217 research outputs found
Instability and wavelength selection during step flow growth of metal surfaces vicinal to fcc(001)
We study the onset and development of ledge instabilities during growth of
vicinal metal surfaces using kinetic Monte Carlo simulations. We observe the
formation of periodic patterns at [110] close packed step edges on surfaces
vicinal to fcc(001) under realistic molecular beam epitaxy conditions. The
corresponding wavelength and its temperature dependence are studied by
monitoring the autocorrelation function for step edge position. Simulations
suggest that the ledge instability on fcc(1,1,m) vicinal surfaces is controlled
by the strong kink Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier, with the wavelength determined by
dimer nucleation at the step edge. Our results are in agreement with recent
continuum theoretical predictions, and experiments on Cu(1,1,17) vicinal
surfaces.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe
Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of oscillatory shape evolution for electromigration-driven islands
The shape evolution of two-dimensional islands under electromigration-driven
periphery diffusion is studied by kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations and
continuum theory. The energetics of the KMC model is adapted to the Cu(100)
surface, and the continuum model is matched to the KMC model by a suitably
parametrized choice of the orientation-dependent step stiffness and step atom
mobility. At 700 K shape oscillations predicted by continuum theory are
quantitatively verified by the KMC simulations, while at 500 K qualitative
differences between the two modeling approaches are found.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure
Eri tuen tasolla opiskelevien oppilaiden hyvinvointiin yhteydessÀ olevat tekijÀt etÀopetuksessa
TiivistelmÀ. Suomi ja koko maailma olivat uuden tilanteen edessÀ, kun koronapandemia sulki yhteiskunnan kannalta merkittÀviÀ toimintoja kevÀÀllÀ 2020 taudin hillitsemiseksi. Suomessa koulut asetettiin lyhyellÀ varoitusajalla etÀopetukseen ilman valmistautumisaikaa. Myös suurin osa tehostettua tai erityistÀ tukea saavista oppilaista siirtyi etÀopetukseen. TÀmÀn kandidaatintutkielman oli tarkoitus selvittÀÀ, mitkÀ tekijÀt ovat yhteydessÀ eri tuen tasoilla opiskelevien oppilaiden hyvinvointiin etÀopetuksen aikana. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena.
Kouluissa on alettu kiinnittÀÀ yhÀ enemmÀn huomiota oppimisen lisÀksi myös oppilaiden hyvinvointiin. Kouluhyvinvointi mÀÀritellÀÀn neljÀn ulottuvuuden kautta: koulun olosuhteet, sosiaaliset suhteet, itsensÀ toteuttamismahdollisuudet sekÀ terveydentila (Konu, 2002). Myös oppilaan ja opettajan vÀlinen vuorovaikutus on osa oppilaan hyvinvointia. EtÀopetuksessa opiskelu tapahtuu erillÀÀn kouluympÀristöstÀ ja opettajasta. EtÀopetus vaatii oppilaalta suuressa mÀÀrin itseohjautuvuuden taitoja ja motivaatiota. Opettajalta opetuksen jÀrjestÀminen etÀyhteydellÀ vaatii pedagogista pohdintaa suunnittelun ja toteuttamisen suhteen. EtÀopetuksessakin oppilas on oikeutettu opettajan palautteeseen ja tukeen. Oppimisen yleisen, tehostetun tai erityisen tuen tulee olla suunnitelmallista ja muuntautua tarpeen mukaan.
Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ etÀopetuksen negatiiviset yhteydet oppilaiden hyvinvointiin liittyivÀt opetuksen strukturoimattomuuteen, arjen hallinnan puutteisiin sekÀ negatiivisiin tunteisiin. ElÀmÀnlaadun koettiin heikentyneen ystÀvyyssuhteiden ja muun sosiaalisen elÀmÀn ollessa tauolla. Positiiviset yhteydet oppilaiden hyvinvointiin liittyivÀt vÀhemmÀn kuormittavaan arkeen, sosiaalisen paineen ja kiusaamisen puuttumiseen sekÀ lisÀÀntyneeseen vapaa-aikaan. Oppimisen tuki ei toteutunut riittÀvÀsti etÀopetuksen aikana, mikÀ asetti oppilaat eriarvoiseen asemaan. Huoltajien ja perheiden hyvinvointi oli merkittÀvÀssÀ yhteydessÀ oppilaiden hyvinvointiin. Toisille perheille etÀopetusaika oli rauhoittumisen ja lÀhentymisen aikaa toisten perheiden kokiessa ajan hyvin kuormittavana ja haastavana.
Tutkimuksen pohjalta voidaan tehdĂ€ johtopÀÀtös, ettĂ€ etĂ€opetuksen yhteydet eri tuen tasolla opiskelevien oppilaiden hyvinvointiin olivat yksilöllisiĂ€, joskin enimmĂ€kseen negatiivisia. Tulevaisuudessa poikkeuksellisissa etĂ€opetustilanteissa tulee kiinnittÀÀ huomiota strukturoituun opetukseen, oppimisen tuen riittĂ€vÀÀn toteutumiseen sekĂ€ perheiden hyvinvoinnin tukemiseen.The factors in distance learning connected to the well-being of pupils studying on different levels of learning support. Abstract. Finland along with the whole world were facing a new circumstances when covid-19 pandemic shut down main functions in the society in spring 2020 to inhibit the disease. In Finland schools were placed in distance learning without any time to prepare. Most of the pupils along with the ones who were receiving intensified or special support in their learning transferred to distance learning. The aim of this bachelorâs thesis was to find out which factors in distance learning has connections to the well-being of pupils when studying on different levels of learning support. This thesis has been implemented as a descriptive literature review.
In addition to focusing on learning in schools the attention is also more often pointed to the well-being of the pupils. School well-being is defined via four dimensions: circumstances in school, social relationships, possibilities to self-actualization and condition of health. The interaction between the pupil and the teacher is also part of the pupilâs well-being. When studying in distance the pupil is physically apart from the school environment and the teacher. To study in distance pupil needs to have a major amount of self-determination and motivation. As a teacher distance learning needs to be considered pedagogically when planning and implementing it. Also during the distance learning pupil is entitled to have a feedback and support from the teacher. Whether the support in learning is on general, intensified or special level it needs to be planned and adjustable.
Based on this literature review, the negative connections that distance learning had on pupilâs well-being were related to unstructured teaching, lack of coping and negative emotions. Quality of life were experienced to decrease because the relationships with friends and other social relations were on a pause. The positive connections that distance learning had on pupilâs well-being were related to a less amount of burden on school days, lacking of social pressure and bullying and increased free time. Support in learning didnât actualize well enough in distance learning which set the pupils in need of learning support to an unequal status. The well-being of the pupilâs guardians and families had a significant connection to the pupilâs well-being. Other families felt that the period of distance learning was a chance to relax and enjoy the closeness of the family. For the other families the period was challenging.
Based on the results of this thesis, as a conclusion it can be stated that connections that distance learning had on the well-being of pupils who are studying on different levels of learning support are individuals, though mostly negative. In the future in similar circumstances, we should pay attention to structured teaching, actualization of learning support in adequate level and supporting the well-being of families
Submonolayer Growth with Anomalously High Island Density in Hyperthermal Deposition
We present a rate equation model for submonolayer island growth under conditions where hyperthermal deposition techniques such as low-energy ion deposition are employed to achieve smooth layer-by-layer growth. By asymptotic analysis, we demonstrate that the model exhibits stationary behavior with well-defined dynamic and growth exponents ÎČ and Ï, respectively, in the limit of small and high detachment rates. We verify these predictions by using the particle coalescence simulation method. The simulations reveal the existence of a relatively sharp transition regime with an increasing detachment rate of adatoms from high values of the growth exponent ÎČâ1 to much smaller values of ÎČ determined by detachment and island diffusion processes. Our numerical results for the island size distribution indicate an anomalously high number of small islands, in agreement with available experimental data.Peer reviewe
Morphology of ledge patterns during step flow growth of metal surfaces vicinal to fcc(001)
The morphological development of step edge patterns in the presence of
meandering instability during step flow growth is studied by simulations and
numerical integration of a continuum model. It is demonstrated that the kink
Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier responsible for the instability leads to an invariant
shape of the step profiles. The step morphologies change with increasing
coverage from a somewhat triangular shape to a more flat, invariant steady
state form. The average pattern shape extracted from the simulations is shown
to be in good agreement with that obtained from numerical integration of the
continuum theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX 3, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Meandering instability of curved step edges on growth of a crystalline cone
We study the meandering instability during growth of an isolated
nanostructure, a crystalline cone, consisting of concentric circular steps. The
onset of the instability is studied analytically within the framework of the
standard Burton-Cabrera-Frank model, which is applied to describe step flow
growth in circular geometry. We derive the correction to the most unstable
wavelength and show that in general it depends on the curvature in a
complicated way. Only in the asymptotic limit where the curvature approaches
zero the results are shown to reduce to the rectangular case. The results
obtained here are of importance in estimating growth regimes for stable
nanostructures against step meandering.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTe
Panorama of the distal myopathies
Distal myopathies are genetic primary muscle disorders with a prominent weakness at onset in hands and/or feet. The age of onset (from early childhood to adulthood), the distribution of muscle weakness (upper versus lower limbs) and the histological findings (ranging from nonspecific myopathic changes to myofibrillar disarrays and rimmed vacuoles) are extremely variable. However, despite being characterized by a wide clinical and genetic heterogeneity, the distal myopathies are a category of muscular dystrophies: genetic diseases with progressive loss of muscle fibers. Myopathic congenital arthrogryposis is also a form of distal myopathy usually caused by focal amyoplasia. Massive parallel sequencing has further expanded the long list of genes associated with a distal myopathy, and contributed identifying as distal myopathy-causative rare variants in genes more often related with other skeletal or cardiac muscle diseases. Currently, almost 20 genes (ACTN2, CAV3, CRYAB, DNAJB6, DNM2, FLNC, HNRNPA1, HSPB8, KHLH9, LDB3, MATR3, MB, MYOT, PLIN4, TIA1, VCP, NOTCH2NLC, LRP12, GIPS1) have been associated with an autosomal dominant form of distal myopathy. Pathogenic changes in four genes (ADSSL, ANO5, DYSF, GNE) cause an autosomal recessive form; and disease-causing variants in five genes (DES, MYH7, NEB, RYR1 and TTN) result either in a dominant or in a recessive distal myopathy. Finally, a digenic mechanism, underlying a Welander-like form of distal myopathy, has been recently elucidated. Rare pathogenic mutations in SQSTM1, previously identified with a bone disease (Paget disease), unexpectedly cause a distal myopathy when combined with a common polymorphism in TIA1. The present review aims at describing the genetic basis of distal myopathy and at summarizing the clinical features of the different forms described so far. ©2020 Gaetano Conte Academy - Mediterranean Society of Myology, Naples, Italy.Peer reviewe
Competing mechanisms for step meandering in unstable growth
The meander instability of a vicinal surface growing under step flow
conditions is studied within a solid-on-solid model. In the absence of edge
diffusion the selected meander wavelength agrees quantitatively with the
continuum linear stability analysis of Bales and Zangwill [Phys. Rev. B {\bf
41}, 4400 (1990)]. In the presence of edge diffusion a local instability
mechanism related to kink rounding barriers dominates, and the meander
wavelength is set by one-dimensional nucleation. The long-time behavior of the
meander amplitude differs in the two cases, and disagrees with the predictions
of a nonlinear step evolution equation [O. Pierre-Louis et al., Phys. Rev.
Lett. {\bf 80}, 4221 (1998)]. The variation of the meander wavelength with the
deposition flux and with the activation barriers for step adatom detachment and
step crossing (the Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier) is studied in detail. The
interpretation of recent experiments on surfaces vicinal to Cu(100) [T.
Maroutian et al., Phys. Rev. B {\bf 64}, 165401 (2001)] in the light of our
results yields an estimate for the kink barrier at the close packed steps.Comment: 8 pages, 7 .eps figures. Final version. Some errors in chapter V
Evolution of Cu nanoclusters on Cu(100)
Abstract Using molecular dynamics simulations combined with kinetic Monte Carlo methods we have studied the evolution of copper nanoclusters on a copper (100) surface. We have developed a method for relaxing the clusters into a suitable configuration for input into the kinetic Monte Carlo method using molecular dynamics. Using kinetic Monte Carlo methods we have simulated the evolution of clusters with sizes of 22-2045 atoms at temperatures of 220-1020 K. We found that the Cu clusters on the surface will be reduced to one monolayer if given enough time to relax, and that this process shows an Arrhenius behaviour. In this paper we present the relaxation method that we developed and our observations for the evolution of the clusters
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