1,889 research outputs found

    Crossing the Vascular Wall: Common and Unique Mechanisms Exploited by Different Leukocyte Subsets during Extravasation

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    Leukocyte extravasation is one of the essential and first steps during the initiation of inflammation. Therefore, a better understanding of the key molecules that regulate this process may help to develop novel therapeutics for treatment of inflammation-based diseases such as atherosclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis. The endothelial adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 are known as the central mediators of leukocyte adhesion to and transmigration across the endothelium. Engagement of these molecules by their leukocyte integrin receptors initiates the activation of several signaling pathways within both leukocytes and endothelium. Several of such events have been described to occur during transendothelial migration of all leukocyte subsets, whereas other mechanisms are known only for a single leukocyte subset. Here, we summarize current knowledge on regulatory mechanisms of leukocyte extravasation from a leukocyte and endothelial point of view, respectively. Specifically, we will focus on highlighting common and unique mechanisms that specific leukocyte subsets exploit to succeed in crossing endothelial monolayers

    Incidence of community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections and pneumonia among older adults in the United Kingdom: a population-based study.

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    Community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) and pneumonia (CAP) are common causes of morbidity and mortality among those aged ≥65 years; a growing population in many countries. Detailed incidence estimates for these infections among older adults in the United Kingdom (UK) are lacking. We used electronic general practice records from the Clinical Practice Research Data link, linked to Hospital Episode Statistics inpatient data, to estimate incidence of community-acquired LRTI and CAP among UK older adults between April 1997-March 2011, by age, sex, region and deprivation quintile. Levels of antibiotic prescribing were also assessed. LRTI incidence increased with fluctuations over time, was higher in men than women aged ≥70 and increased with age from 92.21 episodes/1000 person-years (65-69 years) to 187.91/1000 (85-89 years). CAP incidence increased more markedly with age, from 2.81 to 21.81 episodes/1000 person-years respectively, and was higher among men. For both infection groups, increases over time were attenuated after age-standardisation, indicating that these rises were largely due to population aging. Rates among those in the most deprived quintile were around 70% higher than the least deprived and were generally higher in the North of England. GP antibiotic prescribing rates were high for LRTI but lower for CAP (mostly due to immediate hospitalisation). This is the first study to provide long-term detailed incidence estimates of community-acquired LRTI and CAP in UK older individuals, taking person-time at risk into account. The summary incidence commonly presented for the ≥65 age group considerably underestimates LRTI/CAP rates, particularly among older individuals within this group. Our methodology and findings are likely to be highly relevant to health planners and researchers in other countries with aging populations

    Editor\u27s Special Section-Larry Schnoor: A Celebration of His Impact on Intercollegiate Forensics

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    This panel is honoring Professor Larry Schnoor for his lifelong contribu-tions to Intercollegiate Forensics. National Individual Events Tournaments have continued to flourish under his direction. In addition, his constant mentoring has guaranteed the life of this activity. Panelists will describe Professor Schnoor‘s impact on the AFA-NIET, NFA, IOC and both his mentoring of forensic coaches and programs. Professor Schnoor will help to clarify and add to this oral history

    Phytotechnologies - Preventing Exposures, Improving Public Health

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    Phytotechnologies Have Potential to Reduce the Amount or Toxicity of Deleterious Chemicals and Agents, and Thereby, Can Reduce Human Exposures to Hazardous Substances. as Such, Phytotechnologies Are Tools for Primary Prevention in Public Health. Recent Research Demonstrates Phytotechnologies Can Be Uniquely Tailored for Effective Exposure Prevention in a Variety of Applications. in Addition to Exposure Prevention, Plants Can Be Used as Sensors to Identify Environmental Contamination and Potential Exposures. in This Paper, We Have Presented Applications and Research Developments in a Framework to Illustrate How Phytotechnologies Can Meet Basic Public Health Needs for Access to Clean Water, Air, and Food. Because Communities Can Often Integrate Plant-Based Technologies at Minimal Cost and with Low Infrastructure Needs, the Use of These Technologies Can Be Applied Broadly to Minimize Potential Contaminant Exposure and Improve Environmental Quality. These Natural Treatment Systems Also Provide Valuable Ecosystem Services to Communities and Society. in the Future, Integrating and Coordinating Phytotechnology Activities with Public Health Research Will Allow Technology Development Focused on Prevention of Environmental Exposures to Toxic Compounds. Hence, Phytotechnologies May Provide Sustainable Solutions to Environmental Exposure Challenges, Improving Public Health and Potentially Reducing the Burden of Disease. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Sociology 2259: Stem2Stern

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    Throughout the 2021-2022 academic year, seven students from Professor Lauren Barrs\u27 Sociology of deviance class worked with Stem2Stern, a non for profit organization based in London Ontario. The students helped with maintaining and updating the social media pages, proposed and advertised new events, and helped the owner, David Vine become more tech-friendly. This presentation shows the students\u27 work throughout the academic year, presented through a timeline. Showcasing their biggest contributions to the organization as well as showing Stem2Sterns growth throughout the year

    Model Checking CTL is Almost Always Inherently Sequential

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    The model checking problem for CTL is known to be P-complete (Clarke, Emerson, and Sistla (1986), see Schnoebelen (2002)). We consider fragments of CTL obtained by restricting the use of temporal modalities or the use of negations---restrictions already studied for LTL by Sistla and Clarke (1985) and Markey (2004). For all these fragments, except for the trivial case without any temporal operator, we systematically prove model checking to be either inherently sequential (P-complete) or very efficiently parallelizable (LOGCFL-complete). For most fragments, however, model checking for CTL is already P-complete. Hence our results indicate that, in cases where the combined complexity is of relevance, approaching CTL model checking by parallelism cannot be expected to result in any significant speedup. We also completely determine the complexity of the model checking problem for all fragments of the extensions ECTL, CTL+, and ECTL+

    Targeting mitochondrial 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) regulates macrophage cholesterol efflux and lipid phenotype

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    Abstract The aim of the present study was to establish mitochondrial cholesterol trafficking 18 kDa translocator protein (TSPO) as a potential therapeutic target, capable of increasing macrophage cholesterol efflux to (apo)lipoprotein acceptors. Expression and activity of TSPO in human (THP-1) macrophages were manipulated genetically and by the use of selective TSPO ligands

    Lernen aus problematischen Kinderschutzverläufen. Machbarkeitsexpertise zur Verbesserung des Kinderschutzes durch systematische Fehleranalyse

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    Fehler und Irrtümer Einzelner sind Herausforderungen an Systeme, nicht dumm zu bleiben, sondern Rahmenbedingungen zu verändern. Die vorliegende Expertise zur Verbesserung von Kinderschutz durch systematische Fehleranalyse nähert sich der Problematik zunächst über die mediale Rezeption von Fehlern und Problemfällen, also über die in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommene Spitze des Eisberges. Dann wird in einem zweiten Abschnitt die Methodik der Fehleranalyse aus anderen Anwendungsbereichen in Industrie und Management (z. B. Luft- und Raumfahrt, Reaktorsicherheit, Medizin) dargestellt, um schließlich internationale Vorbilder für entsprechende Fehleranalysen im Kinderschutz und in der Jugendhilfe zu erörtern. Qualitative Interviews zur Praktikerperspektive im Kinderschutz, zu Leitungsfragen und schließlich Gespräche zum Management sind eine weitere Erkenntnisquelle dieses Gutachtens. Anschließend werden die dargelegten Befunde interpretiert und in Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen für ein deutsches Projekt zur Fehleranalyse übergeführt