438 research outputs found

    Digital Marketing in the Development of Pharmaceutical Companies: The Current Aspects and Perspectives

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    The article studies the modern aspects and prospects of using Digital marketing in the development of pharmaceutical companies. Digital marketing in the pharmaceutical industry has been found to help reach an expanded global customer base, providing multiple opportunities to enhance the promotion and sustainability of a pharmaceutical company. It was found that the practical tools of digital marketing are e-mail, electronic data detailing, augmented and virtual reality, the use of which reduces the costs of pharmaceutical companies. It was determined that due to modern conditions, pharmaceutical companies intensively use social network platforms for the promotion and branding of medicinal products. It was determined that such Digital marketing tactics as content marketing, search engine optimization, e-mail marketing, social media marketing, etc., are considered effective tools for the promotion of medicinal products. Digital marketing has been found to generate valuable information that has a significant impact on the pharmaceutical sector, so pharmaceutical companies build consumer satisfaction through phone applications and online networks, allowing the pharmaceutical company to increase sales and profits. It has been found that pharmaceutical companies are increasingly using social media as target customers increase public awareness of their drugs and services and seek more effective opportunities to engage with target audiences. It has been found that for pharmaceutical companies, the e-commerce platform is the foundation of their digital presence, and improving the customer-centric infrastructure with well-integrated systems will help ensure proper customer interaction. It has been determined that the benefits of social media and online marketing are particularly important for pharmaceutical companies, as they are crucial to ensure more effective digital marketing. It was established that following the results of January-June 2022, the pharmaceutical companies "Farmak", "Darnytsia" and "Acino" took the leading positions in terms of sales of medicinal products

    Methodological Aspects of Intensifying Management of Enterprise Economic Behavior in the Context of Neo-Industrial Modernization

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    The aim of the article is to form methodological aspects of intensifying economic behavior management in the context of neo-industrial modernization. The work notes that the sequence and success of market transformations is largely determined by economic behavior of enterprises, their adaptation to new requirements of modern reality. One of the main reasons for the inability of Ukrainian industrial enterprises to overcome the crisis is their unpreparedness to modernize production and increase the output of competitive products. The elimination of these causes requires that enterprises have a certain strategy and tactics of economic behavior. The intensification of management of enterprise economic behavior in the context of neo-industrial modernization as a phenomenon is the subject of study of both economic science and sociology. It is determined that the problem of intensifying management of enterprise economic behavior in the context of neo-industrial modernization can be methodologically overcome. This is possible in the case of bringing up the issue of its absolutist and relativistic assessment, stating that rationality as a fundamental characteristic of economic behavior is a civilized value, has both methodological and axiological orientation. The article highlights the main directions of research on the intensification of management of enterprise economic behavior in the context of neo-industrial modernization, and proposes a methodology for intensifying economic behavior management in the context of neo-industrial modernization

    Conceptual Aspects of Intensifying Management of the Economic Behavior of Production Railway Enterprises in the Context of Neo-Industrial Modernization

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    The aim of the article is to form conceptual aspects of intensifying management of the economic behavior of production railway enterprises in the context of neo-industrial modernization. It is determined that the modern market-type mechanism is based on a polycentric system of management and independence in forming effective tactical and strategic management decisions, as well as full responsibility for their results, through intensifying management of the economic behavior of production railway enterprises in the context of neo-industrial modernization.The prerogatives which are created by intensifying management of the economic behavior of production railway enterprises can neutralize and eliminate the negative effects of the external environment and form an integral part of their functioning including the goal-setting and formation of the concept, which are the basis for developing enterprise development strategies. The proposed concept of intensifying management of the economic behavior of production railway enterprises in the context of neo-industrial modernization is based on a significant decentralization of management functions.This is possible provided that the day-to day management considers problems and needs of the market and orients enterprises towards achieving the ultimate strategic goal of its activity, will allow taking into account the prospects for their balanced development and solve the problem of eliminating the negative effect of changes in the external and internal environment, and also will contribute to maintaining technological and logistic ties, and potential resources of enterprises; based on a wide apparatus of methods, methodologies and techniques for the collection and analysis of information

    A setup for adjustment of process parameters for CBM module production

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    Setup for adjustment of process parameters for CBM module production

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    Conditional quantum logic using two atomic qubits

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    In this paper we propose and analyze a feasible scheme where the detection of a single scattered photon from two trapped atoms or ions performs a conditional unitary operation on two qubits. As examples we consider the preparation of all four Bell states, the reverse operation that is a Bell measurement, and a CNOT gate. We study the effect of atomic motion and multiple scattering, by evaluating Bell inequalities violations, and by calculating the CNOT gate fidelity.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures in 11 file

    Quantum Noise Limits for Nonlinear, Phase-Invariant Amplifiers

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    Any quantum device that amplifies coherent states of a field while preserving their phase generates noise. A nonlinear, phase-invariant amplifier may generate less noise, over a range of input field strengths, than any linear amplifier with the same amplification. We present explicit examples of such nonlinear amplifiers, and derive lower bounds on the noise generated by a nonlinear, phase-invariant quantum amplifier.Comment: RevTeX, 6 pages + 4 figures (included in file; hard copy sent on request

    Full-size prototype microstrip sensors for the CBM Silicon Tracking System

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    Фармакоэкономическое исследование лечения первичной открытоугольной глаукомы комбинированными препаратами ингибиторов карбоангидразы и бета-адреноблокаторов

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    Abstract: pharmacoeconomic study of treatment primary open-angle glaucoma with fix combination of carbonic anhydrise inhibitors and betablockers by mean of cost-utility, willingness-to-pay, cost minimization and budget impact analysis was conducted. Results have shown, that Azarga has benefits compare with Kosopt and combination of Azopt and timolol from cost-minimization and budget impact analysis perspective and can be claimed dominant. Futhermore Azarga in comparison with Dorzopt plus is cost-effective drug, because of Azarga incremental cost-utility ratio is lower than willingness-to-pay threshold value for Russia.было проведено фармакоэкономическое исследование лечения первичной открытоугольной глаукомы комбинированными препаратами ингибиторов карбоангидразы и бетаадреноблокаторов с использованием методов анализа «минимизация затрат», анализа «затраты – полезность», анализа «порога «готовности платить» и анализа «влияния на бюджет». Результаты показали, что препарат Азарга обладает преимуществом над препаратами Косопт и комбинацией монопрепаратов Азопта и лекарственных средств тимолола с позиции анализа «влияния на бюджет» и анализа «минимизации затрат» соответственно и может рассматриваться как доминантное средство. В сравнении с препаратом Дорзопт плюс Азарга характеризуется как «затратноэффективное» средство, обладая инкрементальным коэффициентом «затраты – полезность» ниже принятого в России значения порога «готовности платить»


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    The article suggests an example of a complex binary theoretical class, provided by teachers of “Nursing in anesthesiology and intensive-care medicine”, “Nursing in surgery” and “The foundations of occupational safety and Occupational safety in the field” for students who study in the speciality 223 “Nursing”.У статті запропоновано приклад проведення комплексного бінарного теоретичного заняття викладачами дисциплін «Медсестринство в анестезіології та реаніматології», «Медсестринство в хірургії» та «Основи охорони праці та охорона праці в галузі» для студентів, які навчаються за спеціальністю 223 «Медсестринство». &nbsp