64 research outputs found

    Use of S. Wright’s path coefficient method for statistical analysis of interrelated traits in rice

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    S. Wright’s analysis of plant productivity is of great current interest. The research objective was to determine the pair correlation coefficients and S. Wright’s path coefficients for rice varieties and, on their basis, to identify the contribution of each of them to the plant productivity. Ten rice varieties were taken as the test material. The experiments were conducted in the irrigated experimental field of theInstituteofRiceof the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences ofUkrainein 2013, 2014 and 2016. Seeds were sown with an SKS-6A manual seeder; the seeding rate was 7.0 mln germinable seeds per hectare. The predecessor was alfalfa. The plot area was5 m2; the sowing distance was15 cm. The plants were analyzed for the following traits: plant productivity (grain weight), panicle weight, grain weight from side stems, productive tillering capacity, grain number per panicle, spikelet number per panicle, 1000-grain weight, grain weight per panicle, plant height, panicle length and density, empty spikelet number per panicle, and incidence of blind seed disease. Pair correlation coefficients were determined by B.A. Dospekhov’s method; path analysis, by S. Wright’s method. The correlations of productivity with 12 quantitative traits of rice were determined: the correlation was close with the grain weight from side stems and medium with the panicle weight and with the grain weight per panicle. Path analysis of the plant productivity established that the correlations of plant traits with the productivity depended both on direct and indirect effects of each trait on the productivity. The relative contribution of each of the studied 12 traits to the rice productivity was determined; both direct and indirect effects of their interactions with other traits were evaluated. This made it possible to discover causes and consequences of interrelations between the traits and, as a result, to choose valuable-for-selection traits, such as panicle weight and productive tillering capacity, which had the greatest direct effects on the productivity and significant correlations with it

    Estimating Mutual Information

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    We present two classes of improved estimators for mutual information M(X,Y)M(X,Y), from samples of random points distributed according to some joint probability density μ(x,y)\mu(x,y). In contrast to conventional estimators based on binnings, they are based on entropy estimates from kk-nearest neighbour distances. This means that they are data efficient (with k=1k=1 we resolve structures down to the smallest possible scales), adaptive (the resolution is higher where data are more numerous), and have minimal bias. Indeed, the bias of the underlying entropy estimates is mainly due to non-uniformity of the density at the smallest resolved scale, giving typically systematic errors which scale as functions of k/Nk/N for NN points. Numerically, we find that both families become {\it exact} for independent distributions, i.e. the estimator M^(X,Y)\hat M(X,Y) vanishes (up to statistical fluctuations) if μ(x,y)=μ(x)μ(y)\mu(x,y) = \mu(x) \mu(y). This holds for all tested marginal distributions and for all dimensions of xx and yy. In addition, we give estimators for redundancies between more than 2 random variables. We compare our algorithms in detail with existing algorithms. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of our estimators for assessing the actual independence of components obtained from independent component analysis (ICA), for improving ICA, and for estimating the reliability of blind source separation.Comment: 16 pages, including 18 figure

    Least Dependent Component Analysis Based on Mutual Information

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    We propose to use precise estimators of mutual information (MI) to find least dependent components in a linearly mixed signal. On the one hand this seems to lead to better blind source separation than with any other presently available algorithm. On the other hand it has the advantage, compared to other implementations of `independent' component analysis (ICA) some of which are based on crude approximations for MI, that the numerical values of the MI can be used for: (i) estimating residual dependencies between the output components; (ii) estimating the reliability of the output, by comparing the pairwise MIs with those of re-mixed components; (iii) clustering the output according to the residual interdependencies. For the MI estimator we use a recently proposed k-nearest neighbor based algorithm. For time sequences we combine this with delay embedding, in order to take into account non-trivial time correlations. After several tests with artificial data, we apply the resulting MILCA (Mutual Information based Least dependent Component Analysis) algorithm to a real-world dataset, the ECG of a pregnant woman. The software implementation of the MILCA algorithm is freely available at http://www.fz-juelich.de/nic/cs/softwareComment: 18 pages, 20 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press

    On directed information theory and Granger causality graphs

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    Directed information theory deals with communication channels with feedback. When applied to networks, a natural extension based on causal conditioning is needed. We show here that measures built from directed information theory in networks can be used to assess Granger causality graphs of stochastic processes. We show that directed information theory includes measures such as the transfer entropy, and that it is the adequate information theoretic framework needed for neuroscience applications, such as connectivity inference problems.Comment: accepted for publications, Journal of Computational Neuroscienc

    Combining ability of spring barley varieties in the direct diallel cross system

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    It is necessary to know the combining ability of starting material for effective breeding to create varieties. The research aim was to determine the peculiarities of the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) and the ratio of their variances for awned and awnless varieties and their parental forms in F1. The study was conducted in 2014–2015. Spring barley varieties and their parental forms were used in direct diallel crosses. In 2014–2015, peculiarities of the combining ability of awned and awnless spring barley varieties and their parental forms were determined in F1. We highlighted varieties with strong GCA effects: ‘Badioryy’ for plant productivity; ‘Dzherelo’, ‘Badioryy’, ‘Vitrazh’ and ‘Maliovnychyy’ for grain number per spike; ‘Dzherelo’, ‘Badioryy’, ‘Etiket’, ‘Granal’, ‘Modern’, ‘Vitrazh’, and ‘Tolar’ for 1000-grain weight; ‘Dzherelo’, ‘Granal’, and ‘Vitrazh’ for spike length; ‘Dzherelo’ and ‘Maliovnychyy’ for spikelet number per spike; ‘Dzherelo’, ‘Badioryy’ and ‘Granal’ for plant height; ‘Zvershennya’ and ‘Badioryy’ for productive tillering; ‘Zvershennya’ and ‘Badioryy’ for total tillering; and ‘Badioryy’ for straw weight. These varieties had the largest numbers of genes that positively determine these traits. The level of combining ability of parental forms may be manifested differently in varieties created via hybridization of them. GCA variances exceeded SCA variances in ‘Zvershennya’ in 2014–2015 for the trait “1000-grain weight” (GCA – 4.20 and 4.03, respectively; SCA – 3.78 and 3.84, respectively), therefore, it is determined mainly by additive gene effects. Strong and weak SCA effects were observed for plant productivity (grain weight) and its structural components (productive tillering, grain number per spike, 1000-grain weight). Strong SCA effects were the most numerous for the trait “1000-grain weight.

    HERMES: Towards an Integrated Toolbox to Characterize Functional and Effective Brain Connectivity

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    The analysis of the interdependence between time series has become an important field of research in the last years, mainly as a result of advances in the characterization of dynamical systems from the signals they produce, the introduction of concepts such as generalized and phase synchronization and the application of information theory to time series analysis. In neurophysiology, different analytical tools stemming from these concepts have added to the ‘traditional’ set of linear methods, which includes the cross-correlation and the coherency function in the time and frequency domain, respectively, or more elaborated tools such as Granger Causality. This increase in the number of approaches to tackle the existence of functional (FC) or effective connectivity (EC) between two (or among many) neural networks, along with the mathematical complexity of the corresponding time series analysis tools, makes it desirable to arrange them into a unified-easy-to-use software package. The goal is to allow neuroscientists, neurophysiologists and researchers from related fields to easily access and make use of these analysis methods from a single integrated toolbox. Here we present HERMES (http://hermes.ctb.upm.es), a toolbox for the Matlab® environment (The Mathworks, Inc), which is designed to study functional and effective brain connectivity from neurophysiological data such as multivariate EEG and/or MEG records. It includes also visualization tools and statistical methods to address the problem of multiple comparisons. We believe that this toolbox will be very helpful to all the researchers working in the emerging field of brain connectivity analysis


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    For modeling of the trains accumulation process on marshalling tracks the special simulation model is designed. The model is used for study of the influence of specialization of marshalling tracks on duration of the operations for liquidation of «windows» between cars on marshalling tracks.Разработана имитационная модель процесса накопления составов в сортировочном парке. Приведены результаты апробации модели при исследовании влияния специализации сортировочных путей на продолжительность маневровых операций по подготовке путей к роспуску составов.Розроблено імітаційну модель процесу накопичення составів у сортувальному парку. Наведено результати апробації моделі при дослідженні впливу спеціалізації сортувальних колій на тривалість маневрових операцій з підготовки колій до розпуску составів


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    Purpose. The scientific paper highlights improving the efficiency of export rail transportation of grain cargoes in Ukraine by introducing shipper routing and concentration of loading at the terminal grain elevators. Methodology. According to the experience of the USA and Canada, one of the most effective ways to reduce costs in the grain to-port supply chain is a shipper routing of the rail traffic. Shipper routing for transportation of grain cargoes involves the concentration of their loading on the multiple junctions. The junctions are proposed to be selected with the use of cluster analysis methods. For the formation of the grain loading concentration areas the authors used methods of set theory and multi-criteria optimization. Findings. Based on agglomerative cluster analysis algorithm, the junctions on a network of Ukrainian railways are selected and the areas of possible concentration of grain loading are formed. DSU-algorithm allowed distinguishing the overlapping and non-overlapping areas of concentration. The problem of selecting non-overlapping areas of the grain loading concentration is formalized as the problem of multiobjective integer programming with boolean variables. The solution of this problem by a modified simplex algorithm allows selecting on the railway network of Ukraine 24 districts of possible grain loading concentration, which cover 70 stations and at minimal additional cost provide routing of about 7.5 million tons of grain per year. Originality. The originality of the work lies in the fact that the authors developed the mathematical procedure for selection of junctions and concentration areas of grain loading at the Ukrainian railway network, taking into account the economic efficiency of the process. Practicalvalue. Application of the developed method of grain loading concentration for the formation of unit trains will significantly reduce the logistics costs in the supply chain of grain to Ukrainian ports for export and, consequently, increase its competitiveness in foreign markets.Цель. В научной работе необходимо рассмотреть вопрос повышения эффективности экспортных железнодорожных перевозок зерновых грузов в Украине за счет внедрения отправительской маршрутизации и концентрации погрузки зерна на узловых элеваторах. Методика. Как свидетельствует опыт США и Канады, одним из эффективных направлений снижения расходов в логистической цепи доставки зерна в порты является отправительская маршрутизация железнодорожных перевозок. Отправительская маршрутизация перевозок зерновых грузов предусматривает концентрацию их погрузки на узловых станциях. Выбор узловых станций предлагается осуществлять с использованием методов кластерного анализа. Для формирования районов концентрации погрузки зерна использованы методы теории множеств и многокритериальной оптимизации. Результаты. На основе агломеративного алгоритма кластерного анализа на сети железных дорог Украины выделены узловые станции и сформированы районы возможной концентрации погрузки зерна. С использованием DSU-алгоритма выделены пересекающиеся и непересекающиеся районы концентрации. Задача выбора непересекающихся районов концентрации погрузки зерна формализована как задача многокритериального целочисленного программирования с булевыми переменными. В результате решения этой задачи с помощью модифицированного симплекс-метода на сети железных дорог Украины выделено 24 района возможной концентрации погрузки зерна, которые охватывают 70 станций и при минимальных дополнительных расходах обеспечивают отправительскую маршрутизацию около 7,5 млн т. зерна в год. Научная новизна. На основе современного математического аппарата авторами разработана методика выбора узловых станций и районов концентрации погрузки зерновых грузов на сети железных дорог Украины с учетом экономической эффективности процесса. Практическая значимость. Применение разработанной методики концентрации погрузки зерна для формирования отправительских маршрутов позволит существенно снизить логистические расходы в цепи поставки украинского зерна в морские порты на экспорт и, соответственно, повысить его конкурентоспособность на внешних рынках.Мета. В науковій роботі необхідно дослідити питання підвищення ефективності експортних залізничних перевезень зернових вантажів в Україні за рахунок впровадження відправницької маршрутизації та концентрації навантаження зерна на вузлових елеваторах. Методика. Як свідчить досвід США й Канади, одним із ефективних напрямків зниження витрат у логістичному ланцюзі доставки зерна в порти є відправницька маршрутизація залізничних перевезень. Відправницька маршрутизація перевезень зернових вантажів передбачає концентрацію їх навантаження на вузлових станціях. Вибір вузлових станцій пропонується здійснювати з використанням методів кластерного аналізу. Для формування районів концентрації навантаження зерна використані методи теорії множин і багатокритеріальної оптимізації. Результати. На основі агломеративного алгоритму кластерного аналізу на мережі залізниць України виділені вузлові станції та сформовані райони можливої концентрації навантаження зерна. З використанням DSU-алгоритму виділені пересічні й непересічні райони концентрації. Задача вибору непересічних районів концентрації навантаження зерна формалізована як задача багатокритеріального цілочислового програмування з булевими змінними. У результаті розв'язання цієї задачі за допомогою модифікованого симплекс-методу на мережі залізниць України виділено 24 райони можливої концентрації навантаження зерна, які охоплюють 70 станцій та при мінімальних додаткових витратах забезпечують відправницьку маршрутизацію близько 7,5 млн т. зерна в рік. Наукова новизна. На основі сучасного математичного апарата авторами розроблена методика вибору вузлових станцій та районів концентрації навантаження зернових вантажів на мережі залізниць України з урахуванням економічної ефективності процесу. Практична значимість. Застосування розробленої методики концентрації навантаження зерна для формування відправницьких маршрутів дозволить суттєво знизити логістичні витрати в ланцюзі постачання українського зерна в морські порти на експорт і, відповідно, підвищити його конкурентоспроможність на зовнішніх ринках


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    Based on imitation modelling of marshalling hump operation, there has been obtained a statistic model of intervals between cuts on the separating switches, determined the essential factors and analyzed their influence onto the size of the separating intervals.На основании имитационного моделирования работы горки построена статистическая модель интервалов между отцепами на разделительных стрелках, выделены существенные факторы и проанализировано их влияние на величину разделительных интервалов.На підставі імітаційного моделювання роботи гірки побудовано статистичну модель інтервалів між відчепами на розділових стрілках, виділені суттєві фактори та проаналізовано їх вплив на величину розділових інтервалів