1,665 research outputs found

    Can Gravity Distinguish Between Dirac and Majorana Neutrinos?

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    We show that spin-gravity interaction can distinguish between Dirac and Majorana neutrino wave packets propagating in a Lense-Thirring background. Using time-independent perturbation theory and gravitational phase to generate a perturbation Hamiltonian with spin-gravity coupling, we show that the associated matrix element for the Majorana neutrino differs significantly from its Dirac counterpart. This difference can be demonstrated through significant gravitational corrections to the neutrino oscillation length for a two-flavour system, as shown explicitly for SN1987A.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor changes of text; typo corrected; accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Reply to Comment on ``Can gravity distinguish between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos?''

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    This is a reply to a comment (gr-qc/0610098) written by Nieves and Pal about our paper (gr-qc/0605153) published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 041101 (2006).Comment: 1 page, no figures, REVTe

    Agent architecture for adaptive behaviours in autonomous driving

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    Evolution has endowed animals with outstanding adaptive behaviours which are grounded in the organization of their sensorimotor system. This paper uses inspiration from these principles of organization in the design of an artificial agent for autonomous driving. After distilling the relevant principles from biology, their functional role in the implementation of an artificial system are explained. The resulting Agent, developed in an EU H2020 Research and Innovation Action, is used to concretely demonstrate the emergence of adaptive behaviour with a significant level of autonomy. Guidelines to adapt the same principled organization of the sensorimotor system to other agents for driving are also obtained. The demonstration of the system abilities is given with example scenarios and open access simulation tools. Prospective developments concerning learning via mental imagery are finally discussed

    Lower Neutrino Mass Bound from SN1987A Data and Quantum Geometry

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    A lower bound on the light neutrino mass mνm_\nu is derived in the framework of a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics. Using this model and the time of flight delay data for neutrinos coming from SN1987A, we find that the neutrino masses are bounded from below by mν≳10−4−10−3m_\nu\gtrsim 10^{-4}-10^{-3}eV, in agreement with the upper bound mν≲m_\nu\lesssim (O(0.1)−O(1))({\cal O}(0.1) - {\cal O} (1)) eV currently available. When the model is applied to photons with effective mass, we obtain a lower limit on the electron density in intergalactic space that is compatible with recent baryon density measurements.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Multiple genome relationships and a complex biogeographic history in the eastern range of Quercus suber L. (Fagaceae) implied by nuclear and chloroplast DNA variation

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    The complex evolutionary history of Quercus suber has been throughly investigated in many recent works, but the details of its differentiation processes are still largely unknown. In addition, the geographical and evolutionary roles of the eastern parts of the species range have gained much less attention compared to other southern European areas. In order to fill this gap, new insights to infer the species diversification and range establishment of the cork oak in the east-central Mediterranean are here provided by means of inter- and intra-specific plastid DNA and nuclear ribosomal ITS phylogeographic studies. We analyzed 95 natural cork oak populations; 6 closely related, sympatric oaks were included in the study and used for comparisons.Evidence for a clear phylogeographical structure was detected with PCR-RFLP at 5 chloroplast loci, while ITS sequence variation is apparently unrelated with the geographical distribution. Five chloroplast haplotypes and three ITS main lineages were identified. Three haplotypes and all ITS lineages occur in the Italian Peninsula, stressing the importance of these territories for the evolutionary history of the species. Two divergent "Italian" haplotypes are highly shared, and one ITS variant is basal to the ingroup, revealing sister relationships within Cerris taxonomic group. Hypotheses of hybridization, lineage sorting of ancient DNA polymorphisms and of reticulate evolution of the whole species group are presented and discussed

    Endometriosis and Angiogenic Factors

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