161 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary Therapy of Upper and Lower Jaws Defects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of multidisciplinary therapy of injury and other defects of the upper and lower jaws. The imperfections originate primary (cleft, oligodontia) or secondary (cysts, accidents, tumors, inflammation etc.).The incidence in the Czech Republic is criminal in 28 %, sports in 12 %, and home accidents in 9 %. The cleft genetic register includes at the present time more than 4500 families from Bohemia. The multidisciplinary therapy involves the following disciplines: prosthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, orthodontics, speech pathology, psychology, otorhinolaryngology, genetics, and social work. Dental care of adult patients is not simple. The five case reports demonstrate the prosthetic treatment of adult patients by multidisciplinary therapy: surgeon, orthodontist and prosthodontist. The aim of our therapy is to receive the integration oforthodontic treatment or surgi cal prerestorative therapy with prosthodontic restoration, to enable esthetic harmony and functional efficiency of dental arches. The case reports describe: • unfitting orthodontic treatment with central incisor extrusion, • bone defect after implant disintegration, • polytrauma after traffic accident, • status post partial resection of the right upper jaw after fibrosarcoma - rest oroantral communication and total bilateral cleft, • hypertelorism, hands and feet malformation, left side oronasal communication from palate to fornix. The methods of reconstruction are unusual and some of them are presented in the 5 clinical cases

    Veneers, Crowns, and Inlay Bridges after Orthodontic Therapy: a ThreeYear Prospective Study

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    Composite veneers, crowns, and inlay bridges after orthodontic therapy can reshape the dental arch. The main emphasis is given on esthetic appearance of the patient and protection of healthy teeth. The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term treatment stability. 49 composite veneers, crowns and inlay bridges (20 patients) were inserted on the frontal teeth as a part of reshaping and reorientation of teeth after orthodontic therapy; diasthemic closure, microdontia of lateral incisors, reshaping of canines, anodontia of lateral incisors, etc. Based on ADA recommendation a special card was prepared containing relevant information on the patients. Used materials were: Charisma, Artglass, (Kulzer) Ribbond, (Sigma Dental Systems) Targis, Vectris, (Ivoclar). Baseline examination was made one week and three years after therapy. Clinical assessments were carried out in accordance with the US Public Health Service System. The follow-up included: marginal ridge, marginal adaptation, anatomic form, caries presence, color match, cavo surface margin discoloration, surface smoothness and postoperative sensitivity. In the three year period, marginal ridge contour and adaptation were excellent (100% alfa). Anatomic form was destroyed in 18.7%. The general contour of the restoration followed the overall contour of the teeth in 81.3%. In our study no evidence of caries was found. The color match was darker and translucent in 31.2 %, and marginal discoloration was seen in 12.5%. The entire surface of each restoration was smooth with marked spot relief in 62.5%. The results demonstrate that composite resin and reinforced polymers are an effective method for long-term stable treatment

    Repeated slip along a major decoupling horizon between crustal-scale nappesof the Central Western Carpathians documented in the Ochtinà tectonicmélange

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    International audienceThe Ochtiná Unit is situated in the ENE-WSW-trending contact zone between two crustal-scale nappes, the upper Gemer Unit and the lower Vepor Unit, in the Central Western Carpathians, Slovakia. The Ochtiná Unit consists mainly of Carboniferous phyllitic schists and sandstones enclosing lenses of diverse lithological nature and contrasting metamorphic history. Peak PT conditions obtained by means of phase equilibrium modelling from lenses of amphibolite and chloritoid schist in this unit indicate 500-600 °C and 4-6.5 kbar and 500-520 °C and 9-11 kbar, respectively. These PT conditions contrast not only with the greenschist-facies metamorphism of dominant phyllite but also with each other documenting two distinct metamorphic field gradients related to Variscan and Alpine metamorphic events. Geochemical data reveal an affinity of the amphibolite lenses to similar Variscan rocks in the basement of the upper Gemer Unit and of the chloritoid schist to similar Alpine rocks in the cover of the lower Vepor Unit. Such heterogeneous lithological and metamorphic record is consistent with a block-in-matrix rock arrangement and the Ochtiná Unit is interpreted as deep seated tectonic mélange. The mélange evolved via repeated slip along the rheologically weak sediments of the Ochtiná Unit during the building and collapse of the Eo-Alpine orogenic wedge of the Central Western Carpathians. Deformation record indicates that the mélange separates two distinct structural domains marked by a decoupled behaviour, i.e. the orogenic suprastructure represented by the Gemer Unit and the infrastructure represented by the Vepor Unit. With this respect, the Ochtiná Unit represents an unusual example of a suprastructure-infrastructure transition zone with its position being controlled by the mechanical weakness of this sedimentary horizon and not by the temperature-dependent rheological transition

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Treatments to Remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances from Water—Are We Using the Right Approach? Proposal of a Paradigm Shift from “Chemical Only” towards an Integrated Bio-Chemical Assessment

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    Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been under intense investigation by the scientific community due to their persistence in the environment and potentially hazardous effects on living organisms. In order to tackle the presence of these compounds in water, to date, the research has been strongly focused on the evaluation of the effectiveness of different types of technologies. Considering the extreme complexity of the matter of PFASs and our relatively low knowledge in this topic, the following question arises: is the “chemical only” approach that is followed for evaluating the effectiveness of technologies for PFAS removal from water reliable enough? In this work, some limitations of the present approach are discussed, highlighting the reasons why it cannot be considered a reliable tool to correctly estimate the effectiveness of technology when referring to emerging compounds such as PFASs. Bioassays can play a key role in moving towards an integrated bio-chemical evaluation (chemical analysis and ecotoxicological evaluation), which is strongly encouraged. This represents the only way to completely characterize a water matrix and fully evaluate the impact of technologies when dealing with micropollutants in water, such as PFASs. Future research should focus on defining an optimal battery of bioassays that specifically fit to best represent changes in water quality in terms of short- and long-term impacts on living organisms

    Pattern Stability and Trijunction Motion in Eutectic Solidification

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    We demonstrate by both experiments and phase-field simulations that lamellar eutectic growth can be stable for a wide range of spacings below the point of minimum undercooling at low velocity, contrary to what is predicted by existing stability analyses. This overstabilization can be explained by relaxing Cahn's assumption that lamellae grow locally normal to the eutectic interface.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figure

    Influence of Cellulose on the Anoxic Treatment of Domestic Wastewater in Septic Tanks: Statistical Analysis of the Chemical and Physico-Chemical Parameters

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    Cellulose is a very common polymer in domestic wastewater (WW), representing a not negligible part of the organic substance contained in sewage. To date, many studies have highlighted the feasibility of reusing this compound in several ways (e.g., building sector, wastewater treatment, energy production, etc.) after its separation from domestic WW. However, studies about the impact of the absence of cellulose on the chemical and physico-chemical parameters of a biological process are still lacking. In this work, two pilot-scale plants were used to simulate an anoxic treatment of WW in septic tanks, with and without cellulose (CWW and NCWW, respectively), for three months. The results of the monitoring highlighted that T, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) remained almost constants, in both cases. The Spearman correlation coefficients (SCC) for turbidity (TUR), total suspended solids (TSS), and color (COL) indicated a higher removal in the case of CWW (65%, 66%, and 56%, respectively). Organic substance and nitrogen forms showed a similar behavior with and without cellulose, but in the case of CWW, N-NH3 was highly negatively correlated with TUR (SCC: −0.54), TSS (−0.49), and COL (−0.39). A biological denitrification process was highlighted in both cases. Despite these differences, when statistically analyzing the trends of the chemical and physico-chemical parameters for CWW and NCWW, a significant difference due to the absence of cellulose was excluded. These results will be useful to the scientific community, as they exclude that the operational parameters of anoxic treatments and the effectiveness on pollutants removal can be affected in the case of preliminary cellulose separation from domestic WW for recovery/reuse purposes

    Effect of pomiferin administration on kidney ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats

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    The aim of the study was to analyse protective effects of different doses of pomiferin in therapy of reperfusion injury. Rats were randomly divided into five groups (n=10). One group was intact. Three medicated groups and one placebo group were subjected to ischaemia and reperfusion of the left kidney. Pomiferin was administrated by single gastric gavage in 2 ml of 0.5% Avicel solution in doses of 5, 10 and 20 mg/kg. The placebo group was given only Avicel solution. On day 15, all the animals were exsanguinated and the reperfused kidneys were recovered. Selected biochemical markers were assessed in blood: antioxidative enzymes, total antioxidative capacity, malondialdehyde, creatinine, urea and uric acid. Creatinine, urea and total proteins were analysed in urine and 24-hour diuresis was recorded. The kidney tissue samples were used for histopathological examination

    Primary appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma in two first-degree relatives: case report and review

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    Carcinomas of the appendix are exceedingly rare tumors and have an annual age-adjusted incidence of around 0.4 cases per 100,000. Appendiceal adenocarcinoma accounts for < 0.5% of all gastrointestinal neoplasms and, of these, mucinous adenocarcinomas account for the majority. Published accounts of familial instances of primary appendiceal tumors are strikingly rare. We report two siblings who both developed primary mucinous adenocarcinomas. A genetics evaluation was conducted to determine if there was a recognizable underlying single gene disorder; no DNA mismatch repair defect was evident, and no other diagnosis was apparent. A review of appendiceal cancers seen at Mayo Clinic from l997 to the present was conducted to search for additional familial cases. Among 316 cases of primary appendiceal cancer of any histologic type, this sib pair was the only family reporting a second affected family member. The occurrence of appendiceal cancer in siblings may represent a random occurrence. An exceedingly rare predisposition syndrome cannot be ruled out

    KP-LAB Knowledge Practices Laboratory -- Specification of end-user applications

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    deliverablesThe present deliverable provides a high-level view on the new specifications of end user applications defined in the WPII during the M37-M46 period of the KP-Lab project. This is the last in the series of four deliverables that cover all the tools developed in the project, the previous ones being D6.1, D6.4 and D6.6. This deliverable presents specifications for the new functionalities for supporting the dedicated research studies defined in the latest revision of the KP-Lab research strategy. The tools addressed are: the analytic tools (Data export, Time-line-based analyser, Visual analyser), Clipboard, Search, Versioning of uploadable content items, Visual Model Editor (VME) and Visual Modeling Language Editor (VMLE). The main part of the deliverable provides the summary of tool specifications and the description of the Knowledge Practices Environment architecture, as well as an overview of the revised technical design process, of the tools’ relationship with the research studies, and of the driving objectives and the high-level requirements relevant for the present specifications. The full specifications of tools are provided in the annexes 1-9