454 research outputs found

    Prospects for the Application of Nanotechnologies to the Computer System Architecture

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    Computer system architecture essentially influences the comfort of our everyday living. Developmental transition from electromechanical relays to vacuum tubes, from transistors to integrated circuits has significantly changed technological standards for the architecture of computer systems. Contemporary information technologies offer huge potential concerning miniaturization of electronic circuits. Presently, a modern integrated circuit includes over a billion of transistors, each of them smaller than 100 nm . Stepping beyond the symbolic 100 nm limit means that with the onset of the 21 century we have entered a new scientific area that is an era of nanotechnologies. Along with the reduction of transistor dimensions their operation speed and efficiency grow. However, the hitherto observed developmental path of classical electronics with its focus on the miniaturization of transistors and memory cells seems arriving at the limits of technological possibilities because of technical problems as well as physical limitations related to the appearance of new nano-scale phenomena as e.g. quantum effects. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2488

    Prospects for the Application of Nanotechnologies to the Computer System Architecture

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    Computer system architecture essentially influences the comfort of our everyday living. Developmental transition from electromechanical relays to vacuum tubes, from transistors to integrated circuits has significantly changed technological standards for the architecture of computer systems. Contemporary information technologies offer huge potential concerning miniaturization of electronic circuits. Presently, a modern integrated circuit includes over a billion of transistors, each of them smaller than 100 nm . Stepping beyond the symbolic 100 nm limit means that with the onset of the 21 century we have entered a new scientific area that is an era of nanotechnologies. Along with the reduction of transistor dimensions their operation speed and efficiency grow. However, the hitherto observed developmental path of classical electronics with its focus on the miniaturization of transistors and memory cells seems arriving at the limits of technological possibilities because of technical problems as well as physical limitations related to the appearance of new nano-scale phenomena as e.g. quantum effects. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2488

    Immunohistochemical studies on brain nitric oxide synthase (bNOS) in the male genital accessory glands of the rat during postnatal development

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the presence, localisation and function of brain nitric oxide synthase (bNOS) in the male genital accessory glands of rats in the course of their postnatal development. Localisation of the bNOS was immunocytochemically investigated in the epididymis, seminal vesicle and ventral prostate of male Wistar strain rats at 1, 5, 10, 20, 28, 35, 45 and 59 days of age. The method employed involved mouse monoclonal antibodies against rat bNOS in combination with tyramide signal amplification (CSA). The intensity of the reaction in the organs studied was determined using computer software to demonstrate the optical density of the reaction product obtained. In the epididymis a weak reaction was observed in the connective tissue/muscular sublayer on the 28th and 45th days of life. In the seminal vesicle and ventral prostate a positive reaction appeared in the epinuclear portions of glandular epithelial cells on the 20th day of life, reaching a maximum intensity on the 28th day and thus before the rats reached maturity. The results obtained allow the conclusion to be drawn that nitric oxide resulting from bNOS-activity participates in the processes of differentiation and of function in the epididymis, seminal vesicle and ventral prostate

    Carbon dioxide emission and humus status of Albic Stagnic Luvisol under different fertilization regimes

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    The increase in the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, which enhances the greenhouse effect and leads to climate change, is the fundamental scientific problem of nowadays. Modern approaches to fertility management technologies of acid soils based on the principles of resource conservation and environmental safety are presented. They are based on the results of the study of carbon dioxide emission intensity, humus status, and crop rotation productivity in a classic long-term agricultural experiment under the influence of long-term use of various fertilizer systems with the application of ameliorant doses calculated by pH buffering capacity and hydrolytic acidity. The organo-mineral fertilizer system with the addition of 10 t of manure per ha of crop rotation area + N65P68K68, liming with a CaCO3 dose calculated according to pH buffering capacity (2.5 t/ha) contributes most to the optimization of soil processes. At the same time, it ensures the rational use of fertilizers and ameliorants, preservation of fertility, optimizes the processes of humus formation and carbon dioxide release. A high level of productivity of Albic Stagnic Luvisols forms under these conditions – 7.38 t/ha of grain units. Application of 1.0 and 1.5 lime norms calculated according to soil hydrolytic acidity with organic-mineral and mineral fertilizer systems on Albic Stagnic Luvisols in a short four-field crop rotation is not only a high-cost measure. However, it causes significant carbon loss in the form of CO2 due to additional mineralization. It is accompanied by calcium leaching and creates environmental problems in the conditions of the periodic washing-off water regime. Therefore, liming by CaCO3 dose calculated according to acid-base buffering capacity should be carried out before each of the following rotations in order to harmonize the environmental and productive functions of Albic Stagnic Luvisols in the short crop rotation. The obtained research results will be used to improve the methodology for determining carbon dioxide emissions and predicting the effect of various fertilizer and liming systems on its balance in the soil

    Tropical Cyclones in the 7-km NASA Global Nature Run for Use in Observing System Simulation Experiments

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Nature Run (NR), released for use in Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs), is a 2-year long global non-hydrostatic free-running simulation at a horizontal resolution of 7 km, forced by observed sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice, and inclusive of interactive aerosols and trace gases. This article evaluates the NR with respect to tropical cyclone (TC) activity. It is emphasized that to serve as a NR, a long-term simulation must be able to produce realistic TCs, which arise out of realistic large-scale forcings. The presence in the NR of the realistic, relevant dynamical features over the African Monsoon region and the tropical Atlantic is confirmed, along with realistic African Easterly Wave activity. The NR Atlantic TC seasons, produced with 2005 and 2006 SSTs, show interannual variability consistent with observations, with much stronger activity in 2005. An investigation of TC activity over all the other basins (eastern and western North Pacific, North and South Indian Ocean, and Australian region), together with relevant elements of the atmospheric circulation, such as, for example, the Somali Jet and westerly bursts, reveals that the model captures the fundamental aspects of TC seasons in every basin, producing realistic number of TCs with realistic tracks, life spans and structures. This confirms that the NASA NR is a very suitable tool for OSSEs targeting TCs and represents an improvement with respect to previous long simulations that have served the global atmospheric OSSE community

    Second and third order nonlinear optical properties of nanostructured ZnO thin films deposited on α-BBO and LiNbO3

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    The nanocrystalline ZnO films were deposited on α-BaB2O4 (0 0 1 2) and LiNbO3 (0 0 0 1) single crystals by RF-magnetron sputtering technique. Their structure was studied using X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Besides, the optical absorption spectra were investigated. The second and third harmonic generation measurements were performed by means of the rotational Maker fringe technique using Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm in picoseconds regime. Finally, the second and third order nonlinear susceptibilities were determined and their values have been found and compared

    Chronic inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammation prevents ischaemia-induced vascular pathology in type II diabetic mice

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and inflammation are important mechanisms that underlie many of the serious consequences of type II diabetes. However, the role of ER stress and inflammation in impaired ischaemia-induced neovascularization in type II diabetes is unknown. We studied ischaemia-induced neovascularization in the hind-limb of 4-week-old db - /db- mice and their controls treated with or without the ER stress inhibitor (tauroursodeoxycholic acid, TUDCA, 150 mg/kg per day) and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (anakinra, 0.5 microg/mouse per day) for 4 weeks. Blood pressure was similar in all groups of mice. Blood glucose, insulin levels, and body weight were reduced in db - /db- mice treated with TUDCA. Increased cholesterol and reduced adiponectin in db - /db- mice were restored by TUDCA and anakinra treatment. ER stress and inflammation in the ischaemic hind-limb in db - /db- mice were attenuated by TUDCA and anakinra treatment. Ischaemia-induced neovascularization and blood flow recovery were significantly reduced in db - /db- mice compared to control. Interestingly, neovascularization and blood flow recovery were restored in db - /db- mice treated with TUDCA or anakinra compared to non-treated db - /db- mice. TUDCA and anakinra enhanced eNOS-cGMP, VEGFR2, and reduced ERK1/2 MAP-kinase signalling, while endothelial progenitor cell number was similar in all groups of mice. Our findings demonstrate that the inhibition of ER stress and inflammation prevents impaired ischaemia-induced neovascularization in type II diabetic mice. Thus, ER stress and inflammation could be potential targets for a novel therapeutic approach to prevent impaired ischaemia-induced vascular pathology in type II diabetes

    Evaluation of the Ozone Fields in NASA's MERRA-2 Reanalysis

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    The assimilated ozone product from the Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2), produced at NASAs Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) is summarized. The reanalysis begins in 1980 with the use of retrieved partial-column ozone concentrations from a series of Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Radiometer (SBUV) instruments on NASA and NOAA spacecraft. Beginning in October 2004, retrieved ozone profiles from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) and total column ozone from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASAs EOS Aura satellite are assimilated. While this change in data streams does lead to a discontinuity in the assimilated ozone fields in MERRA-2, making it not useful for studies in decadal (secular) trends in ozone, this choice was made to prioritize demonstrating the value NASAs high-quality research data in the reanalysis context. The MERRA-2 ozone is compared with independent satellite and ozonesonde data, focusing on the representation of the spatial and temporal variability of stratospheric and upper-tropospheric ozone. The comparisons show agreement within 10 (standard deviation of the difference) between MERRA-2 profiles and independent satellite data in most of the stratosphere. The agreement improves after 2004, when EOS Aura data are assimilated. The standard deviation of the differences between the lower-stratospheric and upper-tropospheric MERRA-2 ozone and ozonesondes is 11.2 and 24.5, respectively, with correlations of 0.8 and above. This is indicative of a realistic representation of the UTLS ozone variability in MERRA-2. After 2004, the upper tropospheric ozone in MERRA-2 shows a low bias compared to the sondes, but the covariance with independent observations is improved compared to earlier years. Case studies demonstrate the integrity of MERRA-2 analyses in representing important features such as tropopause folds


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    Hunting farms are actively developing in Canada, the USA, Australia, and European countries; however they are not so well-spread in Ukraine. Most European aviaries are multifunctional as in addition to breeding such animals as red deer, Père David's deer, bison, wild pig for meat, they organize hunts in the autumn. The first hunting farms with red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) appeared in Ukraine, particularly in the western region of the country, at the beginning of the 21 century. One of the problems of keeping deer is need in high-quality forages and good pastures. Deer farm breeding involves keeping animals in cages. In the summer, they should be provided with a sufficient amount of pastures, and also high quality feed biomass. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to develop some measures and elements of technology for improving summer pastures for red deer in the conditions of hunting farms. Creation of pastures for hunting farms require previous field studies of composition of grass species within the territory reserved for the installation of aviaries. According to the researches, 60 types of plants have been registered on the studied area in Western Polissya, Ukraine. Most of them are grasses with low fodder value (Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) Roth.), with the exception of small amounts of Phleum pratense L. and Phalaris arundinacea L. According to the results of the species analysis, the legumes are represented only by scattered specimens of the Vicia cracca L. and Trifolium repens L. Since less than 25 % of valuable grass and legumes are preserved in natural herbage, radical improvement of existing pastures is essential for the provision of deer nutrition. Alfalfa is usually recommended as the main component of grass mixture for deer pastures, although conditions of studied area are not favourable for alfalfa cultivation. The soils of the studied territory are characterized mainly by the acidic reaction, their humus and nutrients content is low. Thus, Lotus corniculatus L. and Trifolium hybridum L. are supposed to be the most suitable as legume component for these conditions. The cereal components must be represented by various biological groups. Grass mixture of Phleum pratense L. (5 to 6 kg/ha), Festuca pratensis Huds. (7 – 8), Dactylis glomerata L. (4 – 5) or Bromus inermis Leyss. (6 – 8) and Lolium perenne L. (4–5 kg/ha) is recommended on medium-watered meadows with mineral soils. It can provide up to 7.8 t/ha of dry matter with content of raw protein to 10.57 %.Проаналізовано рослинний та ґрунтовий покрив земель, виведених із сільськогосподарського користування під влаштування фермерського мисливського господарства. Видовий склад на території вольєра нараховує 60 видів рослин, більшість з яких представлена різнотрав'ям, а основні злаки характеризуються низькою кормовою цінністю. Бобові представлені тільки розкиданими екземплярами горошку мишачого (Vicia cracca L.) та конюшини повзучої (Trifolium repens L.). Така невелика кількість цінних злакових і бобових трав зумовлює необхідність докорінного покращення наявних пасовищ. Виявлено низьку забезпеченість ґрунтів досліджуваної території поживними елементами, низький ступінь гумусованості, кислу реакцію середовища. Характеристики ґрунту зумовлюють використання як бобового компонента травосуміші лядвенцю рогатого (Lotus corniculatus L.) та конюшини гібридної (Trifolium hybridum L.). Запропоновано в умовах Полісся Західного на середньозволожених луках із мінеральними ґрунтами на територіях, виведених із сільськогосподарського використання, залужувати пасовища для оленя лісового (Cervus elaphus L.) сумішами із тимофіївки лучної (Phleum pratense L.), грястиці збірної (Dactylis glomerata L.), пажитниці багаторічної (Lolium perenne L.), лядвенцю рогатого та конюшини гібридної

    Ascospore release and survival in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

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    The release and survival of ascospores of a UK Sclerotinia sclerotiorum isolate were studied. Apothecia placed in a spore clock apparatus with different lighting regimes at 15 °C released ascospores continuously with an increasing rate for the duration of experiments (72–84 h). Spore release was not confined to light or dark periods in alternating regimes and occurred in continuous dark or light. Ascospores were released in both saturated air (90–95% rh) and at 65–75% rh. High temperature and rh were detrimental to ascospore survival but spore viability was maintained for longer periods than previously reported. The significance of these results in relation to disease control is discussed