299 research outputs found

    Countering International Extremism

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    The article is devoted to the study of countering international extremist activity features, including the intensifying corresponding Internet threats. The author notes that in modern conditions, threats of extremism require an integrated approach at the national and international levels, more effective mobilization of state and interstate forces and resources (financial, information, etc.), including acts of blocking relevant contacts and illegal virtual resources. The article contains statistical data showing an increase in extremist threats, including the youth environment, and, accordingly, the need to intensify and expand measures to counter such negative phenomena

    Genetic polymorphism of hepatitis C virus and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The aim of review. To estimate effect of genetic polymorphism of hepatitis C virus on risk of hepatocellular carcinomas (HCC).Key points. Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most dreadful outcomes of chronic liver diseases, in particular — chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Now it is revealed, that frequency of HCC in patients with 1b genotype of hepatitis C virus (HCV) was significantly above, than other genotypes. In aminoacidic sequences analysis in patients with 1b genotype of HCV mutations with substitution of arginine to glycine in codon 70 (Glu 70) and leucine to methionine in codon 91 (Met 91) were revealed. Thus it is revealed, that mutant type Glu 70 is significantly more frequent in patients with HCC in comparison to CHC and liver cirrhosis, in older age groups, at elevation of serum level of gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase and aspartate aminotransferase. Frequency of mutant forms of 1b genotype is related to discovery of previously unknown protein of HCV — minicor-protein with absence of N-terminal of classical Cor-protein p21.Conclusion. Early detection mutant Glu 70, Met 91 forms of HCV genotype 1b will provide prediction of HCC risk in CHC patients and to begin adequate etiological treatment for preventive maintenance of this dangerous complication intime

    Scaling up business plans in Tajikistan: a qualitative study of the history, barriers, facilitators and lessons learnt

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    BACKGROUND: To improve health planning at primary health care (PHC) level, Business Plans were introduced in Tajikistan by the Enhancing Primary Health Care (EPHC) Services Project. OBJECTIVE: To describe the history and process of implementation of Business Plans and to identify barriers, facilitators and lessons learnt from scaling up Business Plans. METHODS: Set in a qualitative research design, we conducted a desk review of project and official documents and seventeen semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders at national and sub-national levels between May and July 2020. We used an interview guide informed by the ExpandNet/WHO framework and analyzed the data following a content analysis approach facilitated by MAXQDA. RESULTS: With the participation of various user organizations and resource teams and through a variety of strategic scale-up choices, Business Plans have been scaled up from a vertical pilot project to institutionalized health management tools covering 45% of Tajikistan's PHC facilities. The most prominent facilitators for scaling up Business Plans were the institutionalization and integration of the tool into the Tajik health system, the close collaboration with Community Health Teams (CHTs), the high acceptance of the tool among the users, the advocacy through champions and policy-makers and the large dissemination network. The most outstanding barriers to scaling up Business Plans were insufficient financial or human resources, general weaknesses in health governance, the lack of a strategic scale-up plan and strategic decisions, the lack of motivation or overall vision to implement Business Plans at a large scale and difficulties in donor coordination. CONCLUSION: To ensure the continuity of scaling up Business Plans, developing a scale-up strategy, strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration and participation during scaling up, and capacitating the user organizations of Business Plans are important next steps to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of Business Plans in the future


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    Lean production and management in the system of consumer cooperation remains one of the most difficult problems both in general in all areas of production and in milk processing. A modern solution to this problem, increasing the efficiency of production, improving its quality and reducing cost is the basis of principles and tools that are reflected in the lean manufacturing system. Lean management is possible on the basis of optimal cost accounting and management of dairy production, by reducing losses on waiting, overproduction, transportation, unnecessary processing steps, unnecessary movements, production with broken technology, defective packaging, unnecessary stocks - by regulating business processes and mobilizing internal reserves in the activities of processing enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. The subject of the study is managerial activity in the lean production and processing of milk in enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. The aim of the study is the introduction of advanced and necessary methods of accounting and management of milk production in the enterprises of the consumer cooperation system. In accordance with this goal, the main task was determined: to develop recommendations for improving the accounting and management methods to reduce all kinds of costs and increase the productivity of dairy production. Performance management is an important financial and economic indicator of production in the system of consumer cooperation. This paper analyzes various aspects of lean manufacturing, accounting, control and management, taking into account the technological features and business processes of the consumer cooperation system. It is concluded that for the efficiency of the accounting process in the lean management system of a milk processing enterprise, it is necessary to build a system of accounting and control support, which will allow for detailed accounting of production costs for all objects of accounting and control.Бережливое производство и управление в системе потребительской кооперации, остается одной из самых сложных проблем, как в целом по всем направлениям производства, так и по переработке молока. Современное решение данной проблемы, повышение эффективности производства продукции, улучшение ее качества и снижения себестоимости лежит в основе принципов и инструментов, которые нашли отражение в системе бережливого производства. Бережливое управление становится возможным на основе оптимального учета затрат и управления производством молочной продукции, путем снижения потерь на ожидание, перепроизводство, транспортировки, лишних стадий обработки, ненужных перемещений, выпуска с нарушенной технологией, дефектной упаковки, лишних запасов -  путем регулирования хозяйственных процессов и мобилизации внутренних резервов в деятельности перерабатывающих предприятий системы потребительской кооперации. Предметом исследования является управленческая деятельность при бережливом производстве и переработке молока в предприятиях системы потребкооперации.  Целью исследования является внедрение прогрессивных и необходимых методов учета и управления деятельностью по производству молока в предприятиях системе потребительской кооперации. В соответствии с указанной целью была определена основная задача: выработать рекомендации по совершенствованию учетно-управленческой методики на уменьшение всевозможных издержек и увеличение производительности производства молочной продукции. Эффективность управления деятельности является важным финансово-экономическим показателем производства продукции в системе потребительской кооперации. В настоящей работе проанализированы различные аспекты бережливого производства, учета, контроля и управления с учетом технологических особенностей и бизнес процессов системы потребительской кооперации. Сделан вывод о том, что для эффективности учетного процесса в системе бережливого управления молокоперерабатывающим предприятием, необходимо построение системы учетно-контрольного обеспечения, которая позволит вести детальный учет затрат на производство по всем объектам учета и контроля


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    ABSTRACT: In this paper life-cycle cost analysis of three biogas digesters is presented. Results show that the cost of biogas depends on the construction of digesters, sizes of methane tank and possibility of heating of the slurry. Biogas and natural gas costs calaculated are observed and found to be comparable. It is recommended that the biogas digesters can be constructed and installed, in principle, for every family and there is no need to built long gas pipe lines.   ABSTRAK: Kertaskerja ini membentangkan analisis kos kitar hayat tiga pencerna biogas. Keputusan menunjukkan kos biogas bergantung kepada pembinaan pencerna, saiz tangki metana dan kemungkinan pemanasan buburan. Pengiraan kos biogas dan gas asli diambil kira dan ianya didapati setanding. Adalah disarankan pencerna biogas boleh dibina dan dipasang secara teorinya, bagi setiap keluarga tanpa memerlukan pembinaan paip gas yang panjang

    Synthesis of functionally substituted benzaldehydes

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. A new method of synthesis of functionally substituted benzaldehydes by catalytic debromometoxylation of dibromomethylarenes with benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal has been suggested. Anhydrous zinc chloride has been used as a catalyst. Being soft Lewis acid, it formed no strong complex with aldehyde group and other functional groups. The initial acetal has been readily recovered by the treatment of benzaldehyde isolated from the reaction mixture with trimethyl orthoformate


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    ABSTRACT:  In this paper economics of a micro-hydropower plant installed in the village named Pashmi-Kuhna of Tajikistan and of a battery-based micro-hydropower plant on catamaran for free water flow operation designed, fabricated and tested in GIK Institute of Pakistan are discussed. For the economic evaluation of these power plants, the life-cycle costing approach is used.  Finally the costs of the produced energy by the micro-hydropower plants are calculated.   ABSTRAK: Menerusi kertas kerja ini, bidang ekonomi loji hidrokuasa mikro yang dibina di perkampungan  Pashmi-Kuhna, Tajikistan diperbincangkan. Loji hidrokuasa mikro di atas katamaran yang membolehkan gerakan air bebas berasaskan bateri direka, dicipta dan diuji di Institut Pakistan GIK. Untuk penilaian ekonomi loji ini, pendekatan pengekosan kitar hidup telah digunakan. Akhirnya, kos dihitung berdasarkan kuasa yang dihasilkan oleh loji hidrokuasa mikro

    Parameters of single and summated contractions of skeletal muscles in vivo and in vitro

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    It is well known that modern non-invasive methods for registration of functional activity of skeletal muscles in vivo due to technical reasons reflect amplitude and temporal parameters of muscle contractions not better than in vitro approaches The aim of present study is to register and compare parameters of single and tetanic contractions of different types of skeletal muscles of warm-blooded animals in vitro and under minimally invasive surgery in vivo. It was found that single muscle contractions in vitro and in vivo indistinguishably close to each other, whereas frequency of tetanus fusion and waveform of tetanic contractions are different