1,075 research outputs found

    A new class of string transformations for compressed text indexing

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    Introduced about thirty years ago in the field of data compression, the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a string transformation that, besides being a booster of the performance of memoryless compressors, plays a fundamental role in the design of efficient self-indexing compressed data structures. Finding other string transformations with the same remarkable properties of BWT has been a challenge for many researchers for a long time. In this paper, we introduce a whole class of new string transformations, called local orderings-based transformations, which have all the “myriad virtues” of BWT. As a further result, we show that such new string transformations can be used for the construction of the recently introduced r-index, which makes them suitable also for highly repetitive collections. In this context, we consider the problem of finding, for a given string, the BWT variant that minimizes the number of runs in the transformed string

    a tailored maintenance management system to control spare parts life cycle

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    Abstract The maintenance of complex production systems became increasingly crucial to ensure the competitiveness of companies and service level to their clients. Because of product customization the number of mechanical and electrical components and functional groups of manufacturing lines enhanced with their complexity. To face this concern, the physical and logical design of such systems is typically partitioned among several groups of engineers and designers. Consequently, a holistic awareness of the whole project is lacking and the maintenance of such systems becomes even more challenging. In view of this, new tailored support-decision tools able to manage and control the life cycle of spare parts from their design, throughout the run time, and to their failure and replacement are necessary. This paper illustrates an original maintenance management system (MMS) resulting by the combination of different computerized tools able to integrate the information flow behind the life cycle of a generic component. The proposed system supports coordination among groups of engineers and practitioners through graphic user interfaces (GUIs) and performance i.e. cost, reliability, dashboards, which lead decision-making from the design phase to the planning of maintenance tasks along the life of the manufacturing line. These tools are validated with a real-world instance from the tobacco industry which allows assessing how components belonging to the same functional group may differently behave over their life cycle. The results suggest that the holistic awareness on the whole manufacturing system provided by the proposed MMS can support task design and schedule of maintenance actions providing the reduction of more than 20% of the total cost and time for maintenance actions. The practical example shown contributes to shed light on the potentials of new paradigms for maintenance management in the industry 4.0

    The Alternating BWT: An algorithmic perspective

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    The Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) is a word transformation introduced in 1994 for Data Compression. It has become a fundamental tool for designing self-indexing data structures, with important applications in several areas in science and engineering. The Alternating Burrows-Wheeler Transform (ABWT) is another transformation recently introduced in Gessel et al. (2012) [21] and studied in the field of Combinatorics on Words. It is analogous to the BWT, except that it uses an alternating lexicographical order instead of the usual one. Building on results in Giancarlo et al. (2018) [23], where we have shown that BWT and ABWT are part of a larger class of reversible transformations, here we provide a combinatorial and algorithmic study of the novel transform ABWT. We establish a deep analogy between BWT and ABWT by proving they are the only ones in the above mentioned class to be rank-invertible, a novel notion guaranteeing efficient invertibility. In addition, we show that the backward-search procedure can be efficiently generalized to the ABWT; this result implies that also the ABWT can be used as a basis for efficient compressed full text indices. Finally, we prove that the ABWT can be efficiently computed by using a combination of the Difference Cover suffix sorting algorithm (K\ue4rkk\ue4inen et al., 2006 [28]) with a linear time algorithm for finding the minimal cyclic rotation of a word with respect to the alternating lexicographical order

    Optimizing food ordering in a multi-stage catering supply chain network using reusable containers

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    Reusable plastic containers (RPCs) prevent packaging waste in the food supply chains. Food Catering Supply Chain (FCSC) made of multi-stage logistic networks represents a challenging scenario for adopting RPCs to optimize, particularly when the container's flow meets the food supplies. This paper fosters the application of RPCs in such FCSC by proposing a food-ordering MILP model to aid the cross-docking player in selecting the suppliers and releasing packaged food orders efficiently. This model optimizes logistic costs and operations as well as the influence of the container pooler's facilities network in the FCSC. A numerical example extracted by a larger case study provides validation of the model and offers insights for future research investigations


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    Nowadays, efforts to reduce the resource depletion and environmental emissions from the anthropic activities, are mandatory for sustainable development pattern. Among the key resources to save, pure water is as important as critic due to its scarcity and its essential role for life and growth. Furthermore, during the last decades, rising attention from institutions and industries is toward solutions for the water intensity decrease and wastewater recovery. This paper proposes the environmental assessment of an innovative wastewater collection and purification plant tailored to a mid-size beverage industry aiming at locally closing the loop of the water chain, allowing its recirculation and local reuse. After the description of the functional module features, sizes and design, based on a prototype actually working in Italy, the paper follows the ISO 14040 standards to develop an environmental assessment of the industrial system, quantifying the impact rising from the manufacturing and the assembly phases

    Simulating International Shipments of Vegetable Oils: Focus on Quality Changes

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    This investigation evaluated the quality changes of commercial vegetable oils after different simulated shipments. In particular, the oils were placed in containers with or without thermal insulation and subjected to two simulated shipments, from Italy to Los Angeles and to Quebec. The temperature profiles were monitored to simulate the real shipments conditions in laboratory through properly developed climate chambers. Different quality parameters were evaluated before and after the simulations, showing a high degree of oxidation for samples shipped to Los Angeles in standard containers. In this study, the thermal insulation container was effective in protecting samples from potential oxidative damage during simulated shipping.The authors would like to thank Enhancement of the Palestinian University System (E- PLUS) for PhD scholarship grants financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Directorate General for Cooperation and Development (coordinated by the University of Pavia)

    State-of-the-art in product service-systems

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    A Product Service-System (PSS) is an integrated combination of products and services. This western concept embraces a service-led competitive strategy, environmental sustainability, and the basis to differentiate from competitors who simply offer lower priced products. This paper aims to report the state-of-the-art of PSS research by presenting a clinical review of literature currently available on this topic. The literature is classified and the major outcomes of each study are addressed and analysed. On this basis, this paper defines the PSS concept, reports on its origin and features, gives examples of applications along with potential benefits and barriers to adoption, summarises available tools and methodologies, and identifies future research challenges

    an application of collaborative robots in a food production facility

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    Abstract Despite the food industry being a leading sector of the European economy, the level of penetration of automation is still low. The main reasons lie on the small margin of food items which does not encourage technological investments, the extremely spread vendors market i.e. mostly small and medium enterprises, and the high level of flexibility and care required to handle food products along production, packaging, and storage operations. Nevertheless, the advent of collaborative, small and flexible robots provides great opportunities for the design and development of new effective processes integrating the human flexibility with the efficiency of automation. This paper explores the impact of adopting collaborative robots in the food catering industry, by illustrating a case study developed for the end-of-line of a catering production system. A generalizable methodology is proposed to support the study of the technical and economic feasibility of the implementation of such technology. This methodology is intended to support managers of the food industry to analyse the constraints that limit the automation of a process and to measure the expected performance of the system in terms of throughput, ergonomics and economic benefits resulting from the adoption of collaborative robots

    Integrating Human-Centred Design Approach into Sustainable-Oriented 3D Printing Systems

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    Modern 3D printing systems have become pervasive and widely used both in professional and in informal contexts, including sustainable-oriented ones. However, the risk to create very effective but non-sustainable solutions is very high since 3D printing systems could potentially increase the environmental emergencies and the unsustainable growth. In the transition process toward sustainable ways of production and consumption, the so-called human factor still plays an important role in the achievement of sustainable-oriented actions; it drives the adoption of proper lifestyles that directly and indirectly influence the ways through which such technologies are used. Therefore, future Sustainable 3D Printing Systems should integrate the humans in the systems’ development. This study presents two important results: (a) it presents a set of interdisciplinary ‘Sustainable 3D Printing Systems’, which compose a promising sustainable-oriented scenario useful to support the transition processes toward sustainable designs and productions, and (b) it proposes a new strategy for the integration of human-centred aspects into Sustainable 3D Printing Systems, by combining insights from human-centred design approach

    Sensitivity of simulated climate to horizontal and vertical resolution in the ECHAM5 atmosphere model

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    The most recent version of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology atmospheric general circulation model, ECHAM5, is used to study the impact of changes in horizontal and vertical resolution on seasonal mean climate. In a series of Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project (AMIP)-style experiments with resolutions ranging between T21L19 and T159L31, the systematic errors and convergence properties are assessed for two vertical resolutions. At low vertical resolution (L19) there is no evidence for convergence to a more realistic climate state for horizontal resolutions higher than T42. At higher vertical resolution (L31), on the other hand, the root-mean-square errors decrease monotonically with increasing horizontal resolution. Furthermore, except for T42, the L31 versions are superior to their L19 counterparts, and the improvements become more evident at increasingly higher horizontal resolutions. This applies, in particular, to the zonal mean climate state and to the stationary wave patterns in boreal winter. As in previous studies, increasing horizontal resolution leads to a warming of the troposphere, most prominently at midlatitudes, and to a poleward shift and intensification of the midlatitude westerlies. Increasing the vertical resolution has the opposite effect, almost independent of horizontal resolution. Whereas the atmosphere is colder at low and middle latitudes, it is warmer at high latitudes and close to the surface. In addition, increased vertical resolution results in a pronounced warming in the polar upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, where the cold bias is reduced by up to 50% compared to L19 simulations. Consistent with these temperature changes is a decrease and equatorward shift of the midlatitude westerlies. The substantial benefits in refining both horizontal and vertical resolution give some support to scaling arguments deduced from quasigeostrophic theory implying that horizontal and vertical resolution ought to be chosen consistently