35 research outputs found

    Quantitative Comparisons of Erythrocyte Morphology in Healthy Freshwater Fish Species from Malaysia

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    Abstract: Erythrocyte morphology of four freshwater fish species namely tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, Pangasius sutchi, catfish Clarias sp. and river catfish Mystus nemurus were studied. Variations of erythrocyte and nucleus size were observed among the fish species studied. The largest size of erythrocyte was observed in tilapia O.reochromis niloticus (60.79±3.00 µm ) and the smallest size of erythrocyte was observed in catfish 2 Clarias sp., (53.24±2.57 µm ) while the largest size of nucleus was also observed in O.reochromis 2 niloticus (12.18±0.70 µm ) yet smallest in P, sutchi, (9.37±0.97µm) . 2

    DAMPAK PEMAHAMAN ETIKA DALAM INTERAKSI DI MEDIA SOSIAL: Studi Kasus pada Siswa SMK Rina Hasanah di Provinsi Banten

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    Etika bermedia sosial menjadi perhatian para akademisi maupun para praktisi pendidikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena Indonesia berada di urutan 29 terbawah dari 32 negara yang tergolong orang yang tidak beradab ketika berada di dunia maya dalam menggunakan atau memanfaatkan teknologi informasi komunikasi. Bahkan UNESCO (2018) mengemukakan tingkat literacy ICT masyarakat Indonesia masih rendah. Salah satu indikatornya adalah etika dan dampak sosial perilaku dalam beraktivitas di internet. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan kajian Dampak Pemahaman Etika Terhadap Interaksi Di Media Sosial dari Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Siswa Smk Rina Hasanah Di Provinsi Banten. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi kasus untuk memecahkan masalah mengenai dampak pemahaman etika terhadap interaksi di media sosial. Pemilihan informan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah 10 informan kunci dan 8 informan pendukung. Peneliti menggunakan teknik analisis Miles dan Huberman dalam menganalisis data yang telah diperoleh. Peneliti juga menggunakan teknik triangulasi data dan triangulasi sumber dalam menguji keabsahan data. Dari hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa tidak semua siswa SMK Rina Hasanah memahami bagaimana etika dalam bermedia sosial yang baik dan benar, Sehingga ada dua dampak yang didapatkan dari pemahaman etika bermedia sosial di ruang publik, yaitu (1) dampak positif dan (2) dampak negatif. Dampak positif seperti, (1) mulai dari memperoleh makna dalam bermedia sosial, (2) Saling pengertian dalam berinteraksi di media sosial, (3) sebelum bertindak di media sosial para siswa melakukan koordinasi dan (4) berpikir terlebih dahulu, (5) tidak menemukan ketidaksepahaman dalam berinteraksi di media sosial, (6) kejujuran dan terus terang sangat penting saat berinteraksi di media sosial, (7) keharmonisan hubungan sangat penting saat berinteraksi di media sosial, (8) ketepatan penyampaian pesan ajang pertukaran ide dan informasi, (9) bermedia sosial meningkatkan kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab anda terhadap informasi yang dibagikan di media sosial. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya yaitu (1) sikap tidak menghargai orang lain, (2) dijauhi oleh teman bermain, (3) tidak memiliki rasa tanggung jawab, dan (4) relasi antar sesama menjadi renggang, terjadinya bullying, menimbulkan konflik dan pelecehan seksuak nonverbal dan di cap sebagai anak yang nakal. Kata Kunci: Etika, Interaksi, Media Sosial. Social media ethics is a concern for academics and educational practitioners. This is because Indonesia is ranked 29th from the bottom of 32 countries that are classified as uncivilized people when they are in cyberspace in using or exploiting information and communication technology. Even UNESCO (2018) stated that the ICT literacy level of Indonesian society is still low. One indicator is ethics and the social impact of behavior in activities on the internet. For this reason, this research aims to study the impact of understanding ethics on interactions on social media from a qualitative descriptive study of Rina Hasanah Vocational School students in Banten Province. This research was carried out using a qualitative approach and case study method to solve problems regarding the impact of understanding ethics on interactions on social media. The selection of informants was carried out using a purposive sampling technique with a total of 10 key informants and 8 supporting informants. Researchers used Miles and Huberman analysis techniques in analyzing the data that had been obtained. Researchers also use data triangulation and source triangulation techniques to test the validity of the data. From the research results, it was found that not all Rina Hasanah Vocational School students understand the ethics of using social media properly and correctly. So there are two impacts that can be obtained from understanding the ethics of using social media in public spaces, namely (1) positive impact and (2) negative impact . Positive impacts such as, (1) starting from gaining meaning in using social media, (2) mutual understanding in interacting on social media, (3) before acting on social media, students coordinate and (4) think first, (5) don't finding disagreements in interacting on social media, (6) honesty and frankness are very important when interacting on social media, (7) harmonious relationships are very important when interacting on social media, (8) accuracy in conveying messages as a means of exchanging ideas and information, (9 ) using social media increases your awareness and sense of responsibility for the information shared on social media. Meanwhile, the negative impacts are (1) disrespect for other people, (2) being shunned by playmates, (3) not having a sense of responsibility, and (4) relationships between people becoming strained, bullying occurring, causing conflict and non-verbal sexual harassment and labeled as a naughty child. Keyword: Ethics, Interaction, Social Media


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    Musik merupakan salah satu media penyampai pesan dakwah, dengan menyematkan lirik lagu yang mengandung pesan dakwah sebagaimana dalam Al-Quran dan Hadist. Lagu Maher Zain menjadi salah satu jenis musik yang mengandung pesan-pesan dakwah atau biasa disebut dengan musik religi. Lagu Insya Allah merupakan lagu yang liriknya banyak mengandung pesan dakwah. Untuk menganalisis lagu tersebut, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggambarkan konteks atau pemaknaan pesan dakwah dalam lagu-lagu Maher Zain. Dari hasil analisisnya menjelaskan bahwa lagu ini menyampaikan bahwa Allah swt. Selalu bersama kita  dalam keadaan apapun. Yang mana ketika dihadapi dengan permasalahan dan kesulitan, manusia senantiasa bersabar dan yakini bahwa Allah swt akan memberikan jalan keluarny

    Komunikasi Efektif terhadap Pendidikan SDN 040522 Desa Tambunan, Rumamis, Kecamatan Barusjahe, Kabupaten Karo

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    In communicating between teachers and students must use the right Indonesian language, so that effective communication can be realized. This type of research uses qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques were obtained from interviews, observations and documentation. The data analysis method used in this study used a descriptive analytical approach. Based on the output of the research, it was found that teachers experienced obstacles in managing the class, especially in attracting students' attention, giving instructions, revealing dan applying class rules dan mechanisms as a result, effective communication in class management has not been achieved, while in delivering subject, effective communication is relatively built. Because students are actively involved. Delivering the right information is very important for teachers to do, especially in creating effective communication because it really determines the success or failure of learning activities by taking into account the developmental characteristics of students. Christian teachers also act as facilitators who reflect Christian values in every pedagogy they do

    Review: Potential of Using Seaweed Silage Inoculated with Lactic Acid Bacteria and Its Impact Towards Sustainable Animal Feed

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    Since ancient times, seaweed has been used to supplement animal feed in coastal areas. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for seaweed as an animal feed. Effective preservation methods are required because of annual variations in seaweed availability and biochemical composition. Ensiling could be an effective method to preserve seaweeds for animal feed applications. Using lactic acid bacteria is a substitute biological technique for keeping and restoring the usual physiological state of the animal and increasing efficiency. The aim of this review is the potential of using lactic acid bacteria as an inoculant for seaweed silage for the development of sustainable animal feed. According to the microbiological point of view, the results in this area are weak, and limited information is available. Due to its high nutritional content, seaweed silage is a promising animal feed ingredient and is getting acceptance as an alternative animal feed. Therefore, seaweeds contain valuable metabolites such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, phlorotannins, carrageenan, alginate pigments, agar, and minerals (manganese, iodine, calcium, iron, selenium, sodium, zinc) are used as a natural antibiotic source in animal feed. In conclusion, increasing the use of effective lactic acid bacteria as an inoculant in animal feed can make the livestock sector more productive, safer, and friendly to humans and the environment, contributing to animal feed\u27s long-term development

    Massive mortality associated with Streptococcus agalactiae Infection in Cage-cultured Red Hybrid Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in Como River, Kenyir Lake, Malaysia

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    Massive mortality of cage-cultured red hybrid tilapia Oreochromis niloticus in Como River, Kenyir Lake, Malaysia was investigated. Moribund fish showing erratic swimming, sluggishness and hemorrhagic eyes were collected for the study. Water quality parameters were measured on-site. The highest temperature was 32.70°C at the surface while lower temperature was 30.85°C at 6 m. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) was highest 7.05 mg L-1 at 4 m while lowest 6.15 mg L-1 at 10 m. The pH value was highest 8.28 at 6 m and lowest 7.52 at surface. The result has shown that un-ionized ammonia levels ranged from 0.00046-0.01 ppm within the optimum range. While Nitrite (0.003 ppm) and Nitrate values (0.1-0.7 ppm). The water quality parameters were showed their values within the accepted range of water quality for aquaculture. Bacteria were isolated from diseased fish using blood and nutrient agars, and identified using BBL Crystal™ Enteric/Non-fermenter ID and Gram Positive ID Systems and subjected to antibiotic susceptibility analysis. Results showed the presence of Streptococcus agalactiae, Burkholderia cepacia in the fish liver and Staphylococcus aureus in the fish eyes, suggesting a possible case of warm-water streptococcosis associated with S. agalactiae with multiple bacterial complications. Nevertheless, a continuous long term monitoring is essential for the sustainable development of cage aquaculture in Como river of Lake Kenyir Malaysia

    Temperature Upshift Mostly but not Always Enhances the Growth of Vibrio Species: A Systematic Review

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    The spread of Vibrio spp. and the prevalence of vibriosis around the world are often correlated with global warming, especially an increase in sea surface temperature. However, many ecological and virulence factors also trigger the spread of Vibrio species, while vibriosis occurs at both low and high temperatures. Recent studies that focused on a single factor (e.g. temperature) and one species (e.g. V. vulnificus) also showed that single factors such as temperature were insufficient to explain the pathogenicity and virulence of Vibrio spp. In this review, we have compiled and discussed the existing literature on the effect of temperature on different growth and pathogenicity of Vibrio spp. A systematic literature search was conducted using Web of Science (WoS) and SCOPUS databases up to 1st January 2022. After applying the selection criteria, a final list of 111 articles was included in this review. We have found that only certain Vibrio spp. are positively impacted by the increase in temperature. The results showed that 47% of the articles reported an increase in growth with the increase in temperature, while 38% showed that the relationship is complex. Reduced growth (6%) and no effect (9%) were also reported. These results showed that most but not all Vibrio spp. were positively impacted by an increase in temperature. The results indicated that V. alginolyticus, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus are the biggest threats to human and animal wellbeing

    Influence of cutting edge radius (CER) and width of cut (WOC) on tool wear in milling SUS 316 stainless steel

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    The application of stainless steel, especially SUS 316 have been significantly increasing especially in manufacturing area. However, problems such as rapid tool wear and poor surface roughness are a major problem when machining SUS316. The geometry and type of materials of cutting tool during machining SUS 316 plays a significant role in determining the outcome of the machining. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of cutting-edge radius (CER) and width of cut (WOC) on tool wear in milling SUS316 stainless steel. 6 mm diameter of uncoated tungsten carbide having three different values of CER which are 30, 40 and 50 and WOC of 0.1, 0.6 and 1.2 mm were selected as cutting tool in this study. A cutting speed of 4500 RPM, feed rate of 350 mm/min were kept constant throughout this experiment. It has been found that the cutting edge radius of the cutting tools plays a significant impact on the tool life and the surface roughness. It is proved that different CER and WOC values have significant influence on the tool wear and surface roughness while milling SUS 316 and it is concluded that the most optimum parameter combination is between 30 µm CER and 0.1 mm WOC based on the experimental data collected. It executes lower readings for both the imposed wear on cutting tool and the surface roughness of machined SUS 316 after 4400 mm machining length compared to other data of different combinations

    Antibiogram and heavy metal tolerance of bullfrog bacteria in Malaysia

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    Bacterial isolates from 30 farmed bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) weighing 500-600 g at Johore, Malaysia with external clinical signs of ulcer, red leg and torticollis were tested for their antibiograms and heavy metal tolerance patterns. A total of 17 bacterial species with 77 strains were successfully isolated and assigned to 21 antibiotics and 4 types of heavy metal (Hg2+, Cr6+, Cd2+, Cu2+). Results revealed that bacteria were resistant against lincomycin (92%), oleandomycin (72.7%) and furazolidone (71.4%) while being susceptible to chloramphenicol and florfenicol at 97.4%. The multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index for C. freundii, E. coli and M. morganii was high with the value up to 0.71. Bacterial strains were found to exhibit 100 % resistance to chromium and mercury. High correlation of resistance against both antibiotics and heavy metals was found (71.4 to 100%) between bullfrog bacteria isolates, except bacteria that were resistant to kanamycin showed only 25% resistance against Cu2+. Based on the results in this study, bacterial pathogens of bullfrog culture in Johore, Malaysia, were highly resistant to both antibiotics and heavy metals.Keywords: Antibiotics, Heavy metal, Bullfrog, Bacteri