29 research outputs found

    Solitons in a parametrically driven damped discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

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    We consider a parametrically driven damped discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger (PDDNLS) equation. Analytical and numerical calculations are performed to determine the existence and stability of fundamental discrete bright solitons. We show that there are two types of onsite discrete soliton, namely onsite type I and II. We also show that there are four types of intersite discrete soliton, called intersite type I, II, III, and IV, where the last two types are essentially the same, due to symmetry. Onsite and intersite type I solitons, which can be unstable in the case of no dissipation, are found to be stabilized by the damping, whereas the other types are always unstable. Our further analysis demonstrates that saddle-node and pitchfork (symmetry-breaking) bifurcations can occur. More interestingly, the onsite type I, intersite type I, and intersite type III-IV admit Hopf bifurcations from which emerge periodic solitons (limit cycles). The continuation of the limit cycles as well as the stability of the periodic solitons are computed through the numerical continuation software Matcont. We observe subcritical Hopf bifurcations along the existence curve of the onsite type I and intersite type III-IV. Along the existence curve of the intersite type I we observe both supercritical and subcritical Hopf bifurcations.Comment: to appear in "Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, Self-Trapping, and Josephson Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems", B.A. Malomed, ed. (Springer, Berlin, 2012

    The Reception of Hamka's Tafsir Al-Azhar within Social Religious Issues in the Malay World

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    This study explores the reception and impact of Hamka's Tafsir Al-Azhar across the Malay world, particularly in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Singapore. Tafsir Al-Azhar, written by the renowned Malay scholar Hamka, is a significant work of Qur'anic exegesis that has influenced Islamic thought in Southeast Asia. By employing a qualitative research method, specifically a case study with phenomenological analysis, this research investigates how Tafsir Al-Azhar has been received, interpreted, and utilized by various Muslim communities in these regions. The study examines the historical context in which Hamka's work was produced, focusing on its dissemination and its pivotal role in addressing socio-religious issues from the mid-20th century to the present day. By applying reception theory, the analysis highlights the dynamic interaction between the text and its readers, revealing how interpretations of Tafsir Al-Azhar have evolved in response to shifting social, political, and cultural landscapes. The research also explores the influence of external religious streams, modernity, and globalization on the Malay Muslim identity, and how these factors have shaped the adaptation and reception of traditional tafsir practices. The findings suggest that while Tafsir Al-Azhar has become a central reference in the religious life of Malay Muslims, its reception varies significantly across different countries. These variations are influenced by local cultural, religious, and political contexts, as well as by Hamka's personal interactions with these communities. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of Qur'anic interpretation in Southeast Asia, emphasizing the importance of contextualizing tafsir to address the diverse needs and challenges of Muslim communities in the region

    Discrete solitons in electromechanical resonators

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    We consider a parametrically driven Klein--Gordon system describing micro- and nano-devices, with integrated electrical and mechanical functionality. Using a multiscale expansion method we reduce the system to a discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation. Analytical and numerical calculations are performed to determine the existence and stability of fundamental bright and dark discrete solitons admitted by the Klein--Gordon system through the discrete Schrodinger equation. We show that a parametric driving can not only destabilize onsite bright solitons, but also stabilize intersite bright discrete solitons and onsite and intersite dark solitons. Most importantly, we show that there is a range of values of the driving coefficient for which dark solitons are stable, for any value of the coupling constant, i.e. oscillatory instabilities are totally suppressed. Stability windows of all the fundamental solitons are presented and approximations to the onset of instability are derived using perturbation theory, with accompanying numerical results. Numerical integrations of the Klein--Gordon equation are performed, confirming the relevance of our analysis


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi pendidikan yang mempunyai peranan penting dalam keseluruhan aspek kehidupan, adapun yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk-bentuk program layanan konseling untuk studi lanjutan siswa, dan bagaimana cara siswa dalam memanfaatkan layanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam mempersiapkan diri siswa guna melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi, serta kendala apa saja dalam pelaksanaan konseling untuk studi lanjutan siswa di SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari. Metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif, fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data penelitian ini melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data melalui teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa, observasi siswa SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari yakni layanan informasi, layanan penempatan, dan layanan bimbingan belajar. Berdasarkan data observasi yang telah dihimpun peneliti berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan, bahwa pada kelas XII IPA 1, XII IPA 2, XII IPS 1, dan XII IPS 3 memiliki kesamaan yakni cukup memahami hingga memahami dan sama yang terjadi terhadap kelas XII IPA 3, XII IPA 4, XII IPS 3, dan XII IPS 4 memiliki kesamaan yakni belum memahami hingga memahami layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang telah diberikan. Sedangkan wawancara yang berjumlah 8 siswa sebagai informan, bahwa rata-rata informan memahami bagaimana cara memanfaatkan layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang telah diberikan dan sangat membantu. Kesimpulannya, hasil penelitian observasi dan wawancara yang dilaksanakan dengan segala kendala yang dihadapi peneliti membawakan hasil yang baik, bahwa penelitian tentang efektivitas layanan bimbingan dan konseling dalam mempersiapkan diri siswa guna melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi di SMA Negeri 1 Batanghari sangat bagus dan efektif


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    The court is an institution where the community seeks justice, by filing a lawsuit. Lawsuit is a claim for rights filed by the plaintiff against the defendant through the court, because the plaintiff feels his rights have been harmed by the defendant. There are at least 2 (two) or more parties defending their rights in the lawsuit civil procedural law, namely the plaintiff and the defendant. In filing a lawsuit there are 2 (two) types of lawsuits, namely voluntary and contentious. Voluntary lawsuits or so-called requests are made on the basis of the interests of only one party without any element of dispute. Contributory lawsuit is a lawsuit for a problem submitted where the parties are at least 2 (two) people and have an element of dispute . In everyday life in the community, there are many legal problems, especially in the civil field that can be filed for lawsuits or requests to court. However, the community does not yet know and understand how the process of examining civil lawsuits in district courts, as well as community members who live in villages Baja Kuning, Tanjung Pura District, Langkat Regency. Some civil issues that occurred in Baja Kuning Village such as divorce, determination of heirs, assets gono like this, land disputes, household issues and others. The people in Baja Kuning Village wish to take legal action in courts in solving their problems, but they do not understand how the process is. Based on this fact, it encourages extension officers to carry out Legal Counseling with the Community Service model entitled The Civil Lawsuit Examination Process in the District Court


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    Kajian metode kalam mendiskusikan sumber dan langkah-langkah yang ditempuh untuk memecahkan persoalan kalam dengan baik untuk memelihara akidah umat. Menurut Ibn Rusyd dasar akidah adalah nash, tetapi para mutakallim tidak dapat memakai teks nash secara harfiah saja bila terjadi benturan nash dengan logika. Ini dilakukan dengan mendiskripsikan pendekatan setiap aliran kalam agar jelas kekuatan dan kelemahan argumentas setiap aliran. Dari sini kelihatan bagaimana Ibn Rusyd mendudukkan persoalan ini dalam memelihara akidah umat. Ternyata melalui ketajaman berpikir yang diimbangi dengan kebijakan yang tepat, Ibn Rusyd berhasil mendudukkan persoalan kalam secara tepat dalam kondisi umat yang cenderung diskriminatif. Kata Kunci : Kalam, Teologi Islam, Ibn Rusy

    Superfluid flow past an obstacle in annular Bose–Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the flow of a one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger model with periodic boundary conditions past an obstacle, motivated by recent experiments with Bose–Einstein condensates in ring traps. Above certain rotation velocities, localized solutions with a nontrivial phase profile appear. In striking difference from the infinite domain, in this case there are many critical velocities. At each critical velocity, the steady flow solutions disappear in a saddle-center bifurcation. These interconnected branches of the bifurcation diagram lead to additions of circulation quanta to the phase of the associated solution. This, in turn, relates to the manifestation of persistent current in numerous recent experimental and theoretical works, the connections to which we touch upon. The complex dynamics of the identified waveforms and the instability of unstable solution branches are demonstrated

    Estimation of Energy and Protein Requirements of Arabic Hens during Rearing Period by Free Choice Feeding

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    The present experiment was conducted to estimate the metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) requirements of female Arabic chickens under a semi-scavenging system from starter to first egg-laying age. Two hundred and forty-five day-old chicks were allotted into 12 sheltered pens with 20 chicks each. They were offered either control or choice diet and replicated six times. The control group was offered a control diet based on the Hy-line Brown Nutrient Requirements Standard, whereas the choice group was offered a control diet (starter period: 2910 kcal of ME/kg and 19.7% of CP; grower period: 2854 kcal of ME/kg and 17.5% of CP; developer period: 2754 kcal of ME/kg and 16.0% of CP; pre-laying period: 2776 kcal of ME/kg and 16.5% of CP; and laying period: 2814 kcal of ME/kg and 18.4% of CP) together with four other diets (high energy-high protein [3101 kcal of ME/kg and 23.0% of CP], high energy-low protein [3133 kcal of ME/kg and 14.3% of CP, low energy-high protein [2638 kcal of ME/kg and 23.4% of CP], and low energy-low protein [2677 kcal of ME/kg and 14.6% of CP]). Data were analyzed using Proc Mixed of SAS. Results showed that feed intake was significantly lower in choice dietary treatments in all periods, except in the starter period. ME and CP intakes were similar (p>0.05) in all periods. However, ME and CP concentrations in the diet consumed were higher (p<0.05) in choice dietary treatment in all periods, except CP concentration in the starter period. BWG started to be higher (p<0.05) in choice dietary treatment during the developer and pre-laying period. The onset of laying was two days early in choice-fed birds. It can be concluded that free choice feeding on a diet varying in energy and protein had a beneficial effect on the growth rate of female Arabic hens by consuming more a high energy-high protein and a high energy-low protein diet. ME and CP requirements of Arabic hens for starter period were 3026 kcal of ME/kg and 18.8%, for grower period were 3081 kcal of ME/kg and 18.4%, for developer period were 3091 kcal of ME/kg and 18.5%, and for pre-laying period were 3072 kcal of ME/kg and 18.8% to faster the onset of laying