1,908 research outputs found

    Sensing Small Changes in a Wave Chaotic Scattering System

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    Classical analogs of the quantum mechanical concepts of the Loschmidt Echo and quantum fidelity are developed with the goal of detecting small perturbations in a closed wave chaotic region. Sensing techniques that employ a one-recording-channel time-reversal-mirror, which in turn relies on time reversal invariance and spatial reciprocity of the classical wave equation, are introduced. In analogy with quantum fidelity, we employ Scattering Fidelity techniques which work by comparing response signals of the scattering region, by means of cross correlation and mutual information of signals. The performance of the sensing techniques is compared for various perturbations induced experimentally in an acoustic resonant cavity. The acoustic signals are parametrically processed to mitigate the effect of dissipation and to vary the spatial diversity of the sensing schemes. In addition to static boundary condition perturbations at specified locations, perturbations to the medium of wave propagation are shown to be detectable, opening up various real world sensing applications in which a false negative cannot be tolerated.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, as published on J. Appl. Phy

    Using community conversation in the fight against HIV and AIDS

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    While promoting participatory communication approaches in the fight against HIV and AIDS and a myriad other problems continues, empirical research into its effects has been dismal. This study endeavoured to assess the impact community conversation (CC) in curbing the HIV and AIDS pandemic in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Data were collected from twenty-one participants, six facilitators and a coordinator of the CC project using in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD).The study found that the selection of facilitators from the community; the willingness and their positive approach to the programme by participants, facilitators and Kebele administrators were the positive factors that contributed to the proper implementation of CCs. However, the overwhelming number of participants, some facilitators’ limited skills in moderating discussions, the absence of relevant stakeholders, overlapping of CCs with other programmes of the Kebeles, lack of follow up, and interference of Kebele administrators were found to be the major limitations to the success of the CC interventions. Key Words: Community Conversation, Participatory Communication, Alternative Media, HIV and AID

    Sensor Based on Extending the Concept of Fidelity to Classical Waves

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    We propose and demonstrate a remote sensor scheme by applying the quantum mechanical concept of fidelity loss to classical waves. The sensor makes explicit use of time-reversal invariance and spatial reciprocity in a wave chaotic system to sensitively and remotely measure the presence of small perturbations. The loss of fidelity is measured through a classical wave-analog of the Loschmidt echo by employing a single-channel time-reversal mirror to rebroadcast a probe signal into the perturbed system. We also introduce the use of exponential amplification of the probe signal to partially overcome the effects of propagation losses and to vary the sensitivity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Development and Application of Spatially Parameterized Depth Duration Frequency Model for Estimation of Design Rainfall for Oromia State, Ethiopia

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    The magnitude and frequency of extreme rainfall events are required for planning, design and operation of many hydrological and water resources projects. Design rainfall depth is often used to estimate the severity and rarity of floods in areas where flow records are not sufficient enough to warrant direct flood estimation. The design of hydraulic structures on un-gauged streams and creeks, such as bridges, culverts, spillways, water harvesting and flood defense mechanisms depends upon proper estimation of extreme rainfall events. Quantification of design rainfall is generally done by using information contained in Depth-Duration-Frequency (DDF) relationships. Depth Duration Frequency relationships are currently constructed based on at site frequency analysis of rainfall data separately for different durations. These relationships are not accurate and reliable since they depend on assumptions such as distribution selection for each duration; they require a large number of parameters, experience intensive equations and regionalization is also very poor and coarse. In this study a DDF model with gridded set of parameters is developed for estimation of point rainfall frequencies for a range of duration for any location in Oromia regional state. A DDF model was fitted to series of annual maxima and its parameters were determined by a least squares method and these parameters were interpolated and mapped on a 1km grid. The model allows for a parsimonious and efficient parameterization of DDF relationships, and its performance is shown to improve the reliability and robustness of design storm predictions as compared with those achievable by interpolating the quantile predictions of extreme rainfall data for specific durations. Moreover, design rainfall estimates found from the scaling DDF model are comparable to estimates obtained from traditional techniques; however, the scaled approach was more efficient and gives more reliable estimate compared with the observed rainfall depth at all stations

    Investigating the Scaling Properties of Extreme Rainfall Depth Series in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

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    Depth Duration Frequency (DDF) relationships are currently constructed based on at site frequency analysis of rainfall data separately for different durations. These relationships are not accurate and reliable since they depend on assumptions such as distribution selection for each duration; they require a large number of parameters, experience intensive equations and regionalization is also very poor and coarse. In this study, scaling properties of extreme rainfall depth series were examined to establish scaling behavior of statistical moments and quantile estimates over different durations. The annual extreme series of precipitation maxima for storm duration ranging from 0.5 to 24 hr observed at network of rain gauges sited in Oromia regional state were analyzed using an approach based on moments. The analysis investigated the statistical properties of rainfall extremes and detected that the statistics of the rainfall extremes follows a power law relation with its duration. Moreover, the variations of the distribution parameters with durations of annual maximum rainfall depth series were explored and found that the logEV1, EV1 and logistic distribution parameters exhibit a power law relationship with durations. Following the analysis, scale invariance of extreme rainfall depth series is investigated and dissipative (multiple scaling) nature of extreme rainfall depth series is considered, thus introducing a general distribution free framework to develop Depth Duration frequency (DDF) model.Keywords: Scaling Properties Depth Duration Frequency Rainfall Depth Series Multiple Scalin

    Agromorphological Studies for Variability, Heritability and their Associations of Local Wheat Varieties (Triticum Spp.) Grown in South Gondar Zone, Ethiopia

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    Wheat is the most important cereal crop in Ethiopia ranking third in terms of area after teff and maize and second in terms of production after maize. Six local wheat varieties commonly cultivated in South Gondar, one of the eleven zones found in Amhara region, were collected from the local farmers to study their variability and associations of yield and yield related traits using twelve agro-morphological traits. The studied genotypes were grown in main rain season of 2014/15 at Farta district in a complete randomized block design with three replications. Analysis of variance indicated the presence of highly significant difference among the studied genotypes which revealed the presence of high genetic variability of wheat in the study area. Highest yield was recorded from the local variety Ferno with 1957 kg/ha followed by Chekole (1588.33kg) and Canada Sendie (1580.7kg). Higher value of GCV and PCV were recorded in most of the studied traits indicating selection may be effective from these traits and phenotypic expression would be good indication of the genotypic potential. Broad sense heritability estimates were very high for most traits signifying the possibility of success in selection. Correlation study revealed that number of tillers per plant, number of seeds per plant and harvest index had positive and highly significant correlation with grain yield. The present investigation will guide in planning future breeding strategy with desired traits to improve this crop in the study area. Keywords: Local wheat varieties; agro-morphological traits; genetic variability; Heritability; Correlation

    Quantifying Volume Changing Perturbations in a Wave Chaotic System

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    A sensor was developed to quantitatively measure perturbations which change the volume of a wave chaotic cavity while leaving its shape intact. The sensors work in the time domain by using either scattering fidelity of the transmitted signals or time reversal mirrors. The sensors were tested experimentally by inducing volume changing perturbations to a one cubic meter mixed chaotic and regular billiard system. Perturbations which caused a volume change that is as small as 54 parts in a million were quantitatively measured. These results were obtained by using electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of about 5cm, therefore, the sensor is sensitive to extreme sub-wavelength changes of the boundaries of a cavity. The experimental results were compared with Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) simulation results, and good agreement was found. Furthermore, the sensor was tested using a frequency domain approach on a numerical model of the star graph, which is a representative wave chaotic system. These results open up interesting applications such as: monitoring the spatial uniformity of the temperature of a homogeneous cavity during heating up / cooling down procedures, verifying the uniform displacement of a fluid inside a wave chaotic cavity by another fluid, etc.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure