502 research outputs found

    Composition depth profiling of polystyrene/poly(vinyl ethyl ether) blend thin films by angle resolved XPS

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    Angle resolved XPS (ARXPS) and scanning force microscopy (SFM) are used to study polystyrene/poly(vinyl ethyl ether) 50/50 wt% blend thin films spin cast from toluene solution, as a function of polystyrene molecular weight and film thickness. ARXPS is used to investigate the composition depth profile (CDP) of the blend thin films and SFM to study their surface morphology and miscibility. The CDPs are modelled by an empirical hyperbolic tangent function with three floating parameters. These are determined by non-linear least squares regression, their uncertainties estimated and the curve fit residuals analysed to demonstrate that the hyperbolic tangent CDP is a satisfactory fit to the ARXPS data. Conclusions are drawn regarding the behaviour of the blend thin films as the thickness and polystyrene molecular weight are varied. Flory-Huggins interaction parameters (chi) for the mixtures are calculated based upon the segregation data, and suggest a value of chi = 0.05 to be appropriate for this system. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    First Report of Intestinal Myiasis Due To Eristalis tenax in Iran

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    Eristalis tenax, belonging to order Diptera, family Syrphidae seldomly causes intestinal myiasis. Intestinal myiasis caused by E. tenax larvae is a rare manifestation found in both humans and other vertebrate animals. We report a 22-year-old woman presented with this myiasis. The larva in her stool sample was identified as E. tenax related to its typical morphology and authentic clues. Lack of specific control measures in the domestic water supply system was the most probable cause of this infestation

    Composition and structure of a Fagus orientalis-dominated forest managed with shelterwood aim (A Case study in the Caspian forests, northern Iran)

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    Composition and structure of a three-storied Fagus orientalis-dominated forest was investigated in the Caspian forests, north of Iran. Circular sampling plots of 1000 m2 occupied by advance growth and natural regeneration were randomly chosen where the initial cuttings (with shelterwood aim) were performed. Abundance of species at different growth stages and quality of seedlings and saplings were registered and basal area and standing volume determined. The measurements were carried out before the first shelterwood cutting (in 1974) and after the last shelterwood cutting (2004). The results after 30 years (in 2004) revealed that frequency, basal area and standing volume significantly enhanced for beech and reduced for hornbeam but did not statistically differ for alder, maple and other species. Sapling and thicket groups were observed in parts of the investigated site and where the mature trees were not felled. Generally, the research area was converted into an irregular uneven-aged 2-4-storied forest, owing to recruits, advance regeneration, aged trees and small and large pole groups maintained through the forest

    Application of mean-field theory to the spin casting of polystyrene and poly(methyl methacrylate) blend films from toluene

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    The Flory-Huggins free energy of mixing is shown to be appropriate for the analysis of the temporal evolution of a ternary blend of polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate) during spin-coating from toluene using an in-situ light scattering technique. For the range of concentrations studied, both the onset of film instability and the observation of a scattering ring occur at the same toluene volume fraction. The success of Flory-Huggins theory indicates that polymer chains retain random walk characteristics during spin-coating. It is also concluded that the thermodynamics of phase separation during film formation is independent of the initial solvent concentration

    An investigation on the feeding behavior of common kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris caspia) in the southern Caspian Sea, Mazandaran Province, Iran

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    Monthly samples of common kilka (Clupeonella cultriventris caspia) were collected at night on board of kilka fishing vessel during the years 2004-2005 in Mazandran province. The decreasing kilka population in the Caspian Sea and the associated economic loss of fisheries sector were the main reasons encouraging the research. The stomach contents of common kilka and biotic and abiotic factors at the fishing areas were examined in this project. The length and weight of common kilka fluctuated between 100 ±7 to 113 ±5 mm and 7.0 ±1.9 to10.3 ±1.0g, respectively. The highest feeding activity was observed in April with 280 plus or minus 153 individuals of prey weighing 2.9 plus or minus 1.6mg per fish consisted of 7% Acartia and 93% Balanus nauplii and cipris. The zooplankton population taken in during March to September was composed of Balanus nauplii and cipris (67% to 100%) but the biomass of copepoda (Acartia) was dominant from October to February. We observed that with increasing temperature in spring, Balanus reproduced and the stomach contents of kilka comprised more than 90% Balanus cipris and nauplii. In winter, Copepoda was observed more in stomach contents of kilka while Balanus decreased

    Hydrological and hydrobiological study in the Syiah-rud River

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    The study was conducted in Syiah-rud River. The fishes were belonged to five families: Cyprinidae, Atherinidae, Gobiidae, Mugilidae and Cobitidae. The aquatic plants was composed of three groups: marginal, submerged and floating. Among the submerged aquatic plants, potamogetons was the most dominant family and had a large distribution in station IV. 37 genera were also identified from four Algae phylum. There were twelve families in benthos population, which had more abundance in station II. In study of water quality, 15 physical and chemical factors were measured. The highest amount of phosphat was 3.12 mg/1 which was seen in stations III and IV. Also the highest amount of NH4+ and N were seen in station III, probably due to existing sewage factories in this region

    Pericardial Calcification Associated with Leprosy: A Rare Combination

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    Majority of pericardial calcifications in the tropics are claimed to be of tuberculous origin. Other known causes include among other things uraemia, asbestosis, and post traumatic/post operative. We report a case of pericardial calcification not associated with constrictive pericarditis seen in a patient with established leprosy. Although a direct causal relationship cannot be established between leprosy and pericardial calcification, the well known condition of cardiac amyloid, a complication of leprosy might have contributed in the pathophysiology of the development of pericardial calcification in our patient. The inclusion of leprosy in the differential diagnosis of the aetiology of pericardial calcification in the tropics is suggested

    Distribution of zooplankton in the southern Caspian Sea

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    The zooplanktons were studied in spring, autumn and winter in the southern Caspian Sea in 1996. Sampling carried out in four season. In each season, 180 specimens were identified and their frequency calculated per m^3. 55 species of zooplanktons were identified including 55% Cladocera, 15% Copepoda and 11 % Rotatoria, 9% other groups such as meroplanktons. The maximum species diversity was observed for Cladocera and the maximum frequency were observed for Copepoda. The Copepoda affected on abundance of zooplanktons as this frequency included in spring, summer, autumn and winter that were 38% to 97%, 22% to 92%, 71 % to 99% and 31 % to 92%, respectively. In summer, the Copepoda and lamellibranchiata larvae had main role in formation of zooplankton population in western region of the southern Caspian Sea, but in autumn, 70% of zooplankton population were copepods. The frequency of zooplanktons in spring, summer, autumn and winter were calculated 4081 to 20143; 7812 to 65741; 10850 to 34406 and 4510 to 20576 inch/m^3, respectively. The maximum biomass was observed during summer with 200 mg/m^3

    First report of Ancylostoma tubaeforme in Persian Leopard (Panthera pardus saxicolor)

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    Ancylostoma tubaeforme was originally described as a separate species parasitizing the cat. The adults of A. tubaeforme are 7 to 12 mm long. A. tubaeforme can be differentiated from the adults of A. braziliense and A. ceylanicum by the presence of three teeth. Here we describe the first report of A. tubaeforme in a Persian young female leopard, 2–3 years old, with head and trunk length 120 centimeters, length of tail 98 centimeters and body weight 35 kilograms

    Monitoring and rearing survey of Mnemiopsis leidyi in the southern of Caspian Sea

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    With the arrival of the invasive comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Caspian Sea in 1991, extensive changes have been occurred. Therefore, this project aims to investigate the comb jelly M. leidyi monitoring and rearing in the southern Caspian Sea in 2013. To survey of M. leidyi and zooplankton abundance and biomass, sampling was carried out during the four seasons at spring, summer, autumn and winter in 4 half-transect (Anzali, Tonekabon, Noshar and Amirabad) and also samples for the ctenophore rearing was done at depths of 5, 10 and 20m. Sampling was performed with a 500 and 100 μ plankton net vertically at layers of 0-5, 0-10 and 0-20 m. 12 aquaria of 50 L volume were designed with salinity of the Caspian Sea to study the breeding and fecundity with aeration. 3 of aquariums with salinity of 9±1pp, 3 with 11±1ppt and 3 of 12±1 ppt filled with Caspian Sea water. Water temperature in each of the three treatments was set in 20±2oC, 23±2^oC and 25±2^oC. 3 of aquaria were set at the salinity of 12.5 ppt and at the same temperature of the Caspian Sea (20, 23, 25^oC) as control. Mean annually Mnemiopsis abundance and biomass were 16.8±1.5 ind.m^3 (139.5±41.1 ind.m^2) and 1.9±0.1 g.m^3. (5.3±0.7 g.m^2). Maximum mean abundance was recorded in autumn with 36.6.7±13.8 ind.m^3 (355.1±103.6 ind.m^2) and maximum biomass was observed in summer of 1.9±0.2 g.m^3(15.0±1.5 g.m^2). Minimum mean abundance was found in spring with 1.3±0.5 ind.m^3 and minimum biomass was in winter of 0.01±0.005 g.m^3. Regional distribution of M. leidyi in the southern Caspian Sea showed aggressive area in terms of density and biomass are areas with significant differences (P<0.05). Comb jelly population showed that both West and East in terms of abundance and biomass were similar but different with the central region. Eastern and western regions compared to the central region have the higher abundance. Laboratory studies on M. leidyi reproduction of different sizes at different temperatures showed an average of 12 eggs per day spawning. Maximum spawning rate was registered with 115 eggs per day, for M. leidyi of 46-15 mm (0/7-9/7 g) which increased with increasing size. Average M. leidyi spawning recorded in 11ppt with 25oC was twice in 12ppt (14 eggs. Day^-1 ) while in salinity of 12ppt of 23^oC the fecundity was two half-times in temperature of 25oC and equal of 20oC. Maximum M. leidyi fecundity was recorded at 23^oC with salinity of 12±1ppt with 22.8±35.5 eggs.day^-1. There was a direct regression between size and weight fecundity of M. leidyi, in which fecundity of more than 16 mm length showed the maximum spawning. Based on the study looks at the rise and persistence parameters of comb jelly, it seems two main factors such as water temperature to the desired value, especially in summer (22-30°C), and food availability (zooplankton) have more roles in the increasing of M. leidyi the southern of the Caspian Sea. After the invasion of M. leidyi into the Caspian Sea, not only the abundance and biomass of zooplankton decreased but also the species diversity decreased from 36 to 15 species. Hence, it seems the decline in the South Caspian comb jelly was due to decreased of fecundity for lack of zooplankton feeding resources
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