1,430 research outputs found

    Timescales for the development of methanogenesis and free gas layers in recently-deposited sediments of Arkona Basin (Baltic Sea)

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    Arkona Basin (southwestern Baltic Sea) is a seasonally-hypoxic basin characterized by the presence of free methane gas in its youngest organic-rich muddy stratum. Through the use of reactive transport models, this study tracks the development of the methane geochemistry in Arkona Basin as this muddy sediment became deposited during the last 8 kyr. Four cores are modeled each pertaining to a unique geochemical scenario according to their respective contemporary geochemical profiles. Ultimately the thickness of the muddy sediment and the flux of particulate organic carbon are crucial in determining the advent of both methanogenesis and free methane gas, the timescales over which methanogenesis takes over as a dominant reaction pathway for organic matter degradation, and the timescales required for free methane gas to form

    Calcium Regulation of Tension Redevelopment Kinetics with 2-Deoxy-ATP or Low [ATP] in Rabbit Skeletal Muscle

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    AbstractThe correlation of acto-myosin ATPase rate with tension redevelopment kinetics (ktr) was determined during Ca+2-activated contractions of demembranated rabbit psoas muscle fibers; the ATPase rate was either increased or decreased relative to control by substitution of ATP (5.0mM) with 2-deoxy-ATP (dATP) (5.0mM) or by lowering [ATP] to 0.5mM, respectively. The activation dependence of ktr and unloaded shortening velocity (Vu) was measured with each substrate. With 5.0mM ATP, Vu depended linearly on tension (P), whereas ktr exhibited a nonlinear dependence on P, being relatively independent of P at submaximum levels and rising steeply at P>0.6–0.7 of maximum tension (Po). With dATP, Vu was 25% greater than control at Po and was elevated at all P>0.15Po, whereas Po was unchanged. Furthermore, the Ca+2 sensitivity of both ktr and P increased, such that the dependence of ktr on P was not significantly different from control, despite an elevation of Vu and maximal ktr. In contrast, lowering [ATP] caused a slight (8%) elevation of Po, no change in the Ca+2 sensitivity of P, and a decrease in Vu at all P. Moreover, ktr was decreased relative to control at P>0.75Po, but was elevated at P<0.75Po. These data demonstrate that the cross-bridge cycling rate dominates ktr at maximum but not submaximum levels of Ca2+ activation

    Magnetic Anisotropy of Co2+ as Signature of Intrinsic Ferromagnetism in ZnO:Co

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    We report on the magnetic properties of thoroughly characterized Zn1-xCoxO epitaxial thin films, with low Co concentration, x=0.003-0.005. Magnetic and EPR measurements, combined with crystal field theory, reveal that isolated Co2+ ions in ZnO possess a strong single ion anisotropy which leads to an "easy plane" ferromagnetic state when the ferromagnetic Co-Co interaction is considered. We suggest that the peculiarities of the magnetization process of this state can be viewed as a signature of intrinsic ferromagnetism in ZnO:Co materials.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Multiscale modeling of twitch contractions in cardiac trabeculae

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    © 2021 Mijailovich et al. Understanding the dynamics of a cardiac muscle twitch contraction is complex because it requires a detailed understanding of the kinetic processes of the Ca2+ transient, thin-filament activation, and the myosin-actin cross-bridge chemomechanical cycle. Each of these steps has been well defined individually, but understanding how all three of the processes operate in combination is a far more complex problem. Computational modeling has the potential to provide detailed insight into each of these processes, how the dynamics of each process affect the complexity of contractile behavior, and how perturbations such as mutations in sarcomere proteins affect the complex interactions of all of these processes. The mechanisms involved in relaxation of tension during a cardiac twitch have been particularly difficult to discern due to nonhomogeneous sarcomere lengthening during relaxation. Here we use the multiscale MUSICO platform to model rat trabecular twitches. Validation of computational models is dependent on being able to simulate different experimental datasets, but there has been a paucity of data that can provide all of the required parameters in a single experiment, such as simultaneous measurements of force, intracellular Ca2+ transients, and sarcomere length dynamics. In this study, we used data from different studies collected under similar experimental conditions to provide information for all the required parameters. Our simulations established that twitches either in an isometric sarcomere or in fixed-length, multiple-sarcomere trabeculae replicate the experimental observations if models incorporate a length-tension relationship for the nonlinear series elasticity of muscle preparations and a scheme for thick-filament regulation. The thick-filament regulation assumes an off state in which myosin heads are parked onto the thick-filament backbone and are unable to interact with actin, a state analogous to the super-relaxed state. Including these two mechanisms provided simulations that accurately predict twitch contractions over a range of different conditions

    An Automated Method for the Analysis of Stable Isotope Labeling Data in Proteomics

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    An algorithm is presented for the generation of a reliable peptide component peak table from liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and subsequent quantitative analysis of stable isotope coded peptide samples. The method uses chemical noise filtering, charge state fitting, and deisotoping toward improved analysis of complex peptide samples. Overlapping peptide signals in mass spectra were deconvoluted by correlation with modeled peptide isotopic peak profiles. Isotopic peak profiles for peptides were generated in silico from a protein database producing reference model distributions. Doublets of heavy and light labeled peak clusters were identified and compared to provide differential quantification of pairs of stable isotope coded peptides. Algorithms were evaluated using peptides from digests of a single protein and a seven-protein mixture that had been differentially coded with stable isotope labeling agents and mixed in known ratios. The experimental results correlated well with known mixing ratios

    Post-Eocene extensional tectonics in Southern New Caledonia (SW Pacific): insights from onshore fault analysis and offshore seismic data

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    Ductile to brittle extensional deformation following thrusting of the peridotites nappe during the Upper Eocene has been shown to play a major role in the Tertiary tectonic evolution of the northern part of the main island of New Caledonia and its eastern and western margins. In this study, we provide new tectonic data from southern New Caledonia that allow to better constrain the tectonic evolution of the southern part of the main island. We present a kinematic analysis of faults and striations obtained mainly from exposures of sedimentary rocks in the region of Noumea with complements from measurements made farther north at Nepoui within post-obduction Middle-Miocene deposits. We also present additional results of an interpretation of seismic lines from the lagoon south of the Noumea Peninsula which provide constraints on the current tectonic regime of southern New Caledonia. Extensional faults in the Noumea region have been studied within terranes of various ages including pre- and syn-obduction deposits and ophiolites. Hence, we demonstrate that important extensional events have affected the southern part of the New Caledonia block after the obduction of the peridotite nappe. The direction of maximum extension is variable at the scale of the region. Both high angle and low angle normal faults are present and block rotation is observed at some localities. This suggests that detachments accommodating significant displacements are cutting through the sedimentary pile. The average final strain pattern of the region can be regarded as the results of a multidirectional flattening, a hypothesis consistent with vertical uplift associated with regional extension. These results are in good agreement with conclusions of earlier workers showing late extensional evolution of the ophiolites alon

    Simulating Flaring Events in Complex Active Regions Driven by Observed Magnetograms

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    We interpret solar flares as events originating from active regions that have reached the Self Organized Critical state, by using a refined Cellular Automaton model with initial conditions derived from observations. Aims: We investigate whether the system, with its imposed physical elements,reaches a Self Organized Critical state and whether well-known statistical properties of flares, such as scaling laws observed in the distribution functions of characteristic parameters, are reproduced after this state has been reached. Results: Our results show that Self Organized Criticality is indeed reached when applying specific loading and relaxation rules. Power law indices obtained from the distribution functions of the modeled flaring events are in good agreement with observations. Single power laws (peak and total flare energy) as well as power laws with exponential cutoff and double power laws (flare duration) are obtained. The results are also compared with observational X-ray data from GOES satellite for our active-region sample. Conclusions: We conclude that well-known statistical properties of flares are reproduced after the system has reached Self Organized Criticality. A significant enhancement of our refined Cellular Automaton model is that it commences the simulation from observed vector magnetograms, thus facilitating energy calculation in physical units. The model described in this study remains consistent with fundamental physical requirements, and imposes physically meaningful driving and redistribution rules.Comment: 14 pages; 12 figures; 6 tables - A&A, in pres