62 research outputs found

    A survey of river habitats on the River Lune

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    A survey of the River Lune using River Habitat Survey (RHS) was carried out at 103 sections in February/March 99, to which were added 37 sites surveyed between 1994 -1996. Summary statistics were produced on the distribution and extent of flow features (e.g. riffles, pools, rapids etc.), substrate types, tree and associated features and bank profiles. Information on land-use and management was also included in the analyses. A Habitat Modification Score (HMS) describing the level of habitat modification was derived for each site and compared to the whole reference network and to rivers of similar types in Britain. The HMS shows that more than 70% of the sites on the catchment are predominantly unmodified and very few sites are significantly modified. Highly modified sites are concentrated in the urban areas and on the tributaries

    The Application of Plant Growth Regulators in Propagation of Dendrobium Orchid with Thin Cell Layer (TCL) Technique: A Review

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    Plant growth regulators is one of the success factors for in vitro propagation. Plant growth regulators are organic compounds that are not nutrients and, in small amounts, promote, inhibit, or regulate physiological processes in plants. The function of growth regulators is to stimulate the growth of morphogenesis in cell, tissue and organ cultures. The most used plant growth regulators in tissue culture are auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins. One of technique for tissue culture is the thin cell layer technique. Thin Cell Layer (TCL) is a technique using small thin sections produced from organ pieces. TCL explants more effective than large conventional explants. Thin explants facilitate contact and diffusion of media into the tissue, better than thick explant slices. This literature review aims to gather information related to the application of plant growth regulators in propagation of Dendrobium orchid with thin cell layer (tcl) technique. A systematic Literature Review (SLR) uses in this paper. The growth regulators commonly used in Dendrobium orchid propagation using the TCL technique are auxins and cytokinins and the type of media that is often used in Dendrobium orchid propagation is Murashige and Skoog (MS). Protocorm Like Bodies (PLB) is the most potential explant in Dendrobium orchid propagation. The TCL technique both transverse and longitudinal has its own specificity with each type of explant used. TCL explants proved to be more effective than large conventional explants


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    Kawista is a fruit that belongs to oranges, it has round shape with thick and hard skin and special aroma. The purpose of this research is to identify customer needs for non-coffee beverage and produce The Blankon. The method used was customer development that is focused on customer discovery by using canvas model. The study conducted in coffee shops in Bogor City from February to March 2020. The results showed that The Blankon answered the customers’ wants. The sweet levels classified as adequate (not too sweet) and not leaving traces of sweetness in the mouth. The Blankon has distinctive aroma, and refreshing as drinks. Based on the result, about 92% of respondents were potential to choose The Blankon as their beverages. Keywords: build the product, business model canvas, customer discovery, kawist

    Moderate Attitude in Conflict Resolution Between Religions (Study of Tafsir Al-Azhar, An-Nur, and Al-Mishbah)

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    Indonesia is a unitary state with a heterogeneous population consisting of various ethnic groups, religions, races, and groups (SARA). Indonesian society with this diversity, has the potential to cause friction or conflict. Indonesian mujtahids who interpret the Qur'an offer conflict resolution efforts in their commentary books. This paper aims to explore the moderate attitude as an effort to resolve the Indonesian conflict in Tafsir Al-Azhar, An-Nur, and Al-Mishbah. This research is classified as library research with analytical descriptive nature. Treating everyone fairly and being tolerant of differences that are not related to faith and promoting peace are moderate attitudes offered by Indonesian commentators as an effort to resolve conflicts.

    Sistem Konsultasi Online Dengan Metode Forward Chaining Untuk Mengetahui Jenis Jerawat Pada Wajah Berbasis Web

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    Acne is a skin disease that arises due to many trigger factors. Acne is not a dangerous disease, but if it is not treated properly, it can make acne worse. The purpose of this final project is to help acne patient know the type of acne and how to deal with acne properly and appropriately, so an online consultation system is made to determine the type of acne. By using the Forward Chaining method which is an expert system method to provide diagnostic results in the form of the type of acne experienced and also suggestions for appropriate products according to the type of acne experienced. The system be planed based on a website that can be operated on various devices such as PC, smartphone, etc. by using a web browser. The system also performs system testing and user testing. In testing 15 people with acne, both male and female, the average value was 86.5 using system usability scale so that the system can be concluded that this system can be accepted and used for diagnosing types of acne

    Analisis Pembagian Nafkah Poligami Dalam Perkawinan Poligami Menurut Hukum Islam

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    This study analyzes how the distribution of livelihoods in polygamous marriages from the perspective of Islamic law. The purpose of this research is to find out how to apply the distribution of income in polygamous marriages according to the Marriage Law in Indonesia in the perspective of Islamic law. To analyze the position of children and wives in the distribution of income. Researchers used qualitative research methods. This method is a social science research method by collecting and then analyzing data. As for the type of research, which is used by the author is the type of library (Library Research). There are two kinds of data sources used by researchers, namely: The data source used by the authors in this study is to conduct research based on data from journals. Sources of data obtained from scientific books, theses or previous theses relating to the system of distribution of income in polygamous marriages. In this case the researcher analyzed the data using qualitative methods.

    Post-allergen challenge inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase harbors therapeutic potential for treatment of allergic airway inflammation

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    Background: Identifying therapeutic drugs that block the release or effects of T-helper type 2 (Th2) cytokines after allergen exposure is an important goal for the treatment of allergic inflammatory diseases including asthma. We recently showed, using a murine model of allergic airway inflammation, that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) plays an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma-related lung inflammation. PARP inhibition, by single injection of a novel inhibitor, thieno[2,3-c]isoquinolin-5-one (TIQ-A), before ovalbumin (OVA) challenge, prevented airway eosinophilia in C57BL/6 mice with concomitant suppression of Th2 cytokine production and mucus secretion. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the drug when it is given after OVA challenge for its possible therapeutic potential. Methods: This study was conducted using a murine model of allergic airway inflammation. Results: A single injection of TIQ-A (6 mg/kg) one or 6 h post-allergen challenge conferred similar reduction in OVA challenge-induced eosinophilia. More significantly, post-allergen challenge administration of the drug exerted even better suppression on the production of IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, and IgE and prevented airway hyperresponsiveness to inhaled-methacholine. The significant decrease in IL-13 was accompanied by a complete absence of airways mucus production indicating a potential protection against allergen-induced airway remodelling. Conclusion: The coincidence of the inflammation trigger and the time of drug administration appear to be important for the drug\u27s more pronounced protection. The observed time window for efficacy, 1 or 6 h after allergen challenge may be of great clinical interest. These findings may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of allergic airway inflammation, including asthma. © 2008 The Authors

    Trends in the use of large wood in UK river restoration projects: insights from the National River Restoration Inventory

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    Large Wood (LW) is increasingly employed in river restoration to promote physical habitat heterogeneity and ecological diversity. To explore how LW has been used in restoration schemes across the United Kingdom in recent decades, we analysed data on 912 LW projects archived in the UK’s National River Restoration Inventory (NRRI). The number of LW schemes has continued to increase following the earliest records in the 1990s, largely tracking overall trends in river restorations. LW projects have been predominantly located in lowland, rural streams, although there has been a notable cluster in and around London. LW projects have mainly revolved around the desire to deliver hydromorphological improvements and specifically the creation of fish habitat. Most schemes used LW in simple deflector forms despite the growing scientific evidence of the benefits of using structurally complex LW. Post project monitoring has been limited and mostly restricted to photographic records. This type of database analysis can provide important insights and help guide future restoration practice

    Beneficial effects of Caesalpinia digyna extract against acid aspiration-Induced acute lung injury in mice

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    Objective: Caesalpinia digyna belongs to the genus Caesalpinia, which is known since ancient times for its medicinal properties. The present work was designed to evaluate the beneficial potential of hydroalcoholic extract of the roots of C. dignea against hydrochloric acid (HCl)-induced acute lung injury in mice. Materials and Methods: Ethanolic extract of C. dignea roots at a dose of 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg boy weight was given once orally 90 min before HCl administration. Mice were then analyzed for infiltration of inflammatory cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and oxidative stress markers in the lung tissue. Further, the effects of the extract were compared with bergenin isolated from the extract. Results: Our results showed that an oral administration of the extract 90 min before HCl instillation reduced the infiltration of neutrophils in the lungs in a dose-dependent manner. Reduction in lung inflammation was associated with decline in pulmonary edema as the total protein content in the BALF was found to be decreased substantially. The drug also restored the redox balance in the lungs toward normal on HCl treatment as assessed by measuring the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), and catalase activity. Bergenin, isolated from the plant, was able to suppress the neutrophils but increased the macrophage number in BALF when administered before HCl instillation, suggesting immunoregulatory properties of the key constituent of the extract. Conclusion: Our data suggest that hydroalcoholic extract of Caesalpinia digyna roots constitute the phytochemicals that can protect against HCl-induced acute lung injury in mice.
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