12,663 research outputs found

    The Oil Producing Nations\u27 Emerging Right to Determine Oil Prices

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    Effects of DUT mismatch on the noise figure characterization: A comparative analysis of two Y-factor techniques

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    Device mismatch seriously degrades accuracy in noise figure characterization. The suitability of corrections to the gain definitions for a more precise noise figure evaluation for mismatched devices is investigated and compared to classical techniques. The effects of device mismatch on the noise figure of the noise-meter receiver and its impact on the final accuracy are analyzed

    Determination of the suitable drilling operating parameters in different geological formations El-Sharara Oil Field (South-Western Libya)

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    Purpose. The objective of this study is to determine the best operating conditions for the most notable drilling parameters (i.e. weight on bit (WOB), rotary drilling speed (RPM), and characteristics of drilling fluid) using field data obtained from El-Sharara Oil Field. Methods. The used data has been extracted from daily drilling reports of well named (NC-186/K04h) field. Such data contains information about the geological formations, casing strings, drill-bits, fuel consumption, flow rate of drilling fluid and other drilling parameters. Findings. The results reveal that, the lower geological formations of El-Sharara Oil Field, the harder are the upper formations. Therefore, it is recommended to apply heavy loads (i.e. WOB of 45000 lb) with low drilling speed (i.e. 100 rpm) in the lower formations; and to apply small loads (i.e. WOB of 19000 lb) with high drilling speed (i.e. 160 rpm) in the upper formations. Originality. This study evaluates the performance of drilling operation based on the interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters. Practical implications. Understanding such interaction between rock formations and machine drilling parameters will remarkably improve the rate of penetration (ROP) in the related geological formations. Consequently, the overall drilling costs will be reduced in terms of drilling time, life of drill-bit and fuel consumption.Мета. Визначення оптимальних експлуатаційних умов для технологічних параметрів буріння – осьового навантаження на долото (ОНД), швидкості обертального буріння (ШOБ), характеристик бурового розчину на основі емпіричних даних, отриманих на нафтовому родовищі Ель-Шарара. Методика. У роботі вивчені та систематизовані дані експлуатації нафтової свердловини NC-186/K04h, що містять інформацію про геологічні формації родовища, обсадних колонах, бурових коронках, витрат палива і бурової рідини та інших параметрах буріння. Результати. Дослідження показало, що, чим нижче розташовані нафтоносні геологічні формації Ель-Шарара, тим міцніше породи верхніх формацій. Рекомендовано застосовувати велике навантаження (ОНД – близько 104 кг), при низькій ШOБ (100 об/хв) у нижніх формаціях; і мале навантаження (ОНД – 86 кг) при високій ШOБ (160 об/хв) – у верхніх формаціях. Встановлено кореляційний взаємозв’язок комплексу технологічних параметрів буріння з умовами геологічних формацій родовища. Наукова новизна. Для умов нафтового родовища Ель-Шарара дана наукова оцінка ефективності буріння на основі встановлення взаємозв’язку параметрів формацій і бурових установок. Практична значимість. Врахування взаємозв’язку геологічних формацій і параметрів механічного буріння дозволить суттєво підвищити швидкість проходки свердловин, при цьому загальні витрати на буріння будуть скорочені за рахунок зменшення часу буріння, споживання палива та збільшення терміну служби бурових коронок.Цель. Определение оптимальных эксплуатационных условий для технологических параметров бурения – осевой нагрузки на долото (ОНД), скорости вращательного бурения (СВБ), характеристик бурового раствора на основе эмпирических данных, полученных на нефтяном месторождении Эль-Шарара. Методика. В работе изучены и систематизированы данные о эксплуатации нефтяной скважины NC-186/K04h, которые содержат информацию о геологических формациях месторождения, обсадных колоннах, буровых коронках, расходе топлива и буровой жидкости, а также других параметрах бурения. Результаты. Исследование показало, что, чем ниже расположены нефтеносные геологические формации Эль-Шарара, тем тверже породы верхних формаций. Рекомендуется применять большую нагрузку (ОНД – около 104 кг), при низкой СВБ (100 вр/мин) в нижних формациях; и малую нагрузку (ОНД – 86 кг) при высокой СВБ (160 вр/мин) – в верхних формациях. Установлена корреляционная взаимосвязь комплекса технологических параметров бурения с условиями геологических формаций месторождения. Научная новизна. Для условий нефтяного месторождения Эль-Шарара дана научная оценка эффективности бурения на основе установления взаимосвязи параметров формаций и буровых установок. Практическая значимость. Учет взаимосвязи геологических формаций и параметров механического бурения позволит существенно увеличить скорость проходки скважин, при этом общие затраты на бурение будут сокращены за счет уменьшения времени бурения, потребления топлива и увеличения срока службы буровых коронок.The authors declare that the paper has not been originated under any project and no funding has been raised for this research

    Blue Nile Runoff Sensitivity to Climate Change

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    This study describes implementation of hydrological climate change impact assessment tool utilising a combination of statistical spatiotemporal downscaling and an operational hydrological model known as the Nile Forecasting System. A spatial rainfall generator was used to produce high-resolution (daily, 20km) gridded rainfall data required by the distributed hydrological model from monthly GCM outputs. The combined system was used to assess the sensitivity of upper Blue Nile flows at Diem flow gauging station to changes in future rainfall during the June-September rainy season based on output from three GCMs. The assessment also incorporated future evapotranspiration changes over the basin. The climate change scenarios derived in this study were broadly in line with other studies, with the majority of scenarios indicating wetter conditions in the future. Translating the impacts into runoff in the basin showed increased future mean flows, although these would be offset to some degree by rising evapotranspiration. Impacts on extreme runoff indicated the possibility of more severe floods in future. These are likely to be exacerbated by land-use changes including overgrazing, deforestation, and improper farming practices. Blue Nile basin flood managers therefore need to continue to prepare for the possibility of more frequent floods by adopting a range of measures to minimise loss of life and guard against other flood damage

    A multiscale phenomenological constitutive model for strain rate dependent tensile ductility in nanocrystalline metals

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    Acknowledgments No external funding was received for this project.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Decentralized Clustering and Linking by Networked Agents

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    We consider the problem of decentralized clustering and estimation over multi-task networks, where agents infer and track different models of interest. The agents do not know beforehand which model is generating their own data. They also do not know which agents in their neighborhood belong to the same cluster. We propose a decentralized clustering algorithm aimed at identifying and forming clusters of agents of similar objectives, and at guiding cooperation to enhance the inference performance. One key feature of the proposed technique is the integration of the learning and clustering tasks into a single strategy. We analyze the performance of the procedure and show that the error probabilities of types I and II decay exponentially to zero with the step-size parameter. While links between agents following different objectives are ignored in the clustering process, we nevertheless show how to exploit these links to relay critical information across the network for enhanced performance. Simulation results illustrate the performance of the proposed method in comparison to other useful techniques

    SIFTER search: a web server for accurate phylogeny-based protein function prediction.

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    We are awash in proteins discovered through high-throughput sequencing projects. As only a minuscule fraction of these have been experimentally characterized, computational methods are widely used for automated annotation. Here, we introduce a user-friendly web interface for accurate protein function prediction using the SIFTER algorithm. SIFTER is a state-of-the-art sequence-based gene molecular function prediction algorithm that uses a statistical model of function evolution to incorporate annotations throughout the phylogenetic tree. Due to the resources needed by the SIFTER algorithm, running SIFTER locally is not trivial for most users, especially for large-scale problems. The SIFTER web server thus provides access to precomputed predictions on 16 863 537 proteins from 232 403 species. Users can explore SIFTER predictions with queries for proteins, species, functions, and homologs of sequences not in the precomputed prediction set. The SIFTER web server is accessible at http://sifter.berkeley.edu/ and the source code can be downloaded