36 research outputs found

    Genetic basis of between-individual and within-individual variance of docility

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    Funded by Alces Software UCLA Academic Senate Division of Life Sciences National Geographic Society National Science Foundation. Grant Numbers: IDBR-0754247, DEB-1119660, DBI-0242960, DBI-0731346 University of Aberdeen Data deposited at Dryad: doi:10.5061/dryad.11vf0.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Commercial hatchery practices have long-lasting effects on laying hens' spatial behaviour and health.

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    The commercial hatchery process is globally standardized and exposes billions of day-old layer chicks to stress every year. By alleviating this early stress, on-farm hatching is thought to improve animal welfare, yet little is known about its effects throughout production. This study compared welfare indicators and spatial behaviours during the laying period of hens hatched in an on-farm environment (OFH) to those hatched in a commercial hatchery and transferred at one day-old to a rearing barn (STAN). In particular, we assessed how OFH and TRAN hens differed in space-use and movement behaviours following the transfer to the laying barn at 17 weeks of age, a similar stressor encountered by STAN hens early in life, and determined whether effects aligned more with the 'silver-spoon' or 'environmental matching' hypothesis. We found that for the first three months post-transfer into the laying barn, OFH hens, on average, transitioned less between the aviary's tiers and spent less time on the littered floor. Because OFH hens became behaviourally more similar to STAN hens over time, these results suggest that OFH hens required a prolonged period to establish their daily behavioural patterns. Furthermore, OFH hens had more severe keel bone fractures throughout the laying period but similar feather damage and body mass to STAN hens. No differences were found in hen mortality or the number of eggs per live hen. These findings support the environmental matching hypothesis and suggest that early-life stressors may have prepared hens for later-life stressors, underscoring the importance of both early-life and adult environments in enhancing animal welfare throughout production

    Heritability and genetic correlations of personality traits in a wild population of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris)

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    This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Acknowledgments We thank all the marmoteers that helped collect data over the years, and specifically Amanda Lea for help with the pedigree and Leon Chong for help in the field. The comments of two anonymous reviewers helped us improve our original MS. M.B.P. was funded by two U.S. Department of Education GAANN Fellowships, an NSF GK-12 Fellowship, and the UCLA Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. J.G.A.M. was supported by a Marie-Curie Fellowship. D.T.B was supported by the National Geographic Society, UCLA (Faculty Senate and the Division of Life Sciences), a Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory research fellowship and by the NSF (IDBR-0754247 and DEB-1119660 to D.T.B., as well as DBI 0242960 and 0731346 to the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Keel bone fractures affect laying hens' mobility, but no evidence for reciprocal effects.

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    Keel bone fractures (KBF) are prevalent in commercial laying hens and are considered one of the greatest welfare concerns in the egg-production industry. While clear associations exist between KBF and animal mobility, suggesting that KBF impair mobility, the effect of mobility on KBF remains unclear. We combined data from three studies that assessed keel bone fracture severity through radiographs and monitored hens' transitions between different zones of a multi-tier aviary system (the three tiers, a littered floor, and a winter garden) the week prior to radiograph. For each hen, we extracted two daily movement behaviours: the vertical distance travelled and the mean number of zones crossed within one transition; and two daily space-use behaviours: the time spent in the top tier and the unevenness of time spent across zones. We used hierarchical Bayesian continuous time dynamic modelling to estimate how a change in a behaviour predicted a later change in keel bone fracture severity, and vice versa. Increased fracture severity did not predict later changes in space-use behaviours, but it did predict changes in movement behaviours. Specifically, increased fracture severity led to decreased vertical travelled distance and a tendency to cross more zones within one transition, suggesting impaired mobility in hens with increased fracture severity. In contrast, we found no evidence that movement or space-use behaviours predict later change in fracture severity, challenging previous literature suggesting that vertical locomotion through jumping and flying may exacerbate keel bone fractures in complex three-dimensional systems due to increased risk of collisions. However, similar efforts accounting for the location of fractures on the keel could unveil the potential influence of movement and space-use behaviours in the formation and change (healing or worsening) of KBF and increase our ability to mitigate their effects

    Intra-individual variation of hen movements is associated with later keel bone fractures in a quasi-commercial aviary.

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    Measuring intra- and inter-individual variation in movement can bring important insights into the fundamental ecology of animals and their welfare. Although previous studies identified consistent differences in movements of laying hens within commercial aviaries, the level of consistency was not quantified, limiting our capacity to understand the importance of individual movements for welfare. We aimed to quantify the scope of intra- and inter-individual differences in movements of commercial laying hens and examined their associations with indicators of welfare at the end of production. We quantified individual differences in one composite daily movement score for 80 hens over 54 days post-transfer to a quasi-commercial aviary. Results showed consistent inter-individual differences in movement averages, explaining 44% of the variation, as well as individual variation in predictability and temporal plasticity (at the population-level, hens increased their movements for 39 days). Hens that were more predictable in their daily movements had more severe keel bone fractures at the end of production while we found no such correlation between daily movement averages (individual intercept) and welfare indicators. Our findings highlight the importance of inter-individual difference in intra-individual variation of movements to improve poultry welfare

    Commercial laying hens exhibit long-term consistent individual differences and behavioural syndromes in spatial traits

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    Past research has supported the importance of animal personalities for the productivity and welfare of farm animals. However, current assessments of personality traits are commonly conducted over short periods using standardized assays and may not reflect all important aspects of behaviours in commercial settings throughout the production period. This study aimed to evaluate consistent behavioural differences between 194 commercial laying hens within an aviary across most of the production period (eight months). We used five spatial behaviours related to various aspects of commercial hens' daily routine, including the sleeping, feeding, nesting, indoor movements and outdoor usage. All behaviours were repeatable over time and across contexts, with consistent differences between individuals explaining between 23% and 66% of the variation. These long-term consistencies revealed the potential applicability of the behaviours as personality traits of commercial hens. Moreover, we identified behavioural syndromes comprising all behaviours except the nesting-related behaviour, indicating two axes of spatial personalities that may be driven by different mechanisms. We discussed the significance of such individual differences in using personality traits to breed more resilient farm animals. Future research should evaluate associations of these behaviours with animal welfare and productivity to inform breeding efforts