12,878 research outputs found

    Antiquities Theft: The Role of the Museum in Modern Symbolic Violence

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    Humans have been collecting artifacts for centuries, whether it is for their aesthetic value or for the acquisition of knowledge. However, these artifacts have, in most cases, been taken without permission from the countries of origin. Today, museums are struggling with the issue of repatriation and many refuse to return their priceless possessions. Western museums and their supporters are arguing that repatriation will put the artifacts in danger and hurt the chances for humanity to learn from them. The arguments of these museums are an attempt of symbolic violence on non-Western nations, who are seen as unfit or unable to care for their own history

    The Overlap Package

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    Camera traps - cameras linked to detectors so that they fire when an animal is present - are a major source of information on the abundance and habitat preferences of rare or shy forest animals. Modern cameras record the time of the photo, and the use of this to investigate diel activity patterns was immediately recognised (Gri?ffiths and van Schaik, 1993). Initially this resulted in broad classfication of taxa as diurnal, nocturnal, crepuscular, or cathemeral (van Schaik and Gri?ths, 1996). More recently, researchers have compared activity patterns among species to see how overlapping patterns may relate to competition or predation (Linkie and Ridout, 2011; Carver et al., 2011; Ramesh et al., 2012; Carter et al., 2012; Kamler et al., 2012; Ross et al., 2013). Ridout and Linkie (2009) presented methods to fit kernel density functions to times of observations of animals and to estimate the coe?cient of overlapping, a quantitative measure ranging from 0 (no overlap) to 1 (identical activity patterns). The code they used forms the basis of the overlap package. Although motivated by the analysis of camera trap data, overlap could be applied to data from other sources such as data loggers, provided data collection is carried out around the clock. Nor is it limited to diel cycles: tidal cycles or seasonal cycles, such as plant flowering or fruiting or animal breeding seasons could also be investigated

    Review: Do the Different Sensory Areas within the Cat Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcal Cortex Collectively Represent a Network Multisensory Hub?

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    Current theory supports that the numerous functional areas of the cerebral cortex are organized and function as a network. Using connectional databases and computational approaches, the cerebral network has been demonstrated to exhibit a hierarchical structure composed of areas, clusters and, ultimately, hubs. Hubs are highly connected, higher-order regions that also facilitate communication between different sensory modalities. One region computationally identified network hub is the visual area of the Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcal cortex (AESc) of the cat. The Anterior Ectosylvian Visual area (AEV) is but one component of the AESc that also includes the auditory (Field of the Anterior Ectosylvian Sulcus - FAES) and somatosensory (Fourth somatosensory representation - SIV). To better understand the nature of cortical network hubs, the present report reviews the biological features of the AESc. Within the AESc, each area has extensive external cortical connections as well as among one another. Each of these core representations is separated by a transition zone characterized by bimodal neurons that share sensory properties of both adjoining core areas. Finally, core and transition zones are underlain by a continuous sheet of layer 5 neurons that project to common output structures. Altogether, these shared properties suggest that the collective AESc region represents a multiple sensory/multisensory cortical network hub. Ultimately, such an interconnected, composite structure adds complexity and biological detail to the understanding of cortical network hubs and their function in cortical processing

    Optical and holographic storage properties of F3, Cu, and Mg-doped lithium niobate

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    Several samples of iron, copper, and magnesium doped lithium niobate were tested to determine their storage properties which would be applicable to an optical data storage system and an integrated optics data preprocessor which makes use of holographic storage techniques. The parameters of interest were the diffraction efficiency, write power, write time, erase time, erase energy, and write sensitivity. Results of these parameters are presented. It was found that iron doped lithium niobate samples yielded the best results in all parameters except for a few percent higher diffraction efficiency in copper doped samples. The magnesium doped samples were extremely insensitive and are not recommended for use in holographic optical data storage and processing systems

    Wave Profile for Anti-force Waves with Maximum Possible Currents

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    In the theoretical investigation of the electrical breakdown of a gas, we apply a one-dimensional, steady state, constant velocity, three component fluid model and consider the electrons to be the main element in propagation of the wave. The electron gas temperature, and therefore the electron gas partial pressure, is considered to be large enough to provide the driving force. The wave is considered to have a shock front, followed by a thin dynamical transition region. Our set of electron fluid-dynamical equations consists of the equations of conservation of mass, momentum, and energy, plus the Poisson\u27s equation. The set of equations is referred to as the electron fluid dynamical equations; and a successful solution therefor must meet a set of acceptable physical conditions at the trailing edge of the wave. For breakdown waves with a significant current behind the shock front, modifications must be made to the set of electron fluid dynamical equations, as well as the shock condition on electron temperature. Considering existence of current behind the shock front, we have derived the shock condition on electron temperature, and for a set of experimentally measured wave speeds, we have been able to find maximum current values for which solutions to our set of electron velocity, electron temperature, and electron number density within the dynamical transition region of the wave

    Using Eco-schemes in the new CAP: a guide for managing authorities

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    This guide has been developed primarily for policy makers and Member State officials involved in the national and regional programming processes of the CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs). This process might involve different administrative levels (national, regional, local), different political fields (agriculture, environmental, food and health ministries), different public bodies (paying agencies, environmental agencies, rural development offices) depending on the administrative setting of each MS. In addition, the guide provides support to other stakeholders and practitioners from the public and private sectors and civil society (including agricultural, environmental, food, health and consumer NGOs), with a direct or indirect involvement in the programming and evaluation process of the CSPs. Since these new plans will have a strong impact on MS environments, agricultural sectors, rural areas, etc., the engagement of all stakeholders will be an important asset for supporting an effective implementation of the CSP objectives. There are many others with potential interests in the contents of this guide. EU citizens have demonstrated their increasing interest in the contents of the CAP objectives and policy framework, as demonstrated both by civil society initiatives and consumption decisions. The contents of this guide may therefore also be of interest to other societal actors with interests in agricultural and environmental policies, such as researchers, journalists, trade unions, and civil society organizations. However, the guide is intentionally more focused on the technical needs of those involved in CSP development and implementation

    Sharing data from clinical trials: the rationale for a controlled access approach.

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    The move towards increased transparency around clinical trials is welcome. Much focus has been on under-reporting of trials and access to individual patient data to allow independent verification of findings. There are many other good reasons for data sharing from clinical trials. We describe some key issues in data sharing, including the challenges of open access to data. These include issues in consent and disclosure; risks in identification, including self-identification; risks in distorting data to prevent self-identification; and risks in analysis. These risks have led us to develop a controlled access policy, which safeguards the rights of patients entered in our trials, guards the intellectual property rights of the original researchers who designed the trial and collected the data, provides a barrier against unnecessary duplication, and ensures that researchers have the necessary resources and skills to analyse the data

    Atlantic Sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) Distribution off the East Coast of Florida from 2003 to 2018 in Response to Sea Surface Temperature

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    The Atlantic sailfish (Istiophorus albicans) ranges from 40°N to 40°S in the Western Atlantic Ocean and has great economic and recreational value for sport fishers. Off the east coast of Florida, recreational fishing boats often target this species due to its size, speed and strength. This project aimed to determine the relationship between sea surface temperature (SST) and the distribution of Atlantic sailfish caught and released over a fifteen-year period (2003 to 2018). Tagging information was collected from The Billfish Foundation and NOAA who have the most extensive programs for billfish. Using the time and location of each reported sailfish, a satellite-derived SST value was obtained for each point. The purpose of this study was to determine if sea surface warming was associated with changes in sailfish distribution. On average, sailfish were caught at 26.16 ± 1.70°C (x̄ ± s.d.) over the fifteen-year period. The most sailfish catches occurred at temperatures ranging from 25.2°C to 25.5°C. Over the fifteen-year period sailfish catches decreased at lower temperatures (~23°C and ~24°C) and at 31°C. At ~25°C and ~30°C there was no change in catch numbers of sailfish. From 26°C to 29°C there was an increase in the number of sailfish. Based on these results, increasing ocean temperatures will have an impact on distribution and habitat utilization of sailfish. Warming sea surface temperatures create a need for more policy and regulation to protect the Atlantic sailfish and related highly migratory billfish species
