405 research outputs found

    Robust Sure Independence Screening for Non-polynomial dimensional Generalized Linear Models

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    We consider the problem of variable screening in ultra-high dimensional (of non-polynomial order) generalized linear models (GLMs). Since the popular SIS approach is extremely unstable in the presence of contamination and noises, which may frequently arise in the large scale sample data (e.g., Omics data), we discuss a new robust screening procedure based on the minimum density power divergence estimator (MDPDE) of the marginal regression coefficients. Our proposed screening procedure performs extremely well both under pure and contaminated data scenarios. We also theoretically justify the use of this marginal MDPDEs for variable screening from the population as well as sample aspects; in particular, we prove that these marginal MDPDEs are uniformly consistent leading to the sure screening property of our proposed algorithm. We have also proposed an appropriate MDPDE based extension for robust conditional screening in the GLMs along with the derivation of its sure screening property.Comment: Work in Progres

    Robust sure independence screening for nonpolynomial dimensional generalized linear models

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    We consider the problem of variable screening in ultra-high-dimensional generalized linear models (GLMs) of nonpolynomial orders. Since the popular SIS approach is extremely unstable in the presence of contamination and noise, we discuss a new robust screening procedure based on the minimum density power divergence estimator (MDPDE) of the marginal regression coefficients. Our proposed screening procedure performs well under pure and contaminated data scenarios. We provide a theoretical motivation for the use of marginal MDPDEs for variable screening from both population as well as sample aspects; in particular, we prove that the marginal MDPDEs are uniformly consistent leading to the sure screening property of our proposed algorithm. Finally, we propose an appropriate MDPDE-based extension for robust conditional screening in GLMs along with the derivation of its sure screening property. Our proposed methods are illustrated through extensive numerical studies along with an interesting real data application

    The megalithic building of S.Erasmo di Cesi: architecture, astronomy, and landscape

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    Abstract. One of the most enigmatic megalithic buildings of Italy is the structure which lies on the S. Erasmo hill near Cesi, in Umbria, a huge complex encompassing an area of around 8000 square meters and enclosed by refined cyclopean walls. Although its date is uncertain, suggested dates comprise the Iron Age and archaic period, down to the third century B.C. The building’s function is also uncertain. Usually identified as a fortified structure, in fact there is a megalithic platform at the southern end of the enclosure which could have served as foundation of a temple or palace and, from the top of Monte Torre Maggiore, a complex of temples dating from the fourth century B.C. overlooks the hill. Similar combinations of megalithic buildings resting half-way to temples placed on high peaks are known to exist. In order to clarify the function of this structure and its position in relation to the surrounding landscape, with particular attention to its visibility and to the directions of visibility from the complex, as well as to the possible astronomical alignments, we present a multi-disciplinary approach to the study of the S. Erasmo complex, which includes the mapping of the sky at the various possible epochs of construction, the creation of a digital model of the landscape in forms of digital maps using Geographic Information System technologies, and a 3D model using various 3D software packages

    Catalizadores de oro y oxido de cobalto para la oxidación de naftaleno y material particulado

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio de la combustión catalítica de naftaleno y material particulado, contaminantes provenientes de los motores de combustión interna, con catalizadores de óxido de cobalto y oro soportados en óxido de circonio y óxido de circonio hidratado. Se caracterizaron con técnicas fisicoquímicas (DRX, BET, FTIR). Los resultados obtenidos son promisorios, particularmente en lo referente a la aplicación de estos sistemas en la combustión de naftaleno donde se ha encontrado una alta conversión de naftaleno a CO₂ a baja temperatura (250ºC).Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias Aplicada

    Efecto de la presencia de vapor de agua en la actividad catalítica de catalizadores de cobalto soportado sobre zirconia

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    El presente trabajo está dirigido al estudio de la estabilidad hidrotérmica del sistema Co/ZrO2 como catalizador de la reacción de reducción de NO empleando un hidrocarburo saturado, propano, como reductor en presencia de oxígeno. Se prepararon los catalizadores con diferentes métodos, se caracterizaron los materiales obtenidos, enfatizando el análisis de las características estructurales del soporte y de las propiedades fisicoquímicas de las especies de cobalto y se analizará la correlación entre estructura y estabilidad.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    14q12q13.2 microdeletion syndrome: Clinical characterization of a new patient, review of the literature, and further evidence of a candidate region for CNS anomalies

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    Background: Chromosome 14q11-q22 deletion syndrome (OMIM 613457) is a rare contiguous gene syndrome. Two regions of overlap (RO) of the 14q12q21.1 deletion have been identified: a proximal region (RO1), including FOXG1(*164874), NKX2-1(*600635), and PAX9(*167416) and a distal region (RO2), including NKX2-1 and PAX9. We report a 6-year-old boy with mild dysmorphic facial features, global developmental delay, and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum. Methods and Results: Array-CGH analysis revealed a 14q12q13.2 microdeletion. We compared the phenotype of our patient with previously published cases in order to establish a genotype–phenotype correlation. Conclusion: The study hypothesizes the presence of a new RO, not including the previously reported candidate genes, and attempt to define the associated molecular and psychomotor/neurobehavioral phenotype. This region encompasses the distal breakpoint of RO1 and the proximal breakpoint of RO2, and seems to be associated with intellectual disability (ID), hypotonia, epilepsy, and corpus callosum abnormalities. Although more cases are needed, we speculated on SNX6(*606098) and BAZ1A(*605680) as potential candidate genes associated with the corpus callosum abnormalities

    Simultaneous Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry and electronic nose study of the volatile compounds released by Plasmodium falciparum infected red blood cells in vitro

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    The discovery that Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can be biomarkers for several diseases has led to the conception of their possible application as diagnostic tools. In this study, we aimed at defining of diagnostic signatures for the presence of malaria transmissible stages in infected individuals. To do this, we compared VOCs released by asexual and sexual stage cultures of Plasmodium falciparum, the deadliest species of malaria, with those emitted by uninfected red blood cells (RBCs). VOC analysis was carried out with an innovative set-up, where each sample was simultaneously analysed by proton transfer reaction time of flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS) and an electronic nose. PTR-Tof-MS results show that sexual stages are characterized by a larger emission of hexanal, compared with uninfected or asexual stage-infected RBCs, which makes them clearly identifiable. PTR-Tof-MS analysis also detected differences in VOC composition between asexual stages and uninfected RBCs. These results have been substantially replicated by the electronic nose analysis and may open the possibility to develop sensitive and easy-to-use devices able to detect sexual parasite stages in infected individuals. This study also demonstrates that the combination of mass spectrometry with electronic noses is a useful tool to identify markers of diseases and to support the development of optimized sensors

    Elaboración de galletitas saludables usando harinas de topinambur y amaranto

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    El topinambur (Helianthus tuberosus) es un tubérculo con alto contenido en inulina, polisacárido prebiótico empleado como ingrediente en alimentos funcionales. Por otra parte, el amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus; A.caudatus; A.hypochondriacus) es un pseudo cereal de origen andino, valorado por su contenido de proteínas y equilibrada composición en aminoácidos esenciales. A partir de ambos productos se obtienen harinas nutricionalmente diferenciadas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue elaborar galletitas saludables con bajo contenido calórico pero con buen aporte de fibra y proteínas. Se obtuvo harina de topinambur a partir de cultivos propios (en el predio de la FICA-UNSL), y se caracterizó la misma utilizando métodos oficiales de análisis (AOAC, 1990). Se ensayaron 8 formulaciones con distintas proporciones de harina de topinambur piel blanca de producción propia (HTPB) y harinas comerciales: harina de trigo integral y harina de amaranto. Para que las galletitas sean aptas para personas con diabetes, se debe asegurar un bajo índice glucémico, por ello, la cantidad máxima de harina de trigo integral en las formulaciones fue de un 50%. Cada 100 g de mezcla de harinas se agregó 1 g de sal, 1 g de polvo de hornear, 8 g de aceite y 30 mL de agua. Teniendo en cuenta las características sensoriales más notorias de las galletitas (color, sabor, apariencia, textura), se seleccionaron tres formulaciones para analizar su aceptabilidad mediante un panel sensorial con panelistas no entrenados. Se encontró una preferencia significativa por las galletitas con mayor contenido de HTPB. Al analizar la textura, se observó que la formulación con mayor contenido de HTPB presentó mayores valores de dureza, fracturabilidad y masticabilidad. Se pudo concluir, que la harina de topinambur puede utilizarse para formular galletitas saludables con buena aceptación sensorial.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de Alimento

    Goethe e l'antico

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    Il tema Goethe e l’antico, contrariamente alle aspettative, non è un campo di ricerca molto frequentato dalla germanistica internazionale. Il presente volume, che raccoglie – in gran parte – i contributi tenuti al convegno internazionale svoltosi a Roma nel novembre del 1998, vuole rappresentare un cambio di paradigma nell’approccio al problema, in quanto prende in considerazione l’assieme del conforto di Goethe con l’antico, tanto nei suoi aspetti di teoria dell’arte, quanto nei suoi aspetti poetologici. Prima del 1770 il testo letterario acquisiva la sua autorità dalla tradizione antecedente che costituiva un rapporto con il passato come una catena senza soluzione di continuità. A partire da Goethe il testo non fonda più la sua autorità nei suoi riferimenti ad Omero o a Orazio, ma nella capacità combinatoria dell'autore che è in grado di riformulare i motivi poetici in modo da ricollocarli nel suo tempo e nel contempo di ridefinirne il significato anche rispetto all'antico. Goethe ha preso dall’antico temi, immagini, motivi perchè credeva che essi potessero esprimere letterariamente una serie di situazioni archetipiche in grado di essere recepite in ogni caso. Ma ha anche avuto l’intuizione geniale, e di una sconcertante modernità, di rappresentare tali immagini e tali motivi con un linguaggio adeguato alla capacità recettiva dei sui contemporanei e di costruirli in un contesto artistico adeguato alla comunicazione della sua epoca

    Combinatorial effects on gene expression at the Lbx1/Fgf8 locus resolve Split-Hand/Foot Malformation type 3

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    Split-Hand/Foot Malformation type 3 (SHFM3) is a congenital limb malformation associated with tandem duplications at the LBX1/FGF8 locus. Yet, the disease patho-mechanism remains unsolved. Here we investigated the functional consequences of SHFM3-associated rearrangements on chromatin conformation and gene expression in vivo in transgenic mice. We show that the Lbx1/Fgf8 locus consists of two separate, but interacting, regulatory domains. Re-engineering of a SHFM3-associated duplication and a newly reported inversion in mice resulted in restructuring of the chromatin architecture. This led to an ectopic activation of the Lbx1 and Btrc genes in the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) in an Fgf8-like pattern. Artificial repositioning of the AER-specific enhancers of Fgf8 was sufficient to induce misexpression of Lbx1 and Btrc. We provide evidence that the SHFM3 phenotype is the result of a combinatorial effect on gene misexpression and dosage in the developing limb. Our results reveal new insights into the molecular mechanism underlying SHFM3 and provide novel conceptual framework for how genomic rearrangements can cause gene misexpression and disease