968 research outputs found

    Shear flow effects on phase separation of entangled polymer blends

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    We introduce an entanglement model mixing rule for stress relaxation in a polymer blend to a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation of motion for concentration fluctuations in the presence of shear flow. Such an approach predicts both shear-induced mixing and demixing, depending on the relative relaxation times and plateau moduli of the two components

    Phase Separation in Binary Fluid Mixtures with Continuously Ramped Temperature

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    We consider the demixing of a binary fluid mixture, under gravity, which is steadily driven into a two phase region by slowly ramping the temperature. We assume, as a first approximation, that the system remains spatially isothermal, and examine the interplay of two competing nonlinearities. One of these arises because the supersaturation is greatest far from the meniscus, creating inversion of the density which can lead to fluid motion; although isothermal, this is somewhat like the Benard problem (a single-phase fluid heated from below). The other is the intrinsic diffusive instability which results either in nucleation or in spinodal decomposition at large supersaturations. Experimental results on a simple binary mixture show interesting oscillations in heat capacity and optical properties for a wide range of ramp parameters. We argue that these oscillations arise under conditions where both nonlinearities are important

    History : a medieval multiverse.

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    Small angle neutron scattering observation of chain retraction after a large step deformation

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    The process of retraction in entangled linear chains after a fast nonlinear stretch was detected from time-resolved but quenched small angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments on long, well-entangled polyisoprene chains. The statically obtained SANS data cover the relevant time regime for retraction, and they provide a direct, microscopic verification of this nonlinear process as predicted by the tube model. Clear, quantitative agreement is found with recent theories of contour length fluctuations and convective constraint release, using parameters obtained mainly from linear rheology. The theory captures the full range of scattering vectors once the crossover to fluctuations on length scales below the tube diameter is accounted for

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Dextran Extension by Constant Force in Single Molecule AFM

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    AbstractThe extension of 1–6 polysaccharides has been studied in a series of recent single molecule AFM experiments. For dextran, a key finding was the existence of a plateau in the force-extension curve at forces between 700 and 1000pN. We studied the extension of the dextran 10-mer under constant force using atomistic simulation with various force fields. All the force fields reproduce the experimental plateau on the force-extension curve. With AMBER94 and AMBER-GLYCAM04 force fields the plateau can be explained by a transition of the glucopyranose rings in the dextran monomers from the chair (4C1) to the inverted chair (1C4) conformation while other processes occur at smaller (rotation around C5-C6 bond) or higher (chairs to boat transitions) forces. The CHARMM force field provides a different picture which associates the occurrence of the plateau to chair-boat transitions of the glucopyranose rings

    Kramers rate theory of ionization and dissociation of bound states

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    Calculating the microscopic dissociation rate of a bound state, such as a classical diatomic molecule, has been difficult so far. The problem was that standard theories require an energy barrier over which the bound particle (or state) escapes into the preferred low-energy state. This is not the case when the long-range repulsion responsible for the barrier is either absent or screened (as in Cooper pairs, ionized plasma, or biomolecular complexes). We solve this classical problem by accounting for entropic memory at the microscopic level. The theory predicts dissociation rates for arbitrary potentials and is successfully tested on the example of plasma, where it yields an estimate of ionization in the core of Sun in excellent agreement with experiments. In biology, the new theory accounts for crowding in receptor-ligand kinetics and protein aggregation

    All the colours of the rainbow.

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    Our perception of colour has always been a source of fascination, so it's little wonder that studies of the phenomenon date back hundreds of years. What, though, can modern scientists learn from medieval literature — and how do we go about it
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