759 research outputs found

    A field study of wind over a simulated block building

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    A full-scale field study of the wind over a simulated two-dimensional building is reported. The study develops an experiment to investigate the structure and magnitude of the wind fields. A description of the experimental arrangement, the type and expected accuracy of the data, and the range of the data are given. The data are expected to provide a fundamental understanding of mean wind and turbulence structure of the wind field around the bluff body. Preliminary analysis of the data demonstrates the reliability and completeness of the data in this regard

    Effect of Installing Monobars in Stability of Powerhouse Cavern Roof in Masjed - Soleiman Power Plant Extension

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    Masjed-e-Soleiman Dam and Hydroelectric Power plant (170 high rock fill dam with capacity of 2000 MW) is located about 25 Km. to the north east of Masjed-e-Soleiman (Southwestern Iran) on Karun river. The powerhouse cavern is an underground structure, consisting of eight 250 MW power units (4 units each for phase 1 and extension phase). Overburden of powerhouse is 250-320 meters. The first step of project (that is a Dam with supply 1000 MW electricity), has been completed recently. In order to ensure the stability of roof of the extension p.h. cavern, dywidag brand monobars (15 or 20 m. long) with working load of 624 KN have been used. In this paper, the geological condition , rock support measures and the method statement of opening and sequences of excavation for the extension powerhouse cavern, analysis the impact of installation of monobars on cavern roof stability (on the basis of the instrumentation results) have been discussed briefly

    Impalement Thoracoabdominal Trauma Secondary to Falling on Metallic (Iron) Bars: An Extremely Rare and Unique Case

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    Introduction: Penetrating thoracoabdominal injuries are potentially life threatening due to the associated hemorrhagic shock and visceral injury. Through and through penetrating injury with polytrauma is rarely encountered. Case Presentation: Here we report on a 25-year-old male with penetrating thoracoabdominal injury caused by a metallic (iron) bar projecting from a pillar of a construction site after he fell down from a height. Conclusions: Anesthetic and surgical management was difficult due to the inability to position in supine and rapidly progressing hemorrhagic shock. Surgical management for extraction of this iron bar and intensive monitoring and resuscitation resulted in an uneventful successful outcome

    The effect of skill level on darts throwers’ use of different mental skills

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    Background: In recent years sports psychologists, coaches and athletes have paid a greater focus of attention to mental wellbeing and psychological skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate which psychological skills are important to two levels of skills among Darts players, namely; elite and beginner. Method: The sample consisted of 24 elite and 24 beginner Darts throwers. In order to gain insight into Darts throwing, beginner Darts players attended a national-championship-simulated competition. Both elite and beginner players also completed the Ottawa Mental Skill Questionnaire. Results: Independent t-test results showed that there was a significant difference just in basic psychiatric skills between the beginner and elite Darts throwers (p0.05). Conclusion: Results revealed differences between elite and beginner Darts players in foundation mental skills and commitment and mental practice subscales. Furthermore, results showed that for the commitment skill, elite and beginner Darts throwers were at the highest and lowest level respectively

    Seamless Transition of Microgrids Operation from Grid-Connected to Islanded Mode

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    Using a developed PM in order to optimize the production productivity in a cement industry

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    Cement factories are highly energy and cost intensive industries. Producing the cement requires a lot of energy to transform the raw material into final product. One major area to improve the production productivity is preventive maintenance (PM). It helps to protect assets, increase the useful life ofequipment, improve system reliability, decrease cost of replacement and finally improve system energy consumption. In this paper, the theory of microeconomics firm was used to find a model of optimal production productivity in cement industry. To show the effect of preventive maintenance system in the model, energy consumption of equipment is considered as a function of failure rate of equipment and then added to the set of constraints.Using this model energy consumption is reduced up to 15% and total annual cost is reduced up to 12.7%

    Using TurbSim stochastic simulator to improve accuracy of computational modelling of wind in the built environment

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    Small wind turbines are often sited in more complex environments than in open terrain. These sites include locations near buildings, trees and other obstacles, and in such situations, the wind is normally highly three-dimensional, turbulent, unstable and weak. There is a need to understand the turbulent flow conditions for a small wind turbine in the built environment. This knowledge is crucial for input into the design process of a small wind turbine to accurately predict blade fatigue loads and lifetime and to ensure that it operates safely with a performance that is optimized for the environment. Computational fluid dynamics is a useful method to provide predictions of local wind flow patterns and to investigate turbulent flow conditions at small wind turbine sites, in a manner that requires less time and investment than actual measurements. This article presents the results of combining a computational fluid dynamics package (ANSYS CFX software) with a stochastic simulator (TurbSim) as an approach to investigate the turbulent flow conditions on the rooftop of a building where small wind turbines are sited. The findings of this article suggest that the combination of a computational fluid dynamics package with the TurbSim stochastic simulator is a promising tool to assess turbulent flow conditions for small wind turbines on the roof of buildings. In particular, in the prevailing wind direction, the results show a significant gain in accuracy in using TurbSim to generate wind speed and turbulence kinetic energy profiles for the inlet of the computational fluid dynamics domain rather than using a logarithmic wind-speed profile and a pre-set value of turbulence intensity in the computational fluid dynamics code. The results also show that small wind turbine installers should erect turbines in the middle of the roof of the building and avoid the edges of the roof as well as areas on the roof close to the windward and leeward walls of the building in the prevailing wind direction

    Do Patients with Penetrating Abdominal Stab Wounds Require Laparotomy?

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    Background: The optimal management of hemodynamically stable asymptomatic patients with anterior abdominal stab wounds (AASWs) remains controversial. The goal is to identify and treat injuries in a safe cost-effective manner. Common evaluation strategies are local wound exploration (LWE), diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL), serial clinical assessment (SCAs) and computed tomography (CT) imaging. Making a decision about the right time to operate on a patient with a penetrating abdominal stab wound, especially those who have visceral evisceration, is a continuing challenge. Objectives: Until the year 2010, our strategy was emergency laparotomy in patients with penetrating anterior fascia and those with visceral evisceration. This survey was conducted towards evaluating the results of emergency laparotomy. So, better management can be done in patients with penetrating abdominal stab wounds. Patients and Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was performed on patients with abdominal penetrating trauma who referred to Al- Zahra hospital in Isfahan, Iran from October 2000 to October 2010. It should be noted that patients with abdominal blunt trauma, patients under 14 years old, those with lateral abdomen penetrating trauma and patients who had unstable hemodynamic status were excluded from the study. Medical records of patients were reviewed and demographic and clinical data were collected for all patients including: age, sex, mechanism of trauma and the results of LWE and laparotomy. Data were analyzed with PASW v.20 software. All data were expressed as mean ± SD. The distribution of nominal variables was compared using the Chi-squared test. Also diagnostic index for LWE were calculated. A two-sided P value less than 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: During the 10 year period of the study, 1100 consecutive patients with stab wounds were admitted to Al-Zahra hospital Isfahan, Iran. In total, about 150 cases had penetrating traumas in the anterior abdomen area. Sixty-three (42%) patients were operated immediately due to shock, visceral evisceration or aspiration of blood via a nasogastric tube on admission. Organ injury was seen in 78% of patients with visceral evisceration. Among these 87 cases, 29 patients’ (33.3%) anterior fascia was not penetrated in LWE. So, they were observed for several hours and discharged from the hospital without surgery. While for the remaining 58 patients (66.6%), whose LWE detected penetration of anterior abdominal fascia, laparotomy was performed which showed visceral injuries in 11 (18%) cases. Conclusions: All in all, 82 percent of laparotomies in patients with penetrated anterior abdominal fascia without visceral evisceration, who had no signs of peritoneal irritation, were negative. So, we recommended further evaluation in these patients. However, visceral evisceration is an indication for exploratory laparotomy, since in our study; the majority of patients had organ damages
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