22,611 research outputs found

    Accurate laboratory ultraviolet wavelengths for quasar absorption-line constraints on varying fundamental constants

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    The most precise method of investigating possible space-time variations of the fine-structure constant, using high-redshift quasar absorption lines, is the many-multiplet (MM) method. For reliable results this method requires very accurate relative laboratory wavelengths for a number of UV resonance transitions from several different ionic species. For this purpose laboratory wavelengths and wavenumbers of 23 UV lines from MgI, MgII, TiII, CrII, MnII, FeII and ZnII have been measured using high-resolution Fourier Transform (FT) spectrometry. The spectra of the different ions (except for one FeII line, one MgI line and the TiII lines) are all measured simultaneously in the same FT spectrometry recording by using a composite hollow cathode as a light source. This decreases the relative uncertainties of all the wavelengths. In addition to any measurement uncertainty, the wavelength uncertainty is determined by that of the ArII calibration lines, by possible pressure shifts and by illumination effects. The absolute wavenumbers have uncertainties of typically 0.001 to 0.002 cm^(-1) (0.06 to 0.1 mAA at 2500 AA), while the relative wavenumbers for strong, symmetric lines in the same spectral recording have uncertainties of 0.0005 cm^(-1) (0.03 mAA at 2500 AA) or better, depending mostly on uncertainties in the line fitting procedure. This high relative precision greatly reduces the potential for systematic effects in the MM method, while the new TiII measurements now allow these transitions to be used in MM analyses.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages, 9 figure

    Large time asymptotics of growth models on space-like paths II: PNG and parallel TASEP

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    We consider the polynuclear growth (PNG) model in 1+1 dimension with flat initial condition and no extra constraints. The joint distributions of surface height at finitely many points at a fixed time moment are given as marginals of a signed determinantal point process. The long time scaling limit of the surface height is shown to coincide with the Airy_1 process. This result holds more generally for the observation points located along any space-like path in the space-time plane. We also obtain the corresponding results for the discrete time TASEP (totally asymmetric simple exclusion process) with parallel update.Comment: 39 pages,6 figure

    Polynuclear growth model, GOE2^2 and random matrix with deterministic source

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    We present a random matrix interpretation of the distribution functions which have appeared in the study of the one-dimensional polynuclear growth (PNG) model with external sources. It is shown that the distribution, GOE2^2, which is defined as the square of the GOE Tracy-Widom distribution, can be obtained as the scaled largest eigenvalue distribution of a special case of a random matrix model with a deterministic source, which have been studied in a different context previously. Compared to the original interpretation of the GOE2^2 as ``the square of GOE'', ours has an advantage that it can also describe the transition from the GUE Tracy-Widom distribution to the GOE2^2. We further demonstrate that our random matrix interpretation can be obtained naturally by noting the similarity of the topology between a certain non-colliding Brownian motion model and the multi-layer PNG model with an external source. This provides us with a multi-matrix model interpretation of the multi-point height distributions of the PNG model with an external source.Comment: 27pages, 4 figure

    Stochastic Transition Model for Discrete Agent Movements

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    We propose a calibrated two-dimensional cellular automaton model to simulate pedestrian motion behavior. It is a v=4 (3) model with exclusion statistics and random shuffled dynamics. The underlying regular grid structure results in a direction-dependent behavior, which has in particular not been considered within previous approaches. We efficiently compensate these grid-caused deficiencies on model level.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Constrained simulations of the Antennae Galaxies: Comparison with Herschel-PACS observations

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    We present a set of hydro-dynamical numerical simulations of the Antennae galaxies in order to understand the origin of the central overlap starburst. Our dynamical model provides a good match to the observed nuclear and overlap star formation, especially when using a range of rather inefficient stellar feedback efficiencies (0.01 < q_EoS < 0.1). In this case a simple conversion of local star formation to molecular hydrogen surface density motivated by observations accounts well for the observed distribution of CO. Using radiative transfer post-processing we model synthetic far-infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and two-dimensional emission maps for direct comparison with Herschel-PACS observations. For a gas-to-dust ratio of 62:1 and the best matching range of stellar feedback efficiencies the synthetic far-infrared SEDs of the central star forming region peak at values of ~65 - 81 Jy at 99 - 116 um, similar to a three-component modified black body fit to infrared observations. Also the spatial distribution of the far-infrared emission at 70 um, 100 um, and 160 um compares well with the observations: >50% (> 35%) of the emission in each band is concentrated in the overlap region while only < 30% (< 15%) is distributed to the combined emission from the two galactic nuclei in the simulations (observations). As a proof of principle we show that parameter variations in the feedback model result in unambiguous changes both in the global and in the spatially resolved observable far-infrared properties of Antennae galaxy models. Our results strengthen the importance of direct, spatially resolved comparative studies of matched galaxy merger simulations as a valuable tool to constrain the fundamental star formation and feedback physics.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, submitted to MNRAS, including revisions after first referee report, comments welcom

    KPZ equation in one dimension and line ensembles

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    For suitably discretized versions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation in one space dimension exact scaling functions are available, amongst them the stationary two-point function. We explain one central piece from the technology through which such results are obtained, namely the method of line ensembles with purely entropic repulsion.Comment: Proceedings STATPHYS22, Bangalore, 200

    Optical Versus Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Classification of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    The origin of huge infrared luminosities of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIGs) is still in question. Recently, Genzel et al. made mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy of a large number of ULIGs and found that the major energy source in them is massive stars formed in the recent starburst activity; i.e., \sim 70% -- 80% of the sample are predominantly powered by the starburst. However, it is known that previous optical spectroscopic observations showed that the majority of ULIGs are classified as Seyferts or LINERs (low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions). In order to reconcile this difference, we compare types of emission-line activity for a sample of ULIGs which have been observed in both optical and MIR. We confirm the results of previous studies that the majority of ULIGs classified as LINERs based on the optical emission-line diagnostics turn to be starburst-dominated galaxies based on the MIR ones. Since the MIR spectroscopy can probe more heavily-reddened, inner parts of the ULIGs, it is quite unlikely that the inner parts are powered by the starburst while the outer parts are powered by non-stellar ionization sources. The most probable resolution of this dilemma is that the optical emission-line nebulae with the LINER properties are powered predominantly by shock heating driven by the superwind activity; i.e., a blast wave driven by a collective effect of a large number of supernovae in the central region of galaxy mergers.Comment: 15 pages, 2 tables, and 3 eps figures. The Astrophysical Journal (Part 1), in pres

    The Effect of Integrating Travel Time

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    This contribution demonstrates the potential gain for the quality of results in a simulation of pedestrians when estimated remaining travel time is considered as a determining factor for the movement of simulated pedestrians. This is done twice: once for a force-based model and once for a cellular automata-based model. The results show that for the (degree of realism of) simulation results it is more relevant if estimated remaining travel time is considered or not than which modeling technique is chosen -- here force-based vs. cellular automata -- which normally is considered to be the most basic choice of modeling approach.Comment: preprint of Pedestrian and Evacuation 2012 conference (PED2012) contributio

    Dynamics of a tagged particle in the asymmetric exclusion process with the step initial condition

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    The one-dimensional totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP) is considered. We study the time evolution property of a tagged particle in TASEP with the step-type initial condition. Calculated is the multi-time joint distribution function of its position. Using the relation of the dynamics of TASEP to the Schur process, we show that the function is represented as the Fredholm determinant. We also study the scaling limit. The universality of the largest eigenvalue in the random matrix theory is realized in the limit. When the hopping rates of all particles are the same, it is found that the joint distribution function converges to that of the Airy process after the time at which the particle begins to move. On the other hand, when there are several particles with small hopping rate in front of a tagged particle, the limiting process changes at a certain time from the Airy process to the process of the largest eigenvalue in the Hermitian multi-matrix model with external sources.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figure

    Does the Supreme Court Follow the Economic Returns? A Response to A Macrotheory of the Court

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    Today, there is a widespread idea that parents need to learn how to carry out their roles as parents. Practices of parental learning operate throughout society. This article deals with one particular practice of parental learning, namely nanny TV, and the way in which ideal parents are constructed through such programmes. The point of departure is SOS family, a series broadcast on Swedish television in 2008. Proceeding from the theorising of governmentality developed in the wake of the work of Michel Foucault, we analyse the parental ideals conveyed in the series, as an example of the way parents are constituted as subjects in the ‘advanced liberal society’ of today. The ideal parent is a subject who, guided by the coach, is constantly endeavouring to achieve a makeover. The objective of this endeavour, however, is self-control, whereby the parents will in the end become their own coaches.