78 research outputs found

    Radioaktivnost u cisternskim vodama u Hrvatskoj

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    The levels of radioactivity in cistern waters in the areas along the Adriatic coast have been investigated since 1962 when high total beta activity and 90Sr were detected. A rapid decline followed after the nuclear moratorium. Since 1970 a small increase due to Chinese nuclear weapon tests has been registered. Several cistern waters in the villages around Zagreb were investigated while the nuclear power station was still under construction. Very low alpha and beta radioactivity originating from fall-out was detected.Nivo radioaktivnosti u cisternskim vodama duž Jadrana ispituje se od 1962. godine. Prati se stalno ukupna beta-aktivnost i 90Sr. Nakon prestanka velikih pokusa s nuklearnim oružjem, radioaktivnost je naglo pala i ostala niska do sada. Poslije 1968. godine došlo je do malog povišenja nivoa radioaktivnosti uslijed kineskih nuklearnih eksperimenata, međutim, značajnog povišenja nije bilo. Tokom dvije godine praćena je i alfa i beta aktivnost cisternskih voda u blizini Zagreba kao nulta točka prije rada nuklearne elektrane Krško. Istraživanja se nastavljaju

    Uticaj dodavanja neproteinskih azotnih supstanci na kvalitet silaže komine grožđa

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    In this study grape pomace was ensilaged without and with the addition of NPN substances (Benural) at the dose of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of the amount of husk and with the addition of inoculant based on homo and hetero fermentative lactic acid bacteria. The greatest effect on the nutritional value had application of Benural, especially in increasing the CP content from 126.9 to 178.3 g kg-1DM, an increase of over 40%. Application of Benural increased the ammonia and soluble nitrogen several times, but even with the maximum addition of Benural percentage of ammonia nitrogen in the total nitrogen reached only slightly above 5% NH3 -N/Σ N (5.38%), while the percentage of soluble nitrogen in total nitrogen was 28.29%. The application of inoculants generally had no significant impact, both on the chemical composition and the fermentation process.U istraživaniima komina grožđa je silirana bez i uz dodatak NPN supstanci (Benural) u količini od 0,5; 1,0 i 1,5% od količine komina i sa dodatkom inokulantana na bazi homo i heterofementativnih mlečno-kiselinskih bakterija. Najveći efekat na hranljivu vrednost imala je primena NPN, posebno u povećanju sadržaja SP od 126,9 na 178,3 gkg-1SM. Primena NPN supstanci je uticala na povećanje amonijačnog i rastvorljivog azota nekoliko puta, ali i pri najvećoj količini dodatog NPN supstanci udeo amonijačnog azota u ukupnom azotu je neznatno prešao vrednost od 5% (%NH3-N/ΣN 5,38) dok je udeo rastvorljivog azota u ukupnom azotu iznosio 28,29%. Primena inokulanata uglavnom nije imala značajnog uticaja, kako na hemijski sastav, tako i na proces fermentacije

    Radioactive contamination of the Adriatic

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    Od 1963. godine praćena je radioaktivna kontaminacija Jadranskog mora. 90Sr je određivan kontinuirano, a 137Cs povremeno. Definirana je vrijednost omjera aktivnosti 137Cs/90Sr = 1,56. Koncentracija U i Ra istog je reda veličine kao u površinskom sloju svjetskih mora.The control of the radioactive contamination of the Adriatic Sea started in 1963. 90Sr has been measured at regular intervals, and 137Cs sporadically. The value of 137Cs/90Sr in the sea water has been determined as 1.56. The same amount of U and Ra activity has been found as in world oceans

    Panel shear properties of carbon fiber reinforced LVL board

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    Problem of rational use and lack of quality wood raw material for producing veneer boards, can be solved using poor quality wood raw materials for design composite veneer board. Poplar LVL panels do not have structural use because of its mechanical properties. Fiber reinforced composites can improve mechanical properties of wood-based panels, and thus enable the structural use of poplar panels. Synthetic fibers can reinforce panels, minimize the negative properties of wood raw material and improved dimensional stability of the board. This paper presents the results of experimental testing of the panel shear tests of unreinforced and reinforced seven-layer LVL (laminated veneer lumber) poplar veneer panels. The aim of the research is to determine the influence of woven carbon fibers on the improvement of the panel shear test of LVL, in order to test the potential of using this composite material as a structural element. The orientation of fibers has a strong influence on the reinforcement. The main research task is investigation the effects of orientation of the carbon fibers and their position in the panel construction on the shear properties of the panel. This research present possibility of applying poplar veneer to design structural elements in LVL using epoxy adhesive.Konstatovana je tehnička greška u naslovu rada - deo naslova je delimično ponovljen

    Nur77-deficiency in bone marrow-derived macrophages modulates inflammatory responses, extracellular matrix homeostasis, phagocytosis and tolerance

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    The nuclear orphan receptor Nur77 (NR4A1, TR3, or NGFI-B) has been shown to modulate the inflammatory response of macrophages. To further elucidate the role of Nur77 in macrophage physiology, we compared the transcriptome of bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMM) from wild-type (WT) and Nur77-knockout (KO) mice. In line with previous observations, SDF-1α (CXCL12) was among the most upregulated genes in Nur77-deficient BMM and we demonstrated that Nur77 binds directly to the SDF-1α promoter, resulting in inhibition of SDF-1α expression. The cytokine receptor CX3CR1 was strongly downregulated in Nur77-KO BMM, implying involvement of Nur77 in macrophage tolerance. Ingenuity pathway analyses (IPA) to identify canonical pathways regulation and gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA) revealed a potential role for Nur77 in extracellular matrix homeostasis. Nur77-deficiency increased the collagen content of macrophage extracellular matrix through enhanced expression of several collagen subtypes and diminished matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 activity. IPA upstream regulator analyses discerned the small GTPase Rac1 as a novel regulator of Nur77-mediated gene expression. We identified an inhibitory feedback loop with increased Rac1 activity in Nur77-KO BMM, which may explain the augmented phagocytic activity of these cells. Finally, we predict multiple chronic inflammatory diseases to be influenced by macrophage Nur77 expression. GSEA and IPA associated Nur77 to osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and allergic airway inflammatory diseases. Altogether these data identify Nur77 as a modulator of macrophage function and an interesting target to treat chronic inflammatory diseas

    Impact of non-protein nitrogen substances on grape pomace silage quality

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    In this study grape pomace was ensilaged without and with the addition of NPN substances (Benural) at the dose of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5% of the amount of husk and with the addition of inoculant based on homo and hetero fermentative lactic acid bacteria. The greatest effect on the nutritional value had application of Benural, especially in increasing the CP content from 126.9 to 178.3 g kg-1DM, an increase of over 40%. Application of Benural increased the ammonia and soluble nitrogen several times, but even with the maximum addition of Benural percentage of ammonia nitrogen in the total nitrogen reached only slightly above 5% NH3 -N/Σ N (5.38%), while the percentage of soluble nitrogen in total nitrogen was 28.29%. The application of inoculants generally had no significant impact, both on the chemical composition and the fermentation process

    Oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil prevents L-arginine-induced rat ileum villi damage

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    Oregano (Origanum vulgare L., Lamiaceae) is used for centuries as a culinary spice due to its food flavor enhancing properties and its specific aroma. Essential oil isolated from oregano is known to affect the function of the gastrointestinal system by causing stomach and throat smooth muscle relaxation. The present work aims to evaluate the potential protective effects of oregano essential oil in rat ileum intestinal mucosa injury, induced with high doses of L-arginine, by tracking pathological changes in ileum mucosa. Male Wistar rats, divided into four groups (n=6), were treated with 50 mg/kg of oregano essential oil or 200 mg/kg of allopurinol (xanthinoxidase inhibitor) 1 h before a single dose of L-arginine (3.5 g/kg). Two groups served as the controls – one treated with a single dose of L-arginine, while the second group of animals remained untreated. One day after the treatment, all animals were sacrificed and the segments of distal ileum were dissected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution. Afterward, the tissue was processed routinely in order to obtain paraffin molds which were further cut into 4-5 µm thin sections and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopic analysis of the control group ileum revealed short and cylindrical villi, with great resemblance to fingers, with no pathological substrate present. Ileum villi from the group of animals treated only with L-arginine appeared swollen, with the villi tip significantly dilated. Also, in the lamina propria, a large number of leucocytes were visible. The application of both allopurinol and oregano essential oil was able to prevent such significant alterations in the intestinal villi appearance (both in its intensity and frequency) and to reduce the number of leucocytes that migrated to the lamina propria. The detected activity can possibly be attributed to numerous oil constituents found in this essential oil, but predominantly to its major constituents thymol and carvacrol

    Toxicity of carvacrol and its potential in preventing L-arginine-induced pancreatic damage

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    Carvacrol (5-isopropyl-2-methylphenol) is a monoterpene present in the essential oils of many aromatic plants of the Lamiaceae family, including the genera Origanum, Thymus, Thymbra, and Satureja. Carvacrol is reported to have a variety of biological properties and its activity might partially be responsible for the activity of ethnomedicinal plants rich in this monoterpene. Our present work aims to estimate the damaging effect of carvacrol on Wistar rat pancreatic tissue, as well as to evaluate its protective action in preventing pancreas damage induced by L-arginine. The toxic and beneficial (in a low dose of 10 mg/kg) properties of carvacrol were assessed by measuring serum α-amylase and lipase activities and tissue malondialdehyde (MDA) content. Also, the pathohistological appearance of pancreatic tissue was assessed, where the presence of edema, inflammation, necrosis, and hemorrhage was scored. The application of higher doses of carvacrol (100 and 500 mg/kg) produced a significant increase in serum α-amylase activity, followed by inflammatory cell infiltration and patchy interlobular edema. In the L-arginine-induced pancreatitis model, a dose of 10 mg/kg of carvacrol was able to prevent the increase in serum α-amylase and lipase activities, as well as to prevent MDA formation compared to the animals that received L-arginine only. Pathological changes also followed the biochemical picture, where mild edema and inflammatory infiltration, with few necrotic areas, could be seen in the tissues of animals treated with carvacrol prior to L-arginine treatment. On the contrary, the tissues of the animals that received L-arginine only displayed massive leukocyte infiltration with edema and significant necrotic areas. One can speculate that the activity of carvacrol is probably arising from its ability to affect the function of multiple cellular mediators, as well as to prevent oxidative tissue damage by mitigating cell oxidative mechanisms