774 research outputs found

    Anomalous fertilization in haploidy inducer lines in maize (Zea mays L)

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    A detailed investigation was carried out to study the exact cause and the sequence of events leading to the origin of high frequency of haploids in the high haploidy inducer lines (Stock 6 lines) in maize (Zea mays L). Microtome sections and isolated embryo sacs were observed to understand the fertilization process in maize. These studies helped in understanding the normal fertilization process and also in tracing out a few anomalous fertilization events in these ovules. The study indicated that, haploid embryos in these lines arise due to a failure in the fusion of the sperm nucleus and the egg cell, after the release of sperm nuclei from synergid into the embryo sac, with the egg cell being induced to develop parthenogenetically into a haploid embryo


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    Objective: The main objective of the study is to synthesis some novel pyrimidine scaffold which has wide range of properties of biological activities.Methods: Synthesis of different pyrazole derivatives compounds identification and characterization (M.P, solubility, Rf values, and spectral studies). The present work was characterized by infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectral analysis pharmacological evaluation.Results: Identification and characterization (M.P, solubility, Rf values and spectral studies) are carried out

    Design of Sequential Circuit Using Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA)

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    Quantum dot cellular autometa presents a promissing nanoscale technology for replacement of conventional cmos based circuits.In this paper we introduce qca logic gates such has qca inverter and qca majority gate.This paper design the sequential logic gates.such as D latch,SR latch,JK latch,T flipflop,D flipflop,2 bit counter,4 bit shift register.These designs are captured and simulated using a design calld QCA designer

    Bit Error Rate Analysis in Multicast Multiple Input Multiple Output Systems

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    At the present time whole information and communication technology industry contributes to the global carbon emission. With the aim of reducing the carbon footprint and the operating cost of wireless networks, overall energy reduction is required in the region of two to three orders of magnitude. Meanwhile, significant increase of the network spectrum efficiency is needed to cope with the exponentially increasing traffic loads. Due to this factors spatial modulation (SM) has recently established itself as promising transmission concept which belongs to single-radio frequency large scale multiple input multiple output (MIMO) wireless system. Spatial modulation MIMO takes advantage of whole antenna array at the transmitter, while using limited number of radio frequency chains. The multiple input multiple output multiplies capacity by transmitting different signals over multiple antennas and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), which divides a radio channel into many closely spaced sub channels to provide more reliable communication at high speeds. The system calculate the bit error rate (BER) for multicast multiple input multiple output system with the spatial modulation (SM) and study the effect of signal to noise ratio on bit error rate. MATLAB software is use to simulate system. The simulation results show that bit error rate decreases as signal to noise ratio increases. System reaches zero bit error rate for the value of signal to noise ratio greater than 18dB. System has provided less bit error rate for large signal to noise ratio which improves system performance


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    Objective: To study the gastric anti-secretory and cytoprotective action of ethanolic extract of leaves of Andrographys paniculata. Methods: Effect of ethanolic extract of leaves of A. paniculata gastro-antisecretory and cytoprotective activity was studied in vivo by using gastric wall mucus determination, hypothermic restraint stress-induced ulcers, idomethacin-induced gastric ulcers, reserpine-induced gastric ulcers and necrotizing agent-induced gastric ulcers (cytoprotection studies) methods. Results: Ethanolic extract of leaves of A. paniculata produced a significant decrease in gastric secretion in pylorous ligated rats and a highly significant cytoprotective effect against 80% ethanol-0.6 M HCl, 0.2 M NaOH, and 25% NaCl-induced cytodestruction. Conclusion: Pretreatment with the extract significantly prevented hypothermic stress-induced gastric wall mucus depletion. These findings suggest that a significant antisecretory and cytoprotective action A. paniculata can be responsible for its antiulcer activity

    Sensor Node Failure Detection Using Round Trip Path in WSNs

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    Now a days, applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been increased due to its vast potential to connect the physical world to the practical world. Also, advancement in microelectronic fabrication technology reduced the cost of manufacturing convenient wireless sensor nodes and now it becomes a trend to deploy the large numbers of wireless sensors in WSNs so that to increase the quality of service (QoS). The QoS of such WSNs is mainly affected by the faulty or malfunctioning sensor nodes. Probability of sensor node failure increases if number of sensor node increases in the network. For maintaining the better QoS under failure conditions such faulty sensor node should be detected and it should be removed. In this proposed method, faulty sensor node is detected by calculating the round trip delay (RTD) time of round trip paths and comparing them with threshold value. This proposed method is tested with three sensors Nodes designed using microcontroller, sensor and ZigBee. The main server section which will display the failure sensor node is also designed using microcontroller and ZigBee

    Study of association of respiratory viruses in the etiology of acute lower respiratory tract infections in children and correlation with clinical and laboratory features: role of emerging new viruses

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    Background: Viruses are one of the major causes of childhood pneumonia with the respiratory syncytial virus getting great attention as an important organism for pneumonia. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Department of Paediatrics, Sree Gokulam Medical College and Research Foundation, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala from May 2022 TO November 2022. 119 children admitted with lower respiratory tract infections were included in this study. Symptoms, signs, and investigation reports including PCR and clinical course in the hospital were recorded. Results: 25% of children were in the age group less than 1 year, 52% were between 1-5 years and 23% were above 5 years. Viruses were isolated in 82 patients (68.9%). The main viruses were respiratory syncytial virus (23.5%), boca virus (16.14%), influenza A (7.5%), influenza B (4.2%), meta pneumonia virus (3.3%), and para influenza virus (2.5%). Patients with boca virus infections had a more severe clinical course. Conclusions: Molecular testing with PCR along with clinical and lab parameters will help us to have more insights into the etiology and clinical presentation of respiratory infections in children and help us to do optimum management avoiding unnecessary antibiotic usage

    Bandwidth Recycling using Variable Bit Rate

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    IEEE 802.16 standard was designed to support the bandwidth demanding applications with quality of service (QoS). Bandwidth is reserved for each application to ensure the QoS. For variable bit rate (VBR) applications, however, it is difficult for the subscriber station (SS) to predict the amount of incoming data. To ensure the QoS guaranteed services, the SS may reserve more bandwidth than its demand. As a result, the reserved bandwidth may not be fully utilized all the time. In this paper, we propose a scheme, named Bandwidth Recycling, to recycle the unused bandwidth without changing the existing bandwidth reservation. The idea of the proposed scheme is to allow other SSs to utilize the unused bandwidth when it is available. Thus, the system throughput can be improved while maintaining the same QoS guaranteed services. Mathematical analysis and simulation are used to evaluate the proposed scheme. Simulation and analysis results confirm that the proposed scheme can recycle 35% of unused bandwidth on average. By analyzing factors affecting the recycling performance, three scheduling algorithms are proposed to improve the overall throughput. The simulation results show that our proposed algorithm improves the overall throughput by 40% in a steady network. Keywords: WiMAX, IEEE 802.16, Bandwidth Recyclin

    Clinico-investigative Profile of Cervico-Vaginal Discharge in Highrisk Women attending Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinic in Tertiary Care Hospital.

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    INTRODUCTION : Sexually transmitted disease (STD) refers to a variety of clinical syndromes caused by organisms that can be acquired or transmitted sexually. Even though STI is a broader entity than STD, the term STD and STI are now used synonymously. STDs rank one among the five leading health problems in the developing nations (WHO). Women are more susceptible than men for acquiring STI from infected partners due to anatomical, physiological, immunological, hormonal and social factors. Also, social stigma in health care seeking behaviour, specimen collection method, diagnostic problems, management difficulties and adverse outcomes further complicates the magnitude of the problem in women. STDs in women are classified into Ulcerative and Nonulcerative diseases and vaginal discharge is the commonest presentation of Non-ulcerative disease. The problem of vaginal discharge is the most frequently narrated complaint of woman in the reproductive age group. The prevalence of vaginal discharge in India was found to be 30% in general population and 50% among commercial sex workers. Since Cervico-vaginal discharge is a common problem which is manageable, the list of adverse outcomes that occur due to vaginal discharge syndrome are preventable and female sex workers form one of the core group for the spread of STIs to the general population, this study on Cervico-vaginal discharge in high risk women is important for the patient management as well as for preventing transmission of the infection to the general population through their clients who acts as bridge group connecting the High risk group and the general population. Therefore this study was done to analyse the various aspects of Cervico-vaginal discharge with the aim of establishing etiological diagnosis and achieving complete cure. AIMS & OBJECTIVES : 1. To study the prevalence of various etiological agents of Cervico-vaginal discharge. 2. Comparison of different methods of diagnosis for various etiologies of Cervico-vaginal discharge. 3. Identification of co-infections. 4. Determination of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of the bacterial and fungal isolates. 5. Evaluation and comparison of syndromic , clinical and etiological diagnosis. CONCLUSION : This work was done to study the various aspects of Cervico vaginal discharge and found that among the various etiologies of cervico vaginal discharge, Candidiasis was the commonest followed by Chlamydial cervicitis,Bacterial vaginosis,Aerobic vaginosis, Trichomoniasis and Gonococcal cervicitis in order. Amsel criteria for Bacterial vaginosis, Culture for Trichomoniasis, Vulvovaginal candidiasis and Aerobic vaginosis, Serology for Chlamydial cervicitis were the methods which showed greater sensitivity compared to other methods. For Gonococcal cervicitis, both Gram stain and Culture were equally sensitive. Coinfections were found in more than one third of total positive females suggesting a combined treatment method for vaginal and cervical etiologies. Resistance to penicillin and co-trimoxazole was seen among the bacterial isolates in higher percentage with Neisseria gonorrhoeae showing resistance to penicillin and ciprofloxacin. Resistance to Itraconazole was seen among candida isolates. Syndromic management still remains as the method of choice for treatment in resource poor settings. Etiological diagnosis should be achieved wherever laboratory facilities are available in order to minimise treatment failure to prevent complications and disease spread. Thus Etiological diagnosis and appropriate management helps to achieve complete cure and prevent complications including infertility, malignancy and easy acquisition of HIV. Since high risk females form one of the core groups, effective treatment of these females, contact tracing, partner treatment and Health education to the high risk population can reduce the disease spread from core group to the general population significantly