20 research outputs found

    Competitive Mate Choice: How Need for Speed Beats Quests for Quality and Harmony

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    The choice of a mate is made complicated by the need to search for partners at the same time others are searching. What decision strategies will outcompete others in a population of searchers? We extend previous approaches using computer simulations to study mate search strategies by allowing direct competition between multiple strategies, evaluating success on multiple criteria. In a mixed social environment of searchers of different types, simple strategies can exploit more demanding strategies in unexpected ways. We find that simple strategies that only aim for speed can beat more selective strategies that aim to maximize the quality or harmony of mated pairs

    Darstellung und Bewertung neuropsychologischer Therapieverfahren am Beispiel PC-gestützter Trainingsprogramme – ein Projekt des Arbeitskreises Aufmerksamkeit und Gedächtnis der GNP

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    Die Mehrzahl PC-gestützter Trainingsprogramme erhebt den Anspruch einer theoriegeleiteten Konzeption und weckt entsprechend hohe Erwartungen. Wissenschaftliche Wirksamkeitsnachweise existieren nur für wenige Verfahren. Der Arbeitskreis Aufmerksamkeit & Gedächtnis der GNP präsentiert hier die Struktur einer Programmrezension, die eine übersichtliche Zusammenfassung und transparente Bewertung von Trainingsprogrammen unter Bezug auf insgesamt 20 neuropsychologische, technische und pragmatische Kriterien erlaubt. Schließlich beschreiben wir den Aufbau eines Manuals, das für alle Kriterien die qualitäts-bestimmenden Programmeigenschaften spezifiziert und durch die Erstellung einer Rezension führt; das komplette Manual ist in diesem Heft abgedruckt. Die mit dieser Zeitschrift begonnene Veröffentlichung von Beispielrezensionen wird in loser Folge fortgesetzt

    7-Bromoindirubin-3′-oxime induces caspase-independent cell death

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    Indirubin, an isomer of indigo, is a reported inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) as well as an agonist of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). Indirubin is the active ingredient of a traditional Chinese medicinal recipe used against chronic myelocytic leukemia. Numerous indirubin analogs have been synthesized to optimize this promising kinase inhibitor scaffold. We report here on the cellular effects of 7-bromoindirubin-3′-oxime (7BIO). In contrast to its 5-bromo- and 6-bromo- isomers, and to indirubin-3′-oxime, 7BIO has only a marginal inhibitory activity towards CDKs and GSK-3. Unexpectedly, 7BIO triggers a rapid cell death process distinct from apoptosis. 7-Bromoindirubin-3′-oxime induces the appearance of large pycnotic nuclei, without classical features of apoptosis such as chromatin condensation and nuclear fragmentation. 7-Bromoindirubin- 3′-oxime-induced cell death is not accompanied by cytochrome c release neither by any measurable effector caspase activation. Furthermore, the death process is not altered either by the presence of Q-VD-OPh, a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, or the overexpression of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL proteins. Neither AhR nor p53 is required during 7BIO-induced cell death. Thus, in contrast to previously described indirubins, 7BIO triggers the activation of non-apoptotic cell death, possibly through necroptosis or autophagy. Although their molecular targets remain to be identified, 7-substituted indirubins may constitute a new class of potential antitumor compounds that would retain their activity in cells refractory to apoptosis. © 2006 Nature Publishing Group. All rights reserved