385 research outputs found

    Internal-state thermometry by depletion spectroscopy in a cold guided beam of formaldehyde

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    We present measurements of the internal state distribution of electrostatically guided formaldehyde. Upon excitation with continuous tunable ultraviolet laser light the molecules dissociate, leading to a decrease in the molecular flux. The population of individual guided states is measured by addressing transitions originating from them. The measured populations of selected states show good agreement with theoretical calculations for different temperatures of the molecule source. The purity of the guided beam as deduced from the entropy of the guided sample using a source temperature of 150K corresponds to that of a thermal ensemble with a temperature of about 30 K

    Ionenfallen- und Speicherringtechnik zur Untersuchung kalter Wasserstoffmolekülionen

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    An important participant in interstellar chemistry is the H+3 molecular ion. Its concentration depends on the rate coefficient of dissociative recombination with electrons at low temperatures. Experiments aiming at a determination of this rate coefficient scatter by several orders of magnitude. This might by attributed to vibrational or rotational excitations of the H+3 molecular ions. In particular previous storage ring experiments revealed long lifetimes of certain rotational excitations. Hence a source for rotationally cold H+3 molecular ions was installed at the Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik in Heidelberg. The setup is based on a cryogenic 22-pole radiofrequency ion trap which allows collisional cooling of the H+3 molecular ions by the use of helium buffergas. The molecular ions can be extracted from the trap and transferred to the storage ring (TSR) for recombination experiments. First results suggest that by the use of this setup a spectrum of the dissociative recombination of cold H+3 molecular ions could be measured. Moreover the setup can be used to probe gas phase chemical reactions at low temperatures. The formation of deuterium cluster ions at 13K was studied and rate coefficients for association and dissociation reactions of these clusters ions could be extracted

    Continuum limit of self-driven particles with orientation interaction

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    We consider the discrete Couzin-Vicsek algorithm (CVA), which describes the interactions of individuals among animal societies such as fish schools. In this article, we propose a kinetic (mean-field) version of the CVA model and provide its formal macroscopic limit. The final macroscopic model involves a conservation equation for the density of the individuals and a non conservative equation for the director of the mean velocity and is proved to be hyperbolic. The derivation is based on the introduction of a non-conventional concept of a collisional invariant of a collision operator

    Cold guided beams of water isotopologs

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    Electrostatic velocity filtering and guiding is an established technique to produce high fluxes of cold polar molecules. In this paper we clarify different aspects of this technique by comparing experiments to detailed calculations. In the experiment, we produce cold guided beams of the three water isotopologs H2O, D2O and HDO. Their different rotational constants and orientations of electric dipole moments lead to remarkably different Stark shift properties, despite the molecules being very similar in a chemical sense. Therefore, the signals of the guided water isotopologs differ on an absolute scale and also exhibit characteristic electrode voltage dependencies. We find excellent agreement between the relative guided fractions and voltage dependencies of the investigated isotopologs and predictions made by our theoretical model of electrostatic velocity filtering.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; small changes to the text, updated reference

    Electrostatic extraction of cold molecules from a cryogenic reservoir

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    We present a method which delivers a continuous, high-density beam of slow and internally cold polar molecules. In our source, warm molecules are first cooled by collisions with a cryogenic helium buffer gas. Cold molecules are then extracted by means of an electrostatic quadrupole guide. For ND3_3 the source produces fluxes up to (7±47)×1010(7 \pm ^{7}_{4}) \times 10^{10} molecules/s with peak densities up to (1.0±0.61.0)×109(1.0 \pm ^{1.0}_{0.6}) \times 10^9 molecules/cm3^3. For H2_2CO the population of rovibrational states is monitored by depletion spectroscopy, resulting in single-state populations up to (82±10)(82 \pm 10)%.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, changes to the text, updated figures and reference

    Velocity-selected molecular pulses produced by an electric guide

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    Electrostatic velocity filtering is a technique for the production of continuous guided beams of slow polar molecules from a thermal gas. We extended this technique to produce pulses of slow molecules with a narrow velocity distribution around a tunable velocity. The pulses are generated by sequentially switching the voltages on adjacent segments of an electric quadrupole guide synchronously with the molecules propagating at the desired velocity. This technique is demonstrated for deuterated ammonia (ND3_{3}), delivering pulses with a velocity in the range of 20100m/s20-100\,\rm{m/s} and a relative velocity spread of (16±2)(16\pm 2)\,% at FWHM. At velocities around 60m/s60\,\rm{m/s}, the pulses contain up to 10610^6 molecules each. The data are well reproduced by Monte-Carlo simulations, which provide useful insight into the mechanisms of velocity selection.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Opto-Electrical Cooling of Polar Molecules

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    We present an opto-electrical cooling scheme for polar molecules based on a Sisyphus-type cooling cycle in suitably tailored electric trapping fields. Dissipation is provided by spontaneous vibrational decay in a closed level scheme found in symmetric-top rotors comprising six low-field-seeking rovibrational states. A generic trap design is presented. Suitable molecules are identified with vibrational decay rates on the order of 100Hz. A simulation of the cooling process shows that the molecular temperature can be reduced from 1K to 1mK in approximately 10s. The molecules remain electrically trapped during this time, indicating that the ultracold regime can be reached in an experimentally feasible scheme

    Solutions to Maxwell's Equations using Spheroidal Coordinates

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    Analytical solutions to the wave equation in spheroidal coordinates in the short wavelength limit are considered. The asymptotic solutions for the radial function are significantly simplified, allowing scalar spheroidal wave functions to be defined in a form which is directly reminiscent of the Laguerre-Gaussian solutions to the paraxial wave equation in optics. Expressions for the Cartesian derivatives of the scalar spheroidal wave functions are derived, leading to a new set of vector solutions to Maxwell's equations. The results are an ideal starting point for calculations of corrections to the paraxial approximation