18,357 research outputs found

    Endowment Effects in Contests

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    We design an experiment to test if the manner in which subjects receive the endowment has any bearing on the amount of overbidding in contests. We find that overbidding is significantly higher when subjects are given a large per-experiment endowment rather than when the endowment is given per-period. Risk-aversion and non-monetary utility of winning play important roles in explaining our findings.rent-seeking, contest, experiments, overbidding, endowment

    Comparing electroweak data with a decoupling model

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    Present data, both from direct Higgs search and from analysis of electroweak data, are starting to become rather restrictive on the possible values for the mass of the standard model Higgs. We discuss a new physics scenario based on a model with decoupling (both in a linear and in a non linear version) showing how it allows for an excellent fit to the present values of the ϵ\epsilon parameters and how it widens the allowed ranges for the Higgs mass (thought as elementary in the linear version, or as composite in the non linear one).Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures Late

    Study of radiation hazards to man on extended near earth missions

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    Radiation hazards to man on extended near earth mission

    Nitrification-denitrification in WSP: a mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in maturation ponds

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    A pilot-scale primary maturation pond was spiked with 15N-labelled ammonia (15NH4Cl) and 15N labelled nitrite (Na15NO2), in order to improve current understanding of the dynamics of inorganic nitrogen transformations and removal in WSP systems. Stable isotope analysis of δ15N showed that nitrification could be considered as an intermediate step in WSP, which is masked by simultaneous denitrification, under conditions of low algal activity. Molecular microbiology analysis showed that denitrification can be considered a feasible mechanism for permanent nitrogen removal in WSP, which may be supported either by ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) or by methanotrophs, in addition to nitrite-oxidising bacteria (NOB). However, the relative supremacy of the denitrification process over other nitrogen removal mechanisms (e.g., biological uptake) depends upon phytoplanktonic activity

    Playing with fermion couplings in Higgsless models

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    We discuss the fermion couplings in a four dimensional SU(2) linear moose model by allowing for direct couplings between the left-handed fermions on the boundary and the gauge fields in the internal sites. This is realized by means of a product of non linear σ\sigma-model scalar fields which, in the continuum limit, is equivalent to a Wilson line. The effect of these new non local couplings is a contribution to the ϵ3\epsilon_3 parameter which can be of opposite sign with respect to the one coming from the gauge fields along the string. Therefore, with some fine tuning, it is possible to satisfy the constraints from the electroweak data.Comment: Latex file, 20 pages, 4 eps figure

    An Extension of the Electroweak Model with Decoupling at Low Energy

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    We present a renormalizable model of electroweak interactions containing an extra SU(2)LSU(2)RSU(2)'_L\otimes SU(2)'_R symmetry. The masses of the corresponding gauge bosons and of the associated Higgs particles can be made heavy by tuning a convenient vacuum expectation value. According to the way in which the heavy mass limit is taken we obtain a previously considered non-linear model (degenerate BESS) which, in this limit, decouples giving rise to the Higgsless Standard Model (SM). Otherwise we can get a model which decouples giving the full SM. In this paper we argue that in the second limit the decoupling holds true also at the level of radiative corrections. Therefore the model discussed here is not distinguishable from the SM at low energy. Of course the two models differ deeply at higher energies.Comment: 13+2 pages, LaTe

    Modeling the Void H I Column Density Spectrum

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    The equivalent width distribution function (EWDF) of \hone absorbers specific to the void environment has been recently derived (Manning 2002), revealing a large line density of clouds (dN/dz ~500 per unit z for Log (N_HI)> 12.4). I show that the void absorbers cannot be diffuse (or so-called filamentary) clouds, expanding with the Hubble flow, as suggested by N-body/hydro simulations. Absorbers are here modeled as the baryonic remnants of sub-galactic perturbations that have expanded away from their dark halos in response to reionization at z ~ 6.5. A 1-D Lagrangian hydro/gravity code is used to follow the dynamic evolution and ionization structure of the baryonic clouds for a range of halo circular velocities. The simulation products at z=0 can be combined according to various models of the halo velocity distribution function to form a column density spectrum that can be compared with the observed. I find that such clouds may explain the observed EWDF if the halo velocity distribution function is as steep as that advanced by Klypin (1999), and the halo mass distribution is closer to isothermal than to NFW.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Paper in press; ApJ 591, n

    Calibration of Computational Models with Categorical Parameters and Correlated Outputs via Bayesian Smoothing Spline ANOVA

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    It has become commonplace to use complex computer models to predict outcomes in regions where data does not exist. Typically these models need to be calibrated and validated using some experimental data, which often consists of multiple correlated outcomes. In addition, some of the model parameters may be categorical in nature, such as a pointer variable to alternate models (or submodels) for some of the physics of the system. Here we present a general approach for calibration in such situations where an emulator of the computationally demanding models and a discrepancy term from the model to reality are represented within a Bayesian Smoothing Spline (BSS) ANOVA framework. The BSS-ANOVA framework has several advantages over the traditional Gaussian Process, including ease of handling categorical inputs and correlated outputs, and improved computational efficiency. Finally this framework is then applied to the problem that motivated its design; a calibration of a computational fluid dynamics model of a bubbling fluidized which is used as an absorber in a CO2 capture system

    A simple Monte Carlo model for crowd dynamics

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    In this paper we introduce a simple Monte Carlo method for simulating the dynamics of a crowd. Within our model a collection of hard-disk agents is subjected to a series of two-stage steps, implying (i) the displacement of one specific agent followed by (ii) a rearrangement of the rest of the group through a Monte Carlo dynamics. The rules for the combined steps are determined by the specific setting of the granular flow, so that our scheme should be easily adapted to describe crowd dynamics issues of many sorts, from stampedes in panic scenarios to organized flow around obstacles or through bottlenecks. We validate our scheme by computing the serving times statistics of a group of agents crowding to be served around a desk. In the case of a size homogeneous crowd, we recover intuitive results prompted by physical sense. However, as a further illustration of our theoretical framework, we show that heterogeneous systems display a less obvious behavior, as smaller agents feature shorter serving times. Finally, we analyze our results in the light of known properties of non-equilibrium hard-disk fluids and discuss general implications of our model.Comment: to be published in Physical Review