106 research outputs found

    Cooperative effects in surfactant adsorption layers at water/alkane interfaces

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    In the present work, the properties of dodecyl dimethyl phosphine oxide (C12DMPO) at the water/decane interface are studied and compared with those obtained earlier at the interface to hexane. To simulate the interfacial behavior, a two-component thermodynamic model is proposed, which combines the equation of state and Frumkin isotherm for decane with the reorientation model involving the intrinsic compressibility for the surfactant. In this approach, the surface activity of decane is governed by its interaction with C12DMPO. The theory predicts the influence of decane on the decrease of the surface tension at a very low surfactant concentration for realistic values of the ratio of the adsorbed amounts of decane and surfactant. The surfactantrsquo;s distribution coefficient between the aqueous and decane phases is determined. Two types of adsorption systems were used: a decane drop immersed into the C12DMPO aqueous solution, and a water drop immersed into the C12DMPO solution in decane. To determine the distribution coefficient, a method based on the analysis of the transfer of C12DMPO between water and decane is also employed

    Stimulating of entrepreneurs’ innovative activity in the Republic of Bashkortostan

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    The article views some aspects of promoting innovative activity in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The measures stimulating innovative activity have been grouped into blocks.1. Creating favorable conditions for innovative activity. 2. Increasing the population’s innovative activity. 3. Development of the system of scientific and production cooperation and innovation commercialization. 4. Investment support of innovative projects. 5. Development of innovative infrastructure. 6. Development of innovative small businesses. 7. Information provision of innovative activity. The main directions of implementing the above-mentioned conditions are: - lawmaking activity in the Republic, taking into consideration the federal legislation, international standards and traditions; - financial and tax inducement of scientific-technical and innovative activity; - international technological integration; - private-state partnership in the sphere of innovative activity. Recommendations are suggested, relating to the innovative policy activation for more efficient fulfillment of the key functions of the Republic’s scientific and research sector. The authors conclude that the Republic has all necessary preconditions for small entrepreneurship functioning: the natural conditions favorable for many kinds of economic activity, the forming local market infrastructure for small business servicing, and the availability of large enterprises and centers of economic activity.Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, innovation, innovative activity, region, infrastructure, investments, stimulation, monitoring

    Novel glucose-1-phosphatase with high phytase activity and unusual metal ion activation from soil bacterium Pantoea sp. strain 3.5.1

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    © 2015, American Society for Microbiology. Phosphorus is an important macronutrient, but its availability in soil is limited. Many soil microorganisms improve the bioavailability of phosphate by releasing it from various organic compounds, including phytate. To investigate the diversity of phytate-hydrolyzing bacteria in soil, we sampled soils of various ecological habitats, including forest, private homesteads, large agricultural complexes, and urban landscapes. Bacterial isolate Pantoea sp. strain 3.5.1 with the highest level of phytase activity was isolated from forest soil and investigated further. The Pantoea sp. 3.5.1 agpP gene encoding a novel glucose-1-phosphatase with high phytase activity was identified, and the corresponding protein was purified to apparent homogeneity, sequenced by mass spectroscopy, and biochemically characterized. The AgpP enzyme exhibits maximum activity and stability at pH 4.5 and at 37°C. The enzyme belongs to a group of histidine acid phosphatases and has the lowest Km values toward phytate, glucose-6- phosphate, and glucose-1-phosphate. Unexpectedly, stimulation of enzymatic activity by several divalent metal ions was observed for the AgpP enzyme. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and high-performance ion chromatography (HPIC) analyses of phytate hydrolysis products identify DL-myo-inositol 1,2,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate as the final product of the reaction, indicating that the Pantoea sp. AgpP glucose-1-phosphatase can be classified as a 3-phytase. The identification of the Pantoea sp. AgpP phytase and its unusual regulation by metal ions highlight the remarkable diversity of phosphorus metabolism regulation in soil bacteria. Furthermore, our data indicate that natural forest soils harbor rich reservoirs of novel phytate-hydrolyzing enzymes with unique biochemical features


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    Goal of research: to evaluate efficiency of videothoracoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of patients with injuries and emergency diseases ща chest organs.Material and methods: Study wasbased on treatment results analysis of 2111 patients with injuries and chest organs emergency diseases, who were treated at Republican Research Centre of Emergency Medicine in 2001-2014. Chest trauma made up 1396 (66,1%) victims. There were 477 (22,6%) patients with spontaneous pneumothorax. At the stages of initial diagnosis, the radiologic evaluations, CT investigations and videothoracoscopies were performed. In chest trauma patients the videothoracoscopy underwent in 844 cases, in spontaneous pneu#mothorax this method was employed in 290 patients. Complicated forms of lung echinococcosis were observed in 238 (11,3%) patients and complicated forms of lung echinococcosis were evident in 72 patients.Results. Videothoracoscopy and video-assisted interventions allowed to eliminate lungs and pleura pathology in 1206 (57,1%) patients, whereas the traditional methods were effective only in 905 cases (42,9%).Conclusions. Investigation methods such as multiplanar radioscopy, radiography, chest CT and videothora-coscopy must be included into algorithm of diagnosis and surgical treatment of chest injuries and emergency diseases of chest organs. At chest trauma the videothoracoscopy allows to avoid broad thoracotomy from 9,4% to 4,7% of cases, to reduce the frequency of repeated interventions from 17,4% to 0,5% and diminish a number of early postsurgery complications from 25,4% to 10,9%. Videothoracoscopy of chest traumas allows to reduce frequency of repeated interventions from 19,8 to 1,7%.Цель исследования: оценить эффективность видеоторакоскопии при диагностике и лечении больных с травмами и неотложными заболеваниями органов грудной полости.Материал и методы. Провели анализ результатов лечения 2111 больных с травмами и неотложными заболеваниями органов грудной полости. Все больные находились на стационарном лечении в Республиканском научном центре экстренной медицинской помощи с 2001 по 2014 гг. На этапах начальной диагностики проводили рентгенологические, компьютерно#томографические исследования и видеоторакоскопию. Видеоторакоскопию выполнили при травме грудной клетки у 844 пострадавших, при спонтанном пневмотораксе — у 290 больных. Осложненные формы эхинококкоза легких наблюдали у 238 (11,3%) больных, из которых 72 (30,3%) больным выполнена видеоторакоскопия с последующей ми#ниторакотомией.Результаты. Выявили, что видеоторакоскопия при травме грудной клетки позволяет уменьшить частоту широкой торакотомиии с 9,4 до 4,7%, повторных оперативных вмешательств с 17,4 до 0,5% и частоту ранних послеоперационных осложнений с 25,4 до 10,9%. Видеоторакоскопия при спонтанном пневмотораксе позволяют снизить частоту повторных вмешательств с 19,8 до 1,7%. Видеоторакоскопия и видеоассистиро#ванные вмешательства позволили ликвидировать патологию легких и плевры у 1206 (57,1%) больных, а традиционные методы лечения — у 905 (42,9%).Выводы. Для повышения эффективности диагностики и хирургического лечения травмы груди и неотложных состояний, обусловленных заболеваниями органов грудной клетки, наряду с полипозиционной рентгеноскопией, рентгенографией, компьютерной томографией грудной клетки в алгоритм исследований показано включение видеоторакоскопии


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    In this work, the electret properties of polymer composite materials based on polylactic acid and aerosol are investigated. It was found that the introduction of aerosil increases the electret properties of polylactic acid


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    Basing on data of home and foreign literature, and own observations we discussed  modern views on the issue, and explained actuality of the further study of “acute lung injury” and “respiratory distress syndrome”. We considered the  questions of history, etiopathogenesis and diagnostic  criteria  of this pathological condition. Upon the discussion  of these  problems, we gave the particular  attention to the choice of an optimal artificial ventilation mode.На основании данных отечественной  и зарубежной  литературы, а также собственных наблюдений обсуждается современный взгляд на проблему и обосновывается актуальность дальнейшего изучения острого повреждения  легких и респираторного  дистресс-синдрома.  Рассматриваются вопросы истории развития, особенности этиопатогенеза  и критерии диагностических признаков данной патологии. При обсуждении рассматриваемых проблем особое внимание уделено выбору оптимального режима искусственной вентиляции легких