691 research outputs found

    A Fuzzy Guidance System for Rendezvous and Pursuit of Moving Targets

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    This article presents the development of a fuzzy guidance system (FGS) for unmanned aerial vehicles capable of pursuing and performing rendezvous with static and mobile targets. The system is designed to allow the vehicle to approach a maneuvering target from a desired direction of arrival and to terminate the rendezvous at a constant distance from the target. In order to perform a rendezvous with a maneuvering target, the desired direction of arrival is adjusted over time to always approach the target from behind, so that the aircraft and target velocity vectors become aligned. The proposed guidance system assumes the presence of an autopilot and uses a set of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy controllers to generate the orientation and speed references for the velocity and heading control loops, given the relative position and velocity between the aircraft and the target. The FGS treats the target as a mobile waypoint in a 4-D space (position in 2-dimensions, desired crossing heading and speed) and guides the aircraft on suitable trajectories towards the target. Only when the vehicle is close enough to the rendezvous point, the guidance law is complemented with an additional linear controller to manage the terminal formation keeping phase. The capabilities of the proposed rendezvous-FGS are verified in simulation on both maneuvering and non-maneuvering targets. Finally, experimental results using a multi-rotor aerial system are presented for both fixed and accelerating targets

    Cooperative Control for Multiple Autonomous Vehicles Using Descriptor Functions

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    The paper presents a novel methodology for the control management of a swarm of autonomous vehicles. The vehicles, or agents, may have different skills, and be employed for different missions. The methodology is based on the definition of descriptor functions that model the capabilities of the single agent and each task or mission. The swarm motion is controlled by minimizing a suitable norm of the error between agents’ descriptor functions and other descriptor functions which models the entire mission. The validity of the proposed technique is tested via numerical simulation, using different task assignment scenarios

    Development of a Hybrid Simulator for Underwater Vehicles with Manipulators

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    This article describes a hybrid simulation approach meant to facilitate the realization of a simulator for underwater vehicles with one or more manipulators capable of simulating the interaction of the vehicle with objects and structures of the environment. The hybrid simulation approach is first described and motivated analytically, then an analysis of simulation accuracy is proposed, where, in particular, the implications of added mass simulation are discussed. Then, a possible implementation of the proposed architecture is shown, where a robotic simulator of articulated bodies, capable of stable and accurate simulation of contact forces, although unfit to simulate any serious hydrodynamic model, is tightly interfaced with a general purpose dynamic systems simulator that is used to simulate the hydrodynamic forces, the vehicle guidance, navigation, and control system, and also a man-machine interface. Software details and the technicalities needed to interface the two simulators are also briefly presented. Finally, the results of the simulation of three operational scenarios are proposed as qualitative assessment of the simulator capabilities

    Summary of the available molecular methods for detection of SARS-CoV-2 during the ongoing pandemic

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    Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an excess in morbidity and mortality rates worldwide. Containment strategies rely firstly on rapid and sensitive laboratory diagnosis, with molecular detection of the viral genome in respiratory samples being the gold standard. The reliability of diagnostic protocols could be affected by SARS-CoV-2 genetic variability. In fact, mutations occurring during SARS-CoV-2 genomic evolution can involve the regions targeted by the diagnostic probes. Following a review of the literature and an in silico analysis of the most recently described virus variants (including the UK B 1.1.7 and the South Africa 501Y.V2 variants), we conclude that the described genetic variability should have minimal or no effect on the sensitivity of existing diagnostic protocols for SARS-CoV-2 genome detection. However, given the continuous emergence of new variants, the situation should be monitored in the future, and protocols including multiple targets should be preferred

    Methods for Multiloop Identification of Visual and Neuromuscular Pilot Responses

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    In this paper, identification methods are proposed to estimate the neuromuscular and visual responses of a multiloop pilot model. A conventional and widely used technique for simultaneous identification of the neuromuscular and visual systems makes use of cross-spectral density estimates. This paper shows that this technique requires a specific noninterference hypothesis, often implicitly assumed, that may be difficult to meet during actual experimental designs. A mathematical justification of the necessity of the noninterference hypothesis is given. Furthermore, two methods are proposed that do not have the same limitations. The first method is based on autoregressive models with exogenous inputs, whereas the second one combines cross-spectral estimators with interpolation in the frequency domain. The two identification methods are validated by offline simulations and contrasted to the classic method. The results reveal that the classic method fails when the noninterference hypothesis is not fulfilled; on the contrary, the two proposed techniques give reliable estimates. Finally, the three identification methods are applied to experimental data from a closed-loop control task with pilots. The two proposed techniques give comparable estimates, different from those obtained by the classic method. The differences match those found with the simulations. Thus, the two identification methods provide a good alternative to the classic method and make it possible to simultaneously estimate human's neuromuscular and visual responses in cases where the classic method fails

    A novel framework for closed-loop robotic motion simulation - Part II: motion cueing design and experimental validation

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    This paper, divided in two Parts, considers the problem of realizing a 6-DOF closed-loop motion simulator by exploiting an anthropomorphic serial manipulator as motion platform. After having proposed a suitable inverse kinematics scheme in Part I [1], we address here the other key issue, i.e., devising a motion cueing algorithm tailored to the specific robot motion envelope. An extension of the well-known classical washout filter designed in cylindrical coordinates will provide an effective solution to this problem. The paper will then present a thorough experimental evaluation of the overall architecture (inverse kinematics + motion cueing) on the chosen scenario: closed-loop simulation of a Formula 1 racing car. This will prove the feasibility of our approach in fully exploiting the robot motion capabilities as a motion simulator

    Identification of a novel plasmid lineage associated with the dissemination of metallo-β-lactamase genes among pseudomonads

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    Acquisition of metallo-\u3b2-lactamases (MBLs) represents one of most relevant resistance mechanisms to all \u3b2-lactams, including carbapenems, ceftolozane and available \u3b2-lactamase inhibitors, in Pseudomonas spp. VIM-type enzymes are the most common acquired MBLs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and, to a lesser extent, in other Pseudomonas species. Little is known about the acquisition dynamics of these determinants, that are usually carried on integrons embedded into chromosomal mobile genetic elements. To date, few MBL-encoding plasmids have been described in Pseudomonas spp., and their diversity and role in the dissemination of these MBLs remains largely unknown. Here we report on the genetic features of the VIM-1encoding plasmid pMOS94 from P. mosselii AM/94, the earliest known VIM-1-producing strain, and of related elements involved in dissemination of MBL. Results of plasmid DNA sequencing showed that pMOS94 had a modular organization, consisting of backbone modules associated with replication, transfer and antibiotic resistance. Plasmid pMOS94, although not typable according to the PBRT scheme, was classifiable either in MOBF11 or MPFT plasmid families. The resistance region included the class I integron In70, carrying blaVIM-1, in turn embedded in a defective Tn402-like transposon. Comparison with pMOS94-like elements led to the identification of a defined plasmid lineage circulating in different Pseudomonas spp. of clinical and environmental origin and spreading different MBL-encoding genes, including blaIMP-63, blaBIM, and blaVIM-type determinants. Genetic analysis revealed that this plasmid lineage likely shared a common ancestor and had evolved through the acquisition and recombination of different mobile elements, including the MBL-encoding transposons. Our findings provide new insights about the genetic diversity of MBL-encoding plasmids circulating among Pseudomonas spp., potentially useful for molecular epidemiology purposes, and revealed the existence and persistence of a successful plasmid lineage over a wide spatio-temporal interval, spanning over five different countries among two continents and over 20-years

    Expanding the Repertoire of Carbapenem-Hydrolyzing Metallo-ß-Lactamases by Functional Metagenomic Analysis of Soil Microbiota

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    Carbapenemases are bacterial enzymes that hydrolyze carbapenems, a group of last-resort β-lactam antibiotics used for treatment of severe bacterial infections. They belong to three β-lactamase classes based amino acid sequence (A, B, and D). The aim of this study was to elucidate occurrence, diversity and functionality of carbapenemase-encoding genes in soil microbiota by functional metagenomics. Ten plasmid libraries were generated by cloning metagenomic DNA from agricultural (n = 6) and grassland (n = 4) soil into Escherichia coli. The libraries were cultured on amoxicillin-containing agar and up to 100 colonies per library were screened for carbapenemase production by CarbaNP test. Presumptive carbapenemases were characterized with regard to DNA sequence, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of β-lactams, and imipenem hydrolysis. Nine distinct class B carbapenemases, also known as metallo-beta-lactamases (MBLs), were identified in six soil samples, including two subclass B1 (GRD23-1 and SPN79-1) and seven subclass B3 (CRD3-1, PEDO-1, GRD33-1, ESP-2, ALG6-1, ALG11-1, and DHT2-1). Except PEDO-1 and ESP-2, these enzymes were distantly related to any previously described MBLs (33 to 59% identity). RAIphy analysis indicated that six enzymes (CRD3-1, GRD23-1, DHT2-1, SPN79-1, ALG6-1, and ALG11-1) originated from Proteobacteria, two (PEDO-1 and ESP-2) from Bacteroidetes and one (GRD33-1) from Gemmatimonadetes. All MBLs detected in soil microbiota were functional when expressed in E. coli, resulting in detectable imipenem-hydrolyzing activity and significantly increased MICs of clinically relevant β-lactams. Interestingly, the MBLs yielded by functional metagenomics generally differed from those detected in the same soil samples by antibiotic selective culture, showing that the two approaches targeted different subpopulations in soil microbiota. © 2016 Gudeta, Bortolaia, Pollini, Docquier, Rossolini, Amos, Wellington and Guardabassi.Grant HEALTH-F3-2011-282004(EvoTAR

    Detection and distribution of European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) in apricot cv. ‘Bergeron’ and epidemiological studies in the province of Trento (Italy)

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    The aim was to investigate the performance of ‘Bergeron’ on ‘Wavit’ in 4 experimental fields, in the province of Trento (Italy), where European stone fruit yellows (ESFY) caused by “Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum” has been constantly spreading since 2000.This included visual inspections for typical symptoms (early bud-break during dormancy and premature leaf-roll) and a highly sensitive Real time-PCR (Rt-PCR) assay. 25 % of the propagation material was checked with this method and found to be healthy, before planting in 2005.The epidemiology of the disease was also studied by focusing on: the presence of the vector Cacopsylla pruni (Scopoli) on conifers, the detection of “Ca. P. prunorum” in psyllid eggs and the transmission efficiency at different stages. This was done by exposing apricot trees in 2 locations, during 2 periods from January to July, to the overlapping presence in the orchards of the re-immigrants and the new generation of C. pruni. The results obtained demonstrated that ‘Bergeron’ seems to be highly susceptible to ESFY: typical bud-break was rarely observed, but up to 20-30% of the plants showed premature leaf-roll, fruit deformation and dieback. C. pruni was caught only once on Picea abies during winter; “Ca. P. prunorum” was found in 4 egg samples from 2 locations and the preliminary results on the exposed trees confirmed that the re-immigrants could be the most efficient vectors at least on apricot.Keywords: Prunus armeniaca, cultivar ‘Bergeron’, Real time-PCR, “Candidatus Phytoplasma prunorum”,epidemiolog