6,617 research outputs found

    Enhancement of magnetoresistance in manganite multilayers

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    Magnanite multilayers have been fabricated using La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 as the ferromagnetic layer and Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 as the spacer layers. All the multilayers were grown on LaAlO3 (100) by pulse laser deposition. An enhanced magnetoresistnace (defined (RH- R0)/R0) of more than 98% is observed in these multilayers. Also a low field magnetoresistance of 41% at 5000 Oe is observed in these multilayer films. The enhanced MR is attributed to the induced double exchange in the spacer layer, which is giving rise to more number of conducting carriers. This is compared by replacing the spacer layer with LaMnO3 where Mn exists only in 3+ state and no enhancement is observed in the La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 / LaMnO3 multilayers as double exchange mechanism can not be induced by external magnetic fields.Comment: 13 pages, 5 Figure

    Salivary glucose as a diagnostic tool in Type II diabetes mellitus: A case-control study

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    Background and Objectives: The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing steadily in India. Understanding blood glucose level is the key to both diagnosis and management of diabetes mellitus. However, there is an on‑going need for improvements in noninvasive, point‑of‑care tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of diabetes. Assessing a relationship between the blood glucose level and its concentration in other body fluids such as the saliva can help in developing a conservative method for blood sugar assessment replacing venous blood sampling. Diabetes mellitus is known to cause changes in salivary composition. Hence, this study was undertaken to evaluate the relationship of blood glucose level with salivary glucose in diabetic and nondiabetic patients.Materials and Methods: The study sample included 100 diabetic patients and 100 nondiabetic patients aged above 35 years of age. Fasting blood and salivary glucose levels were measured in the two groups. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to assess the correlation of blood glucose with salivary glucose in the two groups.Results: The results of the study revealed an increase in the level of fasting salivary glucose in diabetics compared to that of nondiabetic patients. It also showed a highly significant positive correlation between fasting salivary glucose and serum glucose in both diabetic patients and in controls.Conclusion: From this study, it can be concluded that fasting salivary glucose level can be used as a noninvasive diagnostic, as well as a monitoring tool to assess the glycemic status of Type II diabetes mellitus patients.Keywords: Fasting salivary glucose, fasting serum glucose, Type II diabetes mellitu

    Structure of the Sec61 channel opened by a signal sequence

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    Secreted and integral membrane proteins compose up to one-third of the biological proteome. These proteins contain hydrophobic signals that direct their translocation across or insertion into the lipid bilayer by the Sec61 protein–conducting channel. The molecular basis of how hydrophobic signals within a nascent polypeptide trigger channel opening is not understood. Here, we used cryo–electron microscopy to determine the structure of an active Sec61 channel that has been opened by a signal sequence. The signal supplants helix 2 of Sec61α, which triggers a rotation that opens the central pore both axially across the membrane and laterally toward the lipid bilayer. Comparisons with structures of Sec61 in other states suggest a pathway for how hydrophobic signals engage the channel to gain access to the lipid bilayer

    Enhancement of magnetoresistance in manganite multilayers

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    Magnanite multilayers have been fabricated using La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 as the ferromagnetic layer and Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 and Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3 as the spacer layers. All the multilayers were grown on LaAlO3 (100) by pulse laser deposition. An enhanced magnetoresistnace (defined (RH- R0)/R0) of more than 98% is observed in these multilayers. Also a low field magnetoresistance of 41% at 5000 Oe is observed in these multilayer films. The enhanced MR is attributed to the induced double exchange in the spacer layer, which is giving rise to more number of conducting carriers. This is compared by replacing the spacer layer with LaMnO3 where Mn exists only in 3+ state and no enhancement is observed in the La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 / LaMnO3 multilayers as double exchange mechanism can not be induced by external magnetic fields.Comment: 13 pages, 5 Figure

    Toward a unified theory of sparse dimensionality reduction in Euclidean space

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    Let Ί∈Rm×n\Phi\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n} be a sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform [KN14] with ss non-zeroes per column. For a subset TT of the unit sphere, Δ∈(0,1/2)\varepsilon\in(0,1/2) given, we study settings for m,sm,s required to ensure EΊsup⁥x∈T∣∄Ίx∄22−1∣<Δ, \mathop{\mathbb{E}}_\Phi \sup_{x\in T} \left|\|\Phi x\|_2^2 - 1 \right| < \varepsilon , i.e. so that Ί\Phi preserves the norm of every x∈Tx\in T simultaneously and multiplicatively up to 1+Δ1+\varepsilon. We introduce a new complexity parameter, which depends on the geometry of TT, and show that it suffices to choose ss and mm such that this parameter is small. Our result is a sparse analog of Gordon's theorem, which was concerned with a dense Ί\Phi having i.i.d. Gaussian entries. We qualitatively unify several results related to the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, subspace embeddings, and Fourier-based restricted isometries. Our work also implies new results in using the sparse Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform in numerical linear algebra, classical and model-based compressed sensing, manifold learning, and constrained least squares problems such as the Lasso

    Night sky at the Indian Astronomical Observatory during 2000-2008

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    We present an analysis of the optical night sky brightness and extinction coefficient measurements in UBVRI at the Indian Astronomical Observatory (IAO), Hanle, during the period 2003-2008. They are obtained from an analysis of CCD images acquired at the 2 m Himalayan Chandra Telescope at IAO. Night sky brightness was estimated using 210 HFOSC images obtained on 47 nights and covering the declining phase of solar activity cycle-23. The zenith corrected values of the moonless night sky brightness in mag/square arcsecs are 22.14(U), 22.42(B), 21.28(V), 20.54(R) and 18.86(I) band. This shows that IAO is a dark site for optical observations. No clear dependency of sky brightness with solar activity is found. Extinction values at IAO are derived from an analysis of 1325 images over 58 nights. They are found to be 0.36 in U-band, 0.21 in B-band, 0.12 in V-band, 0.09 in R-band and 0.05 in I-band. On average, extinction during the summer months is slightly larger than that during the winter months. No clear evidence for a correlation between extinction in all bands and the average night time wind speed is found. Also presented here is the low resolution moonless optical night sky spectrum for IAO covering the wavelength range 3000-9300 \AA. Hanle region thus has the required characteristics of a good astronomical site in terms of night sky brightness and extinction, and could be a natural candidate site for any future large aperture Indian optical-infrared telescope(s).Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, uses basi.cls, accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of Indi
