, of low masses and orbiting within 0.3 AU from the star, cannot dynamically perturb the disk over the age of the star, suggesting that an additional planet exists at larger distance that is stirring the disk to replenish the dust