291 research outputs found

    Creación de cursos adaptativos en TANGOW mediante tareas, reglas y elementos multimedia

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    En este artículo se describe, en términos generales, el proceso de diseño de un curso adaptativo accesible a través de Internet mediante el sistema TANGOW. En este proceso de diseño se establece una clara separación entre la estructura del curso, para cuya construcción se utilizan tareas y reglas docentes, y la asociación de contenidos a esta estructura. A continuación se analizan los distintos tipos de adaptación que pueden definirse durante el diseño de un curso entre las que se incluyen la adaptación en función del perfil del estudiante, las dependencias teóricas y prácticas entre tareas y la creación de distintas versiones de un mismo fragmento de contenido. Se describen, también, distintas aproximaciones metodológicas que facilitan la labor de di-seño de cursos adaptativos. El artículo termina con algunas conclusiones y trabajo futuro.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT), con los números de proyecto TEL97-0306 y TEL1999-0181

    An adaptive driving course based on HTML dynamic generation

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    Reprinted from the Proceedings of WebNet World Conference on the WWW and Internet 1999 with permission of AACE (http://www.aace.org).This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the World Conference on the WWW and Internet (WebNet '99) held in Honolulu (United States) on 1999In this paper we describe a new approach for developing adaptive Web based courses. These courses are defined by means of teaching tasks which correspond to basic knowledge units, and rules which describe how teaching tasks are divided into subtasks. Both tasks and rules are used at execution time to guide the students during their learning process by determining the set of achievable tasks to be presented to the student at every step. Adaptivity is implemented by presenting students with different HTML pages depending on their profile, their previous actions, and the active learning strategy. The HTML pages presented to the students are generated dynamically from general information about the type of media elements associated to each task and their layout. The whole approach is exemplified by means of a course on traffic signs

    An object-oriented approach to task tree management in the TANGOW system

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    This paper describes the object-oriented features of TANGOW (Task-based Adaptive learNer Guidance On the WWW), a tool for developing Internet-based courses. This system facilitates the construction of adaptive learning environments for the WWW and is able to guide the students during their learning process based on student profiles and previous actions. In the TANGOW system, the course contents is modelled in terms of objects and relationships among them. This allows the course designer to reuse the same descriptive objects in different sections of the same course, or even in completely different courses. In addition, information about the student and his/her actions when interacting with the system is also stored as dynamic objects, which are instantiated at runtime. This makes it easy to access and update student related data.This paper has been sponsored by the Spanish Interdepartmental Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), project number TEL97-0306

    TANGOW: Un sistema de enseñanza adaptativa a través de Internet

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    Proceedings of the Congreso Nacional de Informática Educativa CONIED'99 at Puertollano, Spain, November 1999. Published on CD.En este artículo se describe TANGOW, Task-based Adaptive learNer Guidance On the Web, un sistema para la enseñanza de cursos accesibles a través de Internet. Los cursos definidos con TANGOW se adaptan a los estudiantes teniendo en cuenta tanto sus características propias (edad, idioma, etc.), como el conjunto de acciones que realizan durante el proceso de aprendizaje. Existe una estructura asociada con cada estudiante en la que se almacena el itinerario seguido por el estudiante en su interacción con el sistema, y que se restaura al inicio de cada sesión. Los cursos gestionados por el sistema se definen en términos de Tareas Docentes y Reglas. Las Reglas especifican la(s) relación(es) entre Tareas que, a su vez, corresponden a unidades conceptuales definidas por el diseñador del curso. Los ejemplos que se utilizan para ilustrar las características del sistema forman parte de un curso sobre educación vial.Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro del proyecto InterEdu, financiado por la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT), proyecto número TEL97-0306

    Lab-scale experimental tests of Power to Gas-Oxycombustion hybridization: system design and preliminary results

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    Power-to-Gas (PtG) represents one of the most promising energy storage technologies. PtG converts electricity surplus into synthetic natural gas by combining water electrolysis and CO2 methanation. This technology valorises captured CO2 to produce a ‘carbon neutral’ natural gas, while allowing temporal displacement of renewable energy. PtG-Oxycombustion hybridization is proposed to integrate mass and energy flows of the global system. Oxygen, comburent under oxy-fuel combustion, is commonly produced in an air separation unit. This unit can be replaced by an electrolyser which by-produces O2 reducing the electrical consumption and the energy penalty of the carbon separation process. The aim of this work is to present the design, construction and testing of a methanation reactor at laboratory scale to increase the knowledge of the key component of this system. Experimental data are used to validate the theoretical kinetic model at different operating temperatures implemented in Aspen Plus. CO2 conversions about 60-80% are found for catalyst temperature between 350 and 550 ºC. These values agree well with expected theoretical conversions from the kinetic model

    Quemador poroso

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    Quemador poroso adaptado para ser alimentado con diferentes tipos de gases, que comprende un soporte que incluye un conducto a través del cual entra una mezcla de aire/gas en el quemador poroso, y una estructura cerámica, soportada por el soporte, que comprende una esponja inicialmente polimérica que se impregna con una barbotina, comprendiendo dicha barbotina al menos un material cerámico. La estructura cerámica tiene una porosidad final de entre aproximadamente 50 ppi hasta aproximadamente 70 ppi, y una densidad final de entre aproximadamente 0.45 hasta aproximadamente 0.65 g/cm3.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España), P.I. Prosider Ibérica S.A, Ikerlan S COOPB1 Patente sin examen previ

    Tuning metamaterials by using amorphous magnetic microwires

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    In this work, we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally the possibility of tuning the electromagnetic properties of metamaterials with magnetic fields by incorporating amorphous magnetic microwires. The large permeability of these wires at microwave frequencies allows tuning the resonance of the metamaterial by using magnetic fields of the order of tens of Oe. We describe here the physical basis of the interaction between a prototypical magnetic metamaterial with magnetic microwires and electromagnetic waves plus providing detailed calculations and experimental results for the case of an array of Split Ring Resonators with Co-based microwires

    Defining and measuring different dimensions of financial resources for business eco-innovation and the influence of the firms' capabilities

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    Despite the growing number of studies on eco-innovation, the measurement of the specific financial resources applied to the eco-innovation process by firms and its internal management have not been thoroughly elucidated to date. Therefore, the main objectives of this study is to define, classify, and measure different dimensions of financial resources applied to eco-innovation by firms and to analyse the influence of business' technological and environmental management capabilities in the efficient allocation of these resources to undertake investments in eco-innovation. Resource amounts and their quality, availability and public nature are measured using a novel approach that addresses the study of their different aspects as a whole. A partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) on a sample of Spanish companies shows that different dimensions of financial resources influence the eco-innovative investment and the internal management of eco-innovation

    Practical issues for testing thin film PV modules at standard test conditions.

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    Thin film photovoltaic (TF) modules have gained importance in the photovoltaic (PV) market. New PV plants increasingly use TF technologies. In order to have a reliable sample of a PV module population, a huge number of modules must be measured. There is a big variety of materials used in TF technology. Some of these modules are made of amorphous or microcrystalline silicon. Other are made of CIS or CdTe. Not all these materials respond the same under standard test conditions (STC) of power measurement. Power rates of the modules may vary depending on both the extent and the history of sunlight exposure. Thus, it is necessary a testing method adapted to each TF technology. This test must guarantee repeatability of measurements of generated power. This paper shows responses of different commercial TF PV modules to sunlight exposure. Several test procedures were performed in order to find the best methodology to obtain measurements of TF PV modules at STC in the easiest way. A methodology for indoor measurements adapted to these technologies is described

    Molecular Segmentation of the Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus in the Adult Mouse Brain

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    © 2021. The authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the Published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3389/fnana.2021.785840The trigeminal column is a hindbrain structure formed by second order sensory neurons that receive afferences from trigeminal primary (ganglionic) nerve fibers. Classical studies subdivide it into the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus located next to the pontine nerve root, and the spinal trigeminal nucleus which in turn consists of oral, interpolar and caudal subnuclei. On the other hand, according to the prosomeric model, this column would be subdivided into segmental units derived from respective rhombomeres. Experimental studies have mapped the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus to pontine rhombomeres (r) r2-r3 in the mouse. The spinal trigeminal nucleus emerges as a plurisegmental formation covering several rhombomeres (r4 to r11 in mice) across pontine, retropontine and medullary hindbrain regions. In the present work we reexamined the issue of rhombomeric vs. classical subdivisions of this column. To this end, we analyzed its subdivisions in an AZIN2-lacZ transgenic mouse, known as a reference model for hindbrain topography, together with transgenic reporter lines for trigeminal fibers. We screened as well for genes differentially expressed along the axial dimension of this structure in the adult and juvenile mouse brain. This analysis yielded genes from multiple functional families that display transverse domains fitting the mentioned rhombomeric map. The spinal trigeminal nucleus thus represents a plurisegmental structure with a series of distinct neuromeric units having unique combinatorial molecular profiles