347 research outputs found

    Ultrasound Evaluation of Tendinopathy in Hemophiliac Patients for the Purpose of Rehabilitation Indications

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    Background: Hemophilia is a inherited bleeding disorder that is characterized by intra-articular bleeding (hemarthrosis). The aim of the study was to evaluate the state of the satellite tendons of the target joints in the patient with hemophilic arthropathy and propose rehabilitation treatment with eccentric exercises. Methods: The tendons of the joints mainly affected by hemophilic arthropathy were evaluated by ultrasound. The ultrasound evaluation is associated with the use of evaluation clinical scales, such as the Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS), the Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia (FISH), the Hemophilia Activity List (HAL), the DASH, the VISA-A, the VISA-P, and the VAS scale. Results: In 20 patients with hemophilic arthropathy, the thickness of the tendons that were examined was normal. In six subjects with severe joint damage, echostructural alterations were present, and signs of hyperemia and neo-vascularization were detected on color Doppler, as well as the presence of intratendinous calcifications. Conclusions: The tendons of the target joints in patients with hemophilic arthropathy are compromised by the indirect biomechanical damage caused by the joint disease, and rehabilitation treatment with eccentric exercises can be considered safe and effective in improving the tenso-elastic properties of the tendons

    Prolactin receptor does not correlate with oestrogen and progesterone receptors in primary breast cancer and lacks prognostic significance. Ten year results of the Naples adjuvant (GUN) study.

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    The correlation between prolactin (PRLR) and oestrogen (ER) or progesterone receptors (PgR) in breast cancer and a possible prognostic significance of PRLR at 10 year follow-up have been investigated in the Naples (GUN) adjuvant trial. A total of 308 pre- and post-menopausal patients with early breast cancer, who entered the trial from 1 February 1978 to 31 December 1983, received randomly Tamoxifen (TM), 30 mg per die for 2 years, or no therapy. PRLR status was known in 229 (74.3%) patients. Values of specific binding less than 1% were considered negative. PRLR was positive in 75/229 (32.8%). ER was assayed in 210/229 (91.7%) patients and PgR in 188/229 (82.1%). No significant correlation, by the Spearman test, was found between PRLR and ER or PgR, while ER status was highly interrelated with PgR status. By the Cox model no evidence of an independent prognostic role of PRLR on disease-free survival (DFS) was observed, nor an interaction between PRLR and adjuvant treatment with TM was found

    CMF vs alternating CMF/EV in the adjuvant treatment of operable breast cancer. A single centre randomised clinical trial (Naples GUN-3 study).

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    The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis of Goldie and Coldman that the use of non-cross-resistant regimens of chemotherapy could lead to maximal anti-tumour effect. We compared standard CMF (cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil) with alternating CMF/EV (epirubicin, vincristine) in the adjuvant therapy of early breast cancer. Stage II premenopausal node-positive or post-menopausal node-positive oestrogen receptor-negative and stage III breast cancer patients were eligible for the study. From January 1985 to December 1990, 220 patients were randomised (115 to CMF and 105 to CMF/EV). Toxicity was mild; neurotoxicity, vomiting and hair loss were more frequent in the CMF/EV group, while permanent amenorrhoea, diarrhoea, stomach ache and minor infections occurred more often in the CMF arm. At a follow-up of 48 months, 113 patients (51.4%) had had recurrence (62 on CMF and 51 on CMF/EV) and 54 (24.5%) had died (30 on CMF and 24 on CMF/EV). There was no significant difference in disease-free and overall survival between the two arms. After adjusting for menopausal status and stage, the relative risk (RR) of recurrence for CMF/EV patients was 0.93 (95% CL 0.64-1.35), while the RR of death was 0.85 (95% CL 0.49-1.47). In conclusion, the Goldie-Coldman model of alternating therapy is not confirmed in this trial of adjuvant therapy of early breast cancer, although in view of its design a difference of less than 20% in 3 year disease-free survival could not be excluded

    Management of a Complex Case during COVID-19 Time Using One-day Digital Dentistry: A Case Report

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    Aim and objective: The aim of the present case report is to describe the digital management of an implant prosthetic rehabilitation performed by the use of different digital technologies, which allowed to successfully perform in 1 day both the surgical and the prosthetical stages with a minimally invasive approach and a high standard of care. Background: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is affecting dental everyday practice. Clinicians have to reduce the number of patients per day and the time they spend in the dental office. Minimally invasive and digital approaches, with less possible exposure and interaction, are suggested to reduce the risk of infection. Case description: The failure of a short-span implant prosthetic rehabilitation combined with pain and mobility of the involved teeth was the main complaint reported by a 78-year-old male patient, who asked an urgent appointment to solve the problem. An intraoral scanner allowed the clinician to immediately take a preliminary digital impression of the arch to be treated. The resulting 3D files were sent by e-mail to the dental technician who provided a digital wax-up for the computerized workflow. Computer-aided implantology (CAI) performed using an in-office cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) allowed clinician to guide the surgical approach in a prosthetic manner. Such an integration inside a well-defined workflow was the key for a successful and rapid treatment. Conclusion: By using new innovative digital technology, the treatment was completed in 1 day, reducing the risk of COVID-19 by limiting the number of appointments and reducing contacts in confined environments like the dental office and public transportations. It also helped to reduce materials production and people movement in the treatment of dental emergency. Clinical significance: The possibility of performing an effective treatment saving time by using efficient technology and a minimally invasive procedure highlights the importance of digital planning in order to optimize every single step of the treatment. Digital workflow reduces also the movement of potentially infected materials from the office to the dental laboratory

    Chestnut shell tannins: effects on intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis in zebrafish

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    The aim of the present study was to test the possible ameliorative efficacy of phytochemicals such as tannins on intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis. The effect of a chestnut shell (Castanea sativa) extract (CSE) rich in polyphenols, mainly represented by tannins, on k-carrageenan-induced intestinal inflammation in adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) was tested in a feeding trial. Intestinal inflammation was induced by 0.1% k-carrageenan added to the diet for 10 days. CSE was administered for10 days after k-carrageenan induced inflammation. The intestinal morphology and histopathology, cytokine expression, and microbiota were analyzed. The k-carrageenan treatment led to gut lumen expansion, reduction of intestinal folds, and increase of the goblet cells number, accompanied by the upregulation of pro-inflammatory factors (TNFα, COX2) and alteration in the number and ratio of taxonomic groups of bacteria. CSE counteracted the inflammatory status enhancing the growth of health helpful bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas), decreasing the pro-inflammatory factors, and activating the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. In conclusion, CSE acted as a prebiotic on zebrafish gut microbiota, sustaining the use of tannins as food additives to ameliorate the intestinal inflammation. Our results may be relevant for both aquaculture and medical clinic field

    \u201cA randomised factorial trial of sequential doxorubicin and CMF vs CMF and chemotherapy alone vs chemotherapy followed by goserelin plus tamoxifen as adjuvant treatment of node-positive breast cancer\u201d

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    The sequential doxorubicin \u2192 CMF (CMF = cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, fluorouracil) regimen has never been compared to CMF in a randomised trial. The role of adding goserelin and tamoxifen after chemotherapy is unclear. In all, 466 premenopausal node-positive patients were randomised to: (a) CMF 7 6 cycles (CMF); (b) doxorubicin 7 4 cycles followed by CMF 7 6 cycles (A \u2192 CMF); (c) CMF 7 6 cycles followed by goserelin plus tamoxifen 7 2 years (CMF \u2192 GT); and (d) doxorubicin 7 4 cycles followed by CMF 7 6 cycles followed by goserelin plus tamoxifen 7 2 years (A \u2192 CMF \u2192 GT). The study used a 2 7 2 factorial experimental design to assess: (1) the effect of the chemotherapy regimens (CMF vs A 7 CMF or arms a + c vs b + d) and (2) the effect of adding GT after chemotherapy (arms a + b vs c + d). At a median follow-up of 72 months, A \u2192 CMF as compared to CMF significantly improved disease-free survival (DFS) with a multivariate hazard ratio (HR) = 0.740 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.556-0.986; P = 0.040) and produced a nonsignificant improvement of overall survival (OS) (HR = 0.764; 95% CI: 0.489-1.193). The addition of GT after chemotherapy significantly improved DFS (HR = 0.74; 95% CI: 0.555-0.987; P = 0.040), with a nonsignificant improvement of OS (HR = 0.84; 95% CI: 0.54-1.32). A \u2192 CMF is superior to CMF. Adding GT after chemotherapy is beneficial for premenopausal node-positive patients. \ua9 2005 Cancer Research UK

    Surgical activity in the COVID-19 era. Trend of slowdown from a multicentre observational study

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    COVID-19 outbreak represented an unprecedented event that led to a redefinition of health care systems worldwide. The impact of the emergency required a deviation of the care toward the assistance to COVID-19 patients, with reduction of resources for elective activities, including surgery. We aim to report the decrease of urological surgical activity during the first weeks from the beginning of the pandemic, aiming to highlight the prioritization we applied to select patients for surgery

    The dramatic COVID-19 outbreak in italy is responsible of a huge drop in urological surgical activity: A multicenter observational study

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    OBJECTIVE: Italy is facing the COVID-19 outbreak with an abrupt reorganization of its national health-system, in order to augment care provision to symptomatic patients. The sudden shift of personnel and resources towards COVID-19 care has led to the reduction of surgery, with possible severe drawbacks. The aim of the study is to describe the trend in surgical volume in urology, in Italy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-three urological units with physicians affiliated to the AGILE consortium were involved in a survey. Urologists were asked to report the amount of surgical elective procedures week-by-week, from the beginning of the emergency to the following month. RESULTS: The 33 hospitals involved in the study account, globally, for 22,945 beds and are distributed in 13/20 Italian regions. Before the outbreak, the involved urology units performed an overall amount of 1,213 procedures per week, half of which were oncological. One month later, the amount of surgery declined by 78%. Lombardy, the first region with positive-cases, experienced a 94% reduction. The decrease in oncological and non-oncological surgical activity was 35,9% and 89%, respectively. The trend of the decline showed a delay of roughly 2 weeks for the other regions. CONCLUSION: Italy, the country with the highest fatality rate from COVID-19, is experiencing a sudden decline in surgical activity. It is inversely related to the increase in COVID-19 care, with potential harm particularly in the oncological field. The Italian experience can be helpful for future surgical pre-planning in other countries not so hardly hit by the disease yet