11,902 research outputs found

    Rotation of the cluster of galaxies A2107

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    We present indications of rotation in the galaxy cluster A2107 by a method that searches for the maximum gradient in the velocity field in a flat disk-like model of a cluster. Galaxies from cumulative sub-samples containing more and more distant members from the cluster centre, are projected onto an axis passing through the centre and we apply a linear regression model on the projected distances xx and the line-of-sight velocities VV. The axis with the maximum linear correlation coefficient rmax=max⁥[r(V,x)]r_{max} = \max [ r(V,x) ] defines the direction of the maximum velocity gradient, and consequently it presents the major axis of the apparently elliptical cluster. Because the effects of rotation are subtle, we put strong emphasis on the estimation of the uncertainties of the results by implementing different bootstrap techniques. We have found the rotational effects are more strongly expressed from distances 0.26÷0.540.26 \div 0.54 Mpc from the cluster centre. The total virial mass of the cluster is (3.2\pm0.6)\times10^{14} {\cal M}_{\sun}, while the virial mass, corrected for the rotation, is (2.8\pm0.5) \times 10^{14}{\cal M}_{\sun}.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures gzipped tar file. to be published in MNRA

    Improved Parameters and New Lensed Features for Q0957+561 from WFPC2 Imaging

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    New HST WFPC2 observations of the lensed double QSO 0957+561 will allow improved constraints on the lens mass distribution and hence will improve the derived value of H0_0. We first present improved optical positions and photometry for the known components of this lens. The optical separation between the A and B quasar images agrees with VLBI data at the 10 mas level, and the optical center of the primary lensing galaxy G1 coincides with the VLBI source G' to within 10 mas. The best previous model for this lens (Grogin and Narayan 1996) is excluded by these data and must be reevaluated. Several new resolved features are found within 10\arcsec of G1, including an apparent fold arc with two bright knots. Several other small galaxies are detected, including two which may be multiple images of each other. We present positions and crude photometry of these objects.Comment: 7 pages including 2 postscript figures, LaTeX, emulateapj style. Also available at http://www.astro.lsa.umich.edu:80/users/philf/www/papers/list.htm

    Reduced Fine-Tuning in Supersymmetry with R-parity violation

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    Both electroweak precision measurements and simple supersymmetric extensions of the standard model prefer a mass of the Higgs boson less than the experimental lower limit of 114 GeV. We show that supersymmetric models with R parity violation and baryon number violation have a significant range of parameter space in which the Higgs dominantly decays to six jets. These decays are much more weakly constrained by current LEP analyses and would allow for a Higgs mass near that of the ZZ. In general, lighter scalar quark and other superpartner masses are allowed and the fine-tuning typically required to generate the measured scale of electroweak symmetry breaking is ameliorated. The Higgs would potentially be discovered at hadron colliders via the appearance of new displaced vertices. The lightest neutralino could be discovered by a scan of vertex-less events LEP I data.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Significant detail added to the arguments regarding LEP limits - made more quantitative. Better figures used, plotting more physical quantities. Typos corrected and references updated. Conclusions unchange

    Dark Matter Scaling Relations

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    We establish the presence of a dark matter core radius, for the first time in a very large number of spiral galaxies of all luminosities. Contrary to common opinion we find that the sizes of these cores and the " DM core problem" are bigger for more massive spirals. As a result the Burkert profile provides an excellent mass model for dark halos around disk galaxies. Moreover, we find that the spiral dark matter core densities ρ0\rho_{0} and core radii r0r_{0} lie in the same scaling relation ρ0=4.5×10−2(r0/kpc)−2/3M⊙pc−3\rho_{0}=4.5\times 10^-2 (r_{0}/kpc)^{-2/3} M_{\odot}pc^{-3} of dwarf galaxies with core radii upto ten times more smaller.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for Publication in Apj Let

    Density functional calculations of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of the hydrocarbon K3picene superconductor near the metal-insulator transition

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    We have investigated the electronic structures and magnetic properties of of K3picene, which is a first hydrocarbon superconductor with high transition temperature T_c=18K. We have shown that the metal-insulator transition (MIT) is driven in K3picene by 5% volume enhancement with a formation of local magnetic moment. Active bands for superconductivity near the Fermi level E_F are found to have hybridized character of LUMO and LUMO+1 picene molecular orbitals. Fermi surfaces of K3picene manifest neither prominent nesting feature nor marked two-dimensional behavior. By estimating the ratio of the Coulomb interaction U and the band width W of the active bands near E_F, U/W, we have demonstrated that K3picene is located in the vicinity of the Mott transition.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The Ellipticity and Orientation of Clusters of Galaxies from N-Body Experiments

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    In this study we use simulations of 1283^3 particles to study the ellipticity and orientation of clusters of galaxies in N-body simulations of differing power-law initial spectra (P(k) \propto k^n ,n = +1, 0, -1, -2),anddensityparameters(), and density parameters (\Omega_0 = 0.2to1.0).Furthermore,unlikemosttheoreticalstudieswemimicmostobserversbyremovingallparticleswhichlieatdistancesgreaterthan21/hMpcfromtheclustercenterofmass.Wecomputedtheaxialratioandtheprincipalaxesusingtheinertiatensorofeachcluster.Themeanellipticityofclustersincreasesstronglywithincreasing to 1.0). Furthermore, unlike most theoretical studies we mimic most observers by removing all particles which lie at distances greater than 2 1/h Mpc from the cluster center of mass. We computed the axial ratio and the principal axes using the inertia tensor of each cluster. The mean ellipticity of clusters increases strongly with increasing n.Wealsofindthatclusterstendtobecomemoresphericalatsmallerradii.Wecomparedtheorientationofaclustertotheorientationofneighboringclustersasafunctionofdistance(correlation).Inaddition,weconsideredwhetheraclusterâ€Čsmajoraxistendstoliealongthelineconnectingittoaneighboringcluster,asafunctionofdistance(alignment).Bothalignmentsandcorrelationswerecomputedinthreedimensionsandinprojectiontomimicobservationalsurveys.Ourresultsshowthatsignificantalignmentsexistforallspectraatsmallseparations(. We also find that clusters tend to become more spherical at smaller radii. We compared the orientation of a cluster to the orientation of neighboring clusters as a function of distance (correlation). In addition, we considered whether a cluster's major axis tends to lie along the line connecting it to a neighboring cluster, as a function of distance (alignment). Both alignments and correlations were computed in three dimensions and in projection to mimic observational surveys. Our results show that significant alignments exist for all spectra at small separations (D < 15 h^{-1}Mpc)butdropsoffatlargerdistanceinastrongly Mpc) but drops off at larger distance in a strongly n-$dependent way.Comment: 22 pages, requires aaspp4.sty, flushrt.sty, and epsf.sty Revised manuscript, accepted for publication in Ap

    Diabetes mellitus: Complex interplay between metformin, AKI and lactic acidosis.

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    Debate exists regarding the safety of metformin and the risk of metformin-associated lactic acidosis, particularly in the setting of kidney dysfunction. Data from two studies examining the interplay between metformin, acute kidney injury, and complications including lactic acidosis suggest that metformin should be used conservatively in patients with kidney dysfunction
