1,547 research outputs found

    Brain magnetic resonance elastography based on Rayleigh damping material model

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    1-pageThis research study focuses on application of the subzone based Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) using Rayleigh damped (RD) material model to quantify shear stiffness, damping behavior and elastic energy attenuation mechanism of the intracranial tissue in the in vivo healthy brain. The octahedral shear strain (OSS) SNR calculation confirmed significant attenuation of the shear strain waves in the deeper brain region. The measurement of brain viscoelastic properties revealed that ventricles exhibits much lower elasticity (0.8 kPa) than the surrounding white and gray matter (2.6 kPa). We conclude that RD MRE show promise for potential in vivo determination of different brain tissue types, and the possibility of providing additional diagnostic tools

    Systems Technology Laboratory (STL) compendium of utilities

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    Multipurpose programs, routines and operating systems are described. Data conversion and character string comparison subroutine are included. Graphics packages, and file maintenance programs are also included

    Exploitation status of infralittoral abalone (Haliotis midae) and alikreukel (Turbo sarmaticus) in the southern section of the Eastern Cape coast, South Africa

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    Intertidal size-frequency distributions and densities for Haliotis midae and Turbo sarmaticus were examined at 10 sites experiencing varying pressure of human exploitation along the southern section of the Eastern Cape coast, South Africa. Target species' densities and maximum sizes were related both to the numbers of collectors on the shore and to indirect indicators of exploitation such as number of households in the vicinity and distance to the nearest beach access point. For both species, there was variation in density (P < 0.05) and size (P < 0.05) among sites, with densities ranging between 0.03-2.23 m^(-2) and 0.07-4.93 m^(-2) for H. midae and T. sarmaticus, respectively. Maximum sizes ranged between 49.4-153.5 mm (H. midae) and 28.3-104.4 mm (T. sarmaticus) shell length. Population parameters such as mean maximum size and total density were significantly negatively related to exploitation indicators for both species. In addition, densities of sexually mature and legal-size individuals of T. sarmaticus were significantly negatively related to the number of households. However, only for H. midae were densities of subadults significantly negatively related to the number of collectors, suggesting that reproduction of abalone may be suppressed at the most exploited sites. Exploitation of T. sarmaticus tends to be localized near population centres, whereas H. midae is collected over a larger range of sites. Overall, T. sarmaticus is less affected by exploitation than H. midae

    Simulation of the contractile response of cells on an array of micro-posts

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    A bio-chemo-mechanical model has been used to predict the contractile responses of smooth cells on a bed of micro-posts. Predictions obtained for smooth muscle cells reveal that, by converging onto a single set of parameters, the model captures all of the following responses in a self-consistent manner: (i) the scaling of the force exerted by the cells with the number of posts; (ii) actin distributions within the cells, including the rings of actin around the micro-posts; (iii) the curvature of the cell boundaries between the posts; and (iv) the higher post forces towards the cell periphery. Similar correspondences between predictions and measurements have been demonstrated for fibroblasts and mesenchymal stem cells once the maximum stress exerted by the stress fibre bundles has been recalibrated. Consistent with measurements, the model predicts that the forces exerted by the cells will increase with both increasing post stiffness and cell area (or equivalently, post spacing). In conjunction with previous assessments, these findings suggest that this framework represents an important step towards a complete model for the coupled bio-chemo-mechanical responses of cells

    Interpersonal dynamics in baseline rallies in tennis

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    In tennis, the relative positioning of players on court constrains their opportunities to perform successful actions. In this study we proposed and validated an empirical function that captures the spatial-temporal relationship between tennis players during competitive performance. This parameter, termed goal-directed displacement index (GDD Index), is defined over time by the product of both players' distances to the central line of the court and to the centre of the net. Results showed that the GDD index successfully described tennis players' patterns of interaction, as well as identified breaks in patterns of play during competitive performance, due to changes in relative positioning on court. Our analysis revealed two different patterns of interpersonal interactions, cross and down-the-line rallies, and two ways for a break to emerge in game dynamics, parallel variation (transition from a cross court rally to a down-the-line rally) and angle opening (lateral displacement). Data suggest that the elaboration of specific individual profiles of performance for different players, using the GDD index, could improve performance analysis in tennis

    The Acclaim Programme in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans

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    The ACCLAIM sea level network consists of six coastal tide gauge sites and approximately a dozen bottom pressure stations in the South Atlantic and Southern Oceans. Since 1985, an extensive dataset of regional sea level and bottom pressure measurements has been acquired. This dataset is being employed at POL in a number of scientific analyses and is available to any interested research worker through the World Ocean Circulation Experiment. In this paper, a review is given of the development and status of the ACCLAIM network and the technology installed at each site. Plans are presented for developments over the next 1-2 years

    Precision Lunar Laser Ranging For Lunar and Gravitational Science

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    Laser ranging to retroreflector arrays placed on the lunar surface by the Apollo astronauts and the Soviet Lunar missions over the past 39 years have dramatically increased our understanding of gravitational physics along with Earth and Moon geophysics, geodesy, and dynamics. Significant advances in these areas will require placing modern retroreflectors and/or active laser ranging systems at new locations on the lunar surface. Ranging to new locations will enable better measurements of the lunar librations, aiding in our understanding of the interior structure of the moon. More precise range measurements will allow us to study effects that are too small to be observed by the current capabilities as well as enabling more stringent tests of Einstein's theory of General Relativity. Setting up retroreflectors was a key part of the Apollo missions so it is natural to ask if future lunar missions should include them as well. The Apollo retroreflectors are still being used today, and nearly 40 years of ranging data has been invaluable for scientific as well as other studies such as orbital dynamics. However, the available retroreflectors all lie within 26 degrees latitude of the equator, and the most useful ones within 24 degrees longitude of the sub-earth meridian. This clustering weakens their geometrical strength


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    During an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) glucose and insulin levels were measured in 26 patients with prolactin-producing pituitary tumours without growth hormone excess. Basal glucose and insulin levels did not differ from the values of an age-matched control group. After glucose load the hyperprolactinaemic patients showed a decrease in glucose tolerance and a hyperinsulinaemia. Bromocriptine (CB 154), which suppressed PRL, improved glucose tolerance and decreased insulin towards normal in a second OGTT. — Human PRL or CB 154 had no significant influence on insulin release due to glucose in the perfused rat pancreas. — These findings suggest a diabetogenic effect of PRL. CB 154 might be a useful drug in improving glucose utilization in hormone-active pituitary tumours